Late Stage Impeach Phase: Trump Doesn’t Have to Break a Law to Be Impeached

You are talking about massive continuous obstruction of justice.
I'm talking about a Massive Bulge in your shorts for Hairy Man Butt Love & Fake Russian Collusion.

Cite US CODE. I don't want to hear your biased opinion.

What law was broken?
Obstruction of justice. That's one. Look the code up yourself.
You have Obstruction of your Bowels.

CITE US CODE and THE EVIDENCE that proves Obstruction of Justice.

Not even Mueller could prove that.

You think you can Jizz Juicer?

Read the Mueller report pt. 2 and understand that every person Trump tells not to honor a subpoena is evidence of obstruction of justice.
No recommendations for criminal indictments were listed by Mueller. He even said there was no evidence to even recommend that The President Committed a Crime.

Site US CODE and Provide Evidence of a Crime.

Mueller was unable to.

Let's see if you can.

CITE US CODE, Putin Pole Smoker.


You've been told the DOJ policy does not allow them to indict a sitting president. Trump committed obstruction of justice. That is a crime. All your hollering about somebody showing you the code is not going to make me go look for it. Go find it yourself because I know he obstructed justice. I've seen the evidence. I don't need to prove anything to you. You will watch the hearings and take your daily slapping for being a dumb ass.
It's been admitted to and testified to, dope.
Wrong. That is a lie, and you are a liar. There is no collusion. Care to state your case instead of doing a drive by lie?

Guiliani, Trump and Mulvaney have all admitted it on television.
The whistleblower, Taylor, and today, Vindman all have testified.

See for yourself, dope.
READ: Ukraine Expert Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman's Opening Statement
well they're correct, if a foreign government wants our money they must purchase our favor. nothing Biden didn't do. see, it's simple. you should educate yourself. Let me ask you, when you go to a restaurant to eat, do you get food for you money? if so, you completed a quid pro quo.

It's not the quid pro quo that's the crime, dope. They can serve the American people and their interests.

The crime is doing it for personal political gain.
What Crime? Can you site US CODE? I think your posting on here is a Crime, because you are Criminally Stupid.

Please Cite US Code.
[USC02] 52 USC 30121: Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

§30121. Contributions and donations by foreign nationals
(a) Prohibition
It shall be unlawful for-

(1) a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make-

(A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;

(B) a contribution or donation to a committee of a political party; or

(C) an expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement for an electioneering communication (within the meaning of section 30104(f)(3) of this title); or

(2) a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (1) from a foreign national.
for a foreign government? our VP and President holding favor with a foreign government, interfering in their internal structure? and that's policy? hahahahahaha, dude you're delusional. you really are. one can't hold a discussion with someone who has no sense of reason and holds delusional philosophies.

Of course it was their policy. Aid comes with conditions like eliminating corruption or ending human rights abuses. Just not for personal political assistance.
I'd say asking The Ukraine to fire a prosecutor who was investigating Quid Pro Joe's Coke head son taking Bribes and selling favors from The White House describes extorting personal political assistance perfectly.

There was no investigation into Biden, dope.

Biden was acting on behalf of the administration and at the request of the EU and the IMF. Republican Senators in the Ukraine group also knew about this. They said you're dumb as shit.

2 Republican senators refute Trump’s Ukraine-Biden conspiracy theory
There is now.... And he is in deep shit!
There not only was an Investigation then in to Hunter Biden, there was one Re-opened a full 6 months before The Ukraine Call, and there is a new Investigation in to Joe Biden taking place, and in to Obama and Clinton contracting with Foreign Governments to interfere in our Elections and help them defeat President Trump.

Dem Tards keep trying to say, Trump asked Ukraine to Investigate Hunter Biden, when how can you ask for something to be started that was already ongoing?

He only asked for cooperation with ongoing investigations, which is Standard Operating Procedure with any country you have such agreements with.
"There not only was an Investigation then in to Hunter Biden"

Prove it...
The origins of Occupy and the Tea party are remarkably similar, and they are the reason we now have Trump as president. This is what everyone is forgetting. . .

