Last week's release of an FBI interview summary of Dick Cheney's answers in the Plame're upset and I can't help you. Why don't you try cutting down on the granola in your diet and you won't get so testy and crabby little princess? otherwise if this story bothers you so much and it's pointless you could just piss off?....just sayin.

Or -- you inconsequential foreigner drama queen -- I can continue to point out what a fraud you are.

In fact, I like that option just fine. :cool:

Post some more stupid pointless blather -- whine when your bias is underscored -- try to defend the one-sided, unobjective nature of your pointless carping -- and I'll happily continue to make a point of sharing the highlights of the crap you spew and the crap you are.


Let's do a quickie recap in fact. Some foreigner piece of shit socialist asswipe shitmonkey (you) is trying to get Americans to care about what former United States of America Vice President Richard Cheney could or could not recall when questioned by a political hack "prosecutor" in a meaningless "investigation." {yawn}

But that same foreigner (canuck) asswipe shitmonkey pussy is indifferent to the fact that the former liberoidal Democrap President of the United States, the impeached and disgraced William Jefferson 'BJ' 'Bubba' Clinton had an even worse track record for "memory" under oath .... much like his shrill spouse.


Yeah. The Schmuck Canuck is all persuasive and shit.


and back with....... more Clinton Derangement Syndrome.
right....that's why we almost ended up yaking aboot Joe Wilson and what he did or didn't find in Niger for hours instead of what Cheney can't remember. And I never said I didn't want your opinion or other opinions....I just pointed out that in fact your opinion is just that - an opinion.

Funny how you didn't mind the "change in subject" when you asked for links.

Only when the links (your own: proved everything I said, did you start crying about a "change in subject".

The one subject that is clear and ever present throughout this thread is what a dumbfuck you are.

Carry on dipshit.
you keep talking like that shitbird and you might hurt my feelings!
Our Top story tonight: Not only is General Francisco Franco still dead, but Richard Armitage Still outed SuperSecret Agent Val Plame
Last edited:
poor Liability has Clinton Derangement Syndrome and can't concentrate on the subject at hand.

He has had this little touch of hormone imbalance recently with all the new skanks showing up. Ever watch those nature shows where the idiot young male sees a herd of females crossing a river and the next thing you know he wasn't paying attention and a big ol crockodile has him in a death spin?'re upset and I can't help you. Why don't you try cutting down on the granola in your diet and you won't get so testy and crabby little princess? otherwise if this story bothers you so much and it's pointless you could just piss off?....just sayin.

Or -- you inconsequential foreigner drama queen -- I can continue to point out what a fraud you are.

In fact, I like that option just fine. :cool:

Post some more stupid pointless blather -- whine when your bias is underscored -- try to defend the one-sided, unobjective nature of your pointless carping -- and I'll happily continue to make a point of sharing the highlights of the crap you spew and the crap you are.


Let's do a quickie recap in fact. Some foreigner piece of shit socialist asswipe shitmonkey (you) is trying to get Americans to care about what former United States of America Vice President Richard Cheney could or could not recall when questioned by a political hack "prosecutor" in a meaningless "investigation." {yawn}

But that same foreigner (canuck) asswipe shitmonkey pussy is indifferent to the fact that the former liberoidal Democrap President of the United States, the impeached and disgraced William Jefferson 'BJ' 'Bubba' Clinton had an even worse track record for "memory" under oath .... much like his shrill spouse.


Yeah. The Schmuck Canuck is all persuasive and shit.


and back with....... more Clinton Derangement Syndrome.

STILL objecting to the light being cast upon the pointlessness of your biased presentation.

Sorry our little Schmuck Canuck poseur, but providing context is a fun thing to do to you.

Your Bush/Cheney Derangement Syndrome remains amusing too, in your typically tired-ass uninspired and always unpersuasive way.
Out Top story tonight: Not only is General Francisco Franco still dead, but Richard Armitage Still outed SuperSecret Agent Val Plame

Why yes. Yes he did.

And as an intersting side-bar: the not-too-special-counsel KNEW that at the very outset of his meaningless "investigation." But he p[roceeded to "investigate" anyway for no particular purpose (beyond making a name for himself in the hope of getting a scalp of the President or Vice President.

Poor Fitzy had to settle for Scooter.

