Landmark Ann Coulter book


Gold Member
May 31, 2009
I'm in the midst of reading Ann's new book, "Adios, America" and have had trouble reading more than 20-30 pages at a time because it makes you want to put a bullet in the heads of every scumbag national democrat one can find. It is infuriating how awful and traitorous these whore bastards in Wash DC have been, selling the middle class and this country out for votes and money. King George III himself did not fuck over the colonies the way the federal government has to this country since the mid-1960s.

Here's a short section of this book, an absolute must read no matter whether you are liberal, conservative, or martian:

(page 27) “Liberals had tried convincing Americans to vote for them, but that kept ending badly. Except for Lyndon Johnson’s aberrational 1964 landslide, Democrats have not been able to get a majority of white people to vote for them in any presidential election since 1948.13 Their only hope was to bring in new voters. Okay, fine. You won’t vote for us, America? We tried this the easy way, but you give us no choice. We’re going to overwhelm you with new voters from the Third World. As Democratic consultant Patrick Reddy wrote for the Roper Center in 1998: “The 1965 Immigration Reform Act promoted by President Kennedy, drafted by Attorney General Robert Kennedy, and pushed through the Senate by Ted Kennedy has resulted in a wave of immigration from the Third World that should shift the nation in a more liberal direction within a generation. It will go down as the Kennedy family’s greatest gift to the Democratic Party.”14

Since then, the Democrats’ insatiable need for more voters has continued unabated. A year before the 1996 presidential election, the Clinton administration undertook a major initiative to make 1 million immigrants citizens in time to vote. The White House demanded that applications be processed twelve hours a day, seven days a week. Criminal background checks were jettisoned for hundreds of thousands of applicants, resulting in citizenship being granted to at least seventy thousand immigrants with FBI criminal records and ten thousand with felony records.15 Murderers, robbers, and rapists were all made citizens so that the Democrats would have a million foreign voters on the rolls by Election Day.16 The Washington Post reported—after Clinton was safely reelected—that the citizenship initiative was intended to create “a potent new bloc of Democratic voters.” Even the INS had objected to “running a pro-Democrat voter mill.”17 Democrats didn’t care. Clinton’s reelection was more important than the country.
The mass migration of the poorest of the poor to America is bad for the whole country, but it’s fantastic for Democrats. Ask yourself: Which party benefits from illiterate non-English speakers who have absolutely no idea what they’re voting for, but can be instructed to learn certain symbols? The foreign poor are prime Democraticconstituents because they’re easily demagogued into tribal voting. A white person can vote Republican or Democratic without anyone saying to him, “HOW CAN YOU VOTE AGAINST YOUR RACE?” By contrast, every nonwhite person is required to vote Democrat.18 Republicans’ whispering sweet nothings in Hispanic ears isn’t going to change that. Voting Democratic is part of their cultural identity. Race loyalty trumps the melting pot.

Moreover, poor people are never opposed to big government because they’re exempt from all the annoying things that government does. They’re not worried about taxes: The government is not going to raise any taxes that they pay. They drive unlicensed cars, have no insurance, flee accidents, and couldn’t pay a court judgment anyway. The government doesn’t want to get in touch with the poor for any reason other than to give them things. So it’s lucky, in a way, that Democrats are the party of government workers. Unending immigration means we need rafts of government workers to educate non-English speakers, teach cultural sensitivity classes, arrest criminals, man prisons, clean up parks, distribute food stamps, arrange subsidized housing, and work in hospital emergency rooms to deliver all those premature babies.”

Excerpt From: Ann Coulter. “Adios, America: The Left's Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole.” iBooks.
Yet such as that may be, Reagan gave them amnesty and even now, with a GOP controlled Congress, not a peep out of them on stopping the cycle...
Liberals gave up on White people in the mid 20th century because we don't bribe as easily.
I'm in the midst of reading Ann's new book, "Adios, America" and have had trouble reading more than 20-30 pages at a time because it makes you want to put a bullet in the heads of every scumbag national democrat one can find. It is infuriating how awful and traitorous these whore bastards in Wash DC have been, selling the middle class and this country out for votes and money. King George III himself did not fuck over the colonies the way the federal government has to this country since the mid-1960s.

