Las Vegas shooting: Reports of shooter at Mandalay Bay Casino

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I bet you don't need a title or registration for that weapon either.

Nope, but you don't need to have your fingerprints on file with the authorities either. You do for a CCW.

As it should be. Are you suggesting background checks for car registration?

The thing is you don't have a right to drive a car on public property where you do have the right to own firearms

there is a difference

The point is there is room for more regulation without a loss of the right.
there are more 'regulations' on firearms than any other piece of merchandise.

What is needed, is for those regulations to be enforced

How is that done?
Pushing this as a Muslim story is just plain nuts right now, folks. Nuts.
64 year old retired American white guy who liked gambling in Vegas and eating burritos. Had a woman "roommate" who wasn't living with him at the time. Because she's Asian looking, she's got to be BAD.
If it's true, it will be interesting, but we ain't there yet; not by a long shot.

The guy was crazy. Just as crazy as that Negro that did the shooting in the church last week or that Moon Bat anti Trump asshole that.shot up the Congressmen or the BLM Negroes that kill police.

The only question is was the shooting politically motivated or was it simply bat shit craziness?

Nothing in fact yet but there have been indications today that he had a Left Wing political agenda. We will see.
Pushing this as a Muslim story is just plain nuts right now, folks. Nuts.
64 year old retired American white guy who liked gambling in Vegas and eating burritos. Had a woman "roommate" who wasn't living with him at the time. Because she's Asian looking, she's got to be BAD.
If it's true, it will be interesting, but we ain't there yet; not by a long shot.

The guy was crazy. Just as crazy as that Negro that did the shooting in the church last week or that Moon Bat anti Trump asshole that.shot up the Congressmen or the BLM Negroes that kill police.

The only question is was the shooting politically motivated or was it simply bat shit craziness?

Nothing in fact yet but there have been indications today that he had a Left Wing political agenda. We will see.
This is a 64 page thread, so I have not read it all. What "indications" do you have that he had a Left Wing political agenda?

I have already posted the indications on this thread. ANTIFA from his home town claiming that he is one of theirs. ISIS taking credit. Pictures of what may be him at a pink pussy hat anti Trump rally.

I am not claiming they are true. I am just saying they are indications. We will find out more about him in the next few days. We found out recently that his father was wanted by the FBI. No telling what was going on in his mind.

Left wingers have a pretty good record of violence here lately so that is probably the motive.
Just read he had 10 rifles, not hand guns, rifles. Lawyers will be going after some of that $1 billion of that bottom line. Excuse me while I buy some leap puts on MGM Resorts.

It's too bad we can't sue the gun industry as easily.

IF that were allowed, I assure you the Auto Industry and hammer industry and knife industry would be next

Such a stupid argument. Cars are replete with safety features, many mandated by law. Roads have rules for safety and are patrolled by police. If guns were regulated as well there would be fewer problems.

Hey Hutch, why don’t you explain to the families of the 84 killed in France all the safety features of the truck that killed their loved ones....brain dead.
Irrelevant to what happened last night.

A single man using multiple weapons killed nearly sixty people and injured over five hundred more thanks to the efficient killing power of sporting rifles ( not assault weapons).
And the weapon used was 100 percent illegal.

Pushing this as a Muslim story is just plain nuts right now, folks. Nuts.
64 year old retired American white guy who liked gambling in Vegas and eating burritos. Had a woman "roommate" who wasn't living with him at the time. Because she's Asian looking, she's got to be BAD.
If it's true, it will be interesting, but we ain't there yet; not by a long shot.

The guy was crazy. Just as crazy as that Negro that did the shooting in the church last week or that Moon Bat anti Trump asshole that.shot up the Congressmen or the BLM Negroes that kill police.

The only question is was the shooting politically motivated or was it simply bat shit craziness?

Nothing in fact yet but there have been indications today that he had a Left Wing political agenda. We will see.
Pushing this as a Muslim story is just plain nuts right now, folks. Nuts.
64 year old retired American white guy who liked gambling in Vegas and eating burritos. Had a woman "roommate" who wasn't living with him at the time. Because she's Asian looking, she's got to be BAD.
If it's true, it will be interesting, but we ain't there yet; not by a long shot.

The guy was crazy. Just as crazy as that Negro that did the shooting in the church last week or that Moon Bat anti Trump asshole that.shot up the Congressmen or the BLM Negroes that kill police.

