Kyle Rittenhouse sued by estate of Joseph Rosenbaum

Why did he have to use the word? A black person ran out of the store and he said, "I wish I could shoot him".

No one ever denied it was him. The person who made the recording can verify it was him.
Because you accused him of saying that specific word,

Proving you are a liar who has to dream bullshit up to support your weak argument
Why did he have to use the word? A black person ran out of the store and he said, "I wish I could shoot him".

No one ever denied it was him. The person who made the recording can verify it was him.
Then why didn't he verify it was Kyle? You're a liar.
See, this is why stupid amateurs like you fall for this shit. You're gullible and WANT to believe it. You have no idea who is speaking and that's why it wasn't allowed in court.

Nobody denied it was Rittenhouse.
It was disallowed because Judge Senile ruled it irrelevent. Just like he did with the pictures of him with the Proud Boys.
Dude, he left his home state with an illegally acquired weapon and went looking for someone to shoot.

Self defense doesn't even enter into the equation at that point. That trial was a joke.
The problem is that he didn’t do that. The rifle never left Wisconsin.
Nobody denied it was Rittenhouse.
It was disallowed because Judge Senile ruled it irrelevent. Just like he did with the pictures of him with the Proud Boys.
And that was the correct decision. No one could prove Rittenhouse was the speaker and the a picture taken with the Proud Boys is irrelevant. People like you are the problem in this country.
Here's what the jury didn't get to hear.

Rittenhouse remarking on tape how he'd like to shoot black people leaving a CVS
Rittenhouse beating the snot out of a 14 year old girl.
Rittenhouse exchanging Nazi Hand Gestures with the Proud Boys.

The DA had a fine case, until Judge Senile undermined it at every opportunity.
Rittenhouse remarking on tape how he'd like to shoot black people leaving a CVS

They should be shot

Rittenhouse beating the snot out of a 14 year old girl.
was there a reason for that, or he just didn't like her looks?

Rittenhouse exchanging Nazi Hand Gestures with the Proud Boys.

Pictures I saw had the Proud Boys showing the sign, but not Kyle.
You have a very closed mind.

You've been told what to think and will consider no other information.

It's a sign of how effective the republican brainwashing techniques are these days.

Have a nice day.
Nope. The Cops should have been armed with Uzis and mowed all those BLM's down.
Except I don't know anyone who has ever been killed by a gun that wasn't pointed at them, a skateboard, or a bag of garbage.
That skateboard was a four foot long club. The first time Groskruetz pointed the Glock at Rittenhouse, he aimed it away and Rittenhouse DIDN’T shoot him, then he aimed it at Rittenhouse again and got shot. Rosenbaum was reaching for the rifle’s muzzle to disarm Kyle. His hand was so close to the muzzle it had powder burns from the muzzle flash. It’s all on the various videos that were admitted into evidence.
Bad one

None of that shit was relevant to the case
"Nobody denied it was Rittenhouse."

"It was disallowed because Judge Senile ruled it irrelevant. Just like he did with the pictures of him with the Proud Boys. "

piss off clueless loser. Soup Nazi? Seinfeld and the rest of his Hollywood team were all liberal leftists.
Why was Groskruetz carrying a concealed pistol? At least it was legal for Rittenhouse to openly carry a rifle. Groskreutz was illegally carrying a concealed pistol without a valid CCW. In his effort to screw over Rittenhouse, the DA let a clear violation of the law slide because Groskruetz was the DAs star witness.To this day Groskruetz hasn’t been charged with his crime.
At least it was legal for Rittenhouse to openly carry a rifle

Not exactly.
The problem is that he didn’t do that. The rifle never left Wisconsin.
Problem is this, we have ole de-crepid trying everything he can to come up with some technicality in hopes to continue to see Kyle harassed by the street mob once again, when in fact Kyle actually helped society by serving as a volunteer against a criminal mob that was out breaking the law that night, while on the other hand Kyle was out defending the laws that night. Do you also see what side of the fence the left loves to play on everytime something happens ? It never ends with them, and that's because it is their goal to get back at the man in every way that they can.

Derangement syndrome runs deep in these people, and it's been going on to the point that the nation has almost given in to it, and basically or sadly the nation has started normalizing the bull shite.

Fact - If the left would just calm down and be civilized, then there is no Kyle Rittenhouse. They create these characters because of their so called street justice that they've been groomed over time to think that such ways of thinking work's for gain in such a way. Now yes the justice system can be manipulated at times (look at the Biden's currently), and that is becoming more and more of a shame it is true, but the same results to correct the system can be obtained or corrected without going stone cold stupid, and without the protestors showing that the mob is worse than the problems in which the mob is trying to correct.
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Who said he was a hero?
He shouldn't have been gunned down in the street.
Neither should the two heroes who tried to take the active shooter into custody.
Two Dem / Socialist heroes, one of whom was a child molester. Typical for the Dems / Socialists to make heroes of the worst degenerates.

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