Landslide for Pro-Democracy Hong Kong Election

If the Chicoms violently crack down on Hong Kong, akin to a Tiananmen Square repeat, the consequences for China could be very harmful.

This columns outlines the likely consequences.

Tianamen worked out pretty good for the Chi-coms... that movement went nowhere and most Chinese see them as selfish brats..

What China can't afford is a Hong Kong demanding self-rule, and other cities like Shanghai demanding the same.
A new generation since Tianamen. Shanghai loves their upper middle class lives.
its OK with me , that'll likely disrupt things and USA Military will likely get involved in the USA [maybe] JoeB .

Yeah, I realize that you guys are into chaos.... but not the rest of us.

Not my circus, not my monkeys.
--------------------------------------------------- And YOU are an APPEASER both in the USA and in 'china' also it seems JoeB .
If the Chicoms violently crack down on Hong Kong, akin to a Tiananmen Square repeat, the consequences for China could be very harmful.

This columns outlines the likely consequences.

Tianamen worked out pretty good for the Chi-coms... that movement went nowhere and most Chinese see them as selfish brats..

What China can't afford is a Hong Kong demanding self-rule, and other cities like Shanghai demanding the same.
A new generation since Tianamen. Shanghai loves their upper middle class lives.
That’s right. And as the article I posted stated, the wealthy Chinese will move their money out of China at an even faster pace than they are doing today, if the government massacres the demonstrators in Hong Kong. This along with multiple nations imposing sanctions and reducing trade with China, will cause harm to their economy.
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Maduro's APC running over unarmed protesters is better than porn to our ChiCom bots

We've been trying to instigate coups in Venezuela for 20 years now, and it still ain't happening.

But your ignorance of Chinese History aside, for most Chinese on the Mainland, Hong Kong is a symbol of Western Imperialism, and the humiliation of China by outside forces. They tolerate the shenanigans for economic reasons. (Cracking down would cause a lot of economic disruption), but only so far.

Are you willing to send a loved one off to die for Hong Kong? I'm not.

You would not defend America if Russia and China invaded here, so it is clear you would most likely send your loved ones to help China take Hong Kong and kill Hong Kong wish to be liberated from China rule!
Vote out the old and vote in the new! The Ukraine and Hong Kong should be an example to other countries that have the possibility to throw out ineffective legislatures, but don't avail themselves of the chance. Are you listening, America? Every two years, all the House can be replaced!
Maduro's APC running over unarmed protesters is better than porn to our ChiCom bots

We've been trying to instigate coups in Venezuela for 20 years now, and it still ain't happening.

But your ignorance of Chinese History aside, for most Chinese on the Mainland, Hong Kong is a symbol of Western Imperialism, and the humiliation of China by outside forces. They tolerate the shenanigans for economic reasons. (Cracking down would cause a lot of economic disruption), but only so far.

Are you willing to send a loved one off to die for Hong Kong? I'm not.
Socialism failed the Venezuela people, but, boy, did it work for Chavez and Maduro!

Leave my loved ones out of it, fuckwit.

You'd cheer ChiCom tanks rolling into Hong Kong
Look how happy those kids are...

They won't be so happy when the Chinese Tanks go rolling in.

What's the end game here? China has made it clear that it won't tolerate a Hong Kong that declares independence.
The people of Hong Kong have made it clear that losing their freedom to the worst dictatorship on the planet is not acceptable
Maduro's APC running over unarmed protesters is better than porn to our ChiCom bots

We've been trying to instigate coups in Venezuela for 20 years now, and it still ain't happening.

But your ignorance of Chinese History aside, for most Chinese on the Mainland, Hong Kong is a symbol of Western Imperialism, and the humiliation of China by outside forces. They tolerate the shenanigans for economic reasons. (Cracking down would cause a lot of economic disruption), but only so far.

Are you willing to send a loved one off to die for Hong Kong? I'm not.
--------------------------------------- arm the Hong Kongers that are in place in 'china' , they seem to have the spirit and the USA flags JoeB ,
If the Chicoms violently crack down on Hong Kong, akin to a Tiananmen Square repeat, the consequences for China could be very harmful.

This columns outlines the likely consequences.

China Would Pay A Catastrophic Price Should There Be A Hong Kong Massacre
Killing peaceful unarmed protesters, jailing Muslims, destroying churches, yeah, perfect optics
Look how happy those kids are...

They won't be so happy when the Chinese Tanks go rolling in.

