Las Vegas shooting: Reports of shooter at Mandalay Bay Casino

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Indeed there is. And, amazingly enough there isn't a legal machinegun trade in France and yet the terrorists who killed all of those poor Parisians had no trouble obtaining them. Hmm. It seems that gun laws don't prevent bad people from getting them. How is that possible?

Strange only the US has mass shootings regularly. Our police are shot and killed weekly. We have more accidental death than most countries have gun deaths...

Only an ignorant moonbat would post such bilge. Shootings take place all over the world. The U.S. is a large country, so there are more, but less fatalities when adjusted by population than some other countries. I'll also note that there are government around the world that kill far more of their OWN CITIZENS every year than the total killed by fire arms in the U.S.

View attachment 152363

If You Look at This Chart of Top 10 Nations in the World for Mass Shootings - One Thing Jumps Out

They are rare everywhere else. And ours keep getting worse.

Wrong. Ours are staying the same, but they are getting worse everywhere else because they already have the anti gun laws you want, they just can't seem to enforce them.

Strange this is the worst one ever. You call that staying the same?

The worst shooting, but not the worst mass murder. That bit of history belongs to a little shit who burned 80+ people to death in New York with a gallon of gasoline. Want to outlaw that too? That's the problem you have, you want to ban everything but the only people who follow bans are the legal people. The criminals laugh at you dipshits and say "thanks for making our crimes easier!"
Such a stupid argument. Cars are replete with safety features, many mandated by law. Roads have rules for safety and are patrolled by police. If guns were regulated as well there would be fewer problems.

Guns aren't regulated? Silly wabbit!

Gun laws in the United States by state - Wikipedia

Regulated as well as cars, dope. I swear you're all functionally illiterate. Either that or you're not native speakers.

Your reading comprehension is sorely lacking, bub.

OMG you dopes can't even string two consecutive sentences together with any degree of competence.

You wouldn't recognize a well constructed sentence even if it slapped you on the ass and called you Judy.
Judy? LOL. But Hutch is literate. That's foolish.
There is a legal market for firearms trade in the USA because of the law there.

Indeed there is. And, amazingly enough there isn't a legal machinegun trade in France and yet the terrorists who killed all of those poor Parisians had no trouble obtaining them. Hmm. It seems that gun laws don't prevent bad people from getting them. How is that possible?
They have the NRA to make sure they get and keep their guns

Most gun owners are not members of the nra. Furthermore the nra doesn't exist in France. So, yet again, how did the Paris attackers get their illegal machineguns?
The NRA is a lobby group for the gun manufacturers.

No it isn't. it is a lobby for the gun owners of the USA. Go peddle your bullshit elsewhere.
Please stop your vulgarity if you want to avoid being reported.
The NRA used to be for gun owners but they changed their rules and now accept large donations from gun manufacturers. They also pay for promoting politicians who are willing to be in their pocket. That makes them a gun lobby group for the manufacturers.
Firearms are manufactured for killing people, cars are not.

They are manufacture to hunt with, well for me. Also my two shotguns are not American own and the .38 U am buying is made in Brazil.

The one shotgun is made in Russia and the other was made in China.

Now to my question why would countries with stronger gun control mass produce firearms to be sold in the states?
There is a legal market for firearms trade in the USA because of the law there.

Indeed there is. And, amazingly enough there isn't a legal machinegun trade in France and yet the terrorists who killed all of those poor Parisians had no trouble obtaining them. Hmm. It seems that gun laws don't prevent bad people from getting them. How is that possible?

Because guns don't kill people - Bad People kill other people.

Bad people with guns kill a lot of people. Very efficiently.

So do terrorists with trucks and so do drunks with automobiles.
One thing I hope we all can agree on

Mandalay Bay gots some splainin to do, Lucy

How in the hell such a huge arsenal got to the top floor?

I've never had to go through a metal detector to check into any hotel in the U.S. It's not the hotel's fault, although I'm sure some slimey lawyer will try to flog up a class action suit to pick some deep pockets.
Well, the gun lobby would fight that; gun free zones kill people, doncha know.
McVeigh was comfortable with a firearm, so why didn't he use one?

Also the 9/11 terrorists killed more people with planes and all they needed to do was use guns because according to you it is easier.

A gun can't destroy a multi-story federal building. Can It?

This guy chose guns. It was very effective.

And McVeigh choice was a truck built into a bomb... McVeigh killed more but let ban guns and did you know fully automatic weapons are hard as hell to obtain?

Bet you did not know That!

So if he bought it legally then there is a permit by the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT and records and if obtained illegally it will still be traced!

Notice fully automatic is what they are claiming, so know the fucking difference and know that is not common like semi-automatic firearms!

