Laid Off

give us a list of the successful countries who actually successfully practiced socialism.

tell us where "from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs" has ever worked.
Revolutionary Catalonia
Paris commune
Free territory Ukraine.

I said "countries". Nice try, but FAIL
Not a failure, and no countries are actually socialist, they only claim to be, Jesus.

so you admit that socialism has never worked, thanks for your honesty.

I know you worship me but I am not Jesus.
I just gave you three examples. About time to ignore you.

those are not countries, your arguments for socialism have failed. But you are free to ignore facts if that makes you feel good.
No.....every society goes through stages of development....sweatshops.....get replaced as a country becomes increasingly wealthy...dittos pollution and all the other social happened in Europe and the U.S....and the more free the economy from government interferencee the faster things get better for everyone.......but when the marxist/socialists forcing their notion of equality on others...usually at the point of a gun and ending in mass graves.....those workers they are so concerned about live out lives in generational poverty with no relief for future generations.....

Most of that is correct with the fact that there are always exceptions to the rule.
I think people would be surprised at the degree to which some third world and growing countries have addressed issues in growth regarding environmental protection.

In fact some of those countries are completely skipping the part where it is necessary to destroy the environment in the process of industrialization.
They have the benefit of responsible and effective tools or policies developed and provided by first world countries that did the dirty-work getting there.


Yes.....all the miracle of captialism....people like nice things...they like to live in nice places and captialism.....freedom...the free exchange of goods and services, has accomplished that more than any other economic system...........much like many third world countries don't have to use telephone cables....they are just going straight to cell technology....

innovation and creativity are the hall mark of a free market system.....fuck the marxists.......
Ah, the typical Freedom argument. Fuck you to.

Yes...I know the concept of people who are freely making their own choices burns the asses of you marxists.........better they submit to you or you will have plenty of space for them in the mass graves...right?
Did he live better than his other socialists? We're there still elitists at the end of the day? The answer is yes, therefore only a few select got to prosper while most the country got the leftovers. In the end, those in the oilfields worked, owned nothing and were paid. In the end all those that worked, worked for the government and got what the government gave them, they owned no share in any profits, that went to Venezuela's elite class.
Yes, every country has a "ruling class" what's your point? Venezuela was socialist by claim anyways, that's a fact. You're actually describing every country if we use your standards. Bullshit, even with venezuelas system, look at how Hugo uses the profits, and compare it to how much was wasted on elites before him. More bullshit from you

Sorry, but all you provide is your opinion, you have done nothing but back your position with opinion. I gave you articles and facts from organizations. If you think Venezuela is all that great fine, I don't. I don't want to live in a country that has higher inflation, higher unemployment, worse healthcare, worse education, higher malnutrition rates, and no free speech, than where I currently live. To say that they are proof socialism works, then I'll take capitalism, where the inflation is lower, the unemployment is lower, where the healthcare is better, the education is better, malnutrition rates are lower and we have free speech.
No, you didn't, and I provide actual facts you fucking moron! Just look into venezuelas oil spending and where it went before Hugo. I think it's better them what it was, the facts are there. Yeah, comparing Venezuela and America is utter bullshit, Venezuela improved all of those things. The free speech isn't perfect in Venezuela, but that's in the media.. I never said they are proof that socialism works, they aren't even socialist, they just claim to be. Yeah, you'll take capitalism in an imperialist first world country.

I gave facts from various sites and provide links, now if you want to go off and start calling me names, I can go that route to.

You are an utter fucking dumbshit, how an asshole like you can think is beyond me, you are a socialist piece of shit and you need to go find some fucking socialist country to make you happy because a bitch like you is obviously miserable waste of human life in this country, why is it that you fucking wastes of space can't get your fucking act together and you then you pieces of shit want to blame your ducking miserable life on us hard working Americans that are trying to make this country a better place to live.