No one had ever been held accountable for those crimes, so the ballot box was used. Impeachment won't solve this either.

Trump, Impeachment & Forgetting What Brought Him to the White House

October 9, 2019
In their frenzy to bring down this president, Andrew J. Bacevich sees centrist elites rushing to bury any recollection of the catastrophes that paved the way to his election.
Trump, Impeachment & Forgetting What Brought Him to the White House

High Crimes and Misdemeanors

The U.S. military’s “shock and awe” bombing of Baghdad at the start of the Iraq War, as broadcast on CNN.

". . . For such a scheme to succeed, however, laundering reputations alone will not suffice. Equally important will be to bury any recollection of the catastrophes that paved the way for an über-qualified centrist to lose to an indisputably unqualified and unprincipled political novice in 2016.

Holding promised security assistance hostage unless a foreign leader agrees to do you political favors is obviously and indisputably wrong. Trump’s antics regarding Ukraine may even meet some definition of criminal. Still, how does such misconduct compare to the calamities engineered by the “centrists” who preceded him? Consider, in particular, the George W. Bush administration’s decision to invade Iraq in 2003 (along with the spin-off wars that followed). Consider, too, the reckless economic policies that produced the Great Recession of 2007-2008. As measured by the harm inflicted on the American people (and others), the offenses for which Trump is being impeached qualify as mere misdemeanors.

Honest people may differ on whether to attribute the Iraq War to outright lies or monumental hubris. When it comes to tallying up the consequences, however, the intentions of those who sold the war don’t particularly matter. The results include thousands of Americans killed; tens of thousands wounded, many grievously, or left to struggle with the effects of PTSD; hundreds of thousands of non-Americans killed or injured; millions displaced; trillions of dollars expended; radical groups like ISIS empowered (and in its case even formed inside a U.S. prison in Iraq); and the Persian Gulf region plunged into turmoil from which it has yet to recover. How do Trump’s crimes stack up against these?

The Great Recession stemmed directly from economic policies implemented during the administration of President Bill Clinton and continued by his successor. Deregulating the banking sector was projected to produce a bonanza in which all would share. Yet, as a direct result of the ensuing chicanery, nearly 9 million Americans lost their jobs, while overall unemployment shot up to 10 percent. Roughly 4 million Americans lost their homes to foreclosure. The stock market cratered and millions saw their life savings evaporate. Again, the question must be asked: How do these results compare to Trump’s dubious dealings with Ukraine?

Trump’s critics speak with one voice in demanding accountability. Yet virtually no one has been held accountable for the pain, suffering, and loss inflicted by the architects of the Iraq War and the Great Recession. Why is that? As another presidential election approaches, the question not only goes unanswered, but unasked.. . .


. . . What are the real crimes? Who are the real criminals? No matter what happens in the coming months, don’t expect the Trump impeachment proceedings to come within a country mile of addressing such questions."

What did Joe get out of it?
Joe sold his office for wealth just like Pelosi, Nadler, Schiff and Schummer do.


Cite code for what?
The Code to your anal cavity which every hairy man butt lover on the planet has.

US CODE NUMB NUTS that Supports your COUP 2.0


You're fucking deranged, con. WTF is "coup 2.0?"
You Know damn well what COUP 2.0., Troll Bot.

Is Mueller in Your Undershorts again?

COUP 1.0 failed so that is where you are hiding him?

You idiots stepped in the shit again, because now you exposed with Obama and Biden were doing in The Ukraine.

You sacrificed your front runner just to take a shot at COUP 2.0.

You are getting your asses kicked over this Nov 2020.

Super Majority is going to burn your Commie House to the ground.

Buh Bye to your Green New Scam.
No, retard.
sure he did, he held money until the prosecutor was fired. he said it. are you denying he said it? just wondering. hmmmmm wow, you all can't even follow a video feed of a man admitting quid pro quo.

That was the policy of the administration, dope. Done for the benefit of the Ukrainian state and it's democracy. Not for personal political gain of any given individual.