Here's a short section of this book, an absolute must read no matter whether you are liberal, conservative, or martian:

(page 27) “Liberals had tried convincing Americans to vote for them, but that kept ending badly. Except for Lyndon Johnson’s aberrational 1964 landslide, Democrats have not been able to get a majority of white people to vote for them in any presidential election since 1948.13 Their only hope was to bring in new voters. Okay, fine. You won’t vote for us, America? We tried this the easy way, but you give us no choice. We’re going to overwhelm you with new voters from the Third World. As Democratic consultant Patrick Reddy wrote for the Roper Center in 1998: “The 1965 Immigration Reform Act promoted by President Kennedy, drafted by Attorney General Robert Kennedy, and pushed through the Senate by Ted Kennedy has resulted in a wave of immigration from the Third World that should shift the nation in a more liberal direction within a generation. It will go down as the Kennedy family’s greatest gift to the Democratic Party.”14

Since then, the Democrats’ insatiable need for more voters has continued unabated. A year before the 1996 presidential election, the Clinton administration undertook a major initiative to make 1 million immigrants citizens in time to vote. The White House demanded that applications be processed twelve hours a day, seven days a week. Criminal background checks were jettisoned for hundreds of thousands of applicants, resulting in citizenship being granted to at least seventy thousand immigrants with FBI criminal records and ten thousand with felony records.15 Murderers, robbers, and rapists were all made citizens so that the Democrats would have a million foreign voters on the rolls by Election Day.16 The Washington Post reported—after Clinton was safely reelected—that the citizenship initiative was intended to create “a potent new bloc of Democratic voters.” Even the INS had objected to “running a pro-Democrat voter mill.”17 Democrats didn’t care. Clinton’s reelection was more important than the country.
The mass migration of the poorest of the poor to America is bad for the whole country, but it’s fantastic for Democrats. Ask yourself: Which party benefits from illiterate non-English speakers who have absolutely no idea what they’re voting for, but can be instructed to learn certain symbols? The foreign poor are prime Democraticconstituents because they’re easily demagogued into tribal voting. A white person can vote Republican or Democratic without anyone saying to him, “HOW CAN YOU VOTE AGAINST YOUR RACE?” By contrast, every nonwhite person is required to vote Democrat.18 Republicans’ whispering sweet nothings in Hispanic ears isn’t going to change that. Voting Democratic is part of their cultural identity. Race loyalty trumps the melting pot.

Moreover, poor people are never opposed to big government because they’re exempt from all the annoying things that government does. They’re not worried about taxes: The government is not going to raise any taxes that they pay. They drive unlicensed cars, have no insurance, flee accidents, and couldn’t pay a court judgment anyway. The government doesn’t want to get in touch with the poor for any reason other than to give them things. So it’s lucky, in a way, that Democrats are the party of government workers. Unending immigration means we need rafts of government workers to educate non-English speakers, teach cultural sensitivity classes, arrest criminals, man prisons, clean up parks, distribute food stamps, arrange subsidized housing, and work in hospital emergency rooms to deliver all those premature babies.”

Excerpt From: Ann Coulter. “Adios, America: The Left's Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole.” iBooks.
^ Definitely not a Rhode Scholar
Yet such as that may be, Reagan gave them amnesty and even now, with a GOP controlled Congress, not a peep out of them on stopping the cycle...

The corporate wing of the republican party/chamber of commerce is as big a cancer as the democrats, they want to turn the US into a mass impoverished dump with lots of workers desperate for any job, like the 1800s again. Both the democrats and the corporate/religious wings of the republican party must be utterly destroyed if this country is going to have any kind of future.

There is no reason why both a massive wall/security/prevention cannot be built at the same time that massive prosecutions of businesses were to take place. The liberals whine but why not go after the businesses hiring them - and my response is, by all and every fucking means.
Yet such as that may be, Reagan gave them amnesty and even now, with a GOP controlled Congress, not a peep out of them on stopping the cycle...

He didn't do it my EO. He went thru congress who promised to secure the border but they didn't. He lived to regret his amnesty. He also thought that only 300,000 would come forward for it but it was 3 million.

The House GOP just crafted a bill to mandate e-verify and to end birthright citizenship for children born from illegal aliens. So you were sayin? How much you want to bet that the Democrats won't allow either bill to pass?
Yet such as that may be, Reagan gave them amnesty and even now, with a GOP controlled Congress, not a peep out of them on stopping the cycle...

He didn't do it my EO. He went thru congress who promised to secure the border but they didn't. He lived to regret his amnesty. He also thought that only 300,000 would come forward for it but it was 3 million.