There, now is this game you you want to play or would you rather have a civil discussion, because it is one way or the other with me, I don't play games with your sort, it is either civil or we go to the Flame Zone.
You posted absolutely nothing regarding Hugo's oil spending and the health gains. Etc.. Sorry, try again.
WHO has Venezuela and their health care 57th or 58th well below other health care leaders, if you don't like to bad.

Take care nutter.
Creepy how everything is being sent over there..Even our food and water. They are sending chickens and meat over there to be processed and sent back to well as Nestle sucking the Great Lakes dry and bottled over there. This is wrong........

Wow dude. Do you need an umbrella to protect you from the falling sky or will a tissue suffice?

WTF...I guess you don't see what is going on until it hits you in the nose. I sell online a specialty vintage item, and nothing is valuable from China because its all poisonous crap that is killing our dogs, its in our children's formula what ever. They get away with exporting their crap into the USA while making it hard for us to export to them.
Dunno why you're bitching. WE as a collective buy their crap. If Americans didn't buy it, it wouldn't sell.
Retailers sell it because Americans buy it, supply & demand.
Friends husband was just laid off from job he has had for 11 years.IT/Computer etc. Outsourcing entire department to Philippines! Oh the wonderful joys of Capitalism. Bosses get richer,long term SKILLED employees get the shaft and slaves do work for pennies in Philippines....or should I say indentured servants.He is filing for unemployment but that's not the point...its wrong and should be stopped.
What is wrong? Companies shouldn't be legally allowed to lay off employees?
Outsourcing American Jobs is as Un-American as it gets. Yet most Republicans continue defending it. They'll even go as far as blaming American Workers. The Republican Party is lost.

who is defending it? give us a list or STFU with your lies.

Man, at least the Democrats throw poor struggling workers a bone every now & then. Meanwhile, Republicans continue to reinforce their image of hating poor struggling Americans and worshipping wealthy elites. The Democratic Party is much smarter than the Republican Party. Throwing a struggling American a bone every now & then, goes a long long way in Elections.
Outsourcing American Jobs is as Un-American as it gets. Yet most Republicans continue defending it. They'll even go as far as blaming American Workers. The Republican Party is lost.

who is defending it? give us a list or STFU with your lies.

Man, at least the Democrats throw poor struggling workers a bone every now & then. Meanwhile, Republicans continue to reinforce their image of hating poor struggling Americans and worshipping wealthy elites. The Democratic Party is much smarter than the Republican Party. Throwing a struggling American a bone every now & then, goes a long long way in Elections.

there are more americans in poverty now than when obozo took office. So much for your "bones"
Outsourcing American Jobs is as Un-American as it gets. Yet most Republicans continue defending it. They'll even go as far as blaming American Workers. The Republican Party is lost.

who is defending it? give us a list or STFU with your lies.

Man, at least the Democrats throw poor struggling workers a bone every now & then. Meanwhile, Republicans continue to reinforce their image of hating poor struggling Americans and worshipping wealthy elites. The Democratic Party is much smarter than the Republican Party. Throwing a struggling American a bone every now & then, goes a long long way in Elections.

are poor people funding Hillary's campaign? I think not.
Creepy how everything is being sent over there..Even our food and water. They are sending chickens and meat over there to be processed and sent back to well as Nestle sucking the Great Lakes dry and bottled over there. This is wrong........

Wow dude. Do you need an umbrella to protect you from the falling sky or will a tissue suffice?

WTF...I guess you don't see what is going on until it hits you in the nose. I sell online a specialty vintage item, and nothing is valuable from China because its all poisonous crap that is killing our dogs, its in our children's formula what ever. They get away with exporting their crap into the USA while making it hard for us to export to them.
Dunno why you're bitching. WE as a collective buy their crap. If Americans didn't buy it, it wouldn't sell.
Retailers sell it because Americans buy it, supply & demand.

More people are getting educated about what products they are buying and the crap ingredients hidden by words only a scientist would know. We are being educated on what our government is allowing because of the demand.

Did you know that hair from china is in your bread? Ingredient listed there as L-cysteine We demand so China does it for cheap.

