Las Vegas shooting: Reports of shooter at Mandalay Bay Casino

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And that, my friend, is the easy thing to speculate, but does not always envelope the truth. The sheriff also speculated he had planned to escape.
Rational? Yes, if you ignore what you want to that is not rational within that equation.
Sundance, you and Ace believe in your fantasy all you want. But realize it doesn’t mean it is the right one.

Absolutely is well known in vegas that all it takes for some gamblers to kill themselves is to lose enough money to force them to change their lifestyle(in some cases it is really not a lot of money..just depends on how much the gambler has)...that is something some cannot is so painful for them they decide to end it all by killing themselves. The only thing different about Paddock he decided to exact revenge....probably because of his mental and drug problems and the fact he was a gun collector....with a lot of guns at his disposal....he decided to go out in a blaze of glory(so he would not be forgotten) also knowing it would cost las vegas and the casinoes a lot of money...thus he would get revenge. Delusional? yes....insane? most likely.

There is a well known story often told in vegas....about a security guard summoned to talk to a gambler who was about to jump off a roof because of his gambling losses....the security guard axed the jumper how much money he had lost? The gambler said ten thousand dollars.....the security guard said...if you are that stupid go ahead and jump.

There's very little information about this case...and it's possible, as time goes by, more information will come out and it there may be more to it than just this. But as of now, with what we have, this is as a rational explanation as any.

I am sure the Sheriff will release more information is amazing acutally for a sheriff in vegas to admit as much as he already has. Vegas is very in the hotel casinoe owners own the politicians and the for him to come out and admit that paddocks gambling losses may have influenced him to do what he did is a huge leap for them....but he did it in subdued manner...and many will miss exactly what he meant...but there is alot of heat being put on vegas and some of the conspiracy theories coming out are making vegas look even worse thant the actual truth about paddocks gambling losses being the driving force aka his it is likely the big boys in vegas have decided to come clean and let the info about paddock come out gradually in hopes it will not stampede people into demanding the government step in and do something about the gambling industry...ake enact laws that would cut into the big boys pockets.
. If planned to escape, then it might explain a possible payday to have been involved.
Las Vegas casino records suggest that Stephen Paddock could actually have won tens of thousands of dollars in the weeks before he fired hundreds of rifle shots from a 32nd story hotel window at a throng of country music fans below, a casino executive and a federal law enforcement official said Monday.

But he also could have suffered big losses during the same period. That’s one reason that the FBI was still stumped late Monday on what led him to sneak an arsenal of rifles and ammo into his Mandalay Bay hotel room and unleash a murderous barrage of gunfire Sunday night, killing at least 59 people and wounding 527 more before taking his own life.

Read more here: Vegas gunman described as ‘high-stakes’ gambler

Note how that speculation of loss is not backed up by the casino records, or it would have been stated as such.

The authorities in vegas are not being honest with the public....they know exactly how much Paddock gambled, where he gambled, what time he gambled, on which machines he gambled, how much he won, how much he lost, his credit rating, his net worth etc.etc.etc. The casinoes keep very exact records of all the finances of gamblers...especially high rollers...on their computers....they keep it can go to vegas and gamble for a little while and not come back for years....but when you do...they know everything about you...most especially your when they say stuff like he could have won or he could have lost....that is b.s. aka misinformation...aka a cover up.

Anyone that knows anything about gambling in the casinoes do not even need to look at his gambling records....all they need to know that he was a loser is to know how long he in he gambled for in it is mathamatically impossible for anyone to gamble that long and not be a loser.
And that, my friend, is the easy thing to speculate, but does not always envelope the truth. The sheriff also speculated he had planned to escape.
Rational? Yes, if you ignore what you want to that is not rational within that equation.
Sundance, you and Ace believe in your fantasy all you want. But realize it doesn’t mean it is the right one.

There's very little information about this case...and it's possible, as time goes by, more information will come out and it there may be more to it than just this. But as of now, with what we have, this is as a rational explanation as any.