The only question is was the shooting politically motivated or was it simply bat shit craziness?

Nothing in fact yet but there have been indications today that he had a Left Wing political agenda. We will see.
This is a 64 page thread, so I have not read it all. What "indications" do you have that he had a Left Wing political agenda?

I have already posted the indications on this thread. ANTIFA from his home town claiming that he is one of theirs. ISIS taking credit. Pictures of what may be him at a pink pussy hat anti Trump rally.

I am not claiming they are true. I am just saying they are indications. We will find out more about him in the next few days. We found out recently that his father was wanted by the FBI. No telling what was going on in his mind.

Left wingers have a pretty good record of violence here lately so that is probably the motive.

Mentally ill dude taken advantage of by an immigrant Isis recruiter.
Ol' Flash is full of shit today. Never did give me a link on his claim that ANTIFA was taking responsibility.

You are confused Moon Bat.

I posted the message from the Melbourne ANTIFA. You didn't pay attention. We know the asshole lived in Florida so that establishes some degree of credibility. I don't know if it is true or the reports from ISIS are true. We will find out soon. If he is a Left Wing asshole like that hateful Negro that shot up the church last week or the anti Trump piece of shit that shot up the Congressmen then expect it to be covered up by the Liberal media.

View attachment 152378
I'm guessing that guy was as ANTIFA as I am the Queen of Sheba. Isn't Melbourne in Australia? What in hell has Florida got to do with anything?

The guy lived in Melbourne Florida. His brother lives in Orlando not too far away. Australia is not the only country in the world with a city named Melbourne.

I don't know if he was ANTIFA or not. However, shooting people is the kind of hate we would expect to see from those Left Wing assholes and somebody in the place where the shooter lived says that he was ANTIFA.

Sometimes these early reports are accurate and sometimes they are not. We will see. We do know that ANTIFA is a terrorist organization so I wouldn't put anything beyond them.
I have never heard of an ANTIFA person shooting anyone in this country in protest. Also, YOU have deemed ANTIFA a terrorist organization, but I don't believe the authorities have. Not that I approve of their tactics, but let's stay accurate here.

The FBI has.

FBI, DHS Officially Classify Antifa Activities As "Domestic Terrorist Violence"

Tyler Durden. :laugh2:

Why do you believe a blog authored by a fictional character?
Pushing this as a Muslim story is just plain nuts right now, folks. Nuts.
64 year old retired American white guy who liked gambling in Vegas and eating burritos. Had a woman "roommate" who wasn't living with him at the time. Because she's Asian looking, she's got to be BAD.
If it's true, it will be interesting, but we ain't there yet; not by a long shot.
I think ISIS took credit but they are lying. I think this dude is Antifa. His kids said he was an armed robber in his younger years and had mental problems. Obviously, he still did have mental probs. So how did he get the gun? Oh. Wait. Criminals don't follow laws. They can get them any time they want. Sane people are not supposed to be able to protect themselves.
Pushing this as a Muslim story is just plain nuts right now, folks. Nuts.
64 year old retired American white guy who liked gambling in Vegas and eating burritos. Had a woman "roommate" who wasn't living with him at the time. Because she's Asian looking, she's got to be BAD.
If it's true, it will be interesting, but we ain't there yet; not by a long shot.

The guy was crazy. Just as crazy as that Negro that did the shooting in the church last week or that Moon Bat anti Trump asshole that.shot up the Congressmen or the BLM Negroes that kill police.

The only question is was the shooting politically motivated or was it simply bat shit craziness?

Nothing in fact yet but there have been indications today that he had a Left Wing political agenda. We will see.
Pushing this as a Muslim story is just plain nuts right now, folks. Nuts.
64 year old retired American white guy who liked gambling in Vegas and eating burritos. Had a woman "roommate" who wasn't living with him at the time. Because she's Asian looking, she's got to be BAD.
If it's true, it will be interesting, but we ain't there yet; not by a long shot.

The guy was crazy. Just as crazy as that Negro that did the shooting in the church last week or that Moon Bat anti Trump asshole that.shot up the Congressmen or the BLM Negroes that kill police.

The only question is was the shooting politically motivated or was it simply bat shit craziness?

Nothing in fact yet but there have been indications today that he had a Left Wing political agenda. We will see.
This is a 64 page thread, so I have not read it all. What "indications" do you have that he had a Left Wing political agenda?