The House GOP just crafted a bill to mandate e-verify and to end birthright citizenship for children born from illegal aliens. So you were sayin? How much you want to bet that the Democrats won't allow either bill to pass?
No excuses, he was the one that signed the deal and made it law..I doubt it passes......But it is not a strong bill that does a damn thing to those that actually break the law by hiring the illegals...Like prison for them....And the loss of operating licenses.....
If her book makes you want to put a bullet in Democrats' heads, three things are true:

1. You are a gullible sheep being led by your nose.

2. She has accomplished her objective, to incite curmudgeon idiots with some red meat propoganda.

3. You belong on a watch list, hopefully an intervention occurs before you go shooting up any theatres or the like.
Yet such as that may be, Reagan gave them amnesty and even now, with a GOP controlled Congress, not a peep out of them on stopping the cycle...

He didn't do it my EO. He went thru congress who promised to secure the border but they didn't. He lived to regret his amnesty. He also thought that only 300,000 would come forward for it but it was 3 million.

The House GOP just crafted a bill to mandate e-verify and to end birthright citizenship for children born from illegal aliens. So you were sayin? How much you want to bet that the Democrats won't allow either bill to pass?
No excuses, he was the one that signed the deal and made it law..I doubt it passes......But it is not a strong bill that does a damn thing to those that actually break the law by hiring the illegals...Like prison for them....And the loss of operating licenses.....

It's not an excuse. Just comparing it to what Obama has done by bypassing congress and using EO to stop the deportations of millions of illegal aliens. People makes mistakes including presidents and at least Reagan had the guts to admit it.

E-verify will do nothing to stop the illegal hiring practices of the greedy employers? How so? For non-compliance there will be heaving penalties including prison time, etc. Let's face it you're an illegal alien sympathizer so you will attack any attempt to stop illegal immigration claiming it won't work.
Love Ann Coulter. I don't always agree but the woman has more balls than any
GOP politician does, except for Trump maybe.
The House GOP just crafted a bill to mandate e-verify and to end birthright citizenship for children born from illegal aliens. So you were sayin? How much you want to bet that the Democrats won't allow either bill to pass?

Do you know the bill number? EVERY american needs to call their congressmen to support this bill, IMMEDIATELY.
No excuses, he was the one that signed the deal and made it law..I doubt it passes......But it is not a strong bill that does a damn thing to those that actually break the law by hiring the illegals...Like prison for them....And the loss of operating licenses.....


It shows that it was ted scumbag kennedy who drove the 1965 immigration act through congress which set the nation on this disastrous path.

The problem is both illegal AND legal immigration, where many legals such as the minnesotan somalis are mostly undesirables and should never have been granted entrance in the first place.

Her position is that the illegals need to be mass deported, anchor baby mis-reading of the 14th A stopped, a general time-out of legal immigration initiated, and moving forward, a careful analysis of what legals are allowed in, as in only those of wealth or high skill who can contribute to the nation - like every other country does.

What the brain-dead fucking idiot liberals do not grasp is that every dollar going to support an illegal alien legal or an unproductive legal is one less dollar towards schools, infrastructure, food safety, drug review at the FDA, etc. Money that goes towards the bottom of humanity like the arab muslim filth allowed in and given welfare LOWERS our standard of living, not raises.

The book also delineates the billions spent incarcerating the millions of illegals in the US prison system, an incredible waste of tax dollars.
If her book makes you want to put a bullet in Democrats' heads, three things are true:

1. You are a gullible sheep being led by your nose.

2. She has accomplished her objective, to incite curmudgeon idiots with some red meat propoganda.

3. You belong on a watch list, hopefully an intervention occurs before you go shooting up any theatres or the like.

All I can say to c-nts like you, is go fuck yourself, you weak minded, lazy, stupid piece of worthless shit. That I or anyone else fought on a battlefield so that a turd like you could be so fucking stupid, and use up oxygen, is tragic.

Scumbags like you are too lazy to even read the book, all you can do is personally attack the source. You're fucking worthless trash. Get the fuck out of my thread if you have nothing of substance to offer, douchebag.
If her book makes you want to put a bullet in Democrats' heads, three things are true:

1. You are a gullible sheep being led by your nose.

2. She has accomplished her objective, to incite curmudgeon idiots with some red meat propoganda.

3. You belong on a watch list, hopefully an intervention occurs before you go shooting up any theatres or the like.

All I can say to c-nts like you, is go fuck yourself, you weak minded, lazy, stupid piece of worthless shit. That I or anyone else fought on a battlefield so that a turd like you could be so fucking stupid, and use up oxygen, is tragic.

Scumbags like you are too lazy to even read the book, all you can do is personally attack the source. You're fucking worthless trash. Get the fuck out of my thread if you have nothing of substance to offer, douchebag.
Go get help man. Ill ne pulling for you. Your violent rage and expressed wish to shoot people is something that needs to be addressed, asap. Its not a joke.

