Landry Tells Obama "I don't need a failed Pres. giving me a lecture"

You illustrate Obama's arrogance very well. Congratulations.

Obama didn't do anything but try to reach out to these dolts.

How do you reason with people who represent guys like this?

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Angry Tea Party Conservative assaults interviewer‬‏[/ame]

The same way we 'reason' with these people's representatives:

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Obama Is Going To Pay For My Gas And Mortgage!!!‬‏[/ame]

Moral of this story: Don't bitch about one side when there's plenty of stupid on both. Pissing contests for stupidity are not very smart.

Landry is a hypocrite like most republicans today, his own party failed badly these past sixty years in which they had power, and yet all they can do is work to make Obama fail. One has to wonder if it would be better to crash the entire economy, stop support the old paid for SS and Medicare, and let corporations and wall street create another great depression. Well to do Americans are odd creatures that only work together when disaster strikes all. Sad bunch these greedy republicans. Big money has corrupted our nation's values in a way that is hard to fathom.

"Every Wednesday morning, a group of conspirators meets to plot out how to most effectively attack the federal government. This is not a group of rag-tag terrorists – they wear $2,000 suits and occupy powerful positions in society. But their ideas are politically radical and they do pose a real threat to the normal workings of government in the U.S. They are a group of leading conservatives who believe that government is a malevolent force in society and they have a fierce determination to drastically cut it back. They are convinced that the central problem in our country is too much government – too many social programs, too many regulations, and too much taxation – and they are committed to doing something about it." Government is Good - The Anti-Government Campaign

"Corporate propaganda directed outwards, that is, to the public at large, has two main objectives: to identify the free enterprise system in popular consciousness with every cherished value, and to identify interventionist governments and strong unions (the only agencies capable of checking a complete domination of society by corporations) with tyranny, oppression and even subversion. The techniques used to achieve these results are variously called 'public relations', 'corporate communications' and 'economic education'." Alex Carey 'Taking the Risk out of Democracy' [see also Democracy after Citizens United | MIT World ]

Boy are you a brainwashed radical liberal.I bet you are spoonfed your opinion
by obama and the DNC.obama is a evil fascist,racist and has bankrupted this nation
with his socialist agenda.I despise obama!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good for Landry. This president is a collosal, glittering failure. BO has lost the indies and that will assure his defeat.
I would never approve of such petulant behavior out of anyone.

I would high five any rep who turns down a meeting with the POTUS. No matter what letter came after his name. A meeting achieves nothing more than an opportunity to satisfy one's ego.

Exactly wrong.

And this illustrates what's wrong with Conservatism in general. Conservatives don't want compromise..they want capitulation. If you don't play by their rules..they won't play. Period.

And that's no way to govern in a representative democratic republic.

Callow Sallow,

As usual, you LIEberrhoid arseholes turn the TRUTH on its head......and then blame the opposition for what you are guilty of.

This is a perfect doesn't get any more clear.

We have a dipshit in the WH who is an OBVIOUS DISASTROUS FAILURE because of his failed MARXIST Agenda , which he is intransigently committed to ...... and you, and your Obamarrhoidal stooges are blaming the opposition for refusing to waste their time throwing eggs at this concrete wall.
Good for Landry. This president is a collosal, glittering failure. BO has lost the indies and that will assure his defeat.

Yep, the Obama has been the MOST DIVISIVE President I have lived through, and there have been quite a few. I can't wait to see him GONE. And good on Landry..:clap2:
Like last year during the 'Healthcare Summit' where he told McCain blatently: "...I Won..." And he told Republicans they could come along for the ride but they had to sit in the back?


Can you please provide the exact quote from President Obama. I believe you are misinformed and the President did NOT, in fact, say "I won".

Of course he did. It was during the stimulus debate though, rather than the healthcare debate.

According to a source present at the meeting, President Obama said, "Look, we are all political animals here, If we don't do this, we may lose seats. I may not be re-elected. But none of that's going to matter if we don't pass this because the economy will be in a crisis and the American people will be hurting."

Among some of the things Republicans requested: tax deductions for some small businesses, making unemployment benefits tax free and a provision that would let businesses losing money carry the losses over to pay fewer taxes in a different fiscal year.

Mr. Obama did voice opinion on some differences on the issue of whether the lowest individual tax rates should be cut from 15 percent to 10 percent and from 10 percent to 5 percent.

