Lack Of GOP Will To Govern Keeps Hopes of Self-Destructing Dems' 2018 Hopes Alive


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The ONLY thing Democrats have going for them right now, as always when Republicans are in Control of congress, is the Republican's Lack of Will To Lead / Govern!

The Republicans told their base, 'When we retake the House we will be able to do something.'

-- After Re-taking the House, Republicans told their base, "When we retake the Senate and have control of both houses of Congress THEN we will be able to do something."

---- After winning the Senate and controlling both the House and Senate the Republicans told their base, "When we win the WH and have control of both the Congress and the Presidency THEN we will be able to do something."

NOW that the Republicans have control of the House, the Senate, and the WH, the Republican leadership have run out of excuses except that they absolutely SUCK, that they have neither the desire or ability to carry out the will of the people who gave them the House, the Senate, and the WH.

As the saying goes, they are about as useless as 't!ts' on a boar hog (male pig).

Senate returns more pessimistic than ever on healthcare

"Senators went into a recess skeptical over whether they could agree to legislation repealing and replacing ObamaCare. They will return on Monday more doubtful than ever."

Nothing done with the collapsing ACA.

Nothing done with tax reform.

Nothing done on the wall that both parties had / have promised for decades, one of the strong pillars on which Trump's victory was built.

Democrats have declared a commitment to obstruct anything - no matter what it is - that Trump and the GOP try to do. The GOP has demonstrated no desire to do anything, anyway.

America has seen this before. History is repeating itself. The last time the GOP lost control of congress, Democrats obstructed, and the GOP refused to lead...and the same Republican leaders are in office in the same positions (except for Ryan - Boehner's 'mini-me').

The ONLY thing the Democrats have going for them right now is the fact that the GOP is determined to put control of Congress back into their corrupt, criminal, self-serving hands.
The ONLY thing Democrats have going for them right now, as always when Republicans are in Control of congress, is the Republican's Lack of Will To Lead / Govern!

The Republicans told their base, 'When we retake the House we will be able to do something.'

-- After Re-taking the House, Republicans told their base, "When we retake the Senate and have control of both houses of Congress THEN we will be able to do something."

---- After winning the Senate and controlling both the House and Senate the Republicans told their base, "When we win the WH and have control of both the Congress and the Presidency THEN we will be able to do something."

NOW that the Republicans have control of the House, the Senate, and the WH, the Republican leadership have run out of excuses except that they absolutely SUCK, that they have neither the desire or ability to carry out the will of the people who gave them the House, the Senate, and the WH.

As the saying goes, they are about as useless as 't!ts' on a boar hog (male pig).

Senate returns more pessimistic than ever on healthcare

"Senators went into a recess skeptical over whether they could agree to legislation repealing and replacing ObamaCare. They will return on Monday more doubtful than ever."

Nothing done with the collapsing ACA.

Nothing done with tax reform.

Nothing done on the wall that both parties had / have promised for decades, one of the strong pillars on which Trump's victory was built.

Democrats have declared a commitment to obstruct anything - no matter what it is - that Trump and the GOP try to do. The GOP has demonstrated no desire to do anything, anyway.

America has seen this before. History is repeating itself. The last time the GOP lost control of congress, Democrats obstructed, and the GOP refused to lead...and the same Republican leaders are in office in the same positions (except for Ryan - Boehner's 'mini-me').

The ONLY thing the Democrats have going for them right now is the fact that the GOP is determined to put control of Congress back into their corrupt, criminal, self-serving hands.
no fking way. All one would have to do is go whack a doodle and everyone will know the candidate is a demophobe with american hate on their mind. The Paris accord is but one more nail in that coffin.

Also islam, illegal immigrants, women being kept down, by these lefts. its all available for any rep running.
The Democrats are so F*ed up they keep trying to reject the 'gift' that is being offered to them...

Fractured Democratic Party Struggles to Find Footing

Special-election losses, Clinton's jabs at DNC, new superdelegate drama spur liberal dissent...

"If the Democratic National Committee has many more weeks like the previous one, it might not recover in time for the midterm elections in 2018.

The Democrats have lost special elections for two House seats in the past two months, plus a big race for mayor of Omaha, Nebraska. In one of the House races, the Democrats could not even beat a Republican who had body-slammed a reporter the night before the election.

Now they’re struggling to win a suburban House seat in the Atlanta area, in a congressional district Trump barely won despite its heavily Republican makeup.

The Democratic National Committee took a brutal shot to its ribs when its 2016 nominee, Hillary Clinton, said it was bereft of ideas and data, and was near bankruptcy when she was nominated in July."

...and her rigged nomination while being guilty of numerous crimes at the time pushed the DNC over the edge...from which the Democratic Party has not recovered.
The ONLY thing Democrats have going for them right now, as always when Republicans are in Control of congress, is the Republican's Lack of Will To Lead / Govern!

The Republicans told their base, 'When we retake the House we will be able to do something.'

