Kyle Rittenhouse trial...already disproving SO MANY LIES from the left

I realize you have no practical experience of this, but some people have actual lives and interests beyond sitting on the Internet. So much for your self-flattering delusion that the world - or anything, really - is all about your laughable attempts to debate.
Sounds like a wicked slap all the way to my neighborhood! “WHAP!!”
You're doing this shit on purpose, aren't you?
Of course. Given where you stand on this case, naturally you wouldn't want any exonerating evidence submitted.

Your behavior throughout this entire thread has suggested you want Rittenhouse to be guilty regardless of the evidence. You've repeatedly ignored refuting evidence posted by me and other posters.

There's always a pattern of behavior with people like you. Yours was easy to read.
The subhumans in this thread don't care about right or wrong, and they don't care about truth vs fiction. All they know is that they hate. The reason they hate is because they are worthless things that offer nothing of value to the world and are bitter and resentful because of it.

Here they are supporting serial child rapists and domestic terrorists. One of the subhumans even tried claiming it was some sort of successful business person. If that were actually true, it certainly wouldn't support burning down people's businesses.
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He'll have PTSD..anger issues and night terrors at a minimum.
I'm pretty sure he also suffered a concussion. He got bashed in the head several times. Then he went to police station and said he felt woozy and had a headache. He was also vomiting.

He should have been taken to the ER, not interrogated.

If you suffer a head injury and then an hour or two later you are vomiting, most likely you've got a concussion and you need to go to the ER because you could suffer permanent brain damage or even death if it's not treated in a timely manner.
LeBron James needs to come to terms with the reality that he's not valued for anything spewing from his head hole and the vast emptiness behind it, and stick to entertaining us like a good dancing monkey.

Frankly, the world would be a lot better off if our court jesters weren't allowed to flatter themselves that being famous is the same as important.

I adore that last part. Well said, completely agree.
The problem was there was no agreed process for safety enforcement, normally managed by police, and no way to tell who was acting as trained security or medical emergency help.

The men thought the others were there to instigate violence. When people see a lone person, carrying an automatic weapon, they are considitioned to respond to an Active Shooter threat.

Unfornunately all the men thought the other was there to incite violence, and they all were acting to stop such threat.
Seeing Rittenhouse as an Active Shooter threat also explains why 2 of the 3 men acted to isolate or disarm that threat. Rittenhouse also saw them as the criminal attackers and tried to stop them.

The fear was mutual where each saw the others as the dangerous threat to subdue.

The problem is negligence, in not establishing a uniform consistent safety enforcement process, training and identification, where all protest participants receive and agree to the same standards of security, and process as police are required to follow, where they identify themselves and instruct the person they are apprehending with safe steps to follow.

None of this would happen if citizens and police meet in advance to setup training and agreement to follow the same policies.

You are confused.

Kyle loved Kenosha. He worked there, he had relatives there his father lived and worked in Kenosha. Kyle spent an awful lot of time in the city. The filthy rioters were burning down the town Kyle loved.

He knew the National Guard had been stood down by the feckless Governor, the Police had stood down as there was nobody else working to quell the fires and destruction so he took to putting out fires where he could. He was threatened and attacked for doing so. He was pursued and chased around and he knew nobody was coming to help him. Once cornered he fought back, rightly so. It is called the Right to Self Defense.
Again, there's video of Rittenhouse pointing his gun at Rosenbaum. And again, that happened before Ziminski fired his gun, so that was not a reason for Rittenhouse to point his gun at Rittenhouse. The defense did not even challenge that. Nor could they because their own client admitted it.

Now the judge is saying the jury can consider if that Rittenhouse provoked the attack.

when I asked you A SECOND TIME to provide a time stamp of any video showing this, your response 'nah, stay stupid,' meanwhile you keep saying 'the video proves it,' so again, PLEASE, provide the time stamp of the evidence showing this in ANY VIDEO, or take your lefty feelings elsewhere.
And Cecilie When I see a perverted piece of psycho garbage that stinks of manure like Trump I don't think it's perfume
You're utterly confused and refuted nothing.

But, as in the Rittenhouse case, by contrast, you can have a bullet wound of entry in the back without having been SHOT IN the back.

