LA Mayor Garcetti releases video directed at illegal immigrants: 'We are in this together'

If you are afraid for you life and there are three groups involved,

1. A bunch of White Skin Heads (usually Trumpsters) All Born US Citizens
2. A bunch of Black Gang Bangers All Born US Citizens
3. A bunch of Illegal Immigrants

Your safest bet is to run towards the Illegals. They are the least likely to kill you of the three groups. Illegals have one of the lowest crime rates for any group in the US today. Pawsnews and the Rightwingnutjobs all say otherwise but it's a lie to keep the blood boiling so you will vote for the rightwingnutjobs they support.

The safest bet is to run towards Mexico.

A democrat politician took this too literally and is now running for office in Mexico.

You just won't face the lie, will you.

I already faced the fact.


I live in that red part and he isn't doing such a hot job supporting my best interests. And more and more people that voted for him are seeing that he isn't supporting their best interest either. It's going to be rough time for the next 17 months for Trump and for you.

I didn't even vote for Trump and I have never seen a President support the American interest like Trump. Sounds like you are living in the middle of illegals. Would you prefer a ride to Mexico with them? Beto is campaigning there, you can have your president.

TrumpSlide 2020.

I have never seen a President support the American Interest like Trump does either. Most do a much better job. Would you prefer a ride to a country that operates like you want America to operate like? I can think of a few and they would just love to have you. They have some really nice country clubs waiting for you if you live long enough to get thrown into one. Make sure you know someone on the outside that can get food to you because you will be on a starvation diet and likely not make the 5 to 25 years sentence for opening your big fat trap like I know you will.
I live in that red part and he isn't doing such a hot job supporting my best interests. And more and more people that voted for him are seeing that he isn't supporting their best interest either. It's going to be rough time for the next 17 months for Trump and for you.
Bullshit....Trump is not slipping in support at that all you got is to try and make folks believe Trump is failing?....please....everyone is back to work.....and they are spending....there are more new cars on the road than we have seen in 10 years....the market is at an all time high.....stores and malls are are filled....give it up man...its over Trump wins a second term....
LA Mayor Garcetti releases video directed at illegal immigrants: 'We are in this together'

Why isn't that aiding and harboring a felon?.....

Is it ok for a Texas Mayor to tell gun owners how to buy illegal guns?.....and keep the ATF from doing their job?.....when the law makers openly defy their own laws we will have anarchy....
The safest bet is to run towards Mexico.

A democrat politician took this too literally and is now running for office in Mexico.

You just won't face the lie, will you.

I already faced the fact.


I live in that red part and he isn't doing such a hot job supporting my best interests. And more and more people that voted for him are seeing that he isn't supporting their best interest either. It's going to be rough time for the next 17 months for Trump and for you.

I didn't even vote for Trump and I have never seen a President support the American interest like Trump. Sounds like you are living in the middle of illegals. Would you prefer a ride to Mexico with them? Beto is campaigning there, you can have your president.

TrumpSlide 2020.

I have never seen a President support the American Interest like Trump does either. Most do a much better job. Would you prefer a ride to a country that operates like you want America to operate like? I can think of a few and they would just love to have you. They have some really nice country clubs waiting for you if you live long enough to get thrown into one. Make sure you know someone on the outside that can get food to you because you will be on a starvation diet and likely not make the 5 to 25 years sentence for opening your big fat trap like I know you will.

America is a free speech zone, not a speech free zone as you and the lefties would like it to be.

How is your technical cleansing progressing now that Trump is putting an end to it?

Try Venezuela, there free speech is strictly forbidden. You would do very well there.
I live in that red part and he isn't doing such a hot job supporting my best interests. And more and more people that voted for him are seeing that he isn't supporting their best interest either. It's going to be rough time for the next 17 months for Trump and for you.
Bullshit....Trump is not slipping in support at that all you got is to try and make folks believe Trump is failing?....please....everyone is back to work.....and they are spending....there are more new cars on the road than we have seen in 10 years....the market is at an all time high.....stores and malls are are filled....give it up man...its over Trump wins a second term....