Since McVeigh, Ammonium nitrate has been more difficult to obtain. And making a semi automatic that is easily converted to automatic is an issue.

Bullshit on both counts. ANY self loading firearm can be easily converted. As far as the Ammonium Nitrate, there are no controls on its purchase as the prime users are farms. And they buy millions of tons per year.

Ammonium Nitrate Security Statutes and Regulations | Homeland Security

Now, don't you feel like the idiot you are.

Bet you didn't notice that your link is PROPOSED RULES. Now, don't you feel like a moron?

Proposed Rules
Strange only the US has mass shootings regularly. Our police are shot and killed weekly. We have more accidental death than most countries have gun deaths...

Only an ignorant moonbat would post such bilge. Shootings take place all over the world. The U.S. is a large country, so there are more, but less fatalities when adjusted by population than some other countries. I'll also note that there are government around the world that kill far more of their OWN CITIZENS every year than the total killed by fire arms in the U.S.

View attachment 152363

If You Look at This Chart of Top 10 Nations in the World for Mass Shootings - One Thing Jumps Out

They are rare everywhere else. And ours keep getting worse.

Wrong. Ours are staying the same, but they are getting worse everywhere else because they already have the anti gun laws you want, they just can't seem to enforce them.

Strange this is the worst one ever. You call that staying the same?

The worst shooting, but not the worst mass murder. That bit of history belongs to a little shit who burned 80+ people to death in New York with a gallon of gasoline. Want to outlaw that too? That's the problem you have, you want to ban everything but the only people who follow bans are the legal people. The criminals laugh at you dipshits and say "thanks for making our crimes easier!"

We have the most guns. Lax gun laws. And mass shootings regularly. Last week a church. Week before that a football party. Our police are killed weekly. These things don't happen regularly with gun control.
Just not in this case, dope. The preference was for the readily available and easily accessed rifles. They proved to be very effective.

Well fucktard McVeigh used a truck to blow up kids, and did you call for the banning of trucks?

Of course not.

Trucks have been used in terrorist attacks but you just shrug it off but let a gun be used and you call for repealing the Second Amendment.

So let cut the shit and admit you ignore the fact the gun is just one tool for terrorists.

A truck isn't a gun. A gun cannot destroy a multi story building. A truck cannot be used from a 32nd floor window. This guy used what he had in the manner he was comfortable with. It was very simple and very effective. So much so that he now holds the record.

McVeigh was comfortable with a firearm, so why didn't he use one?

Also the 9/11 terrorists killed more people with planes and all they needed to do was use guns because according to you it is easier.

A gun can't destroy a multi-story federal building. Can It?

This guy chose guns. It was very effective.

And McVeigh choice was a truck built into a bomb... McVeigh killed more but let ban guns and did you know fully automatic weapons are hard as hell to obtain?

Bet you did not know That!

So if he bought it legally then there is a permit by the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT and records and if obtained illegally it will still be traced!

Notice fully automatic is what they are claiming, so know the fucking difference and know that is not common like semi-automatic firearms!

The guy is dead. Whether his weapon was legal or illegal makes no difference at this point. It was very effective.
Indeed there is. And, amazingly enough there isn't a legal machinegun trade in France and yet the terrorists who killed all of those poor Parisians had no trouble obtaining them. Hmm. It seems that gun laws don't prevent bad people from getting them. How is that possible?
They have the NRA to make sure they get and keep their guns

Most gun owners are not members of the nra. Furthermore the nra doesn't exist in France. So, yet again, how did the Paris attackers get their illegal machineguns?
The NRA is a lobby group for the gun manufacturers.

No it isn't. it is a lobby for the gun owners of the USA. Go peddle your bullshit elsewhere.
Please stop your vulgarity if you want to avoid being reported.
The NRA used to be for gun owners but they changed their rules and now accept large donations from gun manufacturers. They also pay for promoting politicians who are willing to be in their pocket. That makes them a gun lobby group for the manufacturers.

Fuck you you ignorant twat. The nra is a gun owners group. They buy politicians like every other group, corporation, foundation, in the US does. They are no different.
There is a legal market for firearms trade in the USA because of the law there.

Yes. And thank God we haven't given up our rights to defend ourselves.
Fifty-eight Americans and 515 injured were not protected by the murderer in Las Vegas last night.

Indeed they weren't. The Clark County sheriff is virulently anti gun so the concert was in a "gun free" zone. So, yet again, the victims were placed into a shooting bowl and prevented the means to defend themselves.
How many armed concert goers could take out a sniper that far away?