I have already posted the indications on this thread. ANTIFA from his home town claiming that he is one of theirs. ISIS taking credit. Pictures of what may be him at a pink pussy hat anti Trump rally.

I am not claiming they are true. I am just saying they are indications. We will find out more about him in the next few days. We found out recently that his father was wanted by the FBI. No telling what was going on in his mind.

Left wingers have a pretty good record of violence here lately so that is probably the motive.

There only indicators of your blind ability to spread propaganda and misinformation.

Nothing more.
As it should be. Are you suggesting background checks for car registration?

The thing is you don't have a right to drive a car on public property where you do have the right to own firearms

there is a difference

The point is there is room for more regulation without a loss of the right.
there are more 'regulations' on firearms than any other piece of merchandise.

What is needed, is for those regulations to be enforced

Which ones would have helped with this event?

Why don't you go thru those thousands of rules, regulations, and laws, and tell me?

So you have no idea but are sure they're not being enforced?
Just read he had 10 rifles, not hand guns, rifles. Lawyers will be going after some of that $1 billion of that bottom line. Excuse me while I buy some leap puts on MGM Resorts.

It's too bad we can't sue the gun industry as easily.

IF that were allowed, I assure you the Auto Industry and hammer industry and knife industry would be next

Such a stupid argument. Cars are replete with safety features, many mandated by law. Roads have rules for safety and are patrolled by police. If guns were regulated as well there would be fewer problems.

Hey Hutch, why don’t you explain to the families of the 84 killed in France all the safety features of the truck that killed their loved ones....brain dead.
Irrelevant to what happened last night.

A single man using multiple weapons killed nearly sixty people and injured over five hundred more thanks to the efficient killing power of sporting rifles ( not assault weapons).

My, them numbers are growing, is that accurate?
You are confused Moon Bat.

I posted the message from the Melbourne ANTIFA. You didn't pay attention. We know the asshole lived in Florida so that establishes some degree of credibility. I don't know if it is true or the reports from ISIS are true. We will find out soon. If he is a Left Wing asshole like that hateful Negro that shot up the church last week or the anti Trump piece of shit that shot up the Congressmen then expect it to be covered up by the Liberal media.

View attachment 152378
I'm guessing that guy was as ANTIFA as I am the Queen of Sheba. Isn't Melbourne in Australia? What in hell has Florida got to do with anything?

The guy lived in Melbourne Florida. His brother lives in Orlando not too far away. Australia is not the only country in the world with a city named Melbourne.

I don't know if he was ANTIFA or not. However, shooting people is the kind of hate we would expect to see from those Left Wing assholes and somebody in the place where the shooter lived says that he was ANTIFA.

Sometimes these early reports are accurate and sometimes they are not. We will see. We do know that ANTIFA is a terrorist organization so I wouldn't put anything beyond them.
I have never heard of an ANTIFA person shooting anyone in this country in protest. Also, YOU have deemed ANTIFA a terrorist organization, but I don't believe the authorities have. Not that I approve of their tactics, but let's stay accurate here.

The FBI has.

FBI, DHS Officially Classify Antifa Activities As "Domestic Terrorist Violence"

Tyler Durden. :laugh2:

Why do you believe a blog authored by a fictional character?
That's not true?
We are not the same USA we used to be. Large gatherings are perfect targets for folks such as Antifa and Terrorist Muslims.
So you see a terrorist attack committed by a white man and jump to talking about Muslims?
What did I miss?
Pushing this as a Muslim story is just plain nuts right now, folks. Nuts.
64 year old retired American white guy who liked gambling in Vegas and eating burritos. Had a woman "roommate" who wasn't living with him at the time. Because she's Asian looking, she's got to be BAD.
If it's true, it will be interesting, but we ain't there yet; not by a long shot.
I think ISIS took credit but they are lying. I think this dude is Antifa. His kids said he was an armed robber in his younger years and had mental problems. Obviously, he still did have mental probs. So how did he get the gun? Oh. Wait. Criminals don't follow laws. They can get them any time they want. Sane people are not supposed to be able to protect themselves.
I shudder to think where you get your "news." Here's the real poop so far on Paddock. No mental problems and it was his FATHER who was an armed robber. Paddock was not a criminal. A lawyer said he dressed "slovenly." That's the worst anyone could say so far. He's been doing a lot of significant gambling, though. Read this:

Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock made recent large gambling transactions

There only indicators of your blind ability to spread propaganda and misinformation.