Let's see. Farms are on the auction block now. You know, the ones that Trump was to save. We aren't really having a huge increase in Factory Jobs (most are being shipped overseas). The Reports of New Jobs leaves out the loss of old jobs. The Taxes for the lower and middle classes have gone up. The Cost of living has gone up outstripping the wage increases at a higher rate. Most of the new job creations have been part time jobs and not full time jobs (both are counted as the same). Shall I keep going? Working Class (blue collar) is doing worse while the upper classes are doing better. That means that over half of the population slipped. If you didn't, more power to you. But most of the rest of us got hurt in the last few years. And it's worse under Trump who doesn't give a rats ass about anyone under a certain pay rate.

Personally, I can't afford to keep on winning like this.
You just won't face the lie, will you.

I already faced the fact.


I live in that red part and he isn't doing such a hot job supporting my best interests. And more and more people that voted for him are seeing that he isn't supporting their best interest either. It's going to be rough time for the next 17 months for Trump and for you.

I didn't even vote for Trump and I have never seen a President support the American interest like Trump. Sounds like you are living in the middle of illegals. Would you prefer a ride to Mexico with them? Beto is campaigning there, you can have your president.

TrumpSlide 2020.

I have never seen a President support the American Interest like Trump does either. Most do a much better job. Would you prefer a ride to a country that operates like you want America to operate like? I can think of a few and they would just love to have you. They have some really nice country clubs waiting for you if you live long enough to get thrown into one. Make sure you know someone on the outside that can get food to you because you will be on a starvation diet and likely not make the 5 to 25 years sentence for opening your big fat trap like I know you will.

America is a free speech zone, not a speech free zone as you and the lefties would like it to be.

How is your technical cleansing progressing now that Trump is putting an end to it?

Try Venezuela, there free speech is strictly forbidden. You would do very well there.

And yet, you would curtail my right to speech. You would support Trump if he were to go after the news for what they print. Take a good hard look at how Mussolini got into power and how he did it. There are only two things that keeps us from something like that today. Those two things are the Constitution of the United States (for Civilians) and the Uniform Code of Military Justice (for the Military). Italy didn't have those two in place. Trump is a wannabe Mussolini and you are nothing more than a brown shirt.
Farms are on the auction block now

We aren't really having a huge increase in Factory Jobs

The Reports of New Jobs leaves out the loss of old jobs.

The Cost of living has gone up outstripping the wage increases at a higher rate

Working Class (blue collar) is doing worse while the upper classes are doing better.
Upper Class does better by definition dummy

But most of the rest of us got hurt in the last few years
Butt hurt maybe

Trump who doesn't give a rats ass about anyone under a certain pay rate.
Trump did not have to run he did it for the nation...he saw the damage done by Obama and knew he had to fix it...he knew the GOP was inept to do he jumped in and MAGA........
I already faced the fact.


I live in that red part and he isn't doing such a hot job supporting my best interests. And more and more people that voted for him are seeing that he isn't supporting their best interest either. It's going to be rough time for the next 17 months for Trump and for you.

I didn't even vote for Trump and I have never seen a President support the American interest like Trump. Sounds like you are living in the middle of illegals. Would you prefer a ride to Mexico with them? Beto is campaigning there, you can have your president.

TrumpSlide 2020.

I have never seen a President support the American Interest like Trump does either. Most do a much better job. Would you prefer a ride to a country that operates like you want America to operate like? I can think of a few and they would just love to have you. They have some really nice country clubs waiting for you if you live long enough to get thrown into one. Make sure you know someone on the outside that can get food to you because you will be on a starvation diet and likely not make the 5 to 25 years sentence for opening your big fat trap like I know you will.

America is a free speech zone, not a speech free zone as you and the lefties would like it to be.

How is your technical cleansing progressing now that Trump is putting an end to it?

Try Venezuela, there free speech is strictly forbidden. You would do very well there.

And yet, you would curtail my right to speech. You would support Trump if he were to go after the news for what they print. Take a good hard look at how Mussolini got into power and how he did it. There are only two things that keeps us from something like that today. Those two things are the Constitution of the United States (for Civilians) and the Uniform Code of Military Justice (for the Military). Italy didn't have those two in place. Trump is a wannabe Mussolini and you are nothing more than a brown shirt.

