Kyle Rittenhouse sued by estate of Joseph Rosenbaum

Except I don't know anyone who has ever been killed by a gun that wasn't pointed at them, a skateboard, or a bag of garbage.
The gun WAS pointed at him.

I dont know anyonme who has been killed by a chansaw but if your stupdi ass cipied a lame movie and tried to use one to kill another person they would have every right to shoot you. Same with the fucking skateboard. It was clearly being used as a deadly weapon.

No one was shot over a bag of garbage, The first person he shot tried to take his rifle which is by definition a lethal threat.
You have a very closed mind.

You've been told what to think and will consider no other information.

It's a sign of how effective the republican brainwashing techniques are these days.

Have a nice day.
You said Kyle took a weapon from home to Kenosha. That was a lie. Kyle went to Kenosha to help protect a friend's business. Is that true or false?
Bullshit, all the videos were shown and they all showed the same thing. Every shot Rittenhouse fired was justified. His judgement was better than a lot of veteran cops. At the end he still had rounds left in his magazine. The trial was an attempted political assasination. The DA never had a case, that’s the advantage of televising trials it shows that idiots like you are nothing but conspiracy theorists. How do you whitewash a trial where every minute was televised, the actual public saw all the testimony and all the physical and video evidence?

Here's what the jury didn't get to hear.

Rittenhouse remarking on tape how he'd like to shoot black people leaving a CVS
Rittenhouse beating the snot out of a 14 year old girl.
Rittenhouse exchanging Nazi Hand Gestures with the Proud Boys.

The DA had a fine case, until Judge Senile undermined it at every opportunity.
The gun WAS pointed at him.

I dont know anyonme who has been killed by a chansaw but if your stupdi ass cipied a lame movie and tried to use one to kill another person they would have every right to shoot you. Same with the fucking skateboard. It was clearly being used as a deadly weapon.

I can tell when they are losing their shit when they start sputtering.
Here's what the jury didn't get to hear.

Rittenhouse remarking on tape how he'd like to shoot black people leaving a CVS
Rittenhouse beating the snot out of a 14 year old girl.
Rittenhouse exchanging Nazi Hand Gestures with the Proud Boys.

The DA had a fine case, until Judge Senile undermined it at every opportunity.
That is because there IS NO TAPE anywhere of him saying he would liek to shoot black people


Assocaiting with nazis or getting in a fist fight is irrelevant as it had no bearing on this

They never had a case
Why was Rittenhouse carrying a rifle?
Why was Groskruetz carrying a concealed pistol? At least it was legal for Rittenhouse to openly carry a rifle. Groskreutz was illegally carrying a concealed pistol without a valid CCW. In his effort to screw over Rittenhouse, the DA let a clear violation of the law slide because Groskruetz was the DAs star witness.To this day Groskruetz hasn’t been charged with his crime.
Here's what the jury didn't get to hear.

Rittenhouse remarking on tape how he'd like to shoot black people leaving a CVS
Rittenhouse beating the snot out of a 14 year old girl.
Rittenhouse exchanging Nazi Hand Gestures with the Proud Boys.

The DA had a fine case, until Judge Senile undermined it at every opportunity.
Tell that to OJ Simpson.. Civil trail will allow in other evidence
OJ wasn’t acquitted for lack of evidence, he was acquitted by a jury that wasn’t going to convict him under any circumstances. If the trial had been had at the Beverly Hills Courthouse where it should have been, OJ would have been found guilty. That courthouse hears cases against celebrities every week. Johnnie Cochran wouldn’t have been allowed to pull his illegal shenanigans getting inadmissible testimony admitted and the prosecution’s objection to Cochran’s allowing OJ to “try” putting on the glove would have been upheld instead of Lance Ito denying it. The quality of that jury is summed up by a quote from a juror interviewed after the trial “I don’t know no DNA, DNA just means OJ gots blood”. Only an idiot judge would allow a juror that ignorant to be seated on a trial that was going to hinge on blood evidence.
IF he had of been at home doing his home work like a normal teen, no one would have been killed, and We citizens would not have had to pay for that bloody mess.
If if if....

If the first guy hadn't been upset that Kyle was putting out the fire he started (arson+destruction of personal/private property)
If the second guy had gone for a cop, instead of taking things into his own hands
if the third guy had obeyed the restrictions put on him by the state, he would not have owned a firearm, nor would he have been carrying one.

if if if
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He couldn't just shoot them in the leg ? He had to kill them. Stupid kid, afraid of everyone it seems even the last guy who was trying to talk him down from his shooting frenzy. And to top it all off, he wasn't legal age in Wisconsin to own that gun let alone use it to murder people.
You never try to shoot someone in the leg or arm. The risk of missing or over penetrating and killing a bystander is too high. All shooters are taught to shoot for center of mass to prevent that.
Every thing you have posted is wrong. Either you are incredibly ignorant or deliberately lying.
OJ wasn’t acquitted for lack of evidence, he was acquitted by a jury that wasn’t going to convict him under any circumstances. If the trial had been had at the Beverly Hills Courthouse where it should have been, OJ would have been found guilty. That courthouse hears cases against celebrities every week. Johnnie Cochran wouldn’t have been allowed to pull his illegal shenanigans getting inadmissible testimony admitted and the prosecution’s objection to Cochran’s allowing OJ to “try” putting on the glove would have been upheld instead of Lance Ito denying it. The quality of that jury is summed up by a quote from a juror interviewed after the trial “I don’t know no DNA, DNA just means OJ gots blood”. Only an idiot judge would allow a juror that ignorant to be seated on a trial that was going to hinge on blood evidence.

Actually, you are a little confused, buddy. Cochran didn't try to put the glove on OJ, Christopher Darden did.

It revealed how assistant prosecutor Christopher Darden was hoping for a “big moment”, despite lead prosecutor Marcia Clark firmly against the idea, believing the DNA and receipts were enough to convict.

The gloves, according to the prosecution, had changed shape due to constant freezing and unfreezing for evidentiary purposes, and were nervous that attempting to fit a glove over yet another pair of sanitary gloves worn underneath would be too much of a risk.

Yet during the trial, on June 15, 1995, defence lawyers Johnnie Cochran and F Lee Bailey convinced Mr Darden to give the demonstration (believing the gloves wouldn't match) — and the deal was sealed

The image of OJ Being convicted by a mostly white jury in Beverley Hills a few years after the Rodney King Riots would have been horrible optics.

As far as the jury being ignorant, the problem was never the DNA.

The problem was that no one trusted anything the LAPD had to say at that point. This was underscored when Mark Fuhrman INSISTED he never used the N-word, ever, and they produced tapes of him using it frequently.

Judge Ito should have run a tighter courtroom, but so should have Judge Schroeder, who made some inexplicable rulings that favored the defense.
No where does he say the words black people

Why did he have to use the word? A black person ran out of the store and he said, "I wish I could shoot him".

First they have to prove that the voice belongs to Kyle.

No one ever denied it was him. The person who made the recording can verify it was him.

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