LAPD’s indefensible Dorner pursuit

Liberals just trust people like Christopher Dorner instead of the police, sheriff and US forestry service.

That's what it comes down to. Dorner was protecting their rights. He's the hero because he killed an unarmed girl. When it came down to armed men, he did what all cowards do, he shot himself. But unarmed girls, that's bravery.
This is a result of the "Militarization of the Police". The US used to have Police like the Sheriff of Mayberry who was polite to the local people, knew how to communicate with them and they liked him. He didn't even carry a gun!

Those days are long gone!

What you have now are Super Hyped Up, Federally Funded, Militarized, Prison Guards with a badge, high firepower weapons and a "shoot first, ask questions later" attitude. So you get what we had there.

By the way, Dorner was a Black Guy driving a Silver Car. Somebody wanna' explain why the Cops shot up a Blue Car with three White Women in it?

You can't.

Most Cops are shit now so you can't trust them. Get off this "I love Law Enforcement" kick you've been on since 9/11. Your life depends on it.

And no, don't mistake this post for me supporting Dorner.

Yeah, it's unfortunate what our Police have become. The days of protecting and serving are long gone. The People are fearing & loathing our Police more & more by the day. It is the Militarization Process which has led to this mess. Too many are just mindless roided-up Storm Troopers at this point. It's very sad.
Idiot Cop: "Oh look! There's a truck that sorta' matches the description of our suspect. Let's shoot it up and then see what's inside!" :uhoh3:

Idiot American Citizen: "I support Law Enforcement because of 9/11 but don't ask me what Law Enforcement means cause I don't know. I support our troops too even though I have no idea of what they're doing there. Now excuse me while I put this Yellow Ribbon Magnet on my car and wave this American Flag".

Bingo! Sums it up perfectly. Thanks.
LAPD?s indefensible Dorner pursuit -


Police opened fire on this vehicle in a case of mistaken identity while searching for former Los Angeles police officer Christopher Jordan Dorner.
In hunting down Christopher J. Dorner, hell-bent on murderous revenge over being fired from the Los Angeles Police Department, officers twice fired without warning on three innocent civilians, wounding two of them.
(rw nutters, prove its wrong before you criticize the source or defend LAPD's actions.)

Liberals just trust people like Christopher Dorner instead of the police, sheriff and US forestry service.

That's what it comes down to. Dorner was protecting their rights. He's the hero because he killed an unarmed girl. When it came down to armed men, he did what all cowards do, he shot himself. But unarmed girls, that's bravery.

Nah, Dante is the biggest liberal on USMB

grow some balls katzmaniac. stop picking on progressive women all the time
This is a result of the "Militarization of the Police". The US used to have Police like the Sheriff of Mayberry who was polite to the local people, knew how to communicate with them and they liked him. He didn't even carry a gun!

Those days are long gone!

What you have now are Super Hyped Up, Federally Funded, Militarized, Prison Guards with a badge, high firepower weapons and a "shoot first, ask questions later" attitude. So you get what we had there.

By the way, Dorner was a Black Guy driving a Silver Car. Somebody wanna' explain why the Cops shot up a Blue Car with three White Women in it?

You can't.

Most Cops are shit now so you can't trust them. Get off this "I love Law Enforcement" kick you've been on since 9/11. Your life depends on it.

And no, don't mistake this post for me supporting Dorner.

Yeah, it's unfortunate what our Police have become. The days of protecting and serving are long gone. The People are fearing & loathing our Police more & more by the day. It is the Militarization Process which has led to this mess. Too many are just mindless roided-up Storm Troopers at this point. It's very sad.

what people are these? misfits and miscreants who walk around like some itinerant Bible thumper, with tattered copies of the Constitution in their pockets in place of the so-called Good News?
This is a result of the "Militarization of the Police". The US used to have Police like the Sheriff of Mayberry who was polite to the local people, knew how to communicate with them and they liked him. He didn't even carry a gun!

Those days are long gone!

What you have now are Super Hyped Up, Federally Funded, Militarized, Prison Guards with a badge, high firepower weapons and a "shoot first, ask questions later" attitude. So you get what we had there.

By the way, Dorner was a Black Guy driving a Silver Car. Somebody wanna' explain why the Cops shot up a Blue Car with three White Women in it?

You can't.

Most Cops are shit now so you can't trust them. Get off this "I love Law Enforcement" kick you've been on since 9/11. Your life depends on it.

And no, don't mistake this post for me supporting Dorner.

Yeah, it's unfortunate what our Police have become. The days of protecting and serving are long gone. The People are fearing & loathing our Police more & more by the day. It is the Militarization Process which has led to this mess. Too many are just mindless roided-up Storm Troopers at this point. It's very sad.

what people are these? misfits and miscreants who walk around like some itinerant Bible thumper, with tattered copies of the Constitution in their pockets in place of the so-called Good News?

Uh, no. :cuckoo:
mad scientist i have to admit that this part of your post really threw me. There's a part of me that wants to argue this but i really can't.

