Landslide Approved! Trump Officially Wins Michigan (306 Electors)

It's only a "landslide" if a Democrat wins.

Remind me - which Democrat won a landslide and lost the popular vote?
Remind me - which Democrat won a landslide and lost the popular vote?

Remind me - when did the Constitution change and start considering the "popular vote"?

Trump kicked ass in the ELECTORAL COLLEGE.

End of story.


Again, did Clinton win by a landslide in 1992?
no because Ross Perot took electoral votes away from HW Bush, otherwise that sleazy bastard would never have disgraced the office.

Electorally of course he did.
Electoral vote Clinton 370 Bush 168

Funny that the RWnuts had a far different take on it back in 1992. (not to mention now)

They said his win wasn't legit because he only got 43% of the vote.

You're just butt hurt because I am not a blind partisan dumbass like you are.
It's only a "landslide" if a Democrat wins.

Remind me - which Democrat won a landslide and lost the popular vote?
Remind me - when did the Constitution change and start considering the "popular vote"?

Trump kicked ass in the ELECTORAL COLLEGE.

End of story.


Again, did Clinton win by a landslide in 1992?
no because Ross Perot took electoral votes away from HW Bush, otherwise that sleazy bastard would never have disgraced the office.

Electorally of course he did.
Electoral vote Clinton 370 Bush 168

Funny that the RWnuts had a far different take on it back in 1992. (not to mention now)

They said his win wasn't legit because he only got 43% of the vote.

You're just butt hurt because I am not a blind partisan dumbass like you are.

I'm just arguing with facts on my side.
Trump won Michigan by 13,000 votes.

More than that can be found in the number of union households that Trump won but Romney couldn't.

That's the Trump shift to the left I've been talking about.
Remind me - which Democrat won a landslide and lost the popular vote?
Again, did Clinton win by a landslide in 1992?
no because Ross Perot took electoral votes away from HW Bush, otherwise that sleazy bastard would never have disgraced the office.

Electorally of course he did.
Electoral vote Clinton 370 Bush 168

Funny that the RWnuts had a far different take on it back in 1992. (not to mention now)

They said his win wasn't legit because he only got 43% of the vote.

You're just butt hurt because I am not a blind partisan dumbass like you are.

I'm just arguing with facts on my side.

Of course you are, just ask you.
Thank you electoral college for wedding out the illegal vote and the freed felon vote!

Now that the dust has settled, Trump is projected to win 306 electoral votes against Hillary’s 232 (according to Wikipedia). SOUNDS LIKE A LANDSLIDE TO ME!

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I would love to see California weed out the illegal votes. It wouldnt turn the state to Trump but I think it might turn the popular vote away from hillary and over to Trump.
Lets face it, I am willing to put money, right now, today on California giving all its electoral votes to the democrat in 2020. I dont think there is even a question here. No need for democrats or anyone else to even vote in California. Same with Maryland.
The EC is a rigged game, and it's even more rigged due to all of the Repug gerrymandering of districts in certain states like N. Carolina and Pennsylvania.

God fucking dammit you are an idiot. Gerrymandering doesn't effect the electoral college, you moron! Candidates win a state's electors based on that state's at large totals. There are only two states that deviate from that system, Nebraska and Maine. Nebraska's three districts are drawn almost perfectly along county/municipality lines. And Maine's two districts evenly split one mostly urban district and one mostly rural district (creating one red leaning district and one blue leaning district).

Any other stupid things you want to say before you get banned for lacking the requisite brain cells?

Oh look...the pretend Democrat again. I know gerrymandering doesn't affect the EC, fucktard. You missed my point. I'm saying there are several ways that the game is rigged against Democrats right now.

Move along before I take a giant shit on your stupid lightweight ass.

Pretend Democrat? That's funny, because every time I tell people that I'm a Republican they call me a pretend Republican. Some morons can't seem to grapple with anything more complex than one dimensional thinking. Looks like you're one of them. What are you, 10 years old?

I've come across a couple of you smug "independents" who think you're above the fray. You're not impressing anyone.