Learn the difference and stop being an idiot.
Care to state your case with evidence and not some Drive By Lie, Dem Tard talking point with No Facts behind it?

What happened to Fake Russian Collusion? This is even more pathetic. 2020 is going to be a day of Joy for Conservatives every where!


You show us, dope.

Explain how a sitting VP could act and withold funds without the consent of the administration.
isn't a president a president if his name is obammy or trump? so there is no difference right?

I've shown you the difference, dope.
Wrong. That is a lie, and you are a liar. There is no collusion. Care to state your case instead of doing a drive by lie?

Guiliani, Trump and Mulvaney have all admitted it on television.
The whistleblower, Taylor, and today, Vindman all have testified.

See for yourself, dope.
READ: Ukraine Expert Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman's Opening Statement
well they're correct, if a foreign government wants our money they must purchase our favor. nothing Biden didn't do. see, it's simple. you should educate yourself. Let me ask you, when you go to a restaurant to eat, do you get food for you money? if so, you completed a quid pro quo.

It's not the quid pro quo that's the crime, dope. They can serve the American people and their interests.

The crime is doing it for personal political gain.
What Crime? Can you site US CODE? I think your posting on here is a Crime, because you are Criminally Stupid.

Please Cite US Code.
[USC02] 52 USC 30121: Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

§30121. Contributions and donations by foreign nationals
(a) Prohibition
It shall be unlawful for-

(1) a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make-

(A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;

(B) a contribution or donation to a committee of a political party; or

(C) an expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement for an electioneering communication (within the meaning of section 30104(f)(3) of this title); or

(2) a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (1) from a foreign national.
None of which applies, Troll Tard.

Asking for cooperation in an Ongoing Investigation with a Country you have a Cooperation Treaty with is not anything of value politically, monetarily, nothing.

This is why The President, much to your displeasure released The Actual Transcript of The Call, because it was legit.

See, I asked you to cite US Code, because Foreign Trolls & Brain Dead Leftists do not Understand US Law. Information and Cooperation is "Not a thing of Value"

However asking for a Prosecutor to be fired to keep your son out of jail, so yo can run for President, and not be exposed as an Extortionist, IS.
Biden Broke the Law, and Will be Prosecuted for it.

Joe Biden extorted The Ukraine in to firing The Prosecutor investigating his son, and The Ukraine fired him.

That is an ILLEGAL Quid Pro Quo.

A Legal Quid Pro Quo is asking a foreign nation to share information in an ongoing corruption investigation when you already have such an agreement to do that, like the Investigation of Corruption at Burisma, with The Bidens, and George Soros in The Ukraine.

Super Majority 2020.

Take some Latin Courses and Law Courses Dummy.
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It's been admitted to and testified to, dope.
Wrong. That is a lie, and you are a liar. There is no collusion. Care to state your case instead of doing a drive by lie?

Guiliani, Trump and Mulvaney have all admitted it on television.
The whistleblower, Taylor, and today, Vindman all have testified.

See for yourself, dope.
READ: Ukraine Expert Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman's Opening Statement
Admitted what? Admitted to doing their jobs? Do you know how Foreign Policy, and Political Corruption Cooperation Treaties Work?

Please cite US Code, and Specify the exact infraction of it, that you could base an legitimate impeachment upon namely a High Crime or Misdemeanor which The Constitution references as Treason or Bribery. We have federal statutes on that, so list US Code and cite evidence The President violated US Law.

Or you can STFU and go away with your tail behind your legs, and then wait in vain for Judgment Day and your journey To Hell.

Admitted they withheld funds to pressure the president of ukraine to announce an investigation into Biden, dope.

Wake up and stop playing dumb. It only makes you look dumb.

No that's what far left and mainstream media is saying.
The funding was withheld for security reasons based on the fact that the last 2 governments were corrupt.
Every President has the right to do this in America's interest.
Even ole Joe says he was there looking into their corruption.
The media are lumping the two instances together which isn't true.
They are separate.
No that's what far left and mainstream media is saying.
No. That's what Guiliani, Trump himself, mulvaney have said on national television. it's what witnesses are testifying to as we speak.

