Late Stage Impeach Phase: Trump Doesn’t Have to Break a Law to Be Impeached

Mueller said, and I quote: "this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime."

We do not nor should congress harass a POTUS (or any American) who, after an exhaustive 2 year, $35 million SC witch-hunt was deemed to not have committed a crime.

Case closed.

Mueller said, and I quote: "this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime."

.... because a sitting president can't be indicted.

Mueller never said that. He said there was not enough evidence to even suggest or recommend any indictments.

The Special Counsel Recommended 13 Indictments for which Congress could write Articles of Impeachment against Clinton and this is why he underwent an Impeachment Vote, and Impeachment Trial.

You have Zero, Zilch, Nada.

How's your friend Al Baghdadi today?

Of course Mueller said that, ya brain-dead cultist...

“We, at the outset, determined that, when it came to the president’s culpability, we needed to go forward only after taking into account the OLC opinion that indicated that a sitting president cannot be indicted.” - Robert Mueller
Mueller said there is No Evidence, and that is why you had to Move on to Impeachment Hoax 2.0 and soon to move on to Impeachment Hoax 3.0.

The President is standing in the way of your Globalist - Marxist - Socialist Green New Hell!

When is Mueller going to do another hearing?

Fake Impeachment 2.0 Isn't really about Trump or any wrong doing at all.

You have to ask why Trump has spent so much time obstructing a hoax.
Why were The Democrats, Clinton and Obama so desperate to win that they contracted with Russian Spies to create a Hoax Dirty Russian Dossier?

Why did Obama and HIllary need to SPY on The TRUMP CAMPAIGN when we were all told...don't bother voting....HILLARY IN A LANDSLIDE?

There is no Obstruction.

You have to ask why The Democrat Party went on The Offensive and Promised to Impeach President Trump and Launch a COUP despite not being able to name a single crime he committed even to this day, even before he was sworn in.

Cite US Code, Demon.

The Power of Jesus Christ Compels YOU!

There was no collusion. Not sure what you are talking about. Asking about an ongoing investigation in to The Obama Administration, and Biden and Clinton working to overturn the 2016 election through Foreign Actors and Russian spies is a legitimate question and is part of The President's job with regards to Foreign Policy and Political Corruption Cooperation Agreements that we have with countries like The Ukraine.

It's been admitted to and testified to, dope.
Wrong. That is a lie, and you are a liar. There is no collusion. Care to state your case instead of doing a drive by lie?

Guiliani, Trump and Mulvaney have all admitted it on television.
The whistleblower, Taylor, and today, Vindman all have testified.

See for yourself, dope.
READ: Ukraine Expert Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman's Opening Statement
Admitted what? Admitted to doing their jobs? Do you know how Foreign Policy, and Political Corruption Cooperation Treaties Work?

Please cite US Code, and Specify the exact infraction of it, that you could base an legitimate impeachment upon namely a High Crime or Misdemeanor which The Constitution references as Treason or Bribery. We have federal statutes on that, so list US Code and cite evidence The President violated US Law.

Or you can STFU and go away with your tail behind your legs, and then wait in vain for Judgment Day and your journey To Hell.

Admitted they withheld funds to pressure the president of ukraine to announce an investigation into Biden, dope.

Wake up and stop playing dumb. It only makes you look dumb.

I don't think he's playing.
There was no collusion. Not sure what you are talking about. Asking about an ongoing investigation in to The Obama Administration, and Biden and Clinton working to overturn the 2016 election through Foreign Actors and Russian spies is a legitimate question and is part of The President's job with regards to Foreign Policy and Political Corruption Cooperation Agreements that we have with countries like The Ukraine.

It's been admitted to and testified to, dope.
Wrong. That is a lie, and you are a liar. There is no collusion. Care to state your case instead of doing a drive by lie?

Guiliani, Trump and Mulvaney have all admitted it on television.
The whistleblower, Taylor, and today, Vindman all have testified.

See for yourself, dope.
READ: Ukraine Expert Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman's Opening Statement
well they're correct, if a foreign government wants our money they must purchase our favor. nothing Biden didn't do. see, it's simple. you should educate yourself. Let me ask you, when you go to a restaurant to eat, do you get food for you money? if so, you completed a quid pro quo.

It's not the quid pro quo that's the crime, dope. They can serve the American people and their interests.