Most independents or libertarians say "both sides are equally bad" because they're simply not very smart, they don't read anything, and they don't know anything. Undoubtedly, this describes your sorry ass perfectly.

Let me break it down for you, lightweight -- the Repug Party is much worse than the Democrats can ever hope to be. They are evil fascists who don't believe in democracy. The Repug Party is suppressing the votes of minorities throughout this country, and they have gerrymandered districts in several states so that it will be almost impossible for the Democrats to ever control the House of Representatives again. They have elected a racist and misogynist bully to lead this country, while you smugly sit on the sidelines.

To paraphrase what Bernie Sanders recently said -- Take a stand against the Repug Party or fuck off, pussy. Your smug lame-ass equivocations and rationalizations regarding how both sides suck is tiresome.

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: Hmmm. Who sold their soul to the corporations? Oh yeah, that would be the shrilary. (D)

Who is it demanding the EC vote be overturned? Ummm that would be the (D) Party infants. Namely you.

Who is it who was suppressing the voters of this country? Ummmm, that would be the MSM who is overwhelmingly (D)

Who was it that was sending thugs in to cause trouble, and attack their political opponents? Ummm, that would be

Oh, no wait, that would be this douchebag... Who just happened to work for the shrilary who was (D). You were saying???? Dumbass.....

Clever how much money could be saved by electing a president exclusively by popular vote. We could cancel the election except in Los Angeles, Chicago, New York and let those folks do all the voting for us. 'Cause that's what would happen without the Electoral College System.
Thank you electoral college for wedding out the illegal vote and the freed felon vote!

Now that the dust has settled, Trump is projected to win 306 electoral votes against Hillary’s 232 (according to Wikipedia). SOUNDS LIKE A LANDSLIDE TO ME!

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I would love to see California weed out the illegal votes. It wouldnt turn the state to Trump but I think it might turn the popular vote away from hillary and over to Trump.
Lets face it, I am willing to put money, right now, today on California giving all its electoral votes to the democrat in 2020. I dont think there is even a question here. No need for democrats or anyone else to even vote in California. Same with Maryland.

I doubt it because of too much liberal money in Cali, but may in Nevada, a so-called battleground state. However, I see Nevada trending the way of California politically. The reason is why we have the Electoral College and why the Dems want to change the rules of the election to favor them all the time. The pop centers vote Dem and they're crowded because of money. The pace of life is much faster there. Even if you split it into NoCal and SoCal, I don't think it will make a difference. If you did it, east and west Cali, then it might.
Remind me - which Democrat won a landslide and lost the popular vote?
Again, did Clinton win by a landslide in 1992?
no because Ross Perot took electoral votes away from HW Bush, otherwise that sleazy bastard would never have disgraced the office.

Electorally of course he did.
Electoral vote Clinton 370 Bush 168

Funny that the RWnuts had a far different take on it back in 1992. (not to mention now)

They said his win wasn't legit because he only got 43% of the vote.

You're just butt hurt because I am not a blind partisan dumbass like you are.

I'm just arguing with facts on my side.
It's a have no facts.
Clever how much money could be saved by electing a president exclusively by popular vote. We could cancel the election except in Los Angeles, Chicago, New York and let those folks do all the voting for us. 'Cause that's what would happen without the Electoral College System.
states run elections as per Constituon. No money or savings would be there if it were turned over to federal beauracracy.
Thank you electoral college for wedding out the illegal vote and the freed felon vote!

Now that the dust has settled, Trump is projected to win 306 electoral votes against Hillary’s 232 (according to Wikipedia). SOUNDS LIKE A LANDSLIDE TO ME!

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I would love to see California weed out the illegal votes. It wouldnt turn the state to Trump but I think it might turn the popular vote away from hillary and over to Trump.
Lets face it, I am willing to put money, right now, today on California giving all its electoral votes to the democrat in 2020. I dont think there is even a question here. No need for democrats or anyone else to even vote in California. Same with Maryland.

