Land ice melting and rising sea levels: Risks of global warming


Gold Member
Sep 22, 2009
Land ice melting and rising sea levels: Risks of global warming | Science updates | -- Your State. Your News.

Using satellite measurements from the NASA/German Aerospace Center Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE), the researchers measured ice loss in all of Earth's land ice between 2003 and 2010. The total would be enough to cover the United States in 18 inches of ice.

In a study to be published on-line by Nature, they found glaciers and ice caps outside of Greenland and Antarctica accounted for about one-quarter of that loss.

"Earth is losing a huge amount of ice to the ocean annually, and these new results will help us answer important questions in terms of both sea rise and how the planet's cold regions are responding to global change," physics professor, John Wahr, who helped lead the study, said in a statement released by NASA.

The twin GRACE spacecraft, launched in 2002, note minute changes in earth's gravity field caused by regional changes in mass, which over long periods typically reflect movements of water on earth's surface. Orbiting 137 miles apart, they are able to measure variations down to one-hundredth the thickness of a human hair, according to NASA.

pretty scary, huh?

so what do the altimetry readings actually look like when they are plotted out?


that's odd. doesnt seem to be scary at all. the oceans have been rising ~2mm/year for the past 100 years as measured by tide gauges, and ~3mm/year by satellite measurements since the 90's, so we should have seen 16-24mm increase in the 8+ years of GRACE readings. but there seems to be very little rise and indeed the peak value for 2012 is the lowest peak on the graph.

if we are in the midst of large scale glacier and ice cap destruction during the hottest decade in human history shouldnt there be a little more evidence than that? how are we going to get to 1 metre (1000mm) rise by 2100 at this rate?

I think someone is going to have to 'correct' and 'adjust' the data again. the last few attempts (including the notorious GIA) just havent been enough.

is it any wonder that more and more people are becoming skeptical of global warming doomsayers when their predictions fail and their descriptions of what is actually happening is patently false or much exaggerated?

when are the adults going to step into the room and tell these CAGW shysters to stop lying and just present the evidence in straight forward manner without all the deceptive language and distorted methodologies.

So not only hasn't the level risen it has gone down even though we are told all the ice melted. Where did it go? All that water? And how come 1998 is still the hottest year on record? CO2 has steadily been going up and you retards insisted established science that said rising CO2 has a diminishing effect on heat retention was not true. Why hasn't EVERY year been hotter then the last?

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