Laid Off

Typical greedy Neocon fat ass response to this poor guy:

'Oh well, too bad for you. You should have found a better job.'

No American Worker should expect any help from greedy Neocon fat asses. They'd sell their own Mothers if they saw profit in it. That's the kind of assholes you're dealing with.
'Oh well, too bad for you. You should have found a better job.'
The fuckers don't realize when they say this how the real world works for billions of people.
Typical greedy Neocon fat ass response to this poor guy:

'Oh well, too bad for you. You should have found a better job.'

No American Worker should expect any help from greedy Neocon fat asses. They'd sell their own Mothers if they saw profit in it. That's the kind of assholes you're dealing with.
'Oh well, too bad for you. You should have found a better job.'
The fuckers don't realize when they say this how the real world works for billions of people.

They don't care. They never will. They're the ones laying Americans off and Outsourcing their jobs for slave labor. So no American Worker should expect any help from the very people who are fucking em all the time. They're greedy fat asses. It is what it is.
Typical greedy Neocon fat ass response to this poor guy:

'Oh well, too bad for you. You should have found a better job.'

No American Worker should expect any help from greedy Neocon fat asses. They'd sell their own Mothers if they saw profit in it. That's the kind of assholes you're dealing with.
'Oh well, too bad for you. You should have found a better job.'
The fuckers don't realize when they say this how the real world works for billions of people.

They don't care. They never will. They're the ones laying Americans off and Outsourcing their jobs for slave labor. So no American Worker should expect any help from the very people who are fucking em all the time. They're greedy fat asses. It is what it is.
Oh, good God, the melodramatic feelz! "My boss doesn't care about me! *sob, sob*" When did we start thinking life was about everyone giving us snuggles, for crissakes?
Why can't life be about everyone working together and caring about each other?

It is, dear, but not the way you mean it. The "everyone" that most people work with and care about would be the small circle around them that they've chosen to share their lives with (friends and family), and if there's time and energy left over, those people and causes outside their circle that particularly resonate with them. Humans aren't built to be altruistic all the time and across the board, nor do I find any reason to believe that you are smarter and wiser in your personal design specs than Mother Nature is.

I will never understand why leftists think it's their job to "improve" fundamental human nature, or even that it's possible.
Assume human nature under capitalism has always been human nature and you have your argument. -.-

Capitalism doesn't form human nature. Human nature forms capitalism. Contemplate the nature of cause and effect, and stop confusing them.
Humans existed for thousands of years without the concept of any economic system or private ownership of production. LOL. Capitalism just pushes forward the worst parts of humanity.

and for thousands of years they lived in abject poverty with low life expectancies and high levels of conflict. Not a very compelling anti-capitalist appeal.
Typical greedy Neocon fat ass response to this poor guy:

'Oh well, too bad for you. You should have found a better job.'

No American Worker should expect any help from greedy Neocon fat asses. They'd sell their own Mothers if they saw profit in it. That's the kind of assholes you're dealing with.
'Oh well, too bad for you. You should have found a better job.'
The fuckers don't realize when they say this how the real world works for billions of people.

They don't care. They never will. They're the ones laying Americans off and Outsourcing their jobs for slave labor. So no American Worker should expect any help from the very people who are fucking em all the time. They're greedy fat asses. It is what it is.

I just call em Greedy Un-American Bastards. They'd sell their own damn Mothers if they saw profit in it. So no one should look to them for help. It is what it is.
Typical greedy Neocon fat ass response to this poor guy:

'Oh well, too bad for you. You should have found a better job.'

No American Worker should expect any help from greedy Neocon fat asses. They'd sell their own Mothers if they saw profit in it. That's the kind of assholes you're dealing with.
'Oh well, too bad for you. You should have found a better job.'
The fuckers don't realize when they say this how the real world works for billions of people.

They don't care. They never will. They're the ones laying Americans off and Outsourcing their jobs for slave labor. So no American Worker should expect any help from the very people who are fucking em all the time. They're greedy fat asses. It is what it is.

I just call em Greedy Un-American Bastards. They'd sell their own damn Mothers if they saw profit in it. So no one should look to them for help. It is what it is.