-- After Re-taking the House, Republicans told their base, "When we retake the Senate and have control of both houses of Congress THEN we will be able to do something."

---- After winning the Senate and controlling both the House and Senate the Republicans told their base, "When we win the WH and have control of both the Congress and the Presidency THEN we will be able to do something."

NOW that the Republicans have control of the House, the Senate, and the WH, the Republican leadership have run out of excuses except that they absolutely SUCK, that they have neither the desire or ability to carry out the will of the people who gave them the House, the Senate, and the WH.

As the saying goes, they are about as useless as 't!ts' on a boar hog (male pig).

Senate returns more pessimistic than ever on healthcare

"Senators went into a recess skeptical over whether they could agree to legislation repealing and replacing ObamaCare. They will return on Monday more doubtful than ever."

Nothing done with the collapsing ACA.

Nothing done with tax reform.

Nothing done on the wall that both parties had / have promised for decades, one of the strong pillars on which Trump's victory was built.

Democrats have declared a commitment to obstruct anything - no matter what it is - that Trump and the GOP try to do. The GOP has demonstrated no desire to do anything, anyway.

America has seen this before. History is repeating itself. The last time the GOP lost control of congress, Democrats obstructed, and the GOP refused to lead...and the same Republican leaders are in office in the same positions (except for Ryan - Boehner's 'mini-me').

The ONLY thing the Democrats have going for them right now is the fact that the GOP is determined to put control of Congress back into their corrupt, criminal, self-serving hands.

The problem is that the Republicans won because of the weakness of Hillary Clinton. Trump's campaign did not run on issues. The idea that Republicans were elected to do certain things is ridiculous. Voters want Obamacare fixed not repealed. People do not want others to lose their health care insurance because they can't afford it. Voters do not want a wall built. That is why the House could fall to the Democrats. Republicans claiming a mandate when none exists.

In addition, there are other things the Democrats could run on. The fact that the GOP sides with big business over ordinary people. Republicans and/or Trump have revoked regulations that would prevent coal producers from dumping waste into rivers, allowing financial advisors to cheat their clients, allowing ISPs to sell their customers' information, allowing businesses to hide bribes to foreign governments, allowing big airlines to keep information about fees hidden from consumers and preventing states from helping individuals with IRA accounts. All of this comes from big business wanting it done.
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The ONLY thing Democrats have going for them right now, as always when Republicans are in Control of congress, is the Republican's Lack of Will To Lead / Govern!

The Republicans told their base, 'When we retake the House we will be able to do something.'

-- After Re-taking the House, Republicans told their base, "When we retake the Senate and have control of both houses of Congress THEN we will be able to do something."

---- After winning the Senate and controlling both the House and Senate the Republicans told their base, "When we win the WH and have control of both the Congress and the Presidency THEN we will be able to do something."

NOW that the Republicans have control of the House, the Senate, and the WH, the Republican leadership have run out of excuses except that they absolutely SUCK, that they have neither the desire or ability to carry out the will of the people who gave them the House, the Senate, and the WH.

As the saying goes, they are about as useless as 't!ts' on a boar hog (male pig).

Senate returns more pessimistic than ever on healthcare

"Senators went into a recess skeptical over whether they could agree to legislation repealing and replacing ObamaCare. They will return on Monday more doubtful than ever."

Nothing done with the collapsing ACA.

Nothing done with tax reform.

Nothing done on the wall that both parties had / have promised for decades, one of the strong pillars on which Trump's victory was built.

Democrats have declared a commitment to obstruct anything - no matter what it is - that Trump and the GOP try to do. The GOP has demonstrated no desire to do anything, anyway.

America has seen this before. History is repeating itself. The last time the GOP lost control of congress, Democrats obstructed, and the GOP refused to lead...and the same Republican leaders are in office in the same positions (except for Ryan - Boehner's 'mini-me').

The ONLY thing the Democrats have going for them right now is the fact that the GOP is determined to put control of Congress back into their corrupt, criminal, self-serving hands.

The problem is that the Republicans won because of the weakness of Hillary Clinton. Trump's campaign did not run on issues. The idea that Republicans were elected to do certain things is ridiculous. Voters want Obamacare fixed not repealed. People do not want others to lose their health care insurance because they can't afford it. Voters do not want a wall built.
sure he did. he just completed number two with getting us formally out of the Paris deal. Now, what else did you need to know?
Both parties are clueless. The Ds are more likely to do the perp walk for voter fraud after the presidential commission reports and here's the kicker:

So far all purported provable instances of voter fraud were in states where either it wasn't needed as in solid Democratic districts in CA where the outcome was never in doubt but more votes were cast than there were voters in the district or in cases where it was insufficient to affect the outcome as was discovered in the Michigan recount.

Such stunts are meta-stupid.
-- After Re-taking the House, Republicans told their base, "When we retake the Senate and have control of both houses of Congress THEN we will be able to do something."
And you tards were too stupid to ask Trump and the GOP what that something was. :lol:

"It's gonna be wonderful, bleev me."

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