Kyle Rittenhouse sued by estate of Joseph Rosenbaum

I wish the Dems / Marxists would read their script. “Protests” “Riots”, they never get this right.
It all depends on the narrative. When Republicans protest, the media calls it an angry racist mob trying to overthrow the government. When democrats protest, it's called persecuted victims speaking truth to power.
Kyle did the world a favor when he sent that Pedo, Rosenbaum, to hell where he belongs. The kids of America are a bit safer. Where do I go to send a donation to the Rittenhouse defense fund?
And we've completed the circle. We're back to:

It would appear to have been in self-defense. Why were the rioters armed with guns? I see an awful lot of angst about a kid having a gun but those "adults" get a pass? Why is that?

Why is a kid carrying a high powered semi auto rifle?

Why hasn't the ammosexual bitch joined the service?
Bullshit, all the videos were shown and they all showed the same thing. Every shot Rittenhouse fired was justified. His judgement was better than a lot of veteran cops. At the end he still had rounds left in his magazine. The trial was an attempted political assasination. The DA never had a case, that’s the advantage of televising trials it shows that idiots like you are nothing but conspiracy theorists. How do you whitewash a trial where every minute was televised, the actual public saw all the testimony and all the physical and video evidence?
Every shot he fired was premeditated.
It is not society's job to take revenge out on someone whose life was threatened by another gun-toting hatemonger. The law says you can protect yourself from anyone who threatens your life and is pointing his gun straight at you. He should countersue his wannabe killer's greedmongering family to make money off their dead threatmonger. Didn't they tell their son about other people's rights to self defense if he waved a gun in their face with an "I'm gonna kill you" threat? It was a dumb thing to do, and an even dumber thing for his family to sue the man who had to stop the threat with equal firepower or die on the spot. So Mr. Rittenhouse is being sued by dumb and dumber's friends and/or family. Tch, tch, tch.

BTW, I'm not saying you're even partially wrong, Mr. Billo Really. Killing other people is bad business, but again, the law allows self-defense.
I don't consider a skateboard a deadly weapon!
Hate to breakit to you but even racists and nazis have the right to defend themselves
D'Oh! Of course "racists and nazis have the right to defend themselves" and the Liberal ACLU is there to insist they are presumed innocent, in a court of law.

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