Outsourcing (offshoring) can be a pretty potent variable in domestic job market growth.
Typical greedy Neocon fat ass response to this poor guy:

'Oh well, too bad for you. You should have found a better job.'

No American Worker should expect any help from greedy Neocon fat asses. They'd sell their own Mothers if they saw profit in it. That's the kind of assholes you're dealing with.
'Oh well, too bad for you. You should have found a better job.'
The fuckers don't realize when they say this how the real world works for billions of people.

They don't care. They never will. They're the ones laying Americans off and Outsourcing their jobs for slave labor. So no American Worker should expect any help from the very people who are fucking em all the time. They're greedy fat asses. It is what it is.

I just call em Greedy Un-American Bastards. They'd sell their own damn Mothers if they saw profit in it. So no one should look to them for help. It is what it is.

Outsourcing (offshoring) can be a pretty potent variable in domestic job market growth.
Outsourcing is a great way to exploit laborers and bring in profit.
'Oh well, too bad for you. You should have found a better job.'
The fuckers don't realize when they say this how the real world works for billions of people.

They don't care. They never will. They're the ones laying Americans off and Outsourcing their jobs for slave labor. So no American Worker should expect any help from the very people who are fucking em all the time. They're greedy fat asses. It is what it is.

I just call em Greedy Un-American Bastards. They'd sell their own damn Mothers if they saw profit in it. So no one should look to them for help. It is what it is.

Outsourcing (offshoring) can be a pretty potent variable in domestic job market growth.
Outsourcing is a great way to exploit laborers and bring in profit.

Which allows for market transformations such as say from impoverished agricultural sector to manufacturing sectors, to service sector employment. As businesses make more money it also allows them to expand both overseas and domestically which is good for us domestically as well.
They don't care. They never will. They're the ones laying Americans off and Outsourcing their jobs for slave labor. So no American Worker should expect any help from the very people who are fucking em all the time. They're greedy fat asses. It is what it is.

I just call em Greedy Un-American Bastards. They'd sell their own damn Mothers if they saw profit in it. So no one should look to them for help. It is what it is.

Outsourcing (offshoring) can be a pretty potent variable in domestic job market growth.
Outsourcing is a great way to exploit laborers and bring in profit.

Which allows for market transformations such as say from impoverished agricultural sector to manufacturing sectors, to service sector employment. As businesses make more money it also allows them to expand both overseas and domestically which is good for us domestically as well.
Your argument fails when you realize capitalists can only shift around the manufacturing for so long, if the end goal is service economies, fuck, it's a great contradiction. Tell me more about the working conditions for manufacturing in china... India's sweatshops.. Bangladesh... The expansion of profit hungry pigs is going to destroy them, and us.
Typical greedy Neocon fat ass response to this poor guy:

'Oh well, too bad for you. You should have found a better job.'

No American Worker should expect any help from greedy Neocon fat asses. They'd sell their own Mothers if they saw profit in it. That's the kind of assholes you're dealing with.
'Oh well, too bad for you. You should have found a better job.'
The fuckers don't realize when they say this how the real world works for billions of people.

They don't care. They never will. They're the ones laying Americans off and Outsourcing their jobs for slave labor. So no American Worker should expect any help from the very people who are fucking em all the time. They're greedy fat asses. It is what it is.

I just call em Greedy Un-American Bastards. They'd sell their own damn Mothers if they saw profit in it. So no one should look to them for help. It is what it is.

Outsourcing (offshoring) can be a pretty potent variable in domestic job market growth.

Yeah you must be right, because this poor guy's job just grew wings and flew out of the country. Awesome growth there. Right on! :rock:

I just call em Greedy Un-American Bastards. They'd sell their own damn Mothers if they saw profit in it. So no one should look to them for help. It is what it is.

Outsourcing (offshoring) can be a pretty potent variable in domestic job market growth.
Outsourcing is a great way to exploit laborers and bring in profit.

Which allows for market transformations such as say from impoverished agricultural sector to manufacturing sectors, to service sector employment. As businesses make more money it also allows them to expand both overseas and domestically which is good for us domestically as well.
Your argument fails when you realize capitalists can only shift around the manufacturing for so long, if the end goal is service economies, fuck, it's a great contradiction. Tell me more about the working conditions for manufacturing in china... India's sweatshops.. Bangladesh... The expansion of profit hungry pigs is going to destroy them, and us.

