Lame excuses for why media didn't cover IRS scandal sooner


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
The media yawned when the first accusations arose a year ago regarding the IRS targeting the Tea Party.

One excuse is that the media was so busy covering other earth shattering news, such as Rush Limbaugh's comment about Sandra Fluke. You remember her. She is the slut that claimed she needed thousands for birth control.

Thing is, the media has a great deal of control over stories and the way they chose to approach them determines whether it will be a big story or a boring bit of news.

They chose to minimize the IRS scandal for Obama's sake, and instead focus on a mere comment made by a radio host. It's not that Rush Limbaugh's comment was worth the time and effort they spent in making headlines with it. They deliberately sought to divert attention by taking a stupid comment and making a big deal out of it. The idiots watching their news program are easily distracted and they know it. The last thing they wanted to do was give air time to a story that would threaten Obama's chances for re-election.

The media decides what is big news and what is not. These days, most media are not in the business of reporting what is really happening in the world. They seek to shape public opinion rather than inform people. Some people are more easily programmed by the media than others. The low information voters seem to believe what is told to them and if the media isn't going all out to cover a story, the unsophisticated viewers tend to believe there is no story. When Obama came out and claimed he knew nothing, that reaffirmed their belief that is there no story. Forget proof, they only need a statement from their messiah regardless of how much it contradicts testimony and facts.

When the media failed to do in depth coverage of Fast and Furious, Benghazi, DOJ spying and the IRS scandal and instead went crazy over small things, such as Limbaugh's comment, it was all designed to divert attention away from the serious issues. How many morons think Limbaugh's comment was some of the biggest news the past year while they still aren't sure who or what 'Ben Ghazi' is? Fast and Furious is a great movie starring Vin Diesel. And they could care less about what the IRS does since they only see that arm of government as the one who collects the money that will be given to them. And since they are mind numbed by listening to liberal media, they believe that the DOJ should go after FOX since they report things that make the Obama administration sound less than perfect.

The media get away with a lot. They seek to earn people's trust by being straight forward when it comes to reporting facts. Now they've been caught spinning things and they come up with excuses almost as lame as what we've heard from the DOJ, the IRS and others in the Obama administration. It's all somebody elses fault and they know nothing either.

Of course, when the Benghazi hearings first started, the media largely ignored it. To their shock, viewers turned to FOX because they wanted to know what was going on. Not wanting to lose what viewers they still had left, many had no choice but to start reporting on the scandals.

Even Chris Matthews criticized the Obama administration over the IRS scandal and we know he has been as loyal to Obama as anyone. The complete lack of transparency is starting to get to everyone.

Having everyone in the administration claim they know nothing is getting old. Someone must be running the show here. And for Obama to claim that no one told him about any of the scandals is just not believable. Do some of you really believe that Obama is in the dark on virtually all the goings on in his own administration? If he really has to watch the "news" to find out what is going on, then he is doing something wrong. Maybe he is so grossly uninformed because he only knows how to deliver speeches with help from a teleprompter. Or he's just flat out lying. Either way, he is not leader material and needs to go.

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