I am sure the Sheriff will release more information is amazing acutally for a sheriff in vegas to admit as much as he already has. Vegas is very in the hotel casinoe owners own the politicians and the for him to come out and admit that paddocks gambling losses may have influenced him to do what he did is a huge leap for them....but he did it in subdued manner...and many will miss exactly what he meant...but there is alot of heat being put on vegas and some of the conspiracy theories coming out are making vegas look even worse thant the actual truth about paddocks gambling losses being the driving force aka his it is likely the big boys in vegas have decided to come clean and let the info about paddock come out gradually in hopes it will not stampede people into demanding the government step in and do something about the gambling industry...ake enact laws that would cut into the big boys pockets.
. If planned to escape, then it might explain a possible payday to have been involved.

More misinformation.....he had screwed his door to his room shut from the inside....he would not have screwed his door shut if he was planning to escape...unless he was going to jump out the window...which would not have been an escape...just a different manner of suicide. That escape idea was floated very early...just probably some idle comment that some moronic journalist jumped on for a story before much info had come out.
Glad you aren’t on the case or in law enforcement. Believing in cookie cutters can end up harming innocents, and missing murders...

At least I pray you aren’t. Nor would I want to find out you are in psychology, either.
Las Vegas casino records suggest that Stephen Paddock could actually have won tens of thousands of dollars in the weeks before he fired hundreds of rifle shots from a 32nd story hotel window at a throng of country music fans below, a casino executive and a federal law enforcement official said Monday.

But he also could have suffered big losses during the same period. That’s one reason that the FBI was still stumped late Monday on what led him to sneak an arsenal of rifles and ammo into his Mandalay Bay hotel room and unleash a murderous barrage of gunfire Sunday night, killing at least 59 people and wounding 527 more before taking his own life.

Read more here: Vegas gunman described as ‘high-stakes’ gambler

Note how that speculation of loss is not backed up by the casino records, or it would have been stated as such.

The authorities in vegas are not being honest with the public....they know exactly how much Paddock gambled, where he gambled, what time he gambled, on which machines he gambled, how much he won, how much he lost, his credit rating, his net worth etc.etc.etc. The casinoes keep very exact records of all the finances of gamblers...especially high rollers...on their computers....they keep it can go to vegas and gamble for a little while and not come back for years....but when you do...they know everything about you...most especially your when they say stuff like he could have won or he could have lost....that is b.s. aka misinformation...aka a cover up.

Anyone that knows anything about gambling in the casinoes do not even need to look at his gambling records....all they need to know that he was a loser is to know how long he in he gambled for in it is mathamatically impossible for anyone to gamble that long and not be a loser.
Las Vegas casino records suggest that Stephen Paddock could actually have won tens of thousands of dollars in the weeks before he fired hundreds of rifle shots from a 32nd story hotel window at a throng of country music fans below, a casino executive and a federal law enforcement official said Monday.

But he also could have suffered big losses during the same period. That’s one reason that the FBI was still stumped late Monday on what led him to sneak an arsenal of rifles and ammo into his Mandalay Bay hotel room and unleash a murderous barrage of gunfire Sunday night, killing at least 59 people and wounding 527 more before taking his own life.

Read more here: Vegas gunman described as ‘high-stakes’ gambler

Note how that speculation of loss is not backed up by the casino records, or it would have been stated as such.

Exactly. I think the las vegas FBI is being manipulated by the big boys in vegas.
No, he screwed the stairwell door shut. You make a judgement without even getting the information correct.
And that, my friend, is the easy thing to speculate, but does not always envelope the truth. The sheriff also speculated he had planned to escape.
Rational? Yes, if you ignore what you want to that is not rational within that equation.
There's very little information about this case...and it's possible, as time goes by, more information will come out and it there may be more to it than just this. But as of now, with what we have, this is as a rational explanation as any.