There were a bunch of prior military there who would have had the ability to at least keep the asshole ducking. That would have allowed many to escape unharmed. How did your gun free zone help the victims?:cuckoo:
You mean shooting up the entire hotel with misses? How hard is it to set up, STANDING, while the fleeing mob is running you over?

The gun free zone is not what I am arguing, but I never want a crowd to have guns, especially while partying in a town like Vegas with lots of booze.
Indeed there is. And, amazingly enough there isn't a legal machinegun trade in France and yet the terrorists who killed all of those poor Parisians had no trouble obtaining them. Hmm. It seems that gun laws don't prevent bad people from getting them. How is that possible?
They have the NRA to make sure they get and keep their guns

Most gun owners are not members of the nra. Furthermore the nra doesn't exist in France. So, yet again, how did the Paris attackers get their illegal machineguns?
The NRA is a lobby group for the gun manufacturers.

No it isn't. it is a lobby for the gun owners of the USA. Go peddle your bullshit elsewhere.
I thought it was a lobby group to protect the 2nd Amendment like the ACLU is a lobby group to protect the 1st, 4th, and 5th Amendments....both with a full stable of high-power lawyers.
The Second Amendment does not give the NRA money; the gun manufacturers do ... a lot.
I know there is a legal definition, but can anyone explain how the authorities did NOT deem this a terror attack?

Yes, he clearly had mental issues and probably any number of personal problems. However, he was holed up for a few days, and had to transport a hell of a lot of ammo, heavy weapons On another forum someone suggested he had a camera set-up to monitor police. This was clearly well planned and planned with a purpose in mind, to attack innocent revellers at an outside concert.

Thousands, helpless and hopeless people, as he went through so many rounds. I cannot think of any other more callous form of terror than what this animal engaged in.
Only an ignorant moonbat would post such bilge. Shootings take place all over the world. The U.S. is a large country, so there are more, but less fatalities when adjusted by population than some other countries. I'll also note that there are government around the world that kill far more of their OWN CITIZENS every year than the total killed by fire arms in the U.S.

View attachment 152363

If You Look at This Chart of Top 10 Nations in the World for Mass Shootings - One Thing Jumps Out

They are rare everywhere else. And ours keep getting worse.

Wrong. Ours are staying the same, but they are getting worse everywhere else because they already have the anti gun laws you want, they just can't seem to enforce them.

Strange this is the worst one ever. You call that staying the same?

The worst shooting, but not the worst mass murder. That bit of history belongs to a little shit who burned 80+ people to death in New York with a gallon of gasoline. Want to outlaw that too? That's the problem you have, you want to ban everything but the only people who follow bans are the legal people. The criminals laugh at you dipshits and say "thanks for making our crimes easier!"

We have the most guns. Lax gun laws. And mass shootings regularly. Last week a church. Week before that a football party. Our police are killed weekly. These things don't happen regularly with gun control.

Yes, they do. You just turn a blind eye to them because you don't care to know the truth. You're nothing more than a political hack who lies as a way of life.

Within his first two months as president, Donald Trump repealed without public display an Obama administration gun regulation that prevented certain individuals with mental health conditions from buying firearms.

So that makes him just as guilty in your mind as the Democrats, doesn't it?

By the way, what he repealed was preventing the VA from withholding treatment to veterans that had firearms and that is a good thing.

That asshole Obama;s administration put out a position paper that said that veterans and firearm owners are potential terrorist. How stupid was that?

Did you hear what that dumbass Crooked Hillary kunt said today?

The crowd fled at the sound of gunshots.

Imagine the deaths if the shooter had a silencer, which the NRA wants to make easier to get.

Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) October 2, 2017

The dumbass doesn't understand that the silencer would have not only cut down on the velocity of the bullets but the smoke (gas) inside the room instead of being directed outward and would have probably immediately set off the fire alarms.

Sounds like she had her agenda-pushing all ready to go. Coincidence? Hmmm..

Crooked Hillary really is a dumb bitch. The reports from the crowd is that they thought the automatic fire as part of the show and didn't react.

Besides, a silencer in a high power rifle doesn't eliminate the sound. It directs the noise downrange instead of by the firearm. The baffling will decrease the sound a little bit but would also have a significant effect on the velocity of the bullet. If he had used a silencer then more people would have survived.

Also, the stupid kunt doesn't know that a silencer would jam up a full auto weapon pretty damn quick.

The dumb kunt needs to keep her filthy mouth shut about things she knows nothing about..
They are rare everywhere else. And ours keep getting worse.

Wrong. Ours are staying the same, but they are getting worse everywhere else because they already have the anti gun laws you want, they just can't seem to enforce them.

Strange this is the worst one ever. You call that staying the same?

