Las Vegas shooting: Reports of shooter at Mandalay Bay Casino

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Strange this is the worst one ever. You call that staying the same?

The worst shooting, but not the worst mass murder. That bit of history belongs to a little shit who burned 80+ people to death in New York with a gallon of gasoline. Want to outlaw that too? That's the problem you have, you want to ban everything but the only people who follow bans are the legal people. The criminals laugh at you dipshits and say "thanks for making our crimes easier!"

We have the most guns. Lax gun laws. And mass shootings regularly. Last week a church. Week before that a football party. Our police are killed weekly. These things don't happen regularly with gun control.

Yes, they do. You just turn a blind eye to them because you don't care to know the truth. You're nothing more than a political hack who lies as a way of life.

Then please share an example and give links.

How many do you want silly boy? These are just a few of the German police officer deaths. The French are having a worse time of it. The recent spate of US police deaths are attributable to BLM and their "let's kill cops campaign". Fine group of people you associate with.

List of killings by law enforcement officers in Germany - Wikipedia
Two German police officers killed by fleeing murder suspect in Brandenburg | Germany | DW | 28.02.2017
A gunfight erupted at a German station after a man grabed a cop's gun
Two killed, four wounded in German disco shooting
Man grabs German cop's gun, shoots her in head
German police officer dies after being shot by far-right extremist
German Police Officer Dies After Raid on Supporter of Far-Right Fringe Group
50 a year...

Tough gun control laws in Germany that were rigorously tightened after two ghastly school shootings in 2002 and 2009 have helped cut the number of firearm killings in half to about 50 a year, according to experts.

After its own mass shootings, Germany beefed up gun control laws. The number of shootings dropped.
It's too bad we can't sue the gun industry as easily.

IF that were allowed, I assure you the Auto Industry and hammer industry and knife industry would be next

Such a stupid argument. Cars are replete with safety features, many mandated by law. Roads have rules for safety and are patrolled by police. If guns were regulated as well there would be fewer problems.

Guns are far more regulated than cars. Over 20,000 gun laws are already on the books. The issue is, of course, that progressive judges, DA's and legal foundations ignore, and deny the existence of those laws.

They aren't.
There is no ownership title that transfers when a weapon is sold.
They do not require registration.
They do not require testing and licensing to operate.

And you keep dodging the question of how the Paris shooters got their weapons.

When did you pose that question to me?
McVeigh was comfortable with a firearm, so why didn't he use one?

Also the 9/11 terrorists killed more people with planes and all they needed to do was use guns because according to you it is easier.

A gun can't destroy a multi-story federal building. Can It?

This guy chose guns. It was very effective.

And McVeigh choice was a truck built into a bomb... McVeigh killed more but let ban guns and did you know fully automatic weapons are hard as hell to obtain?

Bet you did not know That!

So if he bought it legally then there is a permit by the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT and records and if obtained illegally it will still be traced!

Notice fully automatic is what they are claiming, so know the fucking difference and know that is not common like semi-automatic firearms!

The guy is dead. Whether his weapon was legal or illegal makes no difference at this point. It was very effective.

It does make a difference if it was legally obtain or not, well to the law abiding citizen it does.

Funny to you it matter not because if it were obtained illegally then it kill a your wish for more gun control because criminals do not obey the fucking law!

Now if it were obtained legally then the seller need to show documentation that the buyer was legal to buy a fully automatic weapon!

I bet you still have no damn clue how hard it is to obtain one!

Also if modified that has to be known because then it bring into question who taught him?

Finally, the one question that has been ask is how did he get those firearms in the Hotel?

Of course you do not care because you want firearms banned!

It only matters insofar as an investigation may lead to some illegal weapon modifiers.
The reality is that if weapons like ak or ar weren't available, they couldn't be modified in this way.

I don't in any way wish to ban all weapons. The type used in this and many other cases have no purpose in the civilian world.
The reality is that if weapons like ak or ar weren't available, they couldn't be modified in this way.


they would be made, and sold, on the black market.

After Orlando, the Homemade AR-15 Industry Surges
Those people have guns because our country is littered with them. And they are very good
for killing people.

And they are also VERY good for self defense.

"Our Country" (if you're actually American) has a thing called a Constitution that provides for the ownership of guns by the population.

HmmmmI'll bet you think that the 2nd Amendment's purpose was for mass killings?
There is a legal market for firearms trade in the USA because of the law there.

Indeed there is. And, amazingly enough there isn't a legal machinegun trade in France and yet the terrorists who killed all of those poor Parisians had no trouble obtaining them. Hmm. It seems that gun laws don't prevent bad people from getting them. How is that possible?
They have the NRA to make sure they get and keep their guns

Most gun owners are not members of the nra. Furthermore the nra doesn't exist in France. So, yet again, how did the Paris attackers get their illegal machineguns?
The NRA is a lobby group for the gun manufacturers.

No it isn't. it is a lobby for the gun owners of the USA. Go peddle your bullshit elsewhere.