I am sure the Sheriff will release more information is amazing acutally for a sheriff in vegas to admit as much as he already has. Vegas is very in the hotel casinoe owners own the politicians and the for him to come out and admit that paddocks gambling losses may have influenced him to do what he did is a huge leap for them....but he did it in subdued manner...and many will miss exactly what he meant...but there is alot of heat being put on vegas and some of the conspiracy theories coming out are making vegas look even worse thant the actual truth about paddocks gambling losses being the driving force aka his it is likely the big boys in vegas have decided to come clean and let the info about paddock come out gradually in hopes it will not stampede people into demanding the government step in and do something about the gambling industry...ake enact laws that would cut into the big boys pockets.
. If planned to escape, then it might explain a possible payday to have been involved.

More misinformation.....he had screwed his door to his room shut from the inside....he would not have screwed his door shut if he was planning to escape...unless he was going to jump out the window...which would not have been an escape...just a different manner of suicide. That escape idea was floated very early...just probably some idle comment that some moronic journalist jumped on for a story before much info had come out.
He was on the 32nd fucking floor! Lol- Did he have one of those flying squirrel suits on or something? Gonna pull a Batman and glide over to the Luxor... where his rocketship was waiting inside the sphinx. (At this point it would not surprise me if that was the new "official" story rolled-out)
Even if the loser had been able to get out of the hotel....where would he have gone? How long would he have been able to evade arrest? not forget he had rented the room in his own name. He was well known by casino officials...they had all his info picture etc.etc.etc.

Any intelligent person that wanted to escape after shooting up so many people would not have rented the room in his own name to begin with.

Why some want to persist with the 'escape plan delusion' is beyond comprehension.

There is do doubt the loser was conjecture over exactly whey he had become suicidal is pertinent....but I think least if one knows much about gamblers. Yet Las Vegas officials have waited a long time to pursue in their investigations what should have been obvious from the gitgo as in it is such a common thing in vegas aka.....a gambler becomes suicidal because of gambling away his money or some significant portion of it....a well known phenomenon in vegas....has happened countless times. The only thing different about paddock was that he decided to get revenge on vegas and the casinoes before he killed himself. Nothing mysterious about it at all.
Sheriff Lombardo told KLAS-TV, Channel 8, that Paddock’s wealth fluctuated because of gambling, real estate transactions and “everything else that he chose to do.” Paddock lost a large amount of money after September 2015, the sheriff said.

Lombardo speculated that the financial losses might have contributed to Paddock’s decision to spray a country music festival with bullets, killing 58 people and injuring more than 500 others.

“I think that might have a determining factor on what he determined to do,” Lombardo said in the interview, which aired Wednesday night.

Later, Lombardo said, “If you look at the numbers that he did gamble, he was pretty prolific, but he was going in the wrong direction, so I don’t know if that had any effect on what he decided to do.”

Lombardo could not be reached Thursday by the Las Vegas Review-Journal.

The sheriff told Channel 8 that Paddock was concerned with his status in casinos and with friends and family.

“Obviously, that was starting to decline in a short period of time, and that may have a determining effect on why he decided to do what he did,” Lombardo said.'

The guy had a huge ego and was a narcissist......thus when confronted with the fact that he had become a loser....he became suicidal....many,many gamblers have gone down that road....why did it take the Sheriff so long to release that info? It would have taken a casinoe about 5 mins. to come up with the info.

Las Vegas gunman Stephen Paddock lost money in 2 years preceding shooting
Sheriff Lombardo told KLAS-TV, Channel 8, that Paddock’s wealth fluctuated because of gambling, real estate transactions and “everything else that he chose to do.” Paddock lost a large amount of money after September 2015, the sheriff said.

Lombardo speculated that the financial losses might have contributed to Paddock’s decision to spray a country music festival with bullets, killing 58 people and injuring more than 500 others.

