L.A. Tale from the Darkside


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
I am intrigued by our peculiar societal fascination with identity and the deification of celebrities as 'public faces' of pedestrian daydreams, which is what this sarcastic L.A. Halloween short-story I wrote is all about.

What do you think?

Happy New Year's!


Bob Smitty turned his radio on. It was Halloween Eve 1984, and he was understandably anxious on a surprisingly weather-friendly October night (64 degrees and no rain). Bob's anxiety reflected the news story of a mysterious masked man walking around dressed as Michael Myers (the fictional serial killer from the iconic American horror film Halloween) killing people. Bob started chewing on the skin of his hand as perspiration dripped from his forehead: "Will the killer comer to my house to continue his reign of terror?"

Bob listened and listened and listened to the radio news reports of cops chasing this Myers copycat killer around and around in the affluent suburban neighborhood (right outside L.A.) where American movie star and celebrity Tom Cruise also lived. Bob looked at his treasure chest in his bedroom which contained a Michael Myers costume he purchased a few years back for a Hollywood Halloween movie theme party (Bob had been working at a movie studio for about 10 years).

Something in Bob snapped. He was belligerent to himself with high-tension. He couldn't stand the waiting around and thinking about the media craze of cop cars and civilians running around without coordination looking for this Myers copycat. Something in Bob just snapped. He decided to put on the Michael Myers costume in his treasure chest and started walking around (with a butcher's knife he grabbed from his kitchen) in his neighborhood.

Bob decided to walk up to Tom Cruise's house 1 hour after he killed two people (teenagers walking around in the vertigo of all the news hysteria). When he broke into Cruise's house through the back-door and ran up to his bedroom in his own Myers costume and carrying a butcher's knife, he was dumbfounded when he found Cruise in a Myers costume himself (and carrying what seemed to be a bloody butcher's knife). Bob didn't know what to do and asked Cruise, "Are you the true 'Myers copycat-killer'"? Bob was never heard from again and presumed dead.



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