Last KY Dem Standing Has a Meltdown


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Kentucky Republicans had a very good election day. Matt Bevin defeated Democrat Jack Conway to become only the second Republican Kentucky governor in four decades. Jenean Hampton won her quest for lieutenant governor, becoming the commonwealth’s first African-American to hold a statewide office. “Rising Democratic star” State Auditor, Adam Edelen, was ousted by Republican state Rep. Mike Harmon, despite raising nearly $900,000 to Harmon’s $37,000.

Democrats held on to some seats, but the defeats were crushing in part because Conway was ahead in polling up to election day. With so many Democrats ousted from office or unable to win their campaigns, Kentucky House Speaker Greg Stumbo is one of the top-ranking Democrats still standing.

He gave a speech that was striking for its odd content and rambling delivery. Flanked by state Reps. Martha Jane King and Jeff Greer, Stumbo discussed his thoughts on the political affiliation of Jesus and his view on what Scripture really is and how it influences politics.

“And the other thing I know is that if in fact the Bible is a book of parables, like I believe it is, think about this: Mary did not ride an elephant into Bethlehem that night,” he said to a restrained crowd.[…]

His mangled syntax reaches a climax at the end when he makes an allusion to Hillary Clinton:

“I believe there’s a horse out there. Not American Pharoah. It’s an Arkansas Traveler. And that horse is bringing a lady jockey and that horse and that jockey are going to come to Kentucky next year and help us rebuild this party,” he says.


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