Lake Superior


View attachment 457103
Duluth Harbor
View attachment 457105
From Superior WI.
View attachment 457107
Duluth lift bridge.
View attachment 457108
Duluth at night from Spirit Mountain ski hills.

Drive through Duluth every year going on 40, on my way to Minnesota/Ontario.
Your avatar is apt. You must be confused. Minnesota lies westward from Duluth and Ontario is east of Duluth. You couldn't drive through Duluth on your way to both.

Uh, check a map. You cross the bridge from Superior, WI, into Duluth, Minnesota, ie, Duluth is in Minnesota. That's 53 North which goes straight to International Falls, MN and then across the border to Fort Francis, Ontario, from which I normally head to Dryden for an overnight and stock up, then up to the Perrault Falls area where I fish multiple lakes and have been for decades.

I spent the summers as a kid about an hour south of that border crossing on a lake off 53 and have fished that same lake for my entire life, could make that drive in my sleep and know exactly where stuff is, but thanks for the geography lesson. lol.

When I lived in Minneapolis I would go up to International Falls every year around the first of June. We would hire plane and fly into a place called Lake Manitou in Ontario. Best fishing on the Planet. Pike, Lake Trout, Small Mouth bass, and the occasional Muskie.

It was a blast. Biggest fish I caught was a 37 inch Pike. We guessed 17-20 lbs. Nothing like fishing and doing a shore lunch with fish you just pulled out of the lake. :thup:

That's what I'm talking about. Monster hunting.

At this point what we do is bring Porta-boats, if you know what those are, and fish lakes off the logging roads that don't have launches and normally aren't fished.

Absolute turkey shoot. I've caught pigs out of things that look like ponds up there. Big northern 40+, and just sub 30" walleye. 20" walleyes all day long, with plenty over 20. Walleye fishing on these lakes is like perch fishing or something, lol., as they're just stacked, and we bang our share of musky, although nothing over 50 yet. Normally we fish for musky until they piss us off, then switch to walleye until we get bored of that and then try the pike/musky again.

Love it, love it, love it.
View attachment 457103
Duluth Harbor
View attachment 457105
From Superior WI.
View attachment 457107
Duluth lift bridge.
View attachment 457108
Duluth at night from Spirit Mountain ski hills.

Drive through Duluth every year going on 40, on my way to Minnesota/Ontario.
Your avatar is apt. You must be confused. Minnesota lies westward from Duluth and Ontario is east of Duluth. You couldn't drive through Duluth on your way to both.

Uh, check a map. You cross the bridge from Superior, WI, into Duluth, Minnesota, ie, Duluth is in Minnesota. That's 53 North which goes straight to International Falls, MN and then across the border to Fort Francis, Ontario, from which I normally head to Dryden for an overnight and stock up, then up to the Perrault Falls area where I fish multiple lakes and have been for decades.

I spent the summers as a kid about an hour south of that border crossing on a lake off 53 and have fished that same lake for my entire life, could make that drive in my sleep and know exactly where stuff is, but thanks for the geography lesson. lol.

When I lived in Minneapolis I would go up to International Falls every year around the first of June. We would hire plane and fly into a place called Lake Manitou in Ontario. Best fishing on the Planet. Pike, Lake Trout, Small Mouth bass, and the occasional Muskie.

It was a blast. Biggest fish I caught was a 37 inch Pike. We guessed 17-20 lbs. Nothing like fishing and doing a shore lunch with fish you just pulled out of the lake. :thup:

That's what I'm talking about. Monster hunting.

At this point what we do is bring Porta-boats, if you know what those are, and fish lakes off the logging roads that don't have launches and normally aren't fished.

Absolute turkey shoot. I've caught pigs out of things that look like ponds up there. Big northern 40+, and just sub 30" walleye. 20" walleyes all day long, with plenty over 20. Walleye fishing on these lakes is like perch fishing or something, lol., as they're just stacked, and we bang our share of musky, although nothing over 50 yet. Normally we fish for musky until they piss us off, then switch to walleye until we get bored of that and then try the pike/musky again.

Love it, love it, love it.

Yep. Lake Manitou has no road access. You have to fly in. You catch tons of fish because there is so little activity. Funny but the lakes in that group have no Walleye. Mostly small mouth bass and Northern Pike. The Lake Trout you troll for before they go down in deep cold water. I know this is Minnesota heresy but I prefer Northern Pike over Walleye.

