Labeling people "Nazis" or even as a "Hitler" is a sure indicator of grossly lazy thinking.

Labeling people "Nazis" or even as a "Hitler" is a sure indicator of grossly lazy thinking.​

Unless one is actually speaking about Nazi Germany and/or the actual piece of deranged shit, Adolf Hitler.
Perfect example of the weak lazy mind I appreciate it when those in the peanut gallery make my point I’m now invoking my never argue with an idiot rule have a nice day.
It is almost always pointless to include a moron like sillybozo in any conversation.
Labeling people "Nazis" or even as a "Hitler" is a sure indicator of grossly lazy thinking. It is a wanton appeal to the most basic emotions. Labeling someone a "Nazi" is like announcing that you hate pedophiles and people who torture children and small animals.

The Nazis (the actual ones) did things which were so horrific and inhuman that it makes it utterly impossible to consider the people or their actions logically in any way.

Hasn't anyone ever noticed that when the Russians are planning to massacre an opponent (such as in Ukraine) they inevitably label them "Nazis"?

But just because fools in the U.S. and elsewhere flash those idiotic flags and symbols does not make them "Nazis" nor is it an indicator that Nazi Germany is in danger of being duplicated
It’s a matter of reason. There are nazi tactics that apply in description that don’t necessarily mean genocide.
What’s more, commie is an acceptable applicable disparagement term even though Mao and Stalin murdered more than hitler did.
Hitler, Nazi, Fascist.

It's a sad reflection on us that we're so eager to trivialize the suffering of millions for perceived political gain.

But that's just who we are now.
Who said anything about blacks having rights that whites don't have?

Everyone is a little racist, blacks aren't excluded.

I'm sure there are plenty of trump supporters who aren't Nazis.

If you read my post, there were like six things that make you a Nazi. If you're missing one or two of the six, you're not a Nazi.
You do understand the difference between a Nazi and a so-called rightwinger, right?

First of all...they're on opposite ends of the political spectrum.
A Nazi is someone who cannot convince people their ideology is good for them with words.....they know they're full of crap. They simply force other's to do what they want thru fear or oppression.
This is why they need force to get their policies put into reality.
Because rational people can see it for what it is.

Nazis specialize in twisting reality....making irrational statements the are intended to draw people into an argument...just so they can target them. They use social media fact-checkers to harass and censor the truth. They encourage celebrities to virtue-signal to enhance their chances at getting better work projects. They award people for making statements in support of their insanity. When one of them takes a stand....they all jump onto the same bandwagon like good little Hitler Youth.

Masks and vaccines are just a way of causing division. A mask becomes a Nazi salute so they can all recognize each other at a glance. A vaccine is just a way of segregating the population into followers and outcasts.
It’s not an emotive label
It’s fact based identification
Act as such and get identified as such
Nice tear jerk cry, failed again.
And you do it again and again and again. Obviously you are against thinking and in favor of ignorance.
I don't like this rigging elections bullshit and making it harder for people to vote. For disingenuous reasons. I'm wise to what's going on even if you're not.

And I've talked to enough friends and family to be scared. I see how easily we are turning into Russia. If you elect Trump again, our democracy is over. Especially if Republicans control both houses like before. A second term Trump is scary.

I don't believe he will be your nominee.
I don't like this rigging elections bullshit and making it harder for people to vote. For disingenuous reasons. I'm wise to what's going on even if you're not.

And I've talked to enough friends and family to be scared. I see how easily we are turning into Russia. If you elect Trump again, our democracy is over. Especially if Republicans control both houses like before. A second term Trump is scary.
I don't believe he will be your nominee.

Neither do I. Nor do I want him to be. But its ridiculous to say that a Trump victory would be the "end of our democracy".

Even if Donald Trump were elected in 2024 there would still be midterm elections in 2026 and another presidential election (and a new president in 2028(2029).
I don't like this rigging elections bullshit and making it harder for people to vote. For disingenuous reasons. I'm wise to what's going on even if you're not.

And I've talked to enough friends and family to be scared. I see how easily we are turning into Russia. If you elect Trump again, our democracy is over. Especially if Republicans control both houses like before. A second term Trump is scary.

I don't believe he will be your nominee.
No one in the GOP is making it harder to claim that 81 million dems turned out for Joe...there goes your argument....

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