Kyle Rittenhouse sued by estate of Joseph Rosenbaum

Problem is this, we have ole de-crepid trying everything he can to come up with some technicality in hopes to continue to see Kyle harassed by the street mob once again, when in fact Kyle actually helped society by serving as a volunteer against a criminal mob that was out breaking the law that night, while on the other hand Kyle was defending the laws that night. Do you also see what side of the fence the left loves to play on everytime something happens ? It never ends with them, and that's because it is their goal to get back at the man in every way that they can.

Derangement syndrome runs deep in these people, and it's been going on to the point that the nation has almost given in to it, and basically or sadly the nation has started normalizing the bull shite.

Fact - If the left would just calm down and be civilized, then there is no Kyle Rittenhouse. They create these characters because of their so called street justice that they've been groomed over time to think that such ways of thinking work's for gain in such a way. Now yes the justice system can be manipulated at times (look at the Biden's currently), and that is becoming more and more of a shame it is true, but the same results to correct the system can be obtained or corrected without going stone cold stupid, and without the protestors showing that the mob is worse than the problems in which the mob is trying to correct.
Fact - If the left would just calm down and be civilized, then there is no Kyle Rittenhouse.

What if young Kyle WASN'T indulged in his desire for a military style rifle, because it "looked cool"....
Not at all,
works against common sense
So it is "common sense" for the shitheads to burn down Kenosha and try to kill a kid helping to put out a street fire they started? However, it is not common sense for a kid to defend himself against a vicious attack by street thugs? LOL!

If the street thug shitheads would just have a little common sense and stayed at home and not tried to destroy Kenosha then they would still be alive today, wouldn't they?

Talk about common sense how fucking stupid do you have to be to viciously attack someone with an AR-15? Fuck around and find out, huh?
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You sound irrationally angry at someone you've never met and who has done you zero harm.
They are pissed that a clash between iconic symbols...
IE: criminal arsonists ( a common progressive image) versus a 2nd amendment conservative didn't go as planned. Lefty is a vicious and non negotiable tyrant when it comes to these issues. They are murderers who want you to be murdered quietly and they get even more murderous when you defend yourself.
No, I think he is a murderer. I think he is a big mouth little bitch that needs his ass whipped!
It is not society's job to take revenge out on someone whose life was threatened by another gun-toting hatemonger. The law says you can protect yourself from anyone who threatens your life and is pointing his gun straight at you. He should countersue his wannabe killer's greedmongering family to make money off their dead threatmonger. Didn't they tell their son about other people's rights to self defense if he waved a gun in their face with an "I'm gonna kill you" threat? It was a dumb thing to do, and an even dumber thing for his family to sue the man who had to stop the threat with equal firepower or die on the spot. So Mr. Rittenhouse is being sued by dumb and dumber's friends and/or family. Tch, tch, tch.

BTW, I'm not saying you're even partially wrong, Mr. Billo Really. Killing other people is bad business, but again, the law allows self-defense.
"Hey, instead of staying at home tonight and watching reruns of Gillian's Island lets go burn down Kenosha and beat the shit out of a kid that is walking around with an AR-15, what could possibly go wrong?"
And that was the correct decision. No one could prove Rittenhouse was the speaker and the a picture taken with the Proud Boys is irrelevant. People like you are the problem in this country.

No one denied it was Rittenhouse on the tape.

The problem is that courts usually omit prior bad acts, when they really shouldn't. If this was about what was in his mind, his propensity towards violence and racism would have undercut his claim he was just there to clean up graffiti with an AR-15.


They should be shot

Except there was no evidence they were looting. The man just ran out after leaving the CVS, after taking time to adjust his hoodie.

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