I doubt it because of too much liberal money in Cali, but may in Nevada, a so-called battleground state. However, I see Nevada trending the way of California politically. The reason is why we have the Electoral College and why the Dems want to change the rules of the election to favor them all the time. The pop centers vote Dem and they're crowded because of money. The pace of life is much faster there. Even if you split it into NoCal and SoCal, I don't think it will make a difference. If you did it, east and west Cali, then it might.
I think the only way to split California would be to cut out the slice that contains the valleys, basically the wine country along the mountain areas. Then that are might, "might" end up going for a conservative candidate instead of the Anti American anti Christ's that the state is so well known for voting for.
Thank you electoral college for wedding out the illegal vote and the freed felon vote!

Now that the dust has settled, Trump is projected to win 306 electoral votes against Hillary’s 232 (according to Wikipedia). SOUNDS LIKE A LANDSLIDE TO ME!

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Regardless -- nothing will get done if he doesn't heal the country. Blame whoever you want for the last 4-8 years, the country is on the verge of tearing itself down with these protests and the uptick in alt-right 'white pride' scum activity. The blame is irrelevant.

Trump said he along could fix IT. Let's see.
My idea would be if you can't beat them, then join them. We got Texas. It can support another Silicon Valley, Hollywood and Houston. Is starting a business there as easy as Cali? Other big industries in Cali are insurance, hospitals, agriculture, aerospace and tourism. People will always come to Cali because of the jobs and weather. For Nevada, it's vice in designated areas.
When Trump passes a nationwide voter ID law, then we'll look at popular vote numbers for bragging rights. But even then we are staying with the electoral college.
Thank you electoral college for wedding out the illegal vote and the freed felon vote!

Now that the dust has settled, Trump is projected to win 306 electoral votes against Hillary’s 232 (according to Wikipedia). SOUNDS LIKE A LANDSLIDE TO ME!

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I would love to see California weed out the illegal votes. It wouldnt turn the state to Trump but I think it might turn the popular vote away from hillary and over to Trump.
Lets face it, I am willing to put money, right now, today on California giving all its electoral votes to the democrat in 2020. I dont think there is even a question here. No need for democrats or anyone else to even vote in California. Same with Maryland.

I doubt it because of too much liberal money in Cali, but may in Nevada, a so-called battleground state. However, I see Nevada trending the way of California politically. The reason is why we have the Electoral College and why the Dems want to change the rules of the election to favor them all the time. The pop centers vote Dem and they're crowded because of money. The pace of life is much faster there. Even if you split it into NoCal and SoCal, I don't think it will make a difference. If you did it, east and west Cali, then it might.
I think the only way to split California would be to cut out the slice that contains the valleys, basically the wine country along the mountain areas. Then that are might, "might" end up going for a conservative candidate instead of the Anti American anti Christ's that the state is so well known for voting for.

Splitting California has been discussed, but usually north and south. What occurs on occasional basis is redistricting which would split the pop centers by the way people vote. Usually, it gets shot down because it favors one group too much. If it passes, then one group made a mistake or the local politicians were bought off if you ask me. There are pockets of conservatives there as you probably know. I guess the progressives have become strong there because the creative and artist types are the most open to new ideas and change.
Thank you electoral college for wedding out the illegal vote and the freed felon vote!

Now that the dust has settled, Trump is projected to win 306 electoral votes against Hillary’s 232 (according to Wikipedia). SOUNDS LIKE A LANDSLIDE TO ME!

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Regardless -- nothing will get done if he doesn't heal the country. Blame whoever you want for the last 4-8 years, the country is on the verge of tearing itself down with these protests and the uptick in alt-right 'white pride' scum activity. The blame is irrelevant.

Trump said he along could fix IT. Let's see.

You are an learned a new democrat smear for Republicans..."alt-right" good for you...the borg queen is happy.......the only ones tearing the country apart are the democrats and their violent core groups.......but please...keep lying about the real cause....and we should have republicans controlling every state governorship and the entire House and Senate will be made up of Republicans....

Do you really not understand that all of this divisiveness and violence are coming from you guys? Really?

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