What's the end game here? China has made it clear that it won't tolerate a Hong Kong that declares independence.
The people of Hong Kong have made it clear that losing their freedom to the worst dictatorship on the planet is not acceptable

Hey, that "worst dictatorship" bought a lot of our politicians and sent bots like JoeB here
GOOD , I like when clearly defined lines are drawn JoeB .

Except the lines are pretty clear. China has authority over Hong Kong. It's not an independent country.

What's hilarious is the same guys who think it's just awful, awful that some cities and states are ignoring Trump's immigration policies, are cool with the Hong Kong Kids poking the Dragon.
--------------------------------------------- I think that the 'English king' had clearly defined legal authority over the USA UNTIL that changed and then the ' English king' was sent back to 'blighty' / england JoeB .
Maduro's APC running over unarmed protesters is better than porn to our ChiCom bots

We've been trying to instigate coups in Venezuela for 20 years now, and it still ain't happening.

But your ignorance of Chinese History aside, for most Chinese on the Mainland, Hong Kong is a symbol of Western Imperialism, and the humiliation of China by outside forces. They tolerate the shenanigans for economic reasons. (Cracking down would cause a lot of economic disruption), but only so far.

Are you willing to send a loved one off to die for Hong Kong? I'm not.
--------------------------------------- arm the Hong Kongers that are in place in 'china' , they seem to have the spirit and the USA flags JoeB ,
If the Chicoms violently crack down on Hong Kong, akin to a Tiananmen Square repeat, the consequences for China could be very harmful.

This columns outlines the likely consequences.

China Would Pay A Catastrophic Price Should There Be A Hong Kong Massacre
Killing peaceful unarmed protesters, jailing Muslims, destroying churches, yeah, perfect optics
The world should follow the people of Hong Kong and stand up to the chinese dictatorship
If the Chicoms violently crack down on Hong Kong, akin to a Tiananmen Square repeat, the consequences for China could be very harmful.

This columns outlines the likely consequences.

Tianamen worked out pretty good for the Chi-coms... that movement went nowhere and most Chinese see them as selfish brats..

What China can't afford is a Hong Kong demanding self-rule, and other cities like Shanghai demanding the same.

You ChiCom bots are more suicidal than our Stalinist democrats. It's not 1989, there's a REAL pro freedom US President at the helm. That's EXACTLY who the People of Hong Kong need on their side and not some Globalist scumbag like the Bushes or Obama
Look how happy those kids are...

They won't be so happy when the Chinese Tanks go rolling in.

What's the end game here? China has made it clear that it won't tolerate a Hong Kong that declares independence.
The people of Hong Kong have made it clear that losing their freedom to the worst dictatorship on the planet is not acceptable

Hey, that "worst dictatorship" bought a lot of our politicians and sent bots like JoeB here
They are the old soviet union but with vast sums of money to use for political purposes
Vote out the old and vote in the new! The Ukraine and Hong Kong should be an example to other countries that have the possibility to throw out ineffective legislatures, but don't avail themselves of the chance. Are you listening, America? Every two years, all the House can be replaced!
Oh, it will be
Look how happy those kids are...

They won't be so happy when the Chinese Tanks go rolling in.

What's the end game here? China has made it clear that it won't tolerate a Hong Kong that declares independence.
The people of Hong Kong have made it clear that losing their freedom to the worst dictatorship on the planet is not acceptable

Hey, that "worst dictatorship" bought a lot of our politicians and sent bots like JoeB here
They are the old soviet union but with vast sums of money to use for political purposes
Just ask DiFi and the Bidens
What wonderful news! This vote shows that the people of Hong Kong are not going to go away so quietly.
Look how happy those kids are...

They won't be so happy when the Chinese Tanks go rolling in.

What's the end game here? China has made it clear that it won't tolerate a Hong Kong that declares independence.
The people of Hong Kong have made it clear that losing their freedom to the worst dictatorship on the planet is not acceptable

Hey, that "worst dictatorship" bought a lot of our politicians and sent bots like JoeB here
They are the old soviet union but with vast sums of money to use for political purposes
Just ask DiFi and the Bidens

They have pocketed millions from the chicoms
What wonderful news! This vote shows that the people of Hong Kong are not going to go away so quietly.
It undercuts the chinese claim that only a few dissidents are causing the trouble
What wonderful news! This vote shows that the people of Hong Kong are not going to go away so quietly.
It undercuts the chinese claim that only a few dissidents are causing the trouble

I am sure their state fund media is desperately and presently spinning these election results.

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