The thing that keeps America free is our amazing people - the people whose replacement you are lusting after.

Take the ride to Mexico with your illegals. Instead of replacing us, replace yourself.
A large percentage of the Illegals in the caravans are rapists, criminals, murderers, dealers, gang members and child molesters. They are often on the run from SA law. They use Children as human shields in attempt to get in clean, free and clear. That poor child is sometimes sent back and re-used by the next wave.

Not to mention all those not caught (those that dont surrender). If you knew for sure....who is who? What do you do with a small city each month? They are not allowed to work until their hearing on phony asylum. That could be 2 years out. Do you need votes that bad? What about American homeless? Trump is right, you are wrong.

Wow, The GRU would be proud of what you just said. You probably owe Russia Royalties on it. Pay up.

I dont know what GRU is but I know what you are (on the list).

All of us don't mind helping the Truly Needy. But, do not wish to shower DC Bureaucrats in Gold to hand out my earnings. Seal the border. Let the states deal with their own issues as best they can. It is complicated.
I live in that red part and he isn't doing such a hot job supporting my best interests. And more and more people that voted for him are seeing that he isn't supporting their best interest either. It's going to be rough time for the next 17 months for Trump and for you.

I didn't even vote for Trump and I have never seen a President support the American interest like Trump. Sounds like you are living in the middle of illegals. Would you prefer a ride to Mexico with them? Beto is campaigning there, you can have your president.

TrumpSlide 2020.

I have never seen a President support the American Interest like Trump does either. Most do a much better job. Would you prefer a ride to a country that operates like you want America to operate like? I can think of a few and they would just love to have you. They have some really nice country clubs waiting for you if you live long enough to get thrown into one. Make sure you know someone on the outside that can get food to you because you will be on a starvation diet and likely not make the 5 to 25 years sentence for opening your big fat trap like I know you will.

America is a free speech zone, not a speech free zone as you and the lefties would like it to be.

How is your technical cleansing progressing now that Trump is putting an end to it?

Try Venezuela, there free speech is strictly forbidden. You would do very well there.

And yet, you would curtail my right to speech. You would support Trump if he were to go after the news for what they print. Take a good hard look at how Mussolini got into power and how he did it. There are only two things that keeps us from something like that today. Those two things are the Constitution of the United States (for Civilians) and the Uniform Code of Military Justice (for the Military). Italy didn't have those two in place. Trump is a wannabe Mussolini and you are nothing more than a brown shirt.

The thing that keeps America free is our amazing people - the people whose replacement you are lusting after.

Take the ride to Mexico with your illegals. Instead of replacing us, replace yourself.

Tell you what, you enlist in the United State Military for 20 plus years like I did. Travel, see other countries, meet other people, see other types of governments in action. Earn that love for America. American Freedom isn't free. Then you tell me that I should leave America. I paid the price. And I have Brothers and Sisters that paid the ultimate price so that you can have your freedom to spout your BS. You have paid nothing. To you, it's all free. The Home of the Free was paid for in blood and guts. WE are the amazing people, you are not.
A large percentage of the Illegals in the caravans are rapists, criminals, murderers, dealers, gang members and child molesters. They are often on the run from SA law. They use Children as human shields in attempt to get in clean, free and clear. That poor child is sometimes sent back and re-used by the next wave.

Not to mention all those not caught (those that dont surrender). If you knew for sure....who is who? What do you do with a small city each month? They are not allowed to work until their hearing on phony asylum. That could be 2 years out. Do you need votes that bad? What about American homeless? Trump is right, you are wrong.

Wow, The GRU would be proud of what you just said. You probably owe Russia Royalties on it. Pay up.

I dont know what GRU is but I know what you are (on the list).

All of us don't mind helping the Truly Needy. But, do not wish to shower DC Bureaucrats in Gold to hand out my earnings. Seal the border. Let the states deal with their own issues as best they can. It is complicated.

Actually, I have suggested something similar where the States handle it. I have no idea when the Feds started in doing this but it doesn't work. The States and Counties can do a much better job. Oh, yes, they need federal assistance but make it with funding. And then the Feds need to get the hell out of the way.

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