The crime is doing it for personal political gain.
Quid Pro JOE BIDEN... quit deflecting!!!!
There was no collusion. Not sure what you are talking about. Asking about an ongoing investigation in to The Obama Administration, and Biden and Clinton working to overturn the 2016 election through Foreign Actors and Russian spies is a legitimate question and is part of The President's job with regards to Foreign Policy and Political Corruption Cooperation Agreements that we have with countries like The Ukraine.

It's been admitted to and testified to, dope.
Wrong. That is a lie, and you are a liar. There is no collusion. Care to state your case instead of doing a drive by lie?

Guiliani, Trump and Mulvaney have all admitted it on television.
The whistleblower, Taylor, and today, Vindman all have testified.

See for yourself, dope.
READ: Ukraine Expert Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman's Opening Statement
Admitted what? Admitted to doing their jobs? Do you know how Foreign Policy, and Political Corruption Cooperation Treaties Work?

Please cite US Code, and Specify the exact infraction of it, that you could base an legitimate impeachment upon namely a High Crime or Misdemeanor which The Constitution references as Treason or Bribery. We have federal statutes on that, so list US Code and cite evidence The President violated US Law.

Or you can STFU and go away with your tail behind your legs, and then wait in vain for Judgment Day and your journey To Hell.

Admitted they withheld funds to pressure the president of ukraine to announce an investigation into Biden, dope.

Wake up and stop playing dumb. It only makes you look dumb.

No that's what far left and mainstream media is saying.
The funding was withheld for security reasons based on the fact that the last 2 governments were corrupt.
Every President has the right to do this in America's interest.
Even ole Joe says he was there looking into their corruption.
The media are lumping the two instances together which isn't true.
They are separate.
Mueller said, and I quote: "this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime."

.... because a sitting president can't be indicted.

Mueller never said that. He said there was not enough evidence to even suggest or recommend any indictments.

The Special Counsel Recommended 13 Indictments for which Congress could write Articles of Impeachment against Clinton and this is why he underwent an Impeachment Vote, and Impeachment Trial.

You have Zero, Zilch, Nada.

How's your friend Al Baghdadi today?

Of course Mueller said that, ya brain-dead cultist...

“We, at the outset, determined that, when it came to the president’s culpability, we needed to go forward only after taking into account the OLC opinion that indicated that a sitting president cannot be indicted.” - Robert Mueller
Mueller said there is No Evidence, and that is why you had to Move on to Impeachment Hoax 2.0 and soon to move on to Impeachment Hoax 3.0.

The President is standing in the way of your Globalist - Marxist - Socialist Green New Hell!

When is Mueller going to do another hearing?

Fake Impeachment 2.0 Isn't really about Trump or any wrong doing at all.

You have to ask why Trump has spent so much time obstructing a hoax.
Why were The Democrats, Clinton and Obama so desperate to win that they contracted with Russian Spies to create a Hoax Dirty Russian Dossier?

Why did Obama and HIllary need to SPY on The TRUMP CAMPAIGN when we were all told...don't bother voting....HILLARY IN A LANDSLIDE?

There is no Obstruction.

You have to ask why The Democrat Party went on The Offensive and Promised to Impeach President Trump and Launch a COUP despite not being able to name a single crime he committed even to this day, even before he was sworn in.

Cite US Code, Demon.

The Power of Jesus Christ Compels YOU!


Mueller never said that. He said there was not enough evidence to even suggest or recommend any indictments.

The Special Counsel Recommended 13 Indictments for which Congress could write Articles of Impeachment against Clinton and this is why he underwent an Impeachment Vote, and Impeachment Trial.

You have Zero, Zilch, Nada.

How's your friend Al Baghdadi today?

Of course Mueller said that, ya brain-dead cultist...

“We, at the outset, determined that, when it came to the president’s culpability, we needed to go forward only after taking into account the OLC opinion that indicated that a sitting president cannot be indicted.” - Robert Mueller
Mueller Mueller Mueller!

You freaks have lost it. You can’t even keep up with your bullshit. Get with it, shitforbrains. It’s now Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine!
You guys keep talking about what Mueller did not prove.
No, we are talking about What YOU CANNOT PROVE, DOPE

Mueller Hoax was a failure and so are you.

You are talking about massive continuous obstruction of justice.
I'm talking about a Massive Bulge in your shorts for Hairy Man Butt Love & Fake Russian Collusion.

Cite US CODE. I don't want to hear your biased opinion.