I would be happy to. It is allowing the transfer of impoverished rural agriculturalists to urban settings where they can make more money, seek more education, and be provided more services (particularly for their children). In Bangladesh it is also correlated strongly with the advancement of womans rights and a decrease in the instance of child marriage.

If you are worried about the "end game" of manufacturing then I'd point out that we still have a perfectly healthy manufacturing system here in the US right next to our service sector. As the global price of labor continues to increase it will simply get more mechanized and skill intensive. Not sure why long run masses of unskilled labor would appeal to you.
'Oh well, too bad for you. You should have found a better job.'
The fuckers don't realize when they say this how the real world works for billions of people.

They don't care. They never will. They're the ones laying Americans off and Outsourcing their jobs for slave labor. So no American Worker should expect any help from the very people who are fucking em all the time. They're greedy fat asses. It is what it is.

I just call em Greedy Un-American Bastards. They'd sell their own damn Mothers if they saw profit in it. So no one should look to them for help. It is what it is.

Outsourcing (offshoring) can be a pretty potent variable in domestic job market growth.

Yeah you must be right, because this poor guy's job just grew wings and flew out of the country. Awesome growth there. Right on! :rock:

Economies experience transitions and structural adjustments. There is nothing evil about that. If he works in IT he'll easily be able to find new employment. I'm also pretty sure that he would't be any better off if the operating costs of his business became too great and closed down all together. Autarky is generally a poor way to operate an economy.
Funny how many fail to recognize a busineses moving for survival is determined by excessive regulation and taxation.
Friends husband was just laid off from job he has had for 11 years.IT/Computer etc. Outsourcing entire department to Philippines! Oh the wonderful joys of Capitalism. Bosses get richer,long term SKILLED employees get the shaft and slaves do work for pennies in Philippines....or should I say indentured servants.He is filing for unemployment but that's not the point...its wrong and should be stopped.

Funny how everyone's so cool about capitalism until it bites them in their own ass.
I just call em Greedy Un-American Bastards. They'd sell their own damn Mothers if they saw profit in it. So no one should look to them for help. It is what it is.

Outsourcing (offshoring) can be a pretty potent variable in domestic job market growth.
Outsourcing is a great way to exploit laborers and bring in profit.

Which allows for market transformations such as say from impoverished agricultural sector to manufacturing sectors, to service sector employment. As businesses make more money it also allows them to expand both overseas and domestically which is good for us domestically as well.
Your argument fails when you realize capitalists can only shift around the manufacturing for so long, if the end goal is service economies, fuck, it's a great contradiction. Tell me more about the working conditions for manufacturing in china... India's sweatshops.. Bangladesh... The expansion of profit hungry pigs is going to destroy them, and us.

I would be happy to. It is allowing the transfer of impoverished rural agriculturalists to urban settings where they can make more money, seek more education, and be provided more services (particularly for their children). In Bangladesh it is also correlated strongly with the advancement of womans rights and a decrease in the instance of child marriage.

If you are worried about the "end game" of manufacturing then I'd point out that we still have a perfectly healthy manufacturing system here in the US right next to our service sector. As the global price of labor continues to increase it will simply get more mechanized and skill intensive. Not sure why long run masses of unskilled labor would appeal to you.
Yeah, capitalist influence in Bangladesh is obviously giving women great working conditions.. No, the majority of manufacturing/resource collection relies on exploiting cheap labor, if the labor forces in china/india/etc start demanding high pay and regulations for there safety like us in America.. it's over.
Funny how many fail to recognize a busineses moving for survival is determined by excessive regulation and taxation.
Friends husband was just laid off from job he has had for 11 years.IT/Computer etc. Outsourcing entire department to Philippines! Oh the wonderful joys of Capitalism. Bosses get richer,long term SKILLED employees get the shaft and slaves do work for pennies in Philippines....or should I say indentured servants.He is filing for unemployment but that's not the point...its wrong and should be stopped.

Funny how everyone's so cool about capitalism until it bites them in their own ass.

