Laid Off

Poor GOP. Now that the ACA is growing in popularity, the Repeal Obamacare cry is gone. So they have to come up with something to offset that Huge Blunder. Everyone is lying except them....of course.

Parachute pants grew in popularity as well ... But were still retarded, disgusting and a foolish investment.


Leave it to a GOPer to compare the ACA to parachute pants? I guess you have not read the Thread about the GOP deperately trying to save Obamacare? Why, you may ask? Because if the Supreme Court removes the subsidy for federal exchanges, the GOP will get the blame and will be slammed in 2016.

They are beginning to realize that their "Repeal Obamacare" cry was huge political mistake. Yes, it sometimes takes the GOP years to catch up with reality.
Poor GOP. Now that the ACA is growing in popularity, the Repeal Obamacare cry is gone. So they have to come up with something to offset that Huge Blunder. Everyone is lying except them....of course.

Parachute pants grew in popularity as well ... But were still retarded, disgusting and a foolish investment.


Leave it to a GOPer to compare the ACA to parachute pants? I guess you have not read the Thread about the GOP deperately trying to save Obamacare? Why, you may ask? Because if the Supreme Court removes the subsidy for federal exchanges, the GOP will get the blame and will be slammed in 2016.

They are beginning to realize that their "Repeal Obamacare" cry was huge political mistake. Yes, it sometimes takes the GOP years to catch up with reality.

I didn't say anything about the GOP or the ACA ... All I made was a comparison to people who are stupid enough to equate popularity with quality.
Plus ... I am not a "GOP'er" ... I wouldn't be scared about being blamed for anything ... Nor would I be frightened of anything Congress is going to do.

Humanity is a dog-eat-dog system. Do leftists expect us all to have a nice cry because surviving in life requires one to get up and work at it every day?

Maybe they are pissed because getting up and working is not the same for everyone.
I think it comes from the silly idea that fairness and equality are equitable terms.

Everyone is a product of their efforts in combination with the resources they have chosen to utilize.
The idea that everyone will have the same results is ludicrous.

If you want to reach the top of any scale ... You have to apply the appropriate effort and make sacrifices along the way.
If you want to maximize your potential ... It will supersede other desires in some way.
Mobility, adaptation, innovation and secured sustainability require logistics, diligence, ambition and responsibility.

We don't all have those things to the same degree ... And will never be equal in that manner.


Well, then, they need to put on their big-boy Underoos and get over it. Pissing and moaning because "Life's not the same for me. It's not FAIR!" sounds like a kindergartner.

The only equality anyone ever tried to promise in this life is equality before the law. Somehow, a bunch of snivelers got the idea that meant they were going to come out of some sort of cosmic cookie cutter that made everyone alike, and any evidence to the contrary is a deliberate personal slight to them.

I definitely agree with you on the effort and sacrifices. They count for so much more than inborn talent, as far as I can see. I went to art school to study graphic design for a while when I was younger. Every single person in my class was much more talented than I was when it came to fine art and freehand drawing, things I'm good at but never great. My skills lay in two areas: design and production (the ability to plan out a project so that it came to a successful conclusion), and focus. I had zero times when I blew assignments off until the last minute, or got stuck because of "lack of inspiration", or called in with "Mondayitis" because I had too much fun Sunday night. Many of my classmates thought I was boring, but they also came to me for help with their homework. And I was the only one in my class who made the honor roll every single semester I was in school.

Bottom line: life sucks. Wear a helmet.
Humanity is a dog-eat-dog system. Do leftists expect us all to have a nice cry because surviving in life requires one to get up and work at it every day?

Maybe they are pissed because getting up and working is not the same for everyone.
I think it comes from the silly idea that fairness and equality are equitable terms.

Everyone is a product of their efforts in combination with the resources they have chosen to utilize.
The idea that everyone will have the same results is ludicrous.

If you want to reach the top of any scale ... You have to apply the appropriate effort and make sacrifices along the way.
If you want to maximize your potential ... It will supersede other desires in some way.
Mobility, adaptation, innovation and secured sustainability require logistics, diligence, ambition and responsibility.

We don't all have those things to the same degree ... And will never be equal in that manner.

Of course, but when the system becomes so perverted and stacked in favor of the wealthy and connected, along with big government's terribly corrupt influences, we all don't get a fair shot.

Do you need to borrow a tampon, or just a handkerchief?

No one promised you a "fair shot" at anything, Sparkles, and best you wrap your brain around that. The best you're going to get is a shot. What you do with it is up to you, and the universe doesn't grade on a curve.
Get to work on time? Yes... They however will only do the min required AND they will not stay to finish any work not done. Terrible work ethic.