“I think that might have a determining factor on what he determined to do,” Lombardo said in the interview, which aired Wednesday night.

Later, Lombardo said, “If you look at the numbers that he did gamble, he was pretty prolific, but he was going in the wrong direction, so I don’t know if that had any effect on what he decided to do.”

Lombardo could not be reached Thursday by the Las Vegas Review-Journal.

The sheriff told Channel 8 that Paddock was concerned with his status in casinos and with friends and family.

“Obviously, that was starting to decline in a short period of time, and that may have a determining effect on why he decided to do what he did,” Lombardo said.'

The guy had a huge ego and was a narcissist......thus when confronted with the fact that he had become a loser....he became suicidal....many,many gamblers have gone down that road....why did it take the Sheriff so long to release that info? It would have taken a casinoe about 5 mins. to come up with the info.

Las Vegas gunman Stephen Paddock lost money in 2 years preceding shooting
. So basically he (like you are saying), figured that he would do what he did in hopes to destroy the Vegas strip in which destroyed him over time ?? Could be, but the bumpstock is still in the eyeball of the ATF who has been petitioned by the NRA to review the attachment.
Las Vegas Gunman Was a Trump Supporter, Happy With President Because Stock Market Was Doing Well
Source: Newsweek

By Christal Hayes On 11/3/17 at 4:30 PM
Las Vegas gunman Stephen Paddock was quite the fan of President Donald Trump before he killed 58 people and left another 500 injured—the worst mass shooting in recent U.S. history.

Paddock, a millionaire who reportedly would gamble up to $1 million a night in casinos, was attracted to the president's politics because of the boost the stock market has enjoyed since Trump took office, Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo told KLAS, a local CBS affiliate in Las Vegas, during a two-hour interview.

Paddock said "he was happy with Trump because the stock market was doing well," Lombardo said.

Stocks have indeed risen nearly every month since Trump took office—something that has been achieved under no other U.S. president, Forbes reported. But the magazine also noted that the markets have actually seen better gains under five other presidents.

Read more: Las Vegas gunman was a Trump supporter and happy with him because the stock market was doing well
Sheriff Lombardo told KLAS-TV, Channel 8, that Paddock’s wealth fluctuated because of gambling, real estate transactions and “everything else that he chose to do.” Paddock lost a large amount of money after September 2015, the sheriff said.

Lombardo speculated that the financial losses might have contributed to Paddock’s decision to spray a country music festival with bullets, killing 58 people and injuring more than 500 others.

“I think that might have a determining factor on what he determined to do,” Lombardo said in the interview, which aired Wednesday night.

Later, Lombardo said, “If you look at the numbers that he did gamble, he was pretty prolific, but he was going in the wrong direction, so I don’t know if that had any effect on what he decided to do.”

Lombardo could not be reached Thursday by the Las Vegas Review-Journal.

The sheriff told Channel 8 that Paddock was concerned with his status in casinos and with friends and family.

“Obviously, that was starting to decline in a short period of time, and that may have a determining effect on why he decided to do what he did,” Lombardo said.'

The guy had a huge ego and was a narcissist......thus when confronted with the fact that he had become a loser....he became suicidal....many,many gamblers have gone down that road....why did it take the Sheriff so long to release that info? It would have taken a casinoe about 5 mins. to come up with the info.

Las Vegas gunman Stephen Paddock lost money in 2 years preceding shooting
. So basically he (like you are saying), figured that he would do what he did in hopes to destroy the Vegas strip in which destroyed him over time ?? Could be, but the bumpstock is still in the eyeball of the ATF who has been petitioned by the NRA to review the attachment.