As the president, he had told Kyl after the Arizonan raised objections to the notion of a tax credit for people who don't pay income taxes, Obama told Cantor this morning that "on some of these issues we're just going to have ideological differences."

The president added, "I won. So I think on that one, I trump you."

'I Won:' President Obama Works to Be Bipartisan But Shows There Are Clear Limits - Political Punch

Fair was rather "The election is over..."

Obama to McCain: "The Election's Over"

The inference was there however...
I would never approve of such petulant behavior out of anyone.

I would high five any rep who turns down a meeting with the POTUS. No matter what letter came after his name. A meeting achieves nothing more than an opportunity to satisfy one's ego.

Exactly wrong.

And this illustrates what's wrong with Conservatism in general. Conservatives don't want compromise..they want capitulation. If you don't play by their rules..they won't play. Period.

And that's no way to govern in a representative democratic republic.



Are you seriously claiming that this is a Conservative thing? Really?

How many times, since Obama's election, on this very board, have the liberals taken that exact attitude? Thousands, as a rough guesstimate (although no doubt some assclown will want an exact number).

Even the President told the GOP that they could come along but they'd 'sit in the back of the bus'. The only reason the left are talking compromise is because you have to compromise now... because Nov 10 sent y'all a very loud reminder. Until then, we had nothing but fucking arrogance from the left.

At the risk of repeating myself... fucking hypocrisy is getting beyond stupid on this board.
Of course he did. It was during the stimulus debate though, rather than the healthcare debate.

'I Won:' President Obama Works to Be Bipartisan But Shows There Are Clear Limits - Political Punch

Unnamed source and indirect quote. Sorry, try again...

Unnamed source? It's ABC. Indirect quote? Obama said it.

"The president added, "I won. So I think on that one, I trump you."
From the above article:

"According to a source present at the meeting"

That amounts to an indirect quote (the reporter did not hear it being said and relied on an unnamed individual that was present). The source is not identified in the article are they?

And, regardless, the sentiment was right...when there is an ideological difference between his and the majority parties policy and the policy of the minority party...he's absolutely right, he did win and his policies were the ones the American people voted for.

The ABC article you posted also went on to say...

While Republican leaders felt that Obama was at least receptive to their ideas, unlike their Democratic counterparts, they continued to express reservations about the plan despite the meeting.

Also just wanted to point out, for the record, that "the T" was incorrect when attributing an "I won" being said to McCain during the HC summit by the President.
I would high five any rep who turns down a meeting with the POTUS. No matter what letter came after his name. A meeting achieves nothing more than an opportunity to satisfy one's ego.

Exactly wrong.

And this illustrates what's wrong with Conservatism in general. Conservatives don't want compromise..they want capitulation. If you don't play by their rules..they won't play. Period.

And that's no way to govern in a representative democratic republic.



Are you seriously claiming that this is a Conservative thing? Really?

How many times, since Obama's election, on this very board, have the liberals taken that exact attitude? Thousands, as a rough guesstimate (although no doubt some assclown will want an exact number).

Even the President told the GOP that they could come along but they'd 'sit in the back of the bus'. The only reason the left are talking compromise is because you have to compromise now... because Nov 10 sent y'all a very loud reminder. Until then, we had nothing but fucking arrogance from the left.

At the risk of repeating myself... fucking hypocrisy is getting beyond stupid on this board.

Not only hypocrisy, but projection added to the mix.
I would never approve of such petulant behavior out of anyone.

I would high five any rep who turns down a meeting with the POTUS. No matter what letter came after his name. A meeting achieves nothing more than an opportunity to satisfy one's ego.

Exactly wrong.

And this illustrates what's wrong with Conservatism in general. Conservatives don't want compromise..they want capitulation. If you don't play by their rules..they won't play. Period.

And that's no way to govern in a representative democratic republic.
You just described Democrats. But you refuse to see that.
Silly me, I thought a Congressman's job was to represent their constituents at high levels. And this was his one chance to represent them at the highest level. It's too bad he blew the only real chance he had at presenting the POTUS one on one with his thoughts and ideas.

If he was my representative I would work to get him voted out. He's a worthless partisan hack that is unworthy of his office.


Let me know when 'my' President starts representing me and then I'll listen. But, as per usual, you rant about the Republicans for doing what you would high five a Democrat for doing. I dislike hypocrisy.