Or the simple cost of labor.
Fix the US tax code, tell unions to fuck off, and manufacturing jobs will return to this country. Why did the textile industry leave S. carolina, georgia, tenn, and alabama? any idea? Why is there no commercial shipbuilding industry in the USA any more? any idea? Why are many parts of US cars made in foreign countries? any idea?

Pay American workers what Chinese workers make and jobs will come flooding back.

"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"

The costs that make American workers non-competitive are excessive regulation and tax policy, bub.
Funny how many fail to recognize a busineses moving for survival is determined by excessive regulation and taxation.
Friends husband was just laid off from job he has had for 11 years.IT/Computer etc. Outsourcing entire department to Philippines! Oh the wonderful joys of Capitalism. Bosses get richer,long term SKILLED employees get the shaft and slaves do work for pennies in Philippines....or should I say indentured servants.He is filing for unemployment but that's not the point...its wrong and should be stopped.

Funny how everyone's so cool about capitalism until it bites them in their own ass.
Yeah, they obviously weren't moving to get a chomp of that cheap labor, they'd be perfectly fine if they didn't move, just less profit for the greedy pigs.

I just call em Greedy Un-American Bastards. They'd sell their own damn Mothers if they saw profit in it. So no one should look to them for help. It is what it is.

Outsourcing (offshoring) can be a pretty potent variable in domestic job market growth.
Outsourcing is a great way to exploit laborers and bring in profit.

Which allows for market transformations such as say from impoverished agricultural sector to manufacturing sectors, to service sector employment. As businesses make more money it also allows them to expand both overseas and domestically which is good for us domestically as well.
Your argument fails when you realize capitalists can only shift around the manufacturing for so long, if the end goal is service economies, fuck, it's a great contradiction. Tell me more about the working conditions for manufacturing in china... India's sweatshops.. Bangladesh... The expansion of profit hungry pigs is going to destroy them, and us.

Seriously, you're wasting your time arguing with greedy fat asses. They don't care about fellow Americans. They'll simply tell this poor guy, "Oh well, too bad for you. You should have found a better job."

The greedy fat ass mentality is... 'See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya.' They're not good people.
Fix the US tax code, tell unions to fuck off, and manufacturing jobs will return to this country. Why did the textile industry leave S. carolina, georgia, tenn, and alabama? any idea? Why is there no commercial shipbuilding industry in the USA any more? any idea? Why are many parts of US cars made in foreign countries? any idea?

Pay American workers what Chinese workers make and jobs will come flooding back.

"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"

The costs that make American workers non-competitive are excessive regulation and tax policy, bub.
Capitalists would still make a profit here without destroying the lives of third world workers, but that hurts the profit for new yachts.
Outsourcing (offshoring) can be a pretty potent variable in domestic job market growth.
Outsourcing is a great way to exploit laborers and bring in profit.

Which allows for market transformations such as say from impoverished agricultural sector to manufacturing sectors, to service sector employment. As businesses make more money it also allows them to expand both overseas and domestically which is good for us domestically as well.
Your argument fails when you realize capitalists can only shift around the manufacturing for so long, if the end goal is service economies, fuck, it's a great contradiction. Tell me more about the working conditions for manufacturing in china... India's sweatshops.. Bangladesh... The expansion of profit hungry pigs is going to destroy them, and us.

I would be happy to. It is allowing the transfer of impoverished rural agriculturalists to urban settings where they can make more money, seek more education, and be provided more services (particularly for their children). In Bangladesh it is also correlated strongly with the advancement of womans rights and a decrease in the instance of child marriage.

If you are worried about the "end game" of manufacturing then I'd point out that we still have a perfectly healthy manufacturing system here in the US right next to our service sector. As the global price of labor continues to increase it will simply get more mechanized and skill intensive. Not sure why long run masses of unskilled labor would appeal to you.
Yeah, capitalist influence in Bangladesh is obviously giving women great working conditions.. No, the majority of manufacturing/resource collection relies on exploiting cheap labor, if the labor forces in china/india/etc start demanding high pay and regulations for there safety like us in America.. it's over.

I know who you are. You're the Noodles Restaurant Guy!


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