You probably catch 30-50 fish a day. We mostly use top water lures. Mepes spinners, spoons, torpedoes, worms. Loving seeing the bass and pike coming up from the bottom and hitting those lures. When they come out of the water it is always a thrill.
Not Superior, but here's my bud hopping out so we can drag a beaver dam to get where we're going. Some of these lakes we've got to drag a couple/few, maybe head down a stream or river, but that means very few people can/will bother, so the fishing is spectacular. Note the kevlar boat. Light as a feather, tough as nails and floats in about 18" loaded down. Perfect for this type of work.


And here's what we're on all day. Seriously crazy how many of them this size or bigger.


And shore lunchin'

shore lunch.jpg

and putting out at dark, still trolling away. Won't find this in Chicago.


Yeah, buddy, nothing beats these trips. Hell, we go in late June/early July and since most of these lakes are smaller and not that deep we've got great weather and are still beating the hell out of them. Mayflies? Switch lakes. Wind Blowing a given direction? Switch Lakes. Want to target a given species? Switch lakes.

And of course we're kicking out the middle of nowhere, just having a blast. OMFG I am getting so jacked right now.....


  • walleye.jpg
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I know this is Minnesota heresy but I prefer Northern Pike over Walleye
I still haven't figured out those northern Y bones.

I had a Native American dude in Canada show us how to cut them out. Insert knife about a 1/4 inch below the dorsal fin up near the head. You shoud be able to feel the base of the y bones with your knife. Slowly cut along the line below the dorsal fin maintaining contact with the base of the y bones the entire way. It takes a little practice, but not too hard.
It's pretty and all but I bet that waters cold as shit even in the summer.
Bottom: Even in the middle of summer, Lake Superior surface water rarely gets above 60 degrees F. In these temperatures the human body cannot generate enough heat to keep warm. The Lake is Still Cold!

This lake will kill you with hypothermia on a 90 degree day.

Interior lakes in northern MN will hit low 70's. Still chilly for waterskiing.
Kids seem to handle tubing behind boat all day though.
You go there for poison ivy? It looks like where I live. With free poison ivy.
Funny, my husband is from a tiny tiny town in the UP--his father owned most of the town including the lumber mills--my husband says he doesn't remember poison ivy incidents. If you want poison ivy---------go to SC.
View attachment 457103
Duluth Harbor
View attachment 457105
From Superior WI.
View attachment 457107
Duluth lift bridge.
View attachment 457108
Duluth at night from Spirit Mountain ski hills.

Drive through Duluth every year going on 40, on my way to Minnesota/Ontario.
Your avatar is apt. You must be confused. Minnesota lies westward from Duluth and Ontario is east of Duluth. You couldn't drive through Duluth on your way to both.
I think you are confused. Duluth is in MN and Ontario is directly north. View attachment 457120
This is probably a Canadian map you posted. I happen to know in real life Manitoba is north of Minnesota.
It's pretty and all but I bet that waters cold as shit even in the summer.
Bottom: Even in the middle of summer, Lake Superior surface water rarely gets above 60 degrees F. In these temperatures the human body cannot generate enough heat to keep warm. The Lake is Still Cold!

This lake will kill you with hypothermia on a 90 degree day.

Interior lakes in northern MN will hit low 70's. Still chilly for waterskiing.
Kids seem to handle tubing behind boat all day though.

When I was a kid we spent a lot of time in BC at my Uncle and Aunts place on lake Okanogan.
It would get into the 90's during the day but the water never got out of the 60's.
We swam in it all the time....jump forward 40 or so years when the Wife and I went up for a visit and I wouldnt set foot in that water.
These ice anglers were rescued just 4days ago north of Duluth as ice they were on broke free in the wind.

They hope to rescue their gear later as the flow travels north towards Ontario Canada.
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View attachment 457103
Duluth Harbor
View attachment 457105
From Superior WI.
View attachment 457107
Duluth lift bridge.
View attachment 457108
Duluth at night from Spirit Mountain ski hills.

Drive through Duluth every year going on 40, on my way to Minnesota/Ontario.
Your avatar is apt. You must be confused. Minnesota lies westward from Duluth and Ontario is east of Duluth. You couldn't drive through Duluth on your way to both.
I think you are confused. Duluth is in MN and Ontario is directly north. View attachment 457120
This is probably a Canadian map you posted. I happen to know in real life Manitoba is north of Minnesota.
This is a MN map. It even says it directly on the map. Look again carefully. I live here pal.
Manitoba is west of Lake of the Woods. Ontario east of that. Mn has three border crossings. Two into Ontario and one into Manitoba in the far northwest corner of state. A Canadian map would show the exact same thing that the north shore of Lake Superior is in Ontario.
You must have failed geography.
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