I claim his gambling losses were primarily responsible for him to become suicidal....which has happened so many times in Las common in Vegas that when the people that live there hear of someone comitting suicide they assume it was because of gambling losses...unless other info to the contrary is provided. Yet the authorities there doing the investigation apparantly did not even consider that for a long while...or did they know from the gitgo and just refuse to release the info....the way vegas has managed this whole investigation needs to be stinks of a cover up.
Las Vegas Gunman Was a Trump Supporter, Happy With President Because Stock Market Was Doing Well
Source: Newsweek

By Christal Hayes On 11/3/17 at 4:30 PM
Las Vegas gunman Stephen Paddock was quite the fan of President Donald Trump before he killed 58 people and left another 500 injured—the worst mass shooting in recent U.S. history.

Paddock, a millionaire who reportedly would gamble up to $1 million a night in casinos, was attracted to the president's politics because of the boost the stock market has enjoyed since Trump took office, Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo told KLAS, a local CBS affiliate in Las Vegas, during a two-hour interview.

Paddock said "he was happy with Trump because the stock market was doing well," Lombardo said.

Stocks have indeed risen nearly every month since Trump took office—something that has been achieved under no other U.S. president, Forbes reported. But the magazine also noted that the markets have actually seen better gains under five other presidents.

Read more: Las Vegas gunman was a Trump supporter and happy with him because the stock market was doing well

About half the country are Trump Supporters...which includes people from all walks of life and all categories of life ...good and bad. So.....what is your point?
Even if the loser had been able to get out of the hotel....where would he have gone? How long would he have been able to evade arrest? not forget he had rented the room in his own name. He was well known by casino officials...they had all his info picture etc.etc.etc.

Any intelligent person that wanted to escape after shooting up so many people would not have rented the room in his own name to begin with.

Why some want to persist with the 'escape plan delusion' is beyond comprehension.

There is do doubt the loser was conjecture over exactly whey he had become suicidal is pertinent....but I think least if one knows much about gamblers. Yet Las Vegas officials have waited a long time to pursue in their investigations what should have been obvious from the gitgo as in it is such a common thing in vegas aka.....a gambler becomes suicidal because of gambling away his money or some significant portion of it....a well known phenomenon in vegas....has happened countless times. The only thing different about paddock was that he decided to get revenge on vegas and the casinoes before he killed himself. Nothing mysterious about it at all.
If it was a kind of revenge as you say of a player in Las Vegas? he had prepared well and several people heard the shots from the start. the police did not react fast enough in my opinion. He was armed to the teeth, but he was alone in the room, too.
Even if the loser had been able to get out of the hotel....where would he have gone? How long would he have been able to evade arrest? not forget he had rented the room in his own name. He was well known by casino officials...they had all his info picture etc.etc.etc.

Any intelligent person that wanted to escape after shooting up so many people would not have rented the room in his own name to begin with.

Why some want to persist with the 'escape plan delusion' is beyond comprehension.

There is do doubt the loser was conjecture over exactly whey he had become suicidal is pertinent....but I think least if one knows much about gamblers. Yet Las Vegas officials have waited a long time to pursue in their investigations what should have been obvious from the gitgo as in it is such a common thing in vegas aka.....a gambler becomes suicidal because of gambling away his money or some significant portion of it....a well known phenomenon in vegas....has happened countless times. The only thing different about paddock was that he decided to get revenge on vegas and the casinoes before he killed himself. Nothing mysterious about it at all.
If it was a kind of revenge as you say of a player in Las Vegas? he had prepared well and several people heard the shots from the start. the police did not react fast enough in my opinion. He was armed to the teeth, but he was alone in the room, too.
. Was he alone in the room ?? Who could have been in the room with him or who had the best access to be in that room with him in the time frames noted ? What went wrong, and when did it go wrong with the plan ?? You would think that if a person had amassed that kind of firepower & ammo, that he would have intended to be their until a breech of the room disrupted his plan or he ran out of ammo where next he would have died in the firefight that would have come after that. If there was no breech, then what or who stopped Paddock ?? Was it the encounter with Campos that took him off his plan maybe, and therefore caused him to end it for himself after that ? Was it a combination of sudden events (Campos & the soon to be swat team next he figured), otherwise that distracted him enough in order to stop him ? At what point did he feel as if it was over, and so he turned the weapon on himself ? Was it when he shot the tank, and it didn't blow up, and then combined with having to deal with the possibility of a breech coming next ??
Even if the loser had been able to get out of the hotel....where would he have gone? How long would he have been able to evade arrest? not forget he had rented the room in his own name. He was well known by casino officials...they had all his info picture etc.etc.etc.