The media frenzy over this is unbelievable. And, of course the politicians have to get their faces on the Tube.
McVeigh was comfortable with a firearm, so why didn't he use one?

Also the 9/11 terrorists killed more people with planes and all they needed to do was use guns because according to you it is easier.

A gun can't destroy a multi-story federal building. Can It?

This guy chose guns. It was very effective.

And McVeigh choice was a truck built into a bomb... McVeigh killed more but let ban guns and did you know fully automatic weapons are hard as hell to obtain?

Bet you did not know That!

So if he bought it legally then there is a permit by the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT and records and if obtained illegally it will still be traced!

Notice fully automatic is what they are claiming, so know the fucking difference and know that is not common like semi-automatic firearms!

The guy is dead. Whether his weapon was legal or illegal makes no difference at this point. It was very effective.

It does make a difference if it was legally obtain or not, well to the law abiding citizen it does.

Funny to you it matter not because if it were obtained illegally then it kill a your wish for more gun control because criminals do not obey the fucking law!

Now if it were obtained legally then the seller need to show documentation that the buyer was legal to buy a fully automatic weapon!

I bet you still have no damn clue how hard it is to obtain one!

Also if modified that has to be known because then it bring into question who taught him?

Finally, the one question that has been ask is how did he get those firearms in the Hotel?

Of course you do not care because you want firearms banned!

It only matters insofar as an investigation may lead to some illegal weapon modifiers.
The reality is that if weapons like ak or ar weren't available, they couldn't be modified in this way.

I don't in any way wish to ban all weapons. The type used in this and many other cases have no purpose in the civilian world.

You do not even know anything about proper gun usage or safety, so please spare me the damn lecture.

You don't care about anything except banning firearms and claiming just those types is just your way to work towards the other types!

Anyone with common knowledge of firearm training and safety would not be spewing the nonsense you spewed in this thread.

Also you can ban all the weapons you want because criminals do not care!

Yes, criminals do not obey the damn law, but hey pass more law, repeal the second amendment and tell law abiding citizens because criminals commit crimes the average citizen must be punished while the criminal laughs!
Just not in this case.

So in this case let repeal the second amendment but when trucks are used let blame the individual instead, right?

You said that, dope.

Well most on the left in this thread. So read the thread you fucking retard or don't and deny it like you deny that trucks are as dangerous as a gun!

You were responding to me, dope. I said nothing of repeal.

You support it though.

If you were against the idea of repealing the second amendment you would have said it.

So there fucktard!
You support it though.

I don't.
Stop telling me what I think, dick.
Oh this is gettin' nuts. I bet all the guns have no fingerprints on them, watch.

When S.W.A.T. breached the room, the guy was already dead.

Someone could have done all the shooting and killed him and left. :eek:

As someone said: I wouldn't take anything too seriously for 48 hrs..that's good advice.

The news doesn't really hold themselves to the accuracy standard they used to.

Las Vegas shooter: Casino gunman reports
So it is still possible it could have been an arab or a black?

Keep hope alive!
The worst shooting, but not the worst mass murder. That bit of history belongs to a little shit who burned 80+ people to death in New York with a gallon of gasoline. Want to outlaw that too? That's the problem you have, you want to ban everything but the only people who follow bans are the legal people. The criminals laugh at you dipshits and say "thanks for making our crimes easier!"

We have the most guns. Lax gun laws. And mass shootings regularly. Last week a church. Week before that a football party. Our police are killed weekly. These things don't happen regularly with gun control.

Yes, they do. You just turn a blind eye to them because you don't care to know the truth. You're nothing more than a political hack who lies as a way of life.

Then please share an example and give links.

How many do you want silly boy? These are just a few of the German police officer deaths. The French are having a worse time of it. The recent spate of US police deaths are attributable to BLM and their "let's kill cops campaign". Fine group of people you associate with.

List of killings by law enforcement officers in Germany - Wikipedia
Two German police officers killed by fleeing murder suspect in Brandenburg | Germany | DW | 28.02.2017
A gunfight erupted at a German station after a man grabed a cop's gun
Two killed, four wounded in German disco shooting
Man grabs German cop's gun, shoots her in head
German police officer dies after being shot by far-right extremist
German Police Officer Dies After Raid on Supporter of Far-Right Fringe Group
50 a year...

Tough gun control laws in Germany that were rigorously tightened after two ghastly school shootings in 2002 and 2009 have helped cut the number of firearm killings in half to about 50 a year, according to experts.

After its own mass shootings, Germany beefed up gun control laws. The number of shootings dropped.
I have a ticket for a Max Raabe concert in Berlin next March and I have no worries about security. I ain't afraid of no big bad wolf.

So in this case let repeal the second amendment but when trucks are used let blame the individual instead, right?

You said that, dope.

Well most on the left in this thread. So read the thread you fucking retard or don't and deny it like you deny that trucks are as dangerous as a gun!

You were responding to me, dope. I said nothing of repeal.

You support it though.

If you were against the idea of repealing the second amendment you would have said it.

So there fucktard!
You support it though.