READ: Ukraine Expert Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman's Opening Statement
The cycle repeats yet again. We got nothing on Trump but we can impeach him for beating Hillary.

You don't have to break a law to be impeached. Trump's defenders need a better argument.
Another Trumper who has not read the constitution

Yes you can be important reached without breaking a law
Article 2, Section 4:
The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

Biden Crime.jpg
That's actually true.

The House defines what offense is impeachable.

IOW, the Constitution gives them the rope to hang themselves.
Actually they need to at least accuse him of cutting the tag off of a pillow.

“Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors.”

No- they don't.

Fascinating how Republicans knew this until Trump was elected.
It’s a direct quote from the Constitution

Now you know why they want the Constitution to be a Living Document. Make up a crime, change the law, ignore the laws and do whatever you want making shit up because like BULLDOG SAYS: THE ENDS JUSTIFY THE MEANS.
The cycle repeats yet again. We got nothing on Trump but we can impeach him for beating Hillary.

You don't have to break a law to be impeached. Trump's defenders need a better argument.

Funny the article mentions using the IRS to harass your opponents as an IMPEACHABLE OFFENSE, exactly what Obama did.

OBAMA: 30 impeachable offenses overlooked because he was Black and the Left's favorite love child.

TRUMP: They want to impeach him so much they can taste it, all because he beat Hillary, their favorite love puppet.
If Obama committed 30 impeachable offenses he would have been Impeached, convicted and forever labelled as the most sinister president in American history. He would have been forever held as an example by the likes of you of how blacks cannot govern. So you're lying about Obama. Trump has broken laws. That's why we are at this point.

Remember the IRS Scandal? It was fake news all along
Wrong. That is a lie, and you are a liar. There is no collusion. Care to state your case instead of doing a drive by lie?

Guiliani, Trump and Mulvaney have all admitted it on television.
The whistleblower, Taylor, and today, Vindman all have testified.

See for yourself, dope.
READ: Ukraine Expert Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman's Opening Statement
Admitted what? Admitted to doing their jobs? Do you know how Foreign Policy, and Political Corruption Cooperation Treaties Work?

Please cite US Code, and Specify the exact infraction of it, that you could base an legitimate impeachment upon namely a High Crime or Misdemeanor which The Constitution references as Treason or Bribery. We have federal statutes on that, so list US Code and cite evidence The President violated US Law.

Or you can STFU and go away with your tail behind your legs, and then wait in vain for Judgment Day and your journey To Hell.

Admitted they withheld funds to pressure the president of ukraine to announce an investigation into Biden, dope.

Wake up and stop playing dumb. It only makes you look dumb.

No that's what far left and mainstream media is saying.
The funding was withheld for security reasons based on the fact that the last 2 governments were corrupt.
Every President has the right to do this in America's interest.
Even ole Joe says he was there looking into their corruption.
The media are lumping the two instances together which isn't true.
They are separate.
No that's what far left and mainstream media is saying.
No. That's what Guiliani, Trump himself, mulvaney have said on national television. it's what witnesses are testifying to as we speak.

READ: Ukraine Expert Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman's Opening Statement
There is nothing even remotely illegal or unethical about what was discussed in the phone call for which The White House voluntarily produced The Transcript for.

Now, what Joe Biden admitted to was illegal, but Obama never prosecuted him for it, because Clinton, Obama and Biden were all getting rich in office taking bribes, and doing Pay to Play.
From your own link;

". . . Madison objected to “maladministration.” He thought this term was so vague that it would threaten the separation of powers. Congress could remove any president it disagreed with on grounds of “maladministration.” This would give Congress complete power over the executive.. . . "

I think, at worst, the POTUS could only, at this point, be guilty of this. This is what you don't like, and refuse to admit, because these proceedings, are, in the end, just political in nature and a violation of the separation of powers.
Nope, at this point, he could be guilty of violating...