Then you must dislike the GOP. (You know, the party that calls for less government but then tries to govern personal decisions that only belong to individuals?) That's hypocricy at its worse.

I'd spell it out for you but I think you know what I'm talking about.


I guess you've missed the hundreds of posts where I have stated that I have no more respect for the GOP than I do for the Democrats. That's not my problem.
I'm LOLing at the butthurt Liberals in this thread who can't face the reality that Obama is a failure!

He was voted in because he's Black, he'll be voted out because he's a failure. Deal with it!

It's amazing the spell the Obama has on the Libs on this site.They just feel that this President is Godlike and he reigns supreme above one and all.Well not above me my friends.
This President, from the get go, has made attempt after attempt to reach across to Republicans. When he first got into office he had meeting after meeting with them. They were given every opportunity to have a voice in his administration.

The GnOP, on the other hand, decided that their course of action was going to be to put up a solid wall of obstructionism. They were going to do their best to ensure this President's failure at all costs...even if that cost was our economy and the future success of our country.

Poll after poll shows that the American people want compromise. The GnOP ONLY wants the President's failure, no matter WHAT the cost...
I'm LOLing at the butthurt Liberals in this thread who can't face the reality that Obama is a failure!

He was voted in because he's Black, he'll be voted out because he's a failure. Deal with it!


They would do well to remember that no Democrat has ever won re-election with unemployment over 8%. For some reason, Americans like jobs.... maybe Democrats don't but the rest of us, we do.
This President, from the get go, has made attempt after attempt to reach across to Republicans. When he first got into office he had meeting after meeting with them. They were given every opportunity to have a voice in his administration.

The GnOP, on the other hand, decided that their course of action was going to be to put up a solid wall of obstructionism. They were going to do their best to ensure this President's failure at all costs...even if that cost was our economy and the future success of our country.

Poll after poll shows that the American people want compromise. The GnOP ONLY wants the President's failure, no matter WHAT the cost...

That is bullshit. From day one, Obama has been an arrogant fool. And he is followed by arrogant fools.
I'm LOLing at the butthurt Liberals in this thread who can't face the reality that Obama is a failure!

He was voted in because he's Black, he'll be voted out because he's a failure. Deal with it!


They would do well to remember that no Democrat has ever won re-election with unemployment over 8%. For some reason, Americans like jobs.... maybe Democrats don't but the rest of us, we do.


Plus, No Black President has EVER won re-election.

Obama didn't do anything but try to reach out to these dolts.

Like last year during the 'Healthcare Summit' where he told McCain blatently: "...I Won..." And he told Republicans they could come along for the ride but they had to sit in the back?


Can you please provide the exact quote from President Obama. I believe you are misinformed and the President did NOT, in fact, say "I won".

The arrogant community organizer DID say "I won."

'I Won:' President Obama Works to Be Bipartisan But Shows There Are Clear Limits - Political Punch
As the president, he had told Kyl after the Arizonan raised objections to the notion of a tax credit for people who don't pay income taxes, Obama told Cantor this morning that "on some of these issues we're just going to have ideological differences."

The president added, "I won. So I think on that one, I trump you."
It's amazing the spell the Obama has on the Libs on this site.They just feel that this President is Godlike and he reigns supreme above one and all.Well not above me my friends.

Critical thinking is not being taught in our public indoctrination centers and you can see the result on this forum and other forums by the replies of the left. They can't explain why they believe what they believe, they just know it's true and you're stupid if you disagree. That is called indoctrination. Kinda like a cult. Sad and pitiful.
This President, from the get go, has made attempt after attempt to reach across to Republicans. When he first got into office he had meeting after meeting with them. They were given every opportunity to have a voice in his administration.

The GnOP, on the other hand, decided that their course of action was going to be to put up a solid wall of obstructionism. They were going to do their best to ensure this President's failure at all costs...even if that cost was our economy and the future success of our country.

Poll after poll shows that the American people want compromise. The GnOP ONLY wants the President's failure, no matter WHAT the cost...

hahah, what bunch of crap.
This Obama has been condescending, thuggish jerk. He hasn't reached out to ANYONE. Just look at the way they SHOVED the people aside to pass his OBAMACARE.
Please stop blowing smoke up all our asses. we have eyes and ears. And not all of us are "anti-intellectuals" as you all so lovingly label people as..
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