The guy who shot up lafayette last week was a member here as well. Did you know that?

Part of me feels like reporting you b.c. it sounds like it could save lives.
@mods this guys op literally says that a book has made him want to shoot democrats in the head.

Considering what happened last week, might be worth some clean up one would assume, the fuck is this site the new magnet for the fucking unhinged or something?
I'm in the midst of reading Ann's new book, "Adios, America" and have had trouble reading more than 20-30 pages at a time because it makes you want to put a bullet in the heads of every scumbag national democrat one can find. It is infuriating how awful and traitorous these whore bastards in Wash DC have been, selling the middle class and this country out for votes and money. King George III himself did not fuck over the colonies the way the federal government has to this country since the mid-1960s.

Here's a short section of this book, an absolute must read no matter whether you are liberal, conservative, or martian:

(page 27) “Liberals had tried convincing Americans to vote for them, but that kept ending badly. Except for Lyndon Johnson’s aberrational 1964 landslide, Democrats have not been able to get a majority of white people to vote for them in any presidential election since 1948.13 Their only hope was to bring in new voters. Okay, fine. You won’t vote for us, America? We tried this the easy way, but you give us no choice. We’re going to overwhelm you with new voters from the Third World. As Democratic consultant Patrick Reddy wrote for the Roper Center in 1998: “The 1965 Immigration Reform Act promoted by President Kennedy, drafted by Attorney General Robert Kennedy, and pushed through the Senate by Ted Kennedy has resulted in a wave of immigration from the Third World that should shift the nation in a more liberal direction within a generation. It will go down as the Kennedy family’s greatest gift to the Democratic Party.”14

Since then, the Democrats’ insatiable need for more voters has continued unabated. A year before the 1996 presidential election, the Clinton administration undertook a major initiative to make 1 million immigrants citizens in time to vote. The White House demanded that applications be processed twelve hours a day, seven days a week. Criminal background checks were jettisoned for hundreds of thousands of applicants, resulting in citizenship being granted to at least seventy thousand immigrants with FBI criminal records and ten thousand with felony records.15 Murderers, robbers, and rapists were all made citizens so that the Democrats would have a million foreign voters on the rolls by Election Day.16 The Washington Post reported—after Clinton was safely reelected—that the citizenship initiative was intended to create “a potent new bloc of Democratic voters.” Even the INS had objected to “running a pro-Democrat voter mill.”17 Democrats didn’t care. Clinton’s reelection was more important than the country.
The mass migration of the poorest of the poor to America is bad for the whole country, but it’s fantastic for Democrats. Ask yourself: Which party benefits from illiterate non-English speakers who have absolutely no idea what they’re voting for, but can be instructed to learn certain symbols? The foreign poor are prime Democraticconstituents because they’re easily demagogued into tribal voting. A white person can vote Republican or Democratic without anyone saying to him, “HOW CAN YOU VOTE AGAINST YOUR RACE?” By contrast, every nonwhite person is required to vote Democrat.18 Republicans’ whispering sweet nothings in Hispanic ears isn’t going to change that. Voting Democratic is part of their cultural identity. Race loyalty trumps the melting pot.

Moreover, poor people are never opposed to big government because they’re exempt from all the annoying things that government does. They’re not worried about taxes: The government is not going to raise any taxes that they pay. They drive unlicensed cars, have no insurance, flee accidents, and couldn’t pay a court judgment anyway. The government doesn’t want to get in touch with the poor for any reason other than to give them things. So it’s lucky, in a way, that Democrats are the party of government workers. Unending immigration means we need rafts of government workers to educate non-English speakers, teach cultural sensitivity classes, arrest criminals, man prisons, clean up parks, distribute food stamps, arrange subsidized housing, and work in hospital emergency rooms to deliver all those premature babies.”

Excerpt From: Ann Coulter. “Adios, America: The Left's Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole.” iBooks.

I can't believe that people take that racist paranoid trash from Coulter seriously.
It's always amusing to see Coulter & Bill Maher debate when they meet.
Maher makes her look silly.
I can't believe that people take that racist paranoid trash from Coulter seriously.
It's always amusing to see Coulter & Bill Maher debate when they meet. Maher makes her look silly.

What is really amusing is reading the morons on the left personally attack me or Coulter for exposing this massive scam to turn the US into Honduras, with one party (democratic) rule for the next 100 years like mexico had.

Unless fucking turds like you and the c-nt above can start pointing SPECIFICALLY what she wrote in that book that is false, I will continue to treat you like the fucking trolling garbage you are, and possibly report you for doing so. Either add something of substance, or fuck off and die.

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