The only way you can have a bullet wound in the back without having been shot in the back is if it's an exit wound. And that bullet wound is not an exit wound.
Thanks for confirming what I said: that YOU contend that the shot in the back does mean he was shot from behind. You are absolutely wrong again, of course.

I realize you are far too stupid or dishonest to follow along or admit the reality here. But others are not persuaded by your false claims. The PROSECUTORS called the expert witness forensic expert. He did acknowledge (contrary to your false claim) that the gun shot wound in the back could have come from the weapon being fired in front of him because of the position of his body at the moment the round was fired.

I quoted his cross examination concession.

You rely on your ignorant and baseless and totally unsupported denial. You are no expert. You aren’t even intelligent. You are just a worthless hack.
You are confused.

Kyle loved Kenosha. He worked there, he had relatives there his father lived and worked in Kenosha. Kyle spent an awful lot of time in the city. The filthy rioters were burning down the town Kyle loved.

He knew the National Guard had been stood down by the feckless Governor, the Police had stood down as there was nobody else working to quell the fires and destruction so he took to putting out fires where he could. He was threatened and attacked for doing so. He was pursued and chased around and he knew nobody was coming to help him. Once cornered he fought back, rightly so. It is called the Right to Self Defense.
I am not denying what each person knows is or was their intent.

What I am blaming for the deaths was the lack of agreed process of law enforcement.

Had all participants been required to sign agreements to COMPLY with laws and authorities, and follow uniform protocols, then no violence would have occurred or else it would be properly contained and addressed.

These people were set up to fail, enticed and invited to this chaotic dangerous environment.

As for Kyle Rittenhouse, 17 is too young to even train for military or police duty. All he knew was to defend himself from attack, but was not trained to de escalate or apprehend people safely as police have standard protocol they are required to follow.

I sympathize with him and his situation, and hold the city officials and law enforcement equally responsible as the people calling for protest. Knowing there were threats of violence, looting, vandalism and other crimes, the community leaders and officials should have met in advance, identified which leaders and groups were responsible for following agreed protocol, and asked all participants to either sign an agreement to follow the same process, or else protest in designated public areas that would be monitored for anyone refusing to sign. This would have organized the peaceful lawabiding protestors from any outside infiltrators or instigators not agreeing to follow civil laws authorities and protocols.

Back in 1997, I helped a coordinator of a rally in Houston who managed the crowd control by meeting with police and city officials in advance: we co wrote a pledge that each participant was required to sign, including agreements not to bring or consume alcohol or drugs, not to cause harm to any person or property, and to refrain from any conduct that would invoke arrest. Similar advance planning was done between LA police and protestors for the Ferguson/Michael Brown case where protestors set up a process with police to communicate which people were outside instigators and reporting any such threats that were not part of the peaceful demonstration.

This agreed protocol and meeting of organizers with local officials and law enforcement helps deter, reduce and prevent chaos and criminal violence due to lack of crowd control.

There are ways to set up security in advance.

Neither Kyle nor any of the others coming in as volunteers were trained or identified in advance, to address such a chaotic situation safely. It was like going into a war zone with no agreed rules of engagement, and no agreed identification for people acting as security.

Kyle is lucky to be alive, as well as the third man who survived getting shot.
Two lived and two died.

They all could have died given the chaos.

Just a mob going after anyone.

Rittenhouse would have to be trained and have backup, and still could have suffered the same ambush.

The failure was in not setting up safe agreed protocol between the city officials and leader organizers. That makes all the difference in keeping law abiding peaceful citizens safe and separated from anyone with ill intent to violate laws.

I feel equally for Rittenhouse as I do for the people shot and those killed.

They were all set up to fail. And Kyle is lucky to be alive and survive without major injury as the other survivor who lost use of his arm.

I sympathize with all of them.

Given this chaotic situation, the mob mentality makes people act beyond normal ability to reason. People just go mad and are not thinking rationally.

Nobody is safe in that kind of chaos.

This can be prevented with advance planning.

As for the people attacking Kyle:
One witness reported that one of these men chased after Kyle for putting out a fire that man started. The witness testimony and video show Kyle being chased extensively and people calling to go get him or kill him like a mob.

Again, I do not deny any of these reports that support Kyle's self defense position.

What I blame is the entire set up that allowed all this to occur.