People are reaching for the Made in America and paying extra for that because of deceitfulness behind the ingredients.

If you don't understand what is in a product, don't buy it is a big rule for the people who can buy for a few more dollars.
This is why we are seeing more products with the Made in the USA, or Locally grown.
Outsourcing American Jobs is as Un-American as it gets. Yet most Republicans continue defending it. They'll even go as far as blaming American Workers. The Republican Party is lost.

who is defending it? give us a list or STFU with your lies.

Man, at least the Democrats throw poor struggling workers a bone every now & then. Meanwhile, Republicans continue to reinforce their image of hating poor struggling Americans and worshipping wealthy elites. The Democratic Party is much smarter than the Republican Party. Throwing a struggling American a bone every now & then, goes a long long way in Elections.

there are more americans in poverty now than when obozo took office. So much for your "bones"

Democrats are just smarter than Republicans. They realize throwing a struggling American a bone every now & then, goes a long long way in Elections. Why would a struggling American Worker vote Republican at this point?
Yeah sadly, the average greedy Republican take on travesties like this is... "Oh well, too bad for you. Should have found a better job."

It's a very ugly mentality. There is no reason for American Workers to support the Republican Party at this point. It is what it is.
Creepy how everything is being sent over there..Even our food and water. They are sending chickens and meat over there to be processed and sent back to well as Nestle sucking the Great Lakes dry and bottled over there. This is wrong........

Wow dude. Do you need an umbrella to protect you from the falling sky or will a tissue suffice?

WTF...I guess you don't see what is going on until it hits you in the nose. I sell online a specialty vintage item, and nothing is valuable from China because its all poisonous crap that is killing our dogs, its in our children's formula what ever. They get away with exporting their crap into the USA while making it hard for us to export to them.
Dunno why you're bitching. WE as a collective buy their crap. If Americans didn't buy it, it wouldn't sell.
Retailers sell it because Americans buy it, supply & demand.

More people are getting educated about what products they are buying and the crap ingredients hidden by words only a scientist would know. We are being educated on what our government is allowing because of the demand.

Did you know that hair from china is in your bread? Ingredient listed there as L-cysteine We demand so China does it for cheap.

People are reaching for the Made in America and paying extra for that because of deceitfulness behind the ingredients.

If you don't understand what is in a product, don't buy it is a big rule for the people who can buy for a few more dollars.
This is why we are seeing more products with the Made in the USA, or Locally grown.
Americans aren't even smart enough to buy American made cars. Sorry to pop your bubble
Friends husband was just laid off from job he has had for 11 years.IT/Computer etc. Outsourcing entire department to Philippines! Oh the wonderful joys of Capitalism. Bosses get richer,long term SKILLED employees get the shaft and slaves do work for pennies in Philippines....or should I say indentured servants.He is filing for unemployment but that's not the point...its wrong and should be stopped.

What industry was your friend's husband in? After Hurricane Sandy the big insurance companies laid off thousands of employees in the NJ, PA and NYC metro area, and moved the jobs to the Philippines.

So should Obama have declared himself dictator and put a stop to it?
Friends husband was just laid off from job he has had for 11 years.IT/Computer etc. Outsourcing entire department to Philippines! Oh the wonderful joys of Capitalism. Bosses get richer,long term SKILLED employees get the shaft and slaves do work for pennies in Philippines....or should I say indentured servants.He is filing for unemployment but that's not the point...its wrong and should be stopped.

Funny how everyone's so cool about capitalism until it bites them in their own ass.

High five, good one. When they have a job they want a free market place. When they lose their job they want a dictator.
Friends husband was just laid off from job he has had for 11 years.IT/Computer etc. Outsourcing entire department to Philippines! Oh the wonderful joys of Capitalism. Bosses get richer,long term SKILLED employees get the shaft and slaves do work for pennies in Philippines....or should I say indentured servants.He is filing for unemployment but that's not the point...its wrong and should be stopped.
Commies don't deserve jobs. Tell them to enjoy the high standard of living their welfare state affords them, and remind them that perhaps if businesses weren't targeted so zealously by communist pigs, they'd still have a decent job in the US.