And the silly little Schmuck Canuck thinks that the Vice President not recalling the inconsequential shit about discussion regarding Mrs. Wilson is of any interest almost a year into the Obama Administration....

Out Top story tonight: Not only is General Francisco Franco still dead, but Richard Armitage Still outed SuperSecret Agent Val Plame

Why yes. Yes he did.

And as an intersting side-bar: the not-too-special-counsel KNEW that at the very outset of his meaningless "investigation." But he p[roceeded to "investigate" anyway for no particular purpose (beyond making a name for himself in the hope of getting a scalp of the President or Vice President.

Poor Fitzy had to settle for Scooter.

And the silly little Schmuck Canuck thinks that the Vice President not recalling the inconsequential shit about discussion regarding Mrs. Wilson is of any interest almost a year into the Obama Administration....


Ah yes...the "its in the past" dodge. Need I remind you counselor that ALL crime occured in the past.
Out Top story tonight: Not only is General Francisco Franco still dead, but Richard Armitage Still outed SuperSecret Agent Val Plame

Why yes. Yes he did.

And as an intersting side-bar: the not-too-special-counsel KNEW that at the very outset of his meaningless "investigation." But he p[roceeded to "investigate" anyway for no particular purpose (beyond making a name for himself in the hope of getting a scalp of the President or Vice President.

Poor Fitzy had to settle for Scooter.

And the silly little Schmuck Canuck thinks that the Vice President not recalling the inconsequential shit about discussion regarding Mrs. Wilson is of any interest almost a year into the Obama Administration....


Ah yes...the "its in the past" dodge. Need I remind you counselor that ALL crime occured in the past.


poor Liability has Clinton Derangement Syndrome and can't concentrate on the subject at hand.

He has had this little touch of hormone imbalance recently with all the new skanks showing up. Ever watch those nature shows where the idiot young male sees a herd of females crossing a river and the next thing you know he wasn't paying attention and a big ol crockodile has him in a death spin?

SMuggly. That was quite weak even by your limp standards.

I shall deign to give you a helpful hint (swine before pearls though it may prove to be):

When YOU think you have something funny or interesting to say, YOU are wrong. Pretty much always true. So just don't bother hitting the submit button.

Thank me.
poor Liability has Clinton Derangement Syndrome and can't concentrate on the subject at hand.

He has had this little touch of hormone imbalance recently with all the new skanks showing up. Ever watch those nature shows where the idiot young male sees a herd of females crossing a river and the next thing you know he wasn't paying attention and a big ol crockodile has him in a death spin?

SMuggly. That was quite weak even by your limp standards.

I shall deign to give you a helpful hint (swine before pearls though it may prove to be):

When YOU think you have something funny or interesting to say, YOU are wrong. Pretty much always true. So just don't bother hitting the submit button.

Thank me.

You need to sit posts...even most of my posts in reply to yours are not neccesarily meant to be seen by only you... Don't get is in the rules. If I intend for a joke to be analyzed by you personally I will submit it to you in a PM.
isn't Cheney supposed to be really strong on Security? - he seems very forgetful for that sort of thing....could he be in the mid stages of some sort of mental illness or disease?

It's what Reagan kept saying. Just a coincidence, I'm sure.
9:45 PM the Night Conservatives turned national politics into the Corleone Baptism Scene and whacked every major Dem and I'm proud to tell you that "Our Top story tonight: Not only is General Francisco Franco still dead, but Richard Armitage Still outed SuperSecret Agent Val Plame"
He has had this little touch of hormone imbalance recently with all the new skanks showing up. Ever watch those nature shows where the idiot young male sees a herd of females crossing a river and the next thing you know he wasn't paying attention and a big ol crockodile has him in a death spin?

SMuggly. That was quite weak even by your limp standards.

I shall deign to give you a helpful hint (swine before pearls though it may prove to be):

When YOU think you have something funny or interesting to say, YOU are wrong. Pretty much always true. So just don't bother hitting the submit button.

Thank me.

You need to sit posts...even most of my posts in reply to yours are not neccesarily meant to be seen by only you... Don't get is in the rules. If I intend for a joke to be analyzed by you personally I will submit it to you in a PM.

All the more reason for you to think before submitting your stupid worthless posts...

The conversations Cheney was asked to recall Occurred when in relation to the investigation? A year or more earlier? Do you take notes on all your conversations about fairly minor issues? Do you remember every scintilla of information about conversations you had a year or more ago?