Because American workers these days are so famous for their company loyalty and willingness to go above and beyond?

In the healthcare industry? Yes. This distributor was part of the disaster relief for Katrina and several other disasters. Customer service , warehouse workers and plenty of others worked around the clock to get supplies out.

Some might not be... But thatwas not the case here.
Many workers worldwide are not happy at their jobs, and don't feel like they care cared for, why the hell would they be motivated, although this example is a nice thing.

Oh, good God, the melodramatic feelz! "My boss doesn't care about me! *sob, sob*" When did we start thinking life was about everyone giving us snuggles, for crissakes?
Why can't life be about everyone working together and caring about each other?

It is, dear, but not the way you mean it. The "everyone" that most people work with and care about would be the small circle around them that they've chosen to share their lives with (friends and family), and if there's time and energy left over, those people and causes outside their circle that particularly resonate with them. Humans aren't built to be altruistic all the time and across the board, nor do I find any reason to believe that you are smarter and wiser in your personal design specs than Mother Nature is.

I will never understand why leftists think it's their job to "improve" fundamental human nature, or even that it's possible.
Because American workers these days are so famous for their company loyalty and willingness to go above and beyond?

In the healthcare industry? Yes. This distributor was part of the disaster relief for Katrina and several other disasters. Customer service , warehouse workers and plenty of others worked around the clock to get supplies out.

Some might not be... But thatwas not the case here.
Many workers worldwide are not happy at their jobs, and don't feel like they care cared for, why the hell would they be motivated, although this example is a nice thing.

Oh, good God, the melodramatic feelz! "My boss doesn't care about me! *sob, sob*" When did we start thinking life was about everyone giving us snuggles, for crissakes?
Why can't life be about everyone working together and caring about each other?

It is, dear, but not the way you mean it. The "everyone" that most people work with and care about would be the small circle around them that they've chosen to share their lives with (friends and family), and if there's time and energy left over, those people and causes outside their circle that particularly resonate with them. Humans aren't built to be altruistic all the time and across the board, nor do I find any reason to believe that you are smarter and wiser in your personal design specs than Mother Nature is.

I will never understand why leftists think it's their job to "improve" fundamental human nature, or even that it's possible.
Assume human nature under capitalism has always been human nature and you have your argument. -.-
Humanity is a dog-eat-dog system. Do leftists expect us all to have a nice cry because surviving in life requires one to get up and work at it every day?

Maybe they are pissed because getting up and working is not the same for everyone.
I think it comes from the silly idea that fairness and equality are equitable terms.

Everyone is a product of their efforts in combination with the resources they have chosen to utilize.
The idea that everyone will have the same results is ludicrous.

If you want to reach the top of any scale ... You have to apply the appropriate effort and make sacrifices along the way.
If you want to maximize your potential ... It will supersede other desires in some way.
Mobility, adaptation, innovation and secured sustainability require logistics, diligence, ambition and responsibility.

We don't all have those things to the same degree ... And will never be equal in that manner.


Well, then, they need to put on their big-boy Underoos and get over it. Pissing and moaning because "Life's not the same for me. It's not FAIR!" sounds like a kindergartner.

The only equality anyone ever tried to promise in this life is equality before the law. Somehow, a bunch of snivelers got the idea that meant they were going to come out of some sort of cosmic cookie cutter that made everyone alike, and any evidence to the contrary is a deliberate personal slight to them.

I definitely agree with you on the effort and sacrifices. They count for so much more than inborn talent, as far as I can see. I went to art school to study graphic design for a while when I was younger. Every single person in my class was much more talented than I was when it came to fine art and freehand drawing, things I'm good at but never great. My skills lay in two areas: design and production (the ability to plan out a project so that it came to a successful conclusion), and focus. I had zero times when I blew assignments off until the last minute, or got stuck because of "lack of inspiration", or called in with "Mondayitis" because I had too much fun Sunday night. Many of my classmates thought I was boring, but they also came to me for help with their homework. And I was the only one in my class who made the honor roll every single semester I was in school.

Bottom line: life sucks. Wear a helmet.
Life sucks due to capitalism for billions, time to consider fixing it.
Funny how some people never understand Capitalism is a "dog eat dog" system.
"You snooze, you loose" ... People have to stay ahead of the curve to survive in a Capitalistic system.

Perhaps they just need to understand that everyone cannot keep up.
It is still a matter of what you do when your part breaks ... Because it will (even if it is your own business).
It is also a matter of how you view the break ... And what it means to your ability to overcome.

Plenty of people get pissed off when their air conditioner fails ... They just fix it and move on.
They don't try to reorder the nature of events to eliminate the possibility of failure.