The worst shooting, but not the worst mass murder. That bit of history belongs to a little shit who burned 80+ people to death in New York with a gallon of gasoline. Want to outlaw that too? That's the problem you have, you want to ban everything but the only people who follow bans are the legal people. The criminals laugh at you dipshits and say "thanks for making our crimes easier!"

We have the most guns. Lax gun laws. And mass shootings regularly. Last week a church. Week before that a football party. Our police are killed weekly. These things don't happen regularly with gun control.

Yes, they do. You just turn a blind eye to them because you don't care to know the truth. You're nothing more than a political hack who lies as a way of life.

Then please share an example and give links.
They have the NRA to make sure they get and keep their guns

Most gun owners are not members of the nra. Furthermore the nra doesn't exist in France. So, yet again, how did the Paris attackers get their illegal machineguns?
The NRA is a lobby group for the gun manufacturers.

No it isn't. it is a lobby for the gun owners of the USA. Go peddle your bullshit elsewhere.
I thought it was a lobby group to protect the 2nd Amendment like the ACLU is a lobby group to protect the 1st, 4th, and 5th Amendments....both with a full stable of high-power lawyers.
The Second Amendment does not give the NRA money; the gun manufacturers do ... a lot.

Yes, the nra has a magazine. the manufacturers BUY advertising in it, just like every other industry does. Further they donate to the ILA who's job is to ensure that gun owners Rights are protected. You are doing nothing but digging your hole deeper.
They have the NRA to make sure they get and keep their guns

Most gun owners are not members of the nra. Furthermore the nra doesn't exist in France. So, yet again, how did the Paris attackers get their illegal machineguns?
The NRA is a lobby group for the gun manufacturers.

No it isn't. it is a lobby for the gun owners of the USA. Go peddle your bullshit elsewhere.
Please stop your vulgarity if you want to avoid being reported.
The NRA used to be for gun owners but they changed their rules and now accept large donations from gun manufacturers. They also pay for promoting politicians who are willing to be in their pocket. That makes them a gun lobby group for the manufacturers.

Fuck you you ignorant twat. The nra is a gun owners group. They buy politicians like every other group, corporation, foundation, in the US does. They are no different.
Once again I ask you to stay on topic which is the murder of Americans by a gun lover and stop your vulgar abuse of members of USMessageBoard.
Yet another asshole who does not grasp the meaning behind BLM. Are all you Trumpettes this stupid or what? cannot deny that I'm 100% correct. And THAT irks you doesn't it?

The Democrats are full on now for more gun copntrol....but say NOTHING of the FAR more deaths of blacks in Chicago.

And you're imbecile enough to let them get away with it.
Yet another asshole who does not grasp the meaning behind BLM. Are all you Trumpettes this stupid or what? cannot deny that I'm 100% correct. And THAT irks you doesn't it?

The Democrats are full on now for more gun copntrol....but say NOTHING of the FAR more deaths of blacks in Chicago.

And you're imbecile enough to let them get away with it.

Aren't those blacks killed by guns?
Well fucktard McVeigh used a truck to blow up kids, and did you call for the banning of trucks?

Of course not.

Trucks have been used in terrorist attacks but you just shrug it off but let a gun be used and you call for repealing the Second Amendment.

So let cut the shit and admit you ignore the fact the gun is just one tool for terrorists.

A truck isn't a gun. A gun cannot destroy a multi story building. A truck cannot be used from a 32nd floor window. This guy used what he had in the manner he was comfortable with. It was very simple and very effective. So much so that he now holds the record.

McVeigh was comfortable with a firearm, so why didn't he use one?

Also the 9/11 terrorists killed more people with planes and all they needed to do was use guns because according to you it is easier.

A gun can't destroy a multi-story federal building. Can It?

This guy chose guns. It was very effective.

And McVeigh choice was a truck built into a bomb... McVeigh killed more but let ban guns and did you know fully automatic weapons are hard as hell to obtain?

Bet you did not know That!

So if he bought it legally then there is a permit by the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT and records and if obtained illegally it will still be traced!

Notice fully automatic is what they are claiming, so know the fucking difference and know that is not common like semi-automatic firearms!

The guy is dead. Whether his weapon was legal or illegal makes no difference at this point. It was very effective.

It does make a difference if it was legally obtain or not, well to the law abiding citizen it does.

Funny to you it matter not because if it were obtained illegally then it kill a your wish for more gun control because criminals do not obey the fucking law!

Now if it were obtained legally then the seller need to show documentation that the buyer was legal to buy a fully automatic weapon!

I bet you still have no damn clue how hard it is to obtain one!

Also if modified that has to be known because then it bring into question who taught him?

Finally, the one question that has been ask is how did he get those firearms in the Hotel?

Of course you do not care because you want firearms banned!
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