But I'm sure they'd prefer welfare to a check commiserate with hubby's skill level. After all, it's the principle of the thing....
Only the right prefers to be infidel, protestant, and renegade to the clues in our supreme laws of the land and the Cause of Individual Liberty, in favor of the communism of a warfare-State economy over a more cost effective and social, welfare-State economy.
Friends husband was just laid off from job he has had for 11 years.IT/Computer etc. Outsourcing entire department to Philippines! Oh the wonderful joys of Capitalism. Bosses get richer,long term SKILLED employees get the shaft and slaves do work for pennies in Philippines....or should I say indentured servants.He is filing for unemployment but that's not the point...its wrong and should be stopped.

Funny how everyone's so cool about capitalism until it bites them in their own ass.

High five, good one. When they have a job they want a free market place. When they lose their job they want a dictator.
It looks like many of the examples on this thread show that people reinvent themselves and keep moving on.
It's not that easy, and controlling distribution of food is not done properly at all, same with providing shelter... You're lucky to be a capitalist, the factors to become one become increasingly more difficult as time goes on.. It really is based on connections, social status, education available, initial money... Maybe you'll get lucky.

Luck is the last dying anguish for those who believe winning and success happen by accident ... Sweat is for those who know it is a choice.

You cannot make things more difficult for me or other Capitalists to a point that we will give up and become losers to suit your stupid idea of fair.
You don't have to have any of the things you listed to get started on the road ... You just have to have the desire to achieve the goal and the diligence to pursue what is necessary to succeed.

Keep telling yourself that your failure is okay and expected ... That is primary reason you fail, and will continue to fail.
Sorry your reality sucks so bad ... Seems like you would un-ass your head and figure out you aren't doing yourself any favors.

Creepy how everything is being sent over there..Even our food and water. They are sending chickens and meat over there to be processed and sent back to well as Nestle sucking the Great Lakes dry and bottled over there. This is wrong........

Wow dude. Do you need an umbrella to protect you from the falling sky or will a tissue suffice?

WTF...I guess you don't see what is going on until it hits you in the nose. I sell online a specialty vintage item, and nothing is valuable from China because its all poisonous crap that is killing our dogs, its in our children's formula what ever. They get away with exporting their crap into the USA while making it hard for us to export to them.
Dunno why you're bitching. WE as a collective buy their crap. If Americans didn't buy it, it wouldn't sell.
Retailers sell it because Americans buy it, supply & demand.

More people are getting educated about what products they are buying and the crap ingredients hidden by words only a scientist would know. We are being educated on what our government is allowing because of the demand.

Did you know that hair from china is in your bread? Ingredient listed there as L-cysteine We demand so China does it for cheap.

People are reaching for the Made in America and paying extra for that because of deceitfulness behind the ingredients.

If you don't understand what is in a product, don't buy it is a big rule for the people who can buy for a few more dollars.
This is why we are seeing more products with the Made in the USA, or Locally grown.
Americans aren't even smart enough to buy American made cars. Sorry to pop your bubble

In the area that I live in, this is the way of life to go to local venues to buy our food...I live in the city so if your in the country it will spread out and you will see a change or maybe you have fresher food in the country. Next time you go to the grocery store look at the labels on the front of the different selections. They are still trying to screw us by saying it is natural, or some other crap so you have to be aware.

Of course there will always be Walmart buyers which is mostly things imported from China.
Friends husband was just laid off from job he has had for 11 years.IT/Computer etc. Outsourcing entire department to Philippines! Oh the wonderful joys of Capitalism. Bosses get richer,long term SKILLED employees get the shaft and slaves do work for pennies in Philippines....or should I say indentured servants.He is filing for unemployment but that's not the point...its wrong and should be stopped.

45 Senators BLOCK bill to stop sending US jobs overseas with a tax cut wet kiss. This is MADNESS

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