Humanity is a dog-eat-dog system. Do leftists expect us all to have a nice cry because surviving in life requires one to get up and work at it every day?
Capitalism is a dog eat dog system, and most people work..

Who said they didn't? I asked if you wanted us to cry with you over having to do so.
Humanity is a dog-eat-dog system. Do leftists expect us all to have a nice cry because surviving in life requires one to get up and work at it every day?

Maybe they are pissed because getting up and working is not the same for everyone.
I think it comes from the silly idea that fairness and equality are equitable terms.

Everyone is a product of their efforts in combination with the resources they have chosen to utilize.
The idea that everyone will have the same results is ludicrous.

If you want to reach the top of any scale ... You have to apply the appropriate effort and make sacrifices along the way.
If you want to maximize your potential ... It will supersede other desires in some way.
Mobility, adaptation, innovation and secured sustainability require logistics, diligence, ambition and responsibility.

We don't all have those things to the same degree ... And will never be equal in that manner.


Well, then, they need to put on their big-boy Underoos and get over it. Pissing and moaning because "Life's not the same for me. It's not FAIR!" sounds like a kindergartner.

The only equality anyone ever tried to promise in this life is equality before the law. Somehow, a bunch of snivelers got the idea that meant they were going to come out of some sort of cosmic cookie cutter that made everyone alike, and any evidence to the contrary is a deliberate personal slight to them.

I definitely agree with you on the effort and sacrifices. They count for so much more than inborn talent, as far as I can see. I went to art school to study graphic design for a while when I was younger. Every single person in my class was much more talented than I was when it came to fine art and freehand drawing, things I'm good at but never great. My skills lay in two areas: design and production (the ability to plan out a project so that it came to a successful conclusion), and focus. I had zero times when I blew assignments off until the last minute, or got stuck because of "lack of inspiration", or called in with "Mondayitis" because I had too much fun Sunday night. Many of my classmates thought I was boring, but they also came to me for help with their homework. And I was the only one in my class who made the honor roll every single semester I was in school.

Bottom line: life sucks. Wear a helmet.
Life sucks due to capitalism for billions, time to consider fixing it.

Looks like we have Micheal Moore wannabe who benefits from capitalism, yet preaches its flaws. For such a sucky life from capitalism, you seem to be doing quite well behind that computer and internet connection. Oh, lets not forget the clothes you're wearing.

Hey, here's an idea, try putting those anarcho-communist ideals in practice, you know, with your own stuff.
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Humanity is a dog-eat-dog system. Do leftists expect us all to have a nice cry because surviving in life requires one to get up and work at it every day?

Maybe they are pissed because getting up and working is not the same for everyone.
I think it comes from the silly idea that fairness and equality are equitable terms.

Everyone is a product of their efforts in combination with the resources they have chosen to utilize.
The idea that everyone will have the same results is ludicrous.

If you want to reach the top of any scale ... You have to apply the appropriate effort and make sacrifices along the way.
If you want to maximize your potential ... It will supersede other desires in some way.
Mobility, adaptation, innovation and secured sustainability require logistics, diligence, ambition and responsibility.

We don't all have those things to the same degree ... And will never be equal in that manner.

Fairness and equality are achievable goals, in terms of making sure everyone receives nutritional requirements, shelter. Yeah, efforts in terms of acquiring capital in a capitalist society, the top of the scale? Billions will never reach the top, it doesn't matter how hard they try, and it mainly depends on their connections, socioeconomic status, the country... I just want everyone to have access to food requirements, guaranteed work based on the needs of the people, water, resources not being wasted.

No, they really aren't. For one thing, no two people define "equality" in exactly the same fashion, so how do you achieve a goal when you aren't entirely sure what it is? As for "fair", that's not even a real concept. It's a meaningless child's word that basically comes down to "give me what I want".

And while you're pissing and moaning about people not falling into lockstep with your grand workers' utopia, may I point out that of those "billions" you mentioned, the ones living in the worst conditions are in countries that are the least capitalistic? REAL capitalism, that is, not your vitriolic adolescent view of capitalism.
No, they really aren't. For one thing, no two people define "equality" in exactly the same fashion, so how do you achieve a goal when you aren't entirely sure what it is? As for "fair", that's not even a real concept. It's a meaningless child's word that basically comes down to "give me what I want".

And while you're pissing and moaning about people not falling into lockstep with your grand workers' utopia, may I point out that of those "billions" you mentioned, the ones living in the worst conditions are in countries that are the least capitalistic? REAL capitalism, that is, not your vitriolic adolescent view of capitalism.