What law was broken?
Mueller said, and I quote: "this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime."

.... because a sitting president can't be indicted.

Mueller never said that. He said there was not enough evidence to even suggest or recommend any indictments.

The Special Counsel Recommended 13 Indictments for which Congress could write Articles of Impeachment against Clinton and this is why he underwent an Impeachment Vote, and Impeachment Trial.

You have Zero, Zilch, Nada.

How's your friend Al Baghdadi today?

Of course Mueller said that, ya brain-dead cultist...

“We, at the outset, determined that, when it came to the president’s culpability, we needed to go forward only after taking into account the OLC opinion that indicated that a sitting president cannot be indicted.” - Robert Mueller
Mueller said there is No Evidence, and that is why you had to Move on to Impeachment Hoax 2.0 and soon to move on to Impeachment Hoax 3.0.

The President is standing in the way of your Globalist - Marxist - Socialist Green New Hell!

When is Mueller going to do another hearing?

Fake Impeachment 2.0 Isn't really about Trump or any wrong doing at all.

You have to ask why Trump has spent so much time obstructing a hoax.
Why were The Democrats, Clinton and Obama so desperate to win that they contracted with Russian Spies to create a Hoax Dirty Russian Dossier?

There is no Obstruction. You have to ask why The Democrat Party went on The Offensive and Promised to Impeach President Trump and Launch a COUP despite not being able to name a single crime he committed even to this day.

Cite US Code, Demon.

The Power of Jesus Christ Compels YOU!

The democrats didn't do that. There is no coup /. There is obstruction of justice.

And don't bring Jesus' name into your festival of beating false witness.
It's been admitted to and testified to, dope.
Wrong. That is a lie, and you are a liar. There is no collusion. Care to state your case instead of doing a drive by lie?

Guiliani, Trump and Mulvaney have all admitted it on television.
The whistleblower, Taylor, and today, Vindman all have testified.

See for yourself, dope.
READ: Ukraine Expert Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman's Opening Statement
well they're correct, if a foreign government wants our money they must purchase our favor. nothing Biden didn't do. see, it's simple. you should educate yourself. Let me ask you, when you go to a restaurant to eat, do you get food for you money? if so, you completed a quid pro quo.

It's not the quid pro quo that's the crime, dope. They can serve the American people and their interests.

The crime is doing it for personal political gain.
Quid Pro JOE BIDEN... quit deflecting!!!!

What did Joe get out of it?
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Wrong. That is a lie, and you are a liar. There is no collusion. Care to state your case instead of doing a drive by lie?

Guiliani, Trump and Mulvaney have all admitted it on television.
The whistleblower, Taylor, and today, Vindman all have testified.

See for yourself, dope.
READ: Ukraine Expert Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman's Opening Statement
well they're correct, if a foreign government wants our money they must purchase our favor. nothing Biden didn't do. see, it's simple. you should educate yourself. Let me ask you, when you go to a restaurant to eat, do you get food for you money? if so, you completed a quid pro quo.

It's not the quid pro quo that's the crime, dope. They can serve the American people and their interests.

The crime is doing it for personal political gain.
Quid Pro JOE BIDEN... quit deflecting!!!!

What did Joe get out of it?
$6 Million from The Ukraine and $1.5 Billion from China

Of course Mueller said that, ya brain-dead cultist...

“We, at the outset, determined that, when it came to the president’s culpability, we needed to go forward only after taking into account the OLC opinion that indicated that a sitting president cannot be indicted.” - Robert Mueller
Mueller Mueller Mueller!

You freaks have lost it. You can’t even keep up with your bullshit. Get with it, shitforbrains. It’s now Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine!
You guys keep talking about what Mueller did not prove.
No, we are talking about What YOU CANNOT PROVE, DOPE

Mueller Hoax was a failure and so are you.

You are talking about massive continuous obstruction of justice.
I'm talking about a Massive Bulge in your shorts for Hairy Man Butt Love & Fake Russian Collusion.

Cite US CODE. I don't want to hear your biased opinion.

What law was broken?
Obstruction of justice. That's one. Look the code up yourself.
The cycle repeats yet again. We got nothing on Trump but we can impeach him for beating Hillary.

You don't have to break a law to be impeached. Trump's defenders need a better argument.
Another Trumper who has not read the constitution

Yes you can be important reached without breaking a law
Article 2, Section 4:
The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.
Abuse of power and violating the public's trust are also impeachable offenses.