Lapd, joe arpaio, cops ignoring constitutional rights of the occupy movement, reports of cops breaking down the wrong door, shooting people, shooting dogs -

otoh, the good cops don't make the news.
joe arpaio is following the constitution and state laws, that's why the left hates him. But that just gives him more power! Haha!

read what i wrote. I did not write that arpaio "ignores constitutional rights" but, in point of fact, he does do exactly that.

The reason some like him is that he feeds people's hate and fear of brown people. Arpaio is kkk and makes no secret of it. He doesn't actually do much except arrange photo ops. He's just a watered down little hitler. Best thing that could happen to az is for him to die.

Read the entire article i just posted in this forum. Better yet, go live in az for a while.

joe arpaio is following the constitution and state laws, that's why the left hates him. But that just gives him more power! Haha!

read what i wrote. I did not write that arpaio "ignores constitutional rights" but, in point of fact, he does do exactly that.

The reason some like him is that he feeds people's hate and fear of brown people. Arpaio is kkk and makes no secret of it. He doesn't actually do much except arrange photo ops. He's just a watered down little hitler. Best thing that could happen to az is for him to die.

Read the entire article i just posted in this forum. Better yet, go live in az for a while.

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read what i wrote. I did not write that arpaio "ignores constitutional rights" but, in point of fact, he does do exactly that.

The reason some like him is that he feeds people's hate and fear of brown people. Arpaio is kkk and makes no secret of it. He doesn't actually do much except arrange photo ops. He's just a watered down little hitler. Best thing that could happen to az is for him to die.

Read the entire article i just posted in this forum. Better yet, go live in az for a while.


LAPD?s indefensible Dorner pursuit -


Police opened fire on this vehicle in a case of mistaken identity while searching for former Los Angeles police officer Christopher Jordan Dorner.

In hunting down Christopher J. Dorner, hell-bent on murderous revenge over being fired from the Los Angeles Police Department, officers twice fired without warning on three innocent civilians, wounding two of them.

(rw nutters, prove its wrong before you criticize the source or defend LAPD's actions.)

Leave it to an idiot like you to politicize the Dorner story.

If there is ANYBODY in this forum who defends the sloppy and vigilante-like pursuit of Dorner by the LAPD, or anybody who defends the actions of Dorner, they are either psychopaths or sociopaths.

The truck that the LAPD Barney Fifes shot up was not even the SAME COLOR as Dorner's truck! The LAPD also shot up a SECOND pickup truck. IDIOTS!
This is a result of the "Militarization of the Police". The US used to have Police like the Sheriff of Mayberry who was polite to the local people, knew how to communicate with them and they liked him. He didn't even carry a gun!

Those days are long gone!

What you have now are Super Hyped Up, Federally Funded, Militarized, Prison Guards with a badge, high firepower weapons and a "shoot first, ask questions later" attitude. So you get what we had there.

By the way, Dorner was a Black Guy driving a Silver Car. Somebody wanna' explain why the Cops shot up a Blue Car with three White Women in it?

You can't.

Most Cops are shit now so you can't trust them. Get off this "I love Law Enforcement" kick you've been on since 9/11. Your life depends on it.

And no, don't mistake this post for me supporting Dorner.

The 9/11 connection eludes me too but the rest of the post is true. I myself was apprehended by two cops who pulled guns on me, never identified themselves, handcuffed me and took me to the scene of a murder, where they brought out a witness to look me over. Of course, the witness' description didn't match me in any way whatsoever, so they had to let me go, but clearly they could have figured that out before the unmarked car ride.

That was way before 9/11. By at least fifteen years. Police overreach didn't start last week, and it certainly didn't start on 9/11.
Dorner wasn't driving a silver car. He was driving a black truck. The truck that was shot up was dark blue, coming around the corner very slowly, in the dark, with lights off.

Put down whatever you're smoking. There are no less than 40 bullet holes in that truck. All from behind. They never even tried to see who was in there. They just lit it up.
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Dorner wasn't driving a silver car. He was driving a black truck. The truck that was shot up was dark blue, coming around the corner very slowly, in the dark, with lights off.

Put down whatever you're smoking. There are no less than 40 bullet holes in that truck. All from behind. They neither even tried to see who was in there. They just lit it up.

I counted 45. It's also a Toyota, whereas Dorner was driving a Nissan.
Nor was Dorner two people, as were in this truck (see the bulletholes on both sides).
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This is a result of the "Militarization of the Police". The US used to have Police like the Sheriff of Mayberry who was polite to the local people, knew how to communicate with them and they liked him. He didn't even carry a gun!

Those days are long gone!

What you have now are Super Hyped Up, Federally Funded, Militarized, Prison Guards with a badge, high firepower weapons and a "shoot first, ask questions later" attitude. So you get what we had there.

By the way, Dorner was a Black Guy driving a Silver Car. Somebody wanna' explain why the Cops shot up a Blue Car with three White Women in it?

You can't.

Most Cops are shit now so you can't trust them. Get off this "I love Law Enforcement" kick you've been on since 9/11. Your life depends on it.

And no, don't mistake this post for me supporting Dorner.

To a point. They are not all that way.

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