Libby was basically convicted not because there was evidence against him but because he was the only member of the Bush administration available to a jury that wanted desperately to hang a Bush official for something. He was convicted of lying about a crime that never happened and about which he knew little if anything.
The conversations Cheney was asked to recall Occurred when in relation to the investigation? A year or more earlier? Do you take notes on all your conversations about fairly minor issues? Do you remember every scintilla of information about conversations you had a year or more ago?

Libby was basically convicted not because there was evidence against him but because he was the only member of the Bush administration available to a jury that wanted desperately to hang a Bush official for something. He was convicted of lying about a crime that never happened and about which he knew little if anything.

Ya...that's the ticket...nothing happened... Ya...that doushebag Plame and her treasonous husband just made it all up. Ya.... nothing to see here ..just move along...
The conversations Cheney was asked to recall Occurred when in relation to the investigation? A year or more earlier? Do you take notes on all your conversations about fairly minor issues? Do you remember every scintilla of information about conversations you had a year or more ago?

Libby was basically convicted not because there was evidence against him but because he was the only member of the Bush administration available to a jury that wanted desperately to hang a Bush official for something. He was convicted of lying about a crime that never happened and about which he knew little if anything.

Ya...that's the ticket...nothing happened... Ya...that doushebag Plame and her treasonous husband just made it all up. Ya.... nothing to see here ..just move along...

Something DID "happen," SMuggly, in a world where words have almost no actual meaning.... i.e., your world:

The NON-covert non-AGENT (mere stinking ANALYST) wife of a scumbag ex-Ambassador was "outed" (however one might "out" a mere analyst) and the lying scumbag liberoidals got their panties in a twisted knot stuck up their butt cracks because of it.

As a consequence, Fitzy was called upon to "investigate" who done it (as though outing a mere analyst matters). He proceeded to "investigate," even though he knew, from day one, that it was Armitage that done did dood it. And, to his apparent surprise, unable to come up with anything OTHER than that it was Armitage who done the deed, Fitzy blithely proceeded to set up a thinly veiled perjury trap.

Mr. Libby thus got royally fucked for nothing more than a failure of memory over irrelevant conversations.

And to this very day ass-clown rubes like you STILL believe that something actually DID happen.
The conversations Cheney was asked to recall Occurred when in relation to the investigation? A year or more earlier? Do you take notes on all your conversations about fairly minor issues? Do you remember every scintilla of information about conversations you had a year or more ago?

Libby was basically convicted not because there was evidence against him but because he was the only member of the Bush administration available to a jury that wanted desperately to hang a Bush official for something. He was convicted of lying about a crime that never happened and about which he knew little if anything.

Ya...that's the ticket...nothing happened... Ya...that doushebag Plame and her treasonous husband just made it all up. Ya.... nothing to see here ..just move along...

Something DID "happen," SMuggly, in a world where words have almost no actual meaning.... i.e., your world:

The NON-covert non-AGENT (mere stinking ANALYST) wife of a scumbag ex-Ambassador was "outed" (however one might "out" a mere analyst) and the lying scumbag liberoidals got their panties in a twisted knot stuck up their butt cracks because of it.

As a consequence, Fitzy was called upon to "investigate" who done it (as though outing a mere analyst matters). He proceeded to "investigate," even though he knew, from day one, that it was Armitage that done did dood it. And, to his apparent surprise, unable to come up with anything OTHER than that it was Armitage who done the deed, Fitzy blithely proceeded to set up a thinly veiled perjury trap.

Mr. Libby thus got royally fucked for nothing more than a failure of memory over irrelevant conversations.

And to this very day ass-clown rubes like you STILL believe that something actually DID happen.

You hit the nail on the head counselor... It is far more smarter-like to send in a couple hundred thousand troops rather than leave a brass plate covert undercover operation like Brewster Jennings intact. That way so's we ccould send in a few Navy Seals and clean up teerrorists the easy way. Hell fuckin no!!! We don need no stinkin CIA!!!! Fuck it. If one of those fuckin terroist pops his head up we can just bomb a few square city blocks and make damn sure he doesn't have the guts..or arms or legs..or neighbors to do anything!!!!
Wed 3:30 and our top story: Richard Armitage leaked Val Plame and blew her Super Secret Identity

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