§30121 Contributions and donations by foreign nationals


Sure. . .

Prove it in such a way that the Clinton's or Al Gore or Obama weren't guilty of doing the same thing.

fer fucks sake. . . really?

Clinton WAS impeached, idiot.
Not for taking money for favors, not for getting a blow job, but for lying under oath about getting a blow job.

Ken Starr turned over every fucking rock he could find about Clinton and finally ended up with Clinton getting a blow job.

Trump is holding out Congressionally approved funds to a country in a hot war in order to get info to benefit his fucking 2020 campaign.
Why don't you redneck idiots SEE THIS?
It's right in front of you.
Trump released the TRANSCRIPT with "I need a favor, though."
Why did he do that?
Because somebody inside that White House got it through his thick skull that if it can be proved, he wouldn't want to be impeached for lying under oath.
isn't that what biden did with urkraine? I mean really, are you going to out yourself that easily? I hope so, but still, we have it on video in here about fifty times now. need again? I'm happy to post that idiot bragging about his quid pro quo. here anyway, please show all your hypocrisy

Biden bragged about getting the prosecutor fired- as part of official U.S. policy, supported by U.S. Senators, the EU and anti-corruption NGO's.
Trump secretly called the President of Ukraine to ask him to dig up dirt on his political opponent- and Trump insisted that the President of the Ukraine himself announce the investigation into Joe Biden.

To Trumpettes what Biden did was illegal -and Trump was just being Trump.

"secretly" LOL

Nobody new about it. No transcripts, right?

"political opponent" LOL

Is Biden nominated?
The cycle repeats yet again. We got nothing on Trump but we can impeach him for beating Hillary.

You don't have to break a law to be impeached. Trump's defenders need a better argument.

Funny the article mentions using the IRS to harass your opponents as an IMPEACHABLE OFFENSE, exactly what Obama did.

OBAMA: 30 impeachable offenses overlooked because he was Black and the Left's favorite love child.

TRUMP: They want to impeach him so much they can taste it, all because he beat Hillary, their favorite love puppet.
If Obama committed 30 impeachable offenses he would have been Impeached, convicted and forever labelled as the most sinister president in American history. He would have been forever held as an example by the likes of you of how blacks cannot govern. So you're lying about Obama. Trump has broken laws. That's why we are at this point.

Remember the IRS Scandal? It was fake news all along
Obama had like minded criminals in The CIA, DOJ, IRS, FBI, NSA, State Department and even in The Treasury.

How else do you think The Obama Treasury Department allowed an ILLEGAL SHIPMENT of US Cash to Europe to circumvent International and US Law to give $150 Billion to Terrorist Regime Iran?

How do you sell AK 47s to Mexican Drug Cartels?

How do you Illegally Spy on Americans and Journalists?

How was Obama allowed to Illegally use Benghazi as a Weapons Depot which is an War Crime?

Why was he Illegally Financing and Arming Terrorists to Assassinate Heads of States and Stage COUPS in Libya, and Egypt?

Why did Obama illegally interfere in Israel's Elections and fund the opposition?

Why did Obama purchase Russian Propaganda from Putin?

Why did he get away with Illegally Using The IRS as a Political Weapon, or Using The FBI and DOJ as Russian Pawns when he paid for The Russian Propaganda Himself?

How did Clinton get away with an Illegal Server and why did Comey allow her to lie, be granted Immunity, and To Bleach Bit 33,000 Emails that were under Two Court Orders to preserve That Data?

Why was The Podesta Group involved in political corruption in The Ukraine, working on the behalf of Biden, Clinton and Obama and then suddenly was given Immunity, just like The Clinton Campaign when corruption investigations uncovered certain facts about them?

This was the most corrupt Administration in US History And I did not even touch 1\10th of the crimes committed, but when you ask Criminals to Investigate Crime, They will cover it up instead. You know like meeting a target of a Criminal Investigation started by a whistle blower on a Tarmac secretly to discuss golfing.
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Guiliani, Trump and Mulvaney have all admitted it on television.
The whistleblower, Taylor, and today, Vindman all have testified.