Nothing more.

You think they it is misinformation simply because you are a Left Wing Moon Bat. That is called denial.

Every time I posted something I indicated that is was a rumor. I never said it was fact.

It is likely he is a deranged Left Wing asshole because the Liberals have a pretty good track record of violence here lately.

The filthy Left Wingers nowadays are shooting people in church, shooting Congressmen, killing police, rioting, looting, destroying historical monuments, shutting down free speech on campuses and generally being assholes. This guy would fit right in with either ISIS or ANTIFA.
Funny repubs don't want muslim immigrants because of what they might do. But it's a different story for guns.

Should I check my gun safe, see if any of my guns snuck out and killed someone while I wasn't looking?

I guess you should let them in the country because they have not committed a crime.

after they've been properly vetted, sure.

Why is it you don't consider people coming in from countries immersed in terrorists activities need to be more carefully looked at?

Why are you worried about them?

Why are you not?
It's too bad we can't sue the gun industry as easily.

IF that were allowed, I assure you the Auto Industry and hammer industry and knife industry would be next

Such a stupid argument. Cars are replete with safety features, many mandated by law. Roads have rules for safety and are patrolled by police. If guns were regulated as well there would be fewer problems.

Hey Hutch, why don’t you explain to the families of the 84 killed in France all the safety features of the truck that killed their loved ones....brain dead.
Irrelevant to what happened last night.

A single man using multiple weapons killed nearly sixty people and injured over five hundred more thanks to the efficient killing power of sporting rifles ( not assault weapons).

My, them numbers are growing, is that accurate?


what do you consider 'mass killing'?

Last week it was a church. Just before that an NFL party. It is very often.

um hmmm

those were 'mass 'killings.

and they happen every day, twice on Sunday.

Seem to remember the massacre at the football party was an ex, with a handgun.

How many killed at the church?
Mass shootings in the U.S.: Over 270 mass shootings have occurred in 2017

Mass killing is 3 people in the same crime?

Death is funny for you?
regarding 3 deaths as a 'mass murder' is.
My heart goes to the loved ones of those killed in Vegas.

Such an unnecessary and cruel carnage

(((May they all rest in peace.)))

what do you consider 'mass killing'?

Last week it was a church. Just before that an NFL party. It is very often.

um hmmm

those were 'mass 'killings.

and they happen every day, twice on Sunday.

Seem to remember the massacre at the football party was an ex, with a handgun.

How many killed at the church?
Mass shootings in the U.S.: Over 270 mass shootings have occurred in 2017

Mass killing is 3 people in the same crime?

3 murdered is not enough for you cons?

it's not a 'mass' killing....

That's Friday night in the hood
I'm guessing that guy was as ANTIFA as I am the Queen of Sheba. Isn't Melbourne in Australia? What in hell has Florida got to do with anything?

The guy lived in Melbourne Florida. His brother lives in Orlando not too far away. Australia is not the only country in the world with a city named Melbourne.

I don't know if he was ANTIFA or not. However, shooting people is the kind of hate we would expect to see from those Left Wing assholes and somebody in the place where the shooter lived says that he was ANTIFA.

Sometimes these early reports are accurate and sometimes they are not. We will see. We do know that ANTIFA is a terrorist organization so I wouldn't put anything beyond them.
I have never heard of an ANTIFA person shooting anyone in this country in protest. Also, YOU have deemed ANTIFA a terrorist organization, but I don't believe the authorities have. Not that I approve of their tactics, but let's stay accurate here.

The FBI has.

FBI, DHS Officially Classify Antifa Activities As "Domestic Terrorist Violence"

Tyler Durden. :laugh2:

Why do you believe a blog authored by a fictional character?
That's not true?

IF that were allowed, I assure you the Auto Industry and hammer industry and knife industry would be next

Such a stupid argument. Cars are replete with safety features, many mandated by law. Roads have rules for safety and are patrolled by police. If guns were regulated as well there would be fewer problems.

Hey Hutch, why don’t you explain to the families of the 84 killed in France all the safety features of the truck that killed their loved ones....brain dead.
Irrelevant to what happened last night.

A single man using multiple weapons killed nearly sixty people and injured over five hundred more thanks to the efficient killing power of sporting rifles ( not assault weapons).

My, them numbers are growing, is that accurate?

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