If you are going to blame the city and police for negligence, then all the protestors are equally negligent for shared failures to set up agreed protocol in advance. Everyone is guilty of negligence if you are going to start blaming people.
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You're brain-dead, moron. If the claim was a lie, the judge would not allow the jury to consider it. It would be different if the defense challenged it so then the jury would have to decide which side they believe is telling the truth, but the defense didn't challenge it because it's true.

It's on video. It's as plain as the stupidity you're posting here. So no, I'm not lying. Now there could be extenuating circumstances which allows Rittenhouse to still use self defense, but I don't see it and you haven't shown shit beyond, nuh-uh!
the judge said the prosecutor could argue it. Attorneys can say pretty much anything in opening and closing arguments. They aren’t under oath. What the prosecutor will argue is that the video COULD be interpreted to favor the prosecution. The defense will argue that it favors the defense. The judge didn’t allow the prosecution to present that theory during the trial because there is no evidence to support it, it’s conjecture.
I am not denying what each person knows is or was their intent.

What I am blaming for the deaths was the lack of agreed process of law enforcement.

Had all participants been required to sign agreements to COMPLY with laws and authorities, and follow uniform protocols, then no violence would have occurred or else it would be properly contained and addressed.

These people were set up to fail, enticed and invited to this chaotic dangerous environment.

As for Kyle Rittenhouse, 17 is too young to even train for military or police duty. All he knew was to defend himself from attack, but was not trained to de escalate or apprehend people safely as police have standard protocol they are required to follow.

I sympathize with him and his situation, and hold the city officials and law enforcement equally responsible as the people calling for protest. Knowing there were threats of violence, looting, vandalism and other crimes, the community leaders and officials should have met in advance, identified which leaders and groups were responsible for following agreed protocol, and asked all participants to either sign an agreement to follow the same process, or else protest in designated public areas that would be monitored for anyone refusing to sign. This would have organized the peaceful lawabiding protestors from any outside infiltrators or instigators not agreeing to follow civil laws authorities and protocols.

I helped a coordinator of a rally in Houston who managed the crowd control by meeting with police and city officials in adalvance: we co wrote a pledge that each participant was required to sign, including agreements not to bring or consume alcohol or drugs, not to cause harm to any person or property, and to refrain from any conduct that would invoke arrest. Similar advance planning was done between LA police and protestors for the Ferguson/Michael Brown case where protestors set up a process with police to communicate which people were outside instigators and reporting any such threats that were not part of the peaceful demonstration.

This agreed protocol and meeting of organizers with local officials and law enforcement helps deter, reduce and prevent chaos and criminal violence due to lack of crowd control.

There are ways to set up security in advance.

Neither Kyle nor any of the others coming in as volunteers were trained or identified in advance, to address such a chaotic situation safely. It was like going into a war zone with no agreed rules of engagement, and no agreed identification for people acting as security.

Kyle is lucky to be alive, as well as the third man who survived getting shot.
Two lived and two died.

They all could have died given the chaos.

Just a mob going after anyone.

Rittenhouse would have to be trained and have backup, and still could have suffered the same ambush.

The failure was in not setting up safe agreed protocol between the city officials and leader organizers. That makes all the difference in keeping law abiding peaceful citizens safe and separated from anyone with ill intent to violate laws.

I feel equally for Rittenhouse as I do for the people shot and those killed.

They were all set up to fail. And Kyle is lucky to be alive and survive without major injury as the other survivor who lost use of his arm.

I sympathize with all of them.

Given this chaotic situation, the mob mentality makes people act beyond normal ability to reason. People just go mad and are not thinking rationally.

Nobody is safe in that kind of chaos.

This can be prevented with advance planning.
I appreciate your general sentiment. But I don’t think a group like ANTIFA would ever meaningfully agree to any pledge to refrain from violence against people or damage to property. I further doubt that they’d be hobbled by or constrained to comply with such a pledge anyway.

maybe Kyle was too young. But when riots Serve to prevent lawful authorities — like the police — from even arriving at an emergency scene, the community has a right to protect itself and to join together in such an effort.

Antifa never had any right to commit arson or to stone police vehicles or attack anyone who tries to put out their fires, etc. On balance, therefore, there is but one valid conclusion. Rittenhouse was mostly if not fully in the right.

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