Lolz ... Equality is an entirely unachievable concept outside of mathematics.
Nothing is even equal to itself for a half a second ... Everything is always in a state of change (age, deterioration, alteration) ... Even on the molecular level.

Equality and fairness are fairytale concepts people make up in attempts to excuse failure and blame someone else.

Humanity is a dog-eat-dog system. Do leftists expect us all to have a nice cry because surviving in life requires one to get up and work at it every day?

Maybe they are pissed because getting up and working is not the same for everyone.
I think it comes from the silly idea that fairness and equality are equitable terms.

Everyone is a product of their efforts in combination with the resources they have chosen to utilize.
The idea that everyone will have the same results is ludicrous.

If you want to reach the top of any scale ... You have to apply the appropriate effort and make sacrifices along the way.
If you want to maximize your potential ... It will supersede other desires in some way.
Mobility, adaptation, innovation and secured sustainability require logistics, diligence, ambition and responsibility.

We don't all have those things to the same degree ... And will never be equal in that manner.

Of course, but when the system becomes so perverted and stacked in favor of the wealthy and connected, along with big government's terribly corrupt influences, we all don't get a fair shot.

Do you need to borrow a tampon, or just a handkerchief?

No one promised you a "fair shot" at anything, Sparkles, and best you wrap your brain around that. The best you're going to get is a shot. What you do with it is up to you, and the universe doesn't grade on a curve.
We have an economic system that is completely perverted. It is not capitalism, as some in this thread claim. It is cronyism, corporatism, take your pick.

Big gov and big biz are working hand in hand...and have been for a long time. The result is the oligarchy (the elites) wins and everyone else loses.

Life is not fair and never will be, but today it is skewed massively in favor of the oligarchy. The gov bailout of the banksters and Wall Street exemplifies my point perfectly, but it is one example among many.
We have an economic system that is completely perverted. It is not capitalism, as some in this thread claim. It is cronyism, corporatism, take your pick.

Big gov and big biz are working hand in hand...and have been for a long time. The result is the oligarchy (the elites) wins and everyone else loses.

Life is not fair and never will be, but today it is skewed massively in favor of the oligarchy. The gov bailout of the banksters and Wall Street exemplifies my point perfectly, but it is one example among many.

Well ... There is nothing the oligarchy is going to do to actually limit the oligarchy.
Replace an oligarchy with another oligarchy and you are just deciding who gets catered to and at who's expense.

Now if you think it has anything to do with compassion, altruism or social justice ... It doesn't.
Society has successfully turned away from the idea of holding people accountable for their responsibilities.
Once you say it is okay to do things like sit at home and have babies on the tax-payer's dime ... It becomes a pretty stupid idea to think preaching about cronyism is somehow going to get you anywhere.

I don't give a rat's ass who your cronies are ... If they suck, you should have picked better cronies.

Poor GOP. Now that the ACA is growing in popularity, the Repeal Obamacare cry is gone. So they have to come up with something to offset that Huge Blunder. Everyone is lying except them....of course.

Parachute pants grew in popularity as well ... But were still retarded, disgusting and a foolish investment.


Leave it to a GOPer to compare the ACA to parachute pants? I guess you have not read the Thread about the GOP deperately trying to save Obamacare? Why, you may ask? Because if the Supreme Court removes the subsidy for federal exchanges, the GOP will get the blame and will be slammed in 2016.

They are beginning to realize that their "Repeal Obamacare" cry was huge political mistake. Yes, it sometimes takes the GOP years to catch up with reality.
Did the sequestor hurt them? Nope they slammed the democrats in 2014 and this July ruling wont hurt them either in 2016 , low information voters have a short attention span.
In the healthcare industry? Yes. This distributor was part of the disaster relief for Katrina and several other disasters. Customer service , warehouse workers and plenty of others worked around the clock to get supplies out.

Some might not be... But thatwas not the case here.
Many workers worldwide are not happy at their jobs, and don't feel like they care cared for, why the hell would they be motivated, although this example is a nice thing.

Oh, good God, the melodramatic feelz! "My boss doesn't care about me! *sob, sob*" When did we start thinking life was about everyone giving us snuggles, for crissakes?
Why can't life be about everyone working together and caring about each other?

It is, dear, but not the way you mean it. The "everyone" that most people work with and care about would be the small circle around them that they've chosen to share their lives with (friends and family), and if there's time and energy left over, those people and causes outside their circle that particularly resonate with them. Humans aren't built to be altruistic all the time and across the board, nor do I find any reason to believe that you are smarter and wiser in your personal design specs than Mother Nature is.