See for yourself, dope.
READ: Ukraine Expert Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman's Opening Statement
well they're correct, if a foreign government wants our money they must purchase our favor. nothing Biden didn't do. see, it's simple. you should educate yourself. Let me ask you, when you go to a restaurant to eat, do you get food for you money? if so, you completed a quid pro quo.

It's not the quid pro quo that's the crime, dope. They can serve the American people and their interests.

The crime is doing it for personal political gain.
Quid Pro JOE BIDEN... quit deflecting!!!!
There is no quid pro Joe Biden.
Bull Shit.. There are records of the payments to the Biden family.. Keep that head in your ass... Its about to be dislodged by a boot..

Post them.
  • Thanks
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That was the policy of the administration, dope. Done for the benefit of the Ukrainian state and it's democracy. Not for personal political gain of any given individual.

Learn the difference and stop being an idiot.
for a foreign government? our VP and President holding favor with a foreign government, interfering in their internal structure? and that's policy? hahahahahaha, dude you're delusional. you really are. one can't hold a discussion with someone who has no sense of reason and holds delusional philosophies.

Of course it was their policy. Aid comes with conditions like eliminating corruption or ending human rights abuses. Just not for personal political assistance.
I'd say asking The Ukraine to fire a prosecutor who was investigating Quid Pro Joe's Coke head son taking Bribes and selling favors from The White House describes extorting personal political assistance perfectly.

There was no investigation into Biden, dope.

Biden was acting on behalf of the administration and at the request of the EU and the IMF. Republican Senators in the Ukraine group also knew about this. They said you're dumb as shit.

2 Republican senators refute Trump’s Ukraine-Biden conspiracy theory
There is now.... And he is in deep shit!
Show us.
There isn't.
Guiliani, Trump and Mulvaney have all admitted it on television.
The whistleblower, Taylor, and today, Vindman all have testified.

See for yourself, dope.
READ: Ukraine Expert Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman's Opening Statement
well they're correct, if a foreign government wants our money they must purchase our favor. nothing Biden didn't do. see, it's simple. you should educate yourself. Let me ask you, when you go to a restaurant to eat, do you get food for you money? if so, you completed a quid pro quo.

It's not the quid pro quo that's the crime, dope. They can serve the American people and their interests.

The crime is doing it for personal political gain.
What Crime? Can you site US CODE? I think your posting on here is a Crime, because you are Criminally Stupid.

Please Cite US Code.
[USC02] 52 USC 30121: Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

§30121. Contributions and donations by foreign nationals
(a) Prohibition
It shall be unlawful for-

(1) a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make-

(A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;

(B) a contribution or donation to a committee of a political party; or

(C) an expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement for an electioneering communication (within the meaning of section 30104(f)(3) of this title); or

(2) a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (1) from a foreign national.
None of which applies, Troll Tard.

Asking for cooperation in an Ongoing Investigation with a Country you have a Cooperation Treaty with is not anything of value politically, monetarily, nothing.

This is why The President, much to your displeasure released The Actual Transcript of The Call, because it was legit.

See, I asked you to cite US Code, because Foreign Trolls & Brain Dead Leftists do not Understand US Law. Information and Cooperation is "Not a thing of Value"

However asking for a Prosecutor to be fired to keep your son out of jail, so yo can run for President, and not be exposed as an Extortionist, IS.
Biden Broke the Law, and Will be Prosecuted for it.

Joe Biden extorted The Ukraine in to firing The Prosecutor investigating his son, and The Ukraine fired him.

That is an ILLEGAL Quid Pro Quo.

A Legal Quid Pro Quo is asking a foreign nation to share information in an ongoing corruption investigation when you already have such an agreement to do that, like the Investigation of Corruption at Burisma, with The Bidens, and George Soros in The Ukraine.

Super Majority 2020.

Take some Latin Courses and Law Courses Dummy.

Of course the very suggestion that Biden was somehow corrupt has immense value.

