Lamar Alexander IS A NO!!! No witnesses!!! HaahahHh

Will the Stalinists take up arms? I suggest being armed tomorrow.

Seriously. This is like the Rodney King thing. the democrats are going to riot.
i call it the Alexander template, which will give cover to the other moderates to vote for Trump's acquittal!

i almost wrote "tequila" instead of "acquittal!'
Collins is a yes on witnesses. Murkowksi will reveal her vote tomorrow morning. it doesnt matter now. McConnell has the votes.

Trump is vindicated. VINDICATED!

Hahahahah link coming!! Hahahahahahaba

My phone has rung 4 times in the past 2 days here in Hillbilly Hollywood Tennessee -- telling me I HAD to contact Alexander immediately and work him over.. I kinda ignored it as I should... But the RNC was putting tremendous pressure on this retiring geezer...

His last campaign commercial 4 years ago was about some "federal fishing law" that he modified to let Hillbillies like me fish around federal dams.. THAT WAS IT... NO OTHER ISSUES... Just fishing.. Bet he can't wait to leave that place and have a life......
Hahahahah link coming!! Hahahahahahaba

My phone has rung 4 times in the past 2 days here in Hillbilly Hollywood Tennessee -- telling me I HAD to contact Alexander immediately and work him over.. I kinda ignored it as I should... But the RNC was putting tremendous pressure on this retiring geezer...

His last campaign commercial 4 years ago was about some "federal fishing law" that he modified to let Hillbillies like me fish around federal dams.. THAT WAS IT... NO OTHER ISSUES... Just fishing.. Bet he can't wait to leave that place and have a life......
He made the right call, I hope kkk Antifa leave him be
I have to say, it's quite possible that if the House investigation had been fair, not rushed, not so one sided, they might have been able to get GOP to vote for witnesses. In fact, they almost certainly would have.

I think the decorum of shutting out Trumps lawyers and witness list, ensured a much stronger GOP stance. There are already going to be lost jobs on the GOP side come next election, but far more on the Dems side, especially the House. Then, not making your case but making it the senates job to do their work, after shutting out Trump in the House? This has Kavanaugh 2.0 written all over it. No way, Conservatives or libertarians would support these politicians who deny basic process.

The facts are simple. I've been paying attention as much as anyone: Americans want change. Trump is the agent of this change. It's not even a matter of people holding their nose and voting. Now it's, "I can't wait to vote for this guy again and keep this train moving."

There is a bit of anger now also. With MSM, with global socalists and their tactics. People feel abused by so many pushing racial division for their political gains. I see and hear more black Americans than before at his rallies and openly on twitter supporting him. Even a K.C Chiefs player had a shirt with Kayne and Trump on during the interviews. It's a new world for the GOP and America, as long as they can get rid of those who yearn for the Bush years.
the dems are sinking faster than the titanic. their impeachment hoax is going down in flames.

Left wing twitter is raging

Hes trending number 1

Scott Dworkin


GOP Senator Lamar Alexander will be voting no on allowing witnesses and documents, because he’s a coward who doesn’t care about America. He will forever be known as the guy who tried to cover up Trump’s criminal scheme. And nothing else. That’s it. Congrats, traitor.

Norman Ornstein


The verdict is in on Lamar Alexander. Party over country. No integrity. No courage. No moral core. This is his legacy.



The entirety of Lamar Alexander's career tanked over 1 vote. History will destroy him and should

He must be destroyed comrades !

What country am I in . Jesus
LOL, I wonder if TRUMP will pass out acquitted pens for the SOTU address.

I wonder if he might spike a football just after the Hannity interview at the St00pid Bowl?

How funny would that be?

Btw....I told you Lefties 10 days ago to make sure you get out to stock up on butter. Nobody listened.....have fun dealing with all the stingy soreness this weekend.:bye1::bye1:
they cannot walk out of this building and allege and assert that there has been a true acquittal. There will be no true acquittal if there is not a fair trial

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