Landmark Ann Coulter book

I'm in the midst of reading Ann's new book, "Adios, America" and have had trouble reading more than 20-30 pages at a time because it makes you want to put a bullet in the heads of every scumbag national democrat one can find. It is infuriating how awful and traitorous these whore bastards in Wash DC have been, selling the middle class and this country out for votes and money. King George III himself did not fuck over the colonies the way the federal government has to this country since the mid-1960s.

Here's a short section of this book, an absolute must read no matter whether you are liberal, conservative, or martian:

(page 27) “Liberals had tried convincing Americans to vote for them, but that kept ending badly. Except for Lyndon Johnson’s aberrational 1964 landslide, Democrats have not been able to get a majority of white people to vote for them in any presidential election since 1948.13 Their only hope was to bring in new voters. Okay, fine. You won’t vote for us, America? We tried this the easy way, but you give us no choice. We’re going to overwhelm you with new voters from the Third World. As Democratic consultant Patrick Reddy wrote for the Roper Center in 1998: “The 1965 Immigration Reform Act promoted by President Kennedy, drafted by Attorney General Robert Kennedy, and pushed through the Senate by Ted Kennedy has resulted in a wave of immigration from the Third World that should shift the nation in a more liberal direction within a generation. It will go down as the Kennedy family’s greatest gift to the Democratic Party.”14

Since then, the Democrats’ insatiable need for more voters has continued unabated. A year before the 1996 presidential election, the Clinton administration undertook a major initiative to make 1 million immigrants citizens in time to vote. The White House demanded that applications be processed twelve hours a day, seven days a week. Criminal background checks were jettisoned for hundreds of thousands of applicants, resulting in citizenship being granted to at least seventy thousand immigrants with FBI criminal records and ten thousand with felony records.15 Murderers, robbers, and rapists were all made citizens so that the Democrats would have a million foreign voters on the rolls by Election Day.16 The Washington Post reported—after Clinton was safely reelected—that the citizenship initiative was intended to create “a potent new bloc of Democratic voters.” Even the INS had objected to “running a pro-Democrat voter mill.”17 Democrats didn’t care. Clinton’s reelection was more important than the country.
The mass migration of the poorest of the poor to America is bad for the whole country, but it’s fantastic for Democrats. Ask yourself: Which party benefits from illiterate non-English speakers who have absolutely no idea what they’re voting for, but can be instructed to learn certain symbols? The foreign poor are prime Democraticconstituents because they’re easily demagogued into tribal voting. A white person can vote Republican or Democratic without anyone saying to him, “HOW CAN YOU VOTE AGAINST YOUR RACE?” By contrast, every nonwhite person is required to vote Democrat.18 Republicans’ whispering sweet nothings in Hispanic ears isn’t going to change that. Voting Democratic is part of their cultural identity. Race loyalty trumps the melting pot.

Moreover, poor people are never opposed to big government because they’re exempt from all the annoying things that government does. They’re not worried about taxes: The government is not going to raise any taxes that they pay. They drive unlicensed cars, have no insurance, flee accidents, and couldn’t pay a court judgment anyway. The government doesn’t want to get in touch with the poor for any reason other than to give them things. So it’s lucky, in a way, that Democrats are the party of government workers. Unending immigration means we need rafts of government workers to educate non-English speakers, teach cultural sensitivity classes, arrest criminals, man prisons, clean up parks, distribute food stamps, arrange subsidized housing, and work in hospital emergency rooms to deliver all those premature babies.”

Excerpt From: Ann Coulter. “Adios, America: The Left's Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole.” iBooks.

This was my point in a different thread. My fear is the transformation has already occurred. I don't know how any Republican can will the White House.

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In reality I don't see how anchor babies could be legally deported. Not a bad idea, but the damage has been done. Better to cut it off from continuing to occur.
In reality, I am very anti-illegal immigration. What my idea has been for the longest time is to move some of the fairly useless bases in the Midwest and Plains states and Western/Big Sky states down to the border of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, and Mexico. This is where we now will do field exercises, training, etc. covering our entire border. So much for illegals, and so much for El Chappo.

Now why haven't any conservatives put forth this idea? (Pssst! I'm a Liberal!)
I read your OP, i saw her performance on Maher's show about her book, and I read parts of 3 of her prior books. If you eat some shit, do YOU bother eating the rest of it? She's an extremist focusing on extremist views pandering to suckers like you and making nice capital.

Oh I get it, you ate at a restaurant in CA that sucked, so ALL restaurants in CA have to be bad, now THAT'S amazing logic there, it.

FYI, I do not give a flying fuck what her other books said - especially since I never read any of them, who they were written for, what day of the week they were written, what fucking pc she used to type them on - ALL I care about is THIS book, on THIS topic, which has over 250 pages of citations, and is factually unassailable.

All that idiot liberal trash like you can do is attack her instead of addressing the points I've highlighted in the book or the book itself, because like most liberals, you are intellectually incapable of producing a functional argument.

Why don't you and your liberal friends here point out exactly what was "extremist" in her book, and present a single cogent idea, surprise us.

"Oh I get it, you ate at a restaurant in CA that sucked, so ALL restaurants in CA have to be bad, now THAT'S amazing logic there, thanks.."

Yes, that's accurate within a restaurant chain, like McDonald's or Taco Bell.
Or, within Coulter's book chain. You're smarter than you think!

I already addressed her one-sided crap in her latest book within her chain of crap books.
She ignores all the fine immigrants who became good citizens and raised fine families, something she chose not to do herself, i.e., raise a family.
She is an extremist, and an egotistical one too.
Did the irish want to assimilate and become pure americans, as opposed to la raza and the mexican filth marching with flags of mexico?


The st. patrick's day parade is supposed to stand in for your failed argument?
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I already addressed her one-sided crap in her latest book within her chain of crap books.

Uh, except you didn't in this thread.

She ignores all the fine immigrants who became good citizens and raised fine families, something she chose not to do herself, i.e., raise a family.

We are talking about ILLEGAL aliens, not legal immigrants. As for the illegals, I don't give a fuck if one is a doctor who just operated on my brain tumor, ALL of them, every last one going back to 1950, should be deported outright.

She is an extremist, and an egotistical one too.

To morons maybe. We are a nation of laws, and once you start picking and choosing which ones to follow we no longer have a country. This is what asshole obama lovers do not get; you are severely angering a large amount of the population by accepting his false leadership, where his method of disagreeing with people is to personally attack them as he has been doing regarding the iran agreement, or by ignoring them as he has done with the illegal alien issue. If this continues, you are going to start to see the nation fracturing, where people like me will no longer willingly write income tax checks, asking why should I follow the law when others do not have to, and you will have an african/south american failed state on your hands. I am not going to willingly pay taxes much longer under the current circumstances where my money is literally being stolen so as to provide illegal aliens with free housing, schooling, health benefits, welfare, etc.

If that is the direction you want to go in, where the country is made up of a mass poor wholly dependent upon government handouts, and a few extremely wealthy running the country, keep inviting large numbers of poor, illegal aliens into the US. As insane as it seems, it would appear that that is EXACTLY what the national democratic party is trying to accomplish.

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