Kyle Rittenhouse sued by estate of Joseph Rosenbaum

"Hey, instead of staying at home tonight and watching reruns of Gillian's Island lets go burn down Kenosha and beat the shit out of a kid that is walking around with an AR-15, what could possibly go wrong?"
Why is the little douche carrying an AR?
No one denied it was Rittenhouse on the tape.
The thing is, no one has to deny it was him on the video, they have to prove it was and that no one altered it. Kinda tough to do that if he says it wasn't him.
The problem is that courts usually omit prior bad acts, when they really shouldn't. If this was about what was in his mind, his propensity towards violence and racism would have undercut his claim he was just there to clean up graffiti with an AR-15.
Actions speak louder than words, and his actions were not those of someone "out to kill black people". I know the narrative says he was, but it quickly fell apart when it was obvious he didn't shoot any black people at all, except of course for the few desperate to keep it going.
Except there was no evidence they were looting. The man just ran out after leaving the CVS, after taking time to adjust his hoodie.
And we need proof Rittenhouse is on the video before we use it to smear him.
Because he was touring Kenosha?

The kid bought the gun for the reason it is marketed...
Did you forget there was an unlawful riot going on? Actions speak louder than words and he didn't shoot anyone that wasn't attacking and threatening him.

Tell me, how does someone get so stupid as to approach someone armed with a gun and threaten them?
"Nobody denied it was Rittenhouse."

"It was disallowed because Judge Senile ruled it irrelevant. Just like he did with the pictures of him with the Proud Boys. "

piss off clueless loser. Soup Nazi? Seinfeld and the rest of his Hollywood team were all liberal leftists.
It was irrelevant to the case and that decision was the correct one.

Hate to breakit to you but even racists and nazis have the right to defend themselves
It was irrelevant to the case and that decision was the correct one.

Hate to breakit to you but even racists and nazis have the right to defend themselves

Kyle had a firearm for self defense and thank god he had one or else the shitheads would have killed him.

The better question these stupid confused Moon Bats should ask is why weren't the shitheads at home minding their own business instead of being out trying to burn down Kenosha and attacking a kid that was helping to put out the fire?
Did you forget there was an unlawful riot going on? Actions speak louder than words and he didn't shoot anyone that wasn't attacking and threatening him.

Tell me, how does someone get so stupid as to approach someone armed with a gun and threaten them?
Why is this yutz going to a riot with an AR?
Here's what the jury didn't get to hear.

Rittenhouse remarking on tape how he'd like to shoot black people leaving a CVS

Nothing was said about their being black. He was referring to looters.
Rittenhouse beating the snot out of a 14 year old girl.
Rittenhouse exchanging Nazi Hand Gestures with the Proud Boys.

The DA had a fine case, until Judge Senile undermined it at every opportunity.

The D.A.'s case was doomed from the start because the idiot prosecution team didn't do their homework. It wasn't until the trial when Grosskreutz was on the stand that people found out that Grosskreutz himself had a firearm and had it out and in his hand when he tried to detain Rittenhouse.

So either the D.A. didn't know this which means he was grossly negligent, or he didn't think it would matter. Oops.
Why is this yutz going to a riot with an AR?
And we've completed the circle. We're back to:

It would appear to have been in self-defense. Why were the rioters armed with guns? I see an awful lot of angst about a kid having a gun but those "adults" get a pass? Why is that?

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