"violating public trust" LOL

That "public" would be... let me guess, Democrats?
Guiliani, Trump and Mulvaney have all admitted it on television.
The whistleblower, Taylor, and today, Vindman all have testified.

See for yourself, dope.
READ: Ukraine Expert Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman's Opening Statement
well they're correct, if a foreign government wants our money they must purchase our favor. nothing Biden didn't do. see, it's simple. you should educate yourself. Let me ask you, when you go to a restaurant to eat, do you get food for you money? if so, you completed a quid pro quo.

It's not the quid pro quo that's the crime, dope. They can serve the American people and their interests.

The crime is doing it for personal political gain.
Quid Pro JOE BIDEN... quit deflecting!!!!

What did Joe get out of it?
$6 Million from The Ukraine and $1.5 Billion from China
Nope, Joe got none of that.
  • Thanks
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Mueller Mueller Mueller!

You freaks have lost it. You can’t even keep up with your bullshit. Get with it, shitforbrains. It’s now Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine!
You guys keep talking about what Mueller did not prove.
No, we are talking about What YOU CANNOT PROVE, DOPE

Mueller Hoax was a failure and so are you.

You are talking about massive continuous obstruction of justice.
I'm talking about a Massive Bulge in your shorts for Hairy Man Butt Love & Fake Russian Collusion.

Cite US CODE. I don't want to hear your biased opinion.

What law was broken?
Obstruction of justice. That's one. Look the code up yourself.
You have Obstruction of your Bowels.

CITE US CODE and THE EVIDENCE that proves Obstruction of Justice.

Not even Mueller could prove that.

You think you can Jizz Juicer?
It's been admitted to and testified to, dope.
Wrong. That is a lie, and you are a liar. There is no collusion. Care to state your case instead of doing a drive by lie?

Guiliani, Trump and Mulvaney have all admitted it on television.
The whistleblower, Taylor, and today, Vindman all have testified.

See for yourself, dope.
READ: Ukraine Expert Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman's Opening Statement
well they're correct, if a foreign government wants our money they must purchase our favor. nothing Biden didn't do. see, it's simple. you should educate yourself. Let me ask you, when you go to a restaurant to eat, do you get food for you money? if so, you completed a quid pro quo.

It's not the quid pro quo that's the crime, dope. They can serve the American people and their interests.

The crime is doing it for personal political gain.
Quid Pro JOE BIDEN... quit deflecting!!!!
There is no quid pro Joe Biden.
The cycle repeats yet again. We got nothing on Trump but we can impeach him for beating Hillary.

You don't have to break a law to be impeached. Trump's defenders need a better argument.
Another Trumper who has not read the constitution

Yes you can be important reached without breaking a law
Article 2, Section 4:
The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.
Abuse of power and violating the public's trust are also impeachable offenses.

"violating public trust" LOL

That "public" would be... let me guess, Democrats?
It would be the 59% (so far) in favor of impeaching and removing Trump from office. That's not just Democrats.
well they're correct, if a foreign government wants our money they must purchase our favor. nothing Biden didn't do. see, it's simple. you should educate yourself. Let me ask you, when you go to a restaurant to eat, do you get food for you money? if so, you completed a quid pro quo.

It's not the quid pro quo that's the crime, dope. They can serve the American people and their interests.

The crime is doing it for personal political gain.
Quid Pro JOE BIDEN... quit deflecting!!!!

What did Joe get out of it?
$6 Million from The Ukraine and $1.5 Billion from China
Nope, Joe got none of that.
Yah, just like Clinton NEVER personally got $145 Million from Putin for approving The Sale of 20% of US Uranium to Putin's Company, Rosatom.
You guys keep talking about what Mueller did not prove.
No, we are talking about What YOU CANNOT PROVE, DOPE

Mueller Hoax was a failure and so are you.

You are talking about massive continuous obstruction of justice.
I'm talking about a Massive Bulge in your shorts for Hairy Man Butt Love & Fake Russian Collusion.

Cite US CODE. I don't want to hear your biased opinion.

What law was broken?
Obstruction of justice. That's one. Look the code up yourself.
You have Obstruction of your Bowels.

CITE US CODE and THE EVIDENCE that proves Obstruction of Justice.

Not even Mueller could prove that.

You think you can Jizz Juicer?

Read the Mueller report pt. 2 and understand that every person Trump tells not to honor a subpoena is evidence of obstruction of justice.

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