I don't.
Stop telling me what I think, dick.

You want to ban certain firearms and when terrorists use other types of firearms you will call for their bannings, so just admit the fact you want the second amendment repealed and allow the criminals the right to terrorize society.
The gun issue can be argued in some cases, I don't think they apply here as this was at least a modified weapon was it not? It was not a semi, it was a full automatic, probably, what, 100 round "clips"? So, in fact, this particular weapon is at least limited if not banned if I understand correctly. I'm no weapon expert, but I'm old enough to have seen, read, absorbed some information on the subject.

Also, in free societies there are many issues of freedom that involve risk. You're freedom to drive a vehicle, to jump out of an airplane with complete faith in your parachute. You can own a chainsaw, a nail gun, as many sharp knives as you want. That's the risk of freedom. We could all argue that society would be far safer if we all had cameras in our homes, outside our homes, were all forced to wear a GPS wristband. You understand my extreme examples and get the picture I'm sure.

Yes, there is a mass attack that can't be as easily accomplished with every type of method, but what if he used explosives? Or some chemical? You could give 99.99% of people this or any other weapon and noone would lose a life.

Indeed, freedom involves risk, and some people abuse this freedom to impede others. Blame the cowardly, dirty sob who committed the crime.

Follow the money!

You mean like the foreign countries where the money flowed into Crooked Hillary's money laundering foundation or the massive contributions by the Wall Street banks and environmental wackos? Is that money we need to follow?

Most of the money the NRA collects comes from individual membership and fees for training.

Besides it is a good thing if the NRA supports firearms manufacturing in the US. Only a stupid anti gun nut Moon Bat would find fault with that.
A gun can't destroy a multi-story federal building. Can It?

This guy chose guns. It was very effective.

And McVeigh choice was a truck built into a bomb... McVeigh killed more but let ban guns and did you know fully automatic weapons are hard as hell to obtain?

Bet you did not know That!

So if he bought it legally then there is a permit by the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT and records and if obtained illegally it will still be traced!

Notice fully automatic is what they are claiming, so know the fucking difference and know that is not common like semi-automatic firearms!

The guy is dead. Whether his weapon was legal or illegal makes no difference at this point. It was very effective.

It does make a difference if it was legally obtain or not, well to the law abiding citizen it does.

Funny to you it matter not because if it were obtained illegally then it kill a your wish for more gun control because criminals do not obey the fucking law!

Now if it were obtained legally then the seller need to show documentation that the buyer was legal to buy a fully automatic weapon!

I bet you still have no damn clue how hard it is to obtain one!

Also if modified that has to be known because then it bring into question who taught him?

Finally, the one question that has been ask is how did he get those firearms in the Hotel?

Of course you do not care because you want firearms banned!

It only matters insofar as an investigation may lead to some illegal weapon modifiers.
The reality is that if weapons like ak or ar weren't available, they couldn't be modified in this way.

I don't in any way wish to ban all weapons. The type used in this and many other cases have no purpose in the civilian world.

You do not even know anything about proper gun usage or safety, so please spare me the damn lecture.

You don't care about anything except banning firearms and claiming just those types is just your way to work towards the other types!

Anyone with common knowledge of firearm training and safety would not be spewing the nonsense you spewed in this thread.

Also you can ban all the weapons you want because criminals do not care!

Yes, criminals do not obey the damn law, but hey pass more law, repeal the second amendment and tell law abiding citizens because criminals commit crimes the average citizen must be punished while the criminal laughs!
You do not even know anything about proper gun usage or safety, so please spare me the damn lecture.

Fuck you.
I'm a veteran, moron.
I was a 60 gunner for more than three years.
I've fired probably more than 100,000 rounds from all sorts of weapons including qualifying with the German army. I've thrown/fired crates of grenades. I would bet I have more range time than the bulk of you morons.
Those people have guns because our country is littered with them. And they are very good
for killing people.

And they are also VERY good for self defense.

"Our Country" (if you're actually American) has a thing called a Constitution that provides for the ownership of guns by the population.

HmmmmI'll bet you think that the 2nd Amendment's purpose was for mass killings?

All that self defense and violent crime is increasing.
Is the dumbest thing, this relation between some and guns. dozens of countries don't have this issue, simply because there's no easy access to guns...why can't americans give up their guns and live like many other countries live in Peace!!!

Because we don't want too, plus our Bill of Rights ensures this right

Next question


Prehistoric laws, they need to be changed so Americans can live in peace and in a civilized environment. It seems as if some want to stay in the era of the wild wild west.

The laws are just fine. They need to start enforcing them


Nope, very outdated....guns should be banned completly. Results? less mass shootings, and shootings all together. Proof? most countries have that in place.

And libs are constantly telling us, "we don't want to take you guns, why don't you believe us"?

Go out there visit other countries , ask around if they have gun deaths and mass shootings. You'll be surprised that there is a civilized peaceful world out there.
I took my granddaughter to school...dept. of transportation was at every single intersection, cones were up, and they had a cop posted at the door of the school.
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