Look at you, dope. It's like crack to you
un-self aware tard herders.

You took it as gospel and ran with it at the first suggestion of it. You are working tirelessly to promulgate that message wherever you can.
Of course it was their policy. Aid comes with conditions like eliminating corruption or ending human rights abuses. Just not for personal political assistance.
I'd say asking The Ukraine to fire a prosecutor who was investigating Quid Pro Joe's Coke head son taking Bribes and selling favors from The White House describes extorting personal political assistance perfectly.

There was no investigation into Biden, dope.

Biden was acting on behalf of the administration and at the request of the EU and the IMF. Republican Senators in the Ukraine group also knew about this. They said you're dumb as shit.

2 Republican senators refute Trump’s Ukraine-Biden conspiracy theory
There is now.... And he is in deep shit!
There not only was an Investigation then in to Hunter Biden, there was one Re-opened a full 6 months before The Ukraine Call, and there is a new Investigation in to Joe Biden taking place, and in to Obama and Clinton contracting with Foreign Governments to interfere in our Elections and help them defeat President Trump.

Dem Tards keep trying to say, Trump asked Ukraine to Investigate Hunter Biden, when how can you ask for something to be started that was already ongoing?

He only asked for cooperation with ongoing investigations, which is Standard Operating Procedure with any country you have such agreements with.
"There not only was an Investigation then in to Hunter Biden"

Prove it...
well they're correct, if a foreign government wants our money they must purchase our favor. nothing Biden didn't do. see, it's simple. you should educate yourself. Let me ask you, when you go to a restaurant to eat, do you get food for you money? if so, you completed a quid pro quo.

It's not the quid pro quo that's the crime, dope. They can serve the American people and their interests.

The crime is doing it for personal political gain.
What Crime? Can you site US CODE? I think your posting on here is a Crime, because you are Criminally Stupid.

Please Cite US Code.
[USC02] 52 USC 30121: Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

§30121. Contributions and donations by foreign nationals
(a) Prohibition
It shall be unlawful for-

(1) a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make-

(A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;

(B) a contribution or donation to a committee of a political party; or

(C) an expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement for an electioneering communication (within the meaning of section 30104(f)(3) of this title); or

(2) a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (1) from a foreign national.
None of which applies, Troll Tard.

Asking for cooperation in an Ongoing Investigation with a Country you have a Cooperation Treaty with is not anything of value politically, monetarily, nothing.

This is why The President, much to your displeasure released The Actual Transcript of The Call, because it was legit.

See, I asked you to cite US Code, because Foreign Trolls & Brain Dead Leftists do not Understand US Law. Information and Cooperation is "Not a thing of Value"

However asking for a Prosecutor to be fired to keep your son out of jail, so yo can run for President, and not be exposed as an Extortionist, IS.
Biden Broke the Law, and Will be Prosecuted for it.

Joe Biden extorted The Ukraine in to firing The Prosecutor investigating his son, and The Ukraine fired him.

That is an ILLEGAL Quid Pro Quo.

A Legal Quid Pro Quo is asking a foreign nation to share information in an ongoing corruption investigation when you already have such an agreement to do that, like the Investigation of Corruption at Burisma, with The Bidens, and George Soros in The Ukraine.

Super Majority 2020.

Take some Latin Courses and Law Courses Dummy.

Of course the very suggestion that Biden was somehow corrupt has immense value.

Look at you, dope. It's like crack to you
un-self aware tard herders.

You took it as gospel and ran with it at the first suggestion of it. You are working tirelessly to promulgate that message wherever you can.
There was no Suggestion. There was a previous Investigation, and then a re-opened investigation that was already ongoing for the past 6 months prior to the phone call.

Maybe Biden should not have been involved in The Ukraine or China nor asked The Ukraine to fire the prosecutor investigating his corrupt Coke Head son, and then bragged about his crime on TV to try to impress some Leftist Dimwits. kissing Joe Biden's Ass.

Discussing Common Knowledge over Public Comments BIDEN himself made is not a crime Hairy Man Butt Lover.

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