Any intelligent person that wanted to escape after shooting up so many people would not have rented the room in his own name to begin with.

Why some want to persist with the 'escape plan delusion' is beyond comprehension.

There is do doubt the loser was conjecture over exactly whey he had become suicidal is pertinent....but I think least if one knows much about gamblers. Yet Las Vegas officials have waited a long time to pursue in their investigations what should have been obvious from the gitgo as in it is such a common thing in vegas aka.....a gambler becomes suicidal because of gambling away his money or some significant portion of it....a well known phenomenon in vegas....has happened countless times. The only thing different about paddock was that he decided to get revenge on vegas and the casinoes before he killed himself. Nothing mysterious about it at all.
If it was a kind of revenge as you say of a player in Las Vegas? he had prepared well and several people heard the shots from the start. the police did not react fast enough in my opinion. He was armed to the teeth, but he was alone in the room, too.
. Was he alone in the room ?? Who could have been in the room with him or who had the best access to be in that room with him in the time frames noted ? What went wrong, and when did it go wrong with the plan ?? You would think that if a person had amassed that kind of firepower & ammo, that he would have intended to be their until a breech of the room disrupted his plan or he ran out of ammo where next he would have died in the firefight that would have come after that. If there was no breech, then what or who stopped Paddock ?? Was it the encounter with Campos that took him off his plan maybe, and therefore caused him to end it for himself after that ? Was it a combination of sudden events (Campos & the soon to be swat team next he figured), otherwise that distracted him enough in order to stop him ? At what point did he feel as if it was over, and so he turned the weapon on himself ? Was it when he shot the tank, and it didn't blow up, and then combined with having to deal with the possibility of a breech coming next ??

What he thought and did during the final moments of his life only he knows and he took all that to his grave.....he definitely could have killed a lot more took the police about an hour to barge into his room. He was probably delusional after he started shooting and maybe had been for awhile....the sheriff mentioned his depression and he was abusing valium and his g/f talked about his insane outbursts. Actually there was not a whole lot of planning needed for him to do what he did....he just needed to get a room with a view of the festivities and get his weapons and ammunition up there which was easy to do--as the sheriff said...he took them up at different times in bags and aroused no suspicion and with the apparant negligence of the mandalay bay security that was not hard to do. He also did some things that did not really help him ....putting a camera out in the hall and barricading a door in the hallway...which in his crazed mind probably seemed like a good idea. In a nutshell he was a madman who went suicidal and decided to take a lot of people with him to get revenge on vegas and the casinoes. But those who like to dream up conspiracies....nothing will stop them.
Even if the loser had been able to get out of the hotel....where would he have gone? How long would he have been able to evade arrest? not forget he had rented the room in his own name. He was well known by casino officials...they had all his info picture etc.etc.etc.

Any intelligent person that wanted to escape after shooting up so many people would not have rented the room in his own name to begin with.

Why some want to persist with the 'escape plan delusion' is beyond comprehension.

