Las Vegas cop killers were left-wingnut "Occupy" protesters


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
Looks like the media somehow missed this little tidbit, among all the screaming that the murderers who killed two cops in Las Vegas and draped a Gadsen flag over them had to be "right-wing".

No. They deliberately left it out. The occupy movement couldnt take hold so they are trying to corrupt the Tea party.
Yep, another case of lunatic liberal Obama supporters going on a rampage.
Looks like the media somehow missed this little tidbit, among all the screaming that the murderers who killed two cops in Las Vegas and draped a Gadsen flag over them had to be "right-wing".


Indiana isn't New York.

Or even LA.

None of those in the Occupy movement wore masks or carried guns.

Those are Tea Baggers.
Sorry, in my book when they start killing cops and civilians, they belong to only one party. The party of lunatic losers.
Looks like the media somehow missed this little tidbit, among all the screaming that the murderers who killed two cops in Las Vegas and draped a Gadsen flag over them had to be "right-wing".


Indiana isn't New York.

Or even LA.

None of those in the Occupy movement wore masks or carried guns.

Those are teabaggers.

Don't you have some emails to tell lies about somewhere?
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but but but they have on a mask and a piece of cardboard. They MUST be from the occupy crowd because...the words say they are. Case closed.

Smells of desperation. What group is known for the "dont tread on me" flag anyway?
Looks like the media somehow missed this little tidbit, among all the screaming that the murderers who killed two cops in Las Vegas and draped a Gadsen flag over them had to be "right-wing".


Indiana isn't New York.

Or even LA.

None of those in the Occupy movement wore masks or carried guns.

Those are Tea Baggers.

They may be Tea-baggers(ball suckers), but they aren't part of the Tea Party movement.

I figured it was a setup anyway. It seemed a bit strange that media knew who they were and had videos and pictures of them plastered all over the net within hours....
Looks like the media somehow missed this little tidbit, among all the screaming that the murderers who killed two cops in Las Vegas and draped a Gadsen flag over them had to be "right-wing".


Indiana isn't New York.

Or even LA.

None of those in the Occupy movement wore masks or carried guns.

Those are Tea Baggers.

Baggers and Second Amendment Loons
Occupiers would never be in Colorado defending a millionaire rancher who is stiffing the US tax payer. They were right wing, gun toting loons.
If these two crazy people went from one end of the political spectrum to the other and ended up fighting a "revolution" that involved ambushing two cops, killing some guy, and then killing themselves, then it sounds more like they weren't really part of Occupy or the Teabagger "militia". They were just a couple of deranged lost lunatics in a bloody ocean of madness called America.

There's no reason to be proud of the US. We legalized torture. Our government snatches people off the streets of wherever they happen to deem a "battlefield" over complete lies, strip them naked, beat them to death to find out why they're fighting back, and then tell Americans that all they did was pour water on their faces. The CIA beat POWs to death. No water, no boards. What kind of sick fucking country does that? And then tells the world that they're a "good Christian nation"?

The government lied to start an endless war and the proof from the government is literally at your fingertips, and there are still Americans who defend this shit. "Small-government" Republicans passed the very, VERY big-government USAPATRIOT Act, and these same Republicans blame Democrats for not repealing it? In 2008, Bush signed the agreement to withdraw US soldiers from Iraq in 2011, and Republicans blame Obama for sticking to Bush's plan? Billionaires tanked our economy and made off with trillions between them, shipped factories overseas, left everyone else standing in line at the food bank, and are sitting on trillions in cash that isn't helping the economy, and Republicans blame poor people on food stamps for a stagnant economy?

The US is fucking insane. An entire nation's soul as misguided and lost as those two people.
What a shocker this is! The local Vegas news reported it but did its best to skew it so they're still right-wing Nazis and not Occupiers!

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