Kyle Rittenhouse should be awarded a congressional medal...

Kyle said he supports BLM and only shot whites. He said this during the Tucker Carlson interview on Fox.

Why not give him a medal?
I have a moral issue with that ruling it was prejudicial beyond belief. I understand you can't be tried twice for the same crime. But he will be charged other accounts and found guilty of them for sure.
Not in that state. I suppose he might be looked at on a federal weapon charge on buying through a straw buyer in another state, but if you get down to it, I don't think there is a federal law preventing him from buying out of state due to his age, and he was old enough to buy in the state where he bought it. He was a minor at the time of the purchase, so it is the adult straw buyer, if they want to mess with somebody. Between an adult and somebody that was a juvenile, it is the adult who has reason to worry, not the kid.
There are laws in Wisconsin that say he couldn't have it on the street without adult supervision, but he started out with adults and then crap went sideways. The adults were supposed to be responsible for the kid. Again between the kid and the adults, who is open to take the hit? It should be the adults.
Some might think it sucks, but I don't see a criminal legal problem in the world for the kid. His dad would be justified to whip somebody's ass for taking and having the kid there, but that's a completely different can of worms. If he did and got charged with assault, it would only take one person like me on the jury to get him out of that.
Kyle said he supports BLM and only shot whites. He said this during the Tucker Carlson interview on Fox.

Why not give him a medal?
the vision I get every single time you post.


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So you agree that the protestors were correct in attacking Rittenhouse for threatening them. Too bad they weren't better armed.
No. But YOUR continued defense of a domestic abuser and pedo mark you as an idiot. Rittenhouse never threatened them you ignorant peon. Cry harder.
Rittenhouse has no cause of action. And if he tries, he can be sued by the families of the victims, who can pull an O.J. in a civil trial.
No they can’t. But seeing the loons laughed out of court would be funny. And trigger the usual suspects here.
Hunter Biden hasn't killed anyone, nor has he done anyone harm but himself. Why do you hate him so? He's not a part of government? At least he's trying to scam people in a way that going to harm anyone. Nobody is being forced to buy his art, and I seriously doubt anyone is buying his art.

Is it because you can't find anything to attack his father over? He's not a crook, like Trump. Attacking Biden because his kid has a drug problem is a real loser move, FuckBoi. But then so is voting for Trump.

Hater's got hate, and losers gotta lose. If all you have is attacks on a man's family, you're a real piece of shit.
And you attacking a kid defending himself from YOUR side’s maniacs makes YOU a piece of shit. But a racist loser asshole like you doesn’t know any better.
Hopefully this idiot will never be able to legally carry a gun anymore. H t problem

No saying unarmed man would attempt to disarm a frightened child with a gun unless he was a grave threat to everyone around him. Kyle was and still is the greatest threat to himself and anyone around him if he is allowed to continue having the legal right to carry a gun. The irresponsibility of his actions is astounding. The feds need to get on this and take his gun rights away from him.
If determined by a court/jury to be "not guilty" of a crime involving a firearm, the firearm is returned to its owner. The firearm is only held by authorities until such time as the completion and determination of guilt or innocence.
The kid isn't a hero. He exercised poor judgment showing up there with a gun. He was chased, attacked, and in defending himself he killed 2 people ; wounded a 3rd.

That's not worth a MoH.
He's not up for a CMH. That's military. He didn't "show up" with a weapon either. I'm not sure of, nor do I care how he got the weapon, but he was enlisted by a business owner to protect the last of his property.

I would not have gone there, to do anything, clean up graffiti, or help anyone unless it was a good buddy.

Now if I had a friend in my local town, who had a serious reason to believe his business was under threat and police would not be there to provide protection then I would assist with security.

If I had a business and there was a horde of bed wetters still in the town, and police were still not responding, I would hand out weapons to anyone I could enlist and vet as a responsible person to assist in the security of my property.

Kyle was a kid that was enlisted and vetted.

He advanced the burial of two animated wads of biological waste and wounded a turd. Not a single mammal was harmed except Kyle, who was not only assaulted, but prosecuted by malevolent leftist sociopaths looking for notoriety.

He should be honored by the government for his heroic actions that night, standing up to rioting vermin, courageously putting out a fire that was about to be used to destroy a fucking gas station, and then facing tyrannical persecution by some DA's that clearly were engaged in litigious malpractice with malice aforethought.

If we do not honor those few who stand up to these sociopaths and win, we're all going to be picked off one by one in the dark of night by modern NKVD and disappear without notice into history. Congress should not only honor Kyle with a medal, but coin a whole new medal in his name for all those who sacrifice themselves and suffer at the hands of leftist scum like Kyle has.

SGT Daniel Perry is currently being persecuted in the City of Autism TX for defending himself against another malignant commie piece of shit. If we don't support people who defend themselves, NO ONE WILL BE ABLE TO DEFEND THEMSELVES, and that's what the parasites want more than anything else in the world.

Was he shot in the back or not? Get over it.
Where is the "back" on a piece of shit?

If a piece of shit is attacking you, then you put rounds down range at him. Should said piece of shit suddenly turn while you're operating the weapon then it suffers a wound to the back and possibly more until you have reasonable expectation that the piece of shit is no longer a threat.

That's how self defense works you piece of shit.

Hopefully this idiot will never be able to legally carry a gun anymore. H t problem

No saying unarmed man would attempt to disarm a frightened child with a gun unless he was a grave threat to everyone around him. Kyle was and still is the greatest threat to himself and anyone around him if he is allowed to continue having the legal right to carry a gun. The irresponsibility of his actions is astounding. The feds need to get on this and take his gun rights away from him.
Idiot commie puke^^^^
Where is the "back" on a piece of shit?

If a piece of shit is attacking you, then you put rounds down range at him. Should said piece of shit suddenly turn while you're operating the weapon then it suffers a wound to the back and possibly more until you have reasonable expectation that the piece of shit is no longer a threat.

That's how self defense works you piece of shit.

You and your tough guy persona. How about you KMA?

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