I will never understand why leftists think it's their job to "improve" fundamental human nature, or even that it's possible.
Assume human nature under capitalism has always been human nature and you have your argument. -.-

Capitalism doesn't form human nature. Human nature forms capitalism. Contemplate the nature of cause and effect, and stop confusing them.
Many workers worldwide are not happy at their jobs, and don't feel like they care cared for, why the hell would they be motivated, although this example is a nice thing.

Oh, good God, the melodramatic feelz! "My boss doesn't care about me! *sob, sob*" When did we start thinking life was about everyone giving us snuggles, for crissakes?
Why can't life be about everyone working together and caring about each other?

It is, dear, but not the way you mean it. The "everyone" that most people work with and care about would be the small circle around them that they've chosen to share their lives with (friends and family), and if there's time and energy left over, those people and causes outside their circle that particularly resonate with them. Humans aren't built to be altruistic all the time and across the board, nor do I find any reason to believe that you are smarter and wiser in your personal design specs than Mother Nature is.

I will never understand why leftists think it's their job to "improve" fundamental human nature, or even that it's possible.
Assume human nature under capitalism has always been human nature and you have your argument. -.-

Capitalism doesn't form human nature. Human nature forms capitalism. Contemplate the nature of cause and effect, and stop confusing them.
Utter bullshit, and you know it is. Capitalism came about after feudalism..
Many workers worldwide are not happy at their jobs, and don't feel like they care cared for, why the hell would they be motivated, although this example is a nice thing.

Oh, good God, the melodramatic feelz! "My boss doesn't care about me! *sob, sob*" When did we start thinking life was about everyone giving us snuggles, for crissakes?
Why can't life be about everyone working together and caring about each other?

It is, dear, but not the way you mean it. The "everyone" that most people work with and care about would be the small circle around them that they've chosen to share their lives with (friends and family), and if there's time and energy left over, those people and causes outside their circle that particularly resonate with them. Humans aren't built to be altruistic all the time and across the board, nor do I find any reason to believe that you are smarter and wiser in your personal design specs than Mother Nature is.

I will never understand why leftists think it's their job to "improve" fundamental human nature, or even that it's possible.
Assume human nature under capitalism has always been human nature and you have your argument. -.-

Capitalism doesn't form human nature. Human nature forms capitalism. Contemplate the nature of cause and effect, and stop confusing them.
Humans existed for thousands of years without the concept of any economic system or private ownership of production. LOL. Capitalism just pushes forward the worst parts of humanity.
No, they really aren't. For one thing, no two people define "equality" in exactly the same fashion, so how do you achieve a goal when you aren't entirely sure what it is? As for "fair", that's not even a real concept. It's a meaningless child's word that basically comes down to "give me what I want".

And while you're pissing and moaning about people not falling into lockstep with your grand workers' utopia, may I point out that of those "billions" you mentioned, the ones living in the worst conditions are in countries that are the least capitalistic? REAL capitalism, that is, not your vitriolic adolescent view of capitalism.

Lolz ... Equality is an entirely unachievable concept outside of mathematics.
Nothing is even equal to itself for a half a second ... Everything is always in a state of change (age, deterioration, alteration) ... Even on the molecular level.

Equality and fairness are fairytale concepts people make up in attempts to excuse failure and blame someone else.

It's typical of the capitalist to call billions failures based on their economic status. :haha:
Typical greedy Neocon fat ass response to this poor guy:

'Oh well, too bad for you. You should have found a better job.'

No American Worker should expect any help from greedy Neocon fat asses. They'd sell their own Mothers if they saw profit in it. That's the kind of assholes you're dealing with.
We have an economic system that is completely perverted. It is not capitalism, as some in this thread claim. It is cronyism, corporatism, take your pick.

Big gov and big biz are working hand in hand...and have been for a long time. The result is the oligarchy (the elites) wins and everyone else loses.

Life is not fair and never will be, but today it is skewed massively in favor of the oligarchy. The gov bailout of the banksters and Wall Street exemplifies my point perfectly, but it is one example among many.

Well ... There is nothing the oligarchy is going to do to actually limit the oligarchy.
Replace an oligarchy with another oligarchy and you are just deciding who gets catered to and at who's expense.

Now if you think it has anything to do with compassion, altruism or social justice ... It doesn't.
Society has successfully turned away from the idea of holding people accountable for their responsibilities.
Once you say it is okay to do things like sit at home and have babies on the tax-payer's dime ... It becomes a pretty stupid idea to think preaching about cronyism is somehow going to get you anywhere.

I don't give a rat's ass who your cronies are ... If they suck, you should have picked better cronies.

What needs doing is not allowing an oligarchy to exist. You seem to think we must have an oligarchy. I think not.

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