There is do doubt the loser was conjecture over exactly whey he had become suicidal is pertinent....but I think least if one knows much about gamblers. Yet Las Vegas officials have waited a long time to pursue in their investigations what should have been obvious from the gitgo as in it is such a common thing in vegas aka.....a gambler becomes suicidal because of gambling away his money or some significant portion of it....a well known phenomenon in vegas....has happened countless times. The only thing different about paddock was that he decided to get revenge on vegas and the casinoes before he killed himself. Nothing mysterious about it at all.
If it was a kind of revenge as you say of a player in Las Vegas? he had prepared well and several people heard the shots from the start. the police did not react fast enough in my opinion. He was armed to the teeth, but he was alone in the room, too.
. Was he alone in the room ?? Who could have been in the room with him or who had the best access to be in that room with him in the time frames noted ? What went wrong, and when did it go wrong with the plan ?? You would think that if a person had amassed that kind of firepower & ammo, that he would have intended to be their until a breech of the room disrupted his plan or he ran out of ammo where next he would have died in the firefight that would have come after that. If there was no breech, then what or who stopped Paddock ?? Was it the encounter with Campos that took him off his plan maybe, and therefore caused him to end it for himself after that ? Was it a combination of sudden events (Campos & the soon to be swat team next he figured), otherwise that distracted him enough in order to stop him ? At what point did he feel as if it was over, and so he turned the weapon on himself ? Was it when he shot the tank, and it didn't blow up, and then combined with having to deal with the possibility of a breech coming next ??
Yes, so many unanswered questions, right from the start of the mass shooting CNN was talking about gunshots from the scene and after from the building. I think it becomes difficult to find himself among all this assumptions especially that we have no more informations, there is no follow-up to what happened.
Was he alone in the room? if it was him who was in the room too because the pictures that we were shown of the scene after the "suicide" it does not seem to be "Paddock" on the ground.
A lot of Mysteries that surround this mass shooting. I propose this video .

Even if the loser had been able to get out of the hotel....where would he have gone? How long would he have been able to evade arrest? not forget he had rented the room in his own name. He was well known by casino officials...they had all his info picture etc.etc.etc.

Any intelligent person that wanted to escape after shooting up so many people would not have rented the room in his own name to begin with.

Why some want to persist with the 'escape plan delusion' is beyond comprehension.

There is do doubt the loser was conjecture over exactly whey he had become suicidal is pertinent....but I think least if one knows much about gamblers. Yet Las Vegas officials have waited a long time to pursue in their investigations what should have been obvious from the gitgo as in it is such a common thing in vegas aka.....a gambler becomes suicidal because of gambling away his money or some significant portion of it....a well known phenomenon in vegas....has happened countless times. The only thing different about paddock was that he decided to get revenge on vegas and the casinoes before he killed himself. Nothing mysterious about it at all.
If it was a kind of revenge as you say of a player in Las Vegas? he had prepared well and several people heard the shots from the start. the police did not react fast enough in my opinion. He was armed to the teeth, but he was alone in the room, too.
. Was he alone in the room ?? Who could have been in the room with him or who had the best access to be in that room with him in the time frames noted ? What went wrong, and when did it go wrong with the plan ?? You would think that if a person had amassed that kind of firepower & ammo, that he would have intended to be their until a breech of the room disrupted his plan or he ran out of ammo where next he would have died in the firefight that would have come after that. If there was no breech, then what or who stopped Paddock ?? Was it the encounter with Campos that took him off his plan maybe, and therefore caused him to end it for himself after that ? Was it a combination of sudden events (Campos & the soon to be swat team next he figured), otherwise that distracted him enough in order to stop him ? At what point did he feel as if it was over, and so he turned the weapon on himself ? Was it when he shot the tank, and it didn't blow up, and then combined with having to deal with the possibility of a breech coming next ??
Yes, so many unanswered questions, right from the start of the mass shooting CNN was talking about gunshots from the scene and after from the building. I think it becomes difficult to find himself among all this assumptions especially that we have no more informations, there is no follow-up to what happened.
Was he alone in the room? if it was him who was in the room too because the pictures that we were shown of the scene after the "suicide" it does not seem to be "Paddock" on the ground.
A lot of Mysteries that surround this mass shooting. I propose this video .

. Hmm, did someone threaten Campos otherwise if he talked, and so he left the country to get advice from who maybe ? Could Campos had shot Paddock somehow ?
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