Late Stage Impeach Phase: Trump Doesn’t Have to Break a Law to Be Impeached

Mueller Mueller Mueller!

You freaks have lost it. You can’t even keep up with your bullshit. Get with it, shitforbrains. It’s now Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine!
^^^ triggered :lmao:

It's not my fault you are distressed today over the deaths of ISIS leadership.

Who's your daddy? Al Baghdadi!
Do you even know you're bat shit crazy? See if you can find a post from me where I expressed any sympathy for Baghdadi....
Batshit crazy is babbling about Russians under your bed while insisting humans can change sexes at will.

Another child chimes in with, I know you are but what am I?
Mueller and his team of high priced lawyers spent two years trying to pin something on Trump, but you in your pajamas in mommy’s basement has found the evidence.
Go take your meds.
The "Can shoot somebody on Fifth Ave." mindless sycophants will never acknowledge Trump's crimes no matter how obvious they are.

Obstruction of Justice, Abuse of Power, Violations of the Emoluments clause, Violations of the Logan act, violations of campaign finance laws.

To the SANE 63% these are obvious, to the insane 37% nothing Trump does is wrong so their opinions do not count.
Yet for all of his Crimes you Allege he committed, Mueller was forced to admit there was no Evidence and that he could not recommend a single Indictment for which The DemNazi controlled House could write Articles of Impeachment on. So you are now on what, COUP attempt 2.0?

Go find some ISIS under shorts, to support your weak retorts.
^^^ triggered :lmao:

It's not my fault you are distressed today over the deaths of ISIS leadership.

Who's your daddy? Al Baghdadi!
Do you even know you're bat shit crazy? See if you can find a post from me where I expressed any sympathy for Baghdadi....
Well, it makes no difference to me if you worship Satan, Hillary Rotten Clinton, Obama Bin Lying, Mother Nature, or your Boyfriend's Soiled Underwear.

The Point is, you are not a Friend of America nor do you support our Democratic Republic, nor respect our Constitution, our Rule of Law, and our Culture or Tradition, so you might as well be sniffing Al Baghdadi's underwear and getting high off of it, because there is no difference between you and a Scum Sucking American Hating Hairy Man Butt Loving Ingrate and a Pig Like Al Baghdadi.

Who's your daddy? Al Baghdadi!

Or would you be happy with me saying?

Who's your BFF? Putin is your BFF.

When The Germans Bombed Pearl Harbor, we all know you got a woody.

Death to America..... am I right?

You are not America's Friend.

You are America's Enemy.

You worship your Orange draft dodging god child.

You believe that Trump is America- and that anyone not loyal to your Orange Messiah is a traitor.......
That one is beyond batshit crazy. :cuckoo:

Aside from all his other nuttiness, he actually thinks it was Germany who bombed Pearl Harbor.
When The Germans Bombed Pearl Harbor, we all know you got a woody.


I still remember my parents telling me about that day that shall live in infamy as the Stuka's sank the U.S.S. Arizona at Pearl Harbor......
^^^ triggered :lmao:

It's not my fault you are distressed today over the deaths of ISIS leadership.

Who's your daddy? Al Baghdadi!
Do you even know you're bat shit crazy? See if you can find a post from me where I expressed any sympathy for Baghdadi....
Batshit crazy is babbling about Russians under your bed while insisting humans can change sexes at will.

Another child chimes in with, I know you are but what am I?
You are just another Failure we attribute to Planned Parenthood's Incompetence.
^^^ triggered :lmao:

It's not my fault you are distressed today over the deaths of ISIS leadership.

Who's your daddy? Al Baghdadi!
Do you even know you're bat shit crazy? See if you can find a post from me where I expressed any sympathy for Baghdadi....
Well, it makes no difference to me if you worship Satan, Hillary Rotten Clinton, Obama Bin Lying, Mother Nature, or your Boyfriend's Soiled Underwear.

The Point is, you are not a Friend of America nor do you support our Democratic Republic, nor respect our Constitution, our Rule of Law, and our Culture or Tradition, so you might as well be sniffing Al Baghdadi's underwear and getting high off of it, because there is no difference between you and a Scum Sucking American Hating Hairy Man Butt Loving Ingrate and a Pig Like Al Baghdadi.

Who's your daddy? Al Baghdadi!

Or would you be happy with me saying?

Who's your BFF? Putin is your BFF.

When The Germans Bombed Pearl Harbor, we all know you got a woody.

Death to America..... am I right?

You are not America's Friend.

You are America's Enemy.

You worship your Orange draft dodging god child.

You believe that Trump is America- and that anyone not loyal to your Orange Messiah is a traitor.......
That one is beyond batshit crazy. :cuckoo:

Aside from all his other nuttiness, he actually thinks it was Germans who bombed Pearl Harbor.
When The Germans Bombed Pearl Harbor, we all know you got a woody.

Definitely PROVES you are not an AMERICAN, because even the Dumbest Retard Leftist, knows that line is From ANIMAL HOUSE.

I found one with English subtitles, because "You ENGRISH NOT GOOD!"

The "Can shoot somebody on Fifth Ave." mindless sycophants will never acknowledge Trump's crimes no matter how obvious they are.

Obstruction of Justice, Abuse of Power, Violations of the Emoluments clause, Violations of the Logan act, violations of campaign finance laws.

To the SANE 63% these are obvious, to the insane 37% nothing Trump does is wrong so their opinions do not count.
Yet for all of his Crimes you Allege he committed, Mueller was forced to admit there was no Evidence and that he could not recommend a single Indictment for which The DemNazi controlled House could write Articles of Impeachment on. So you are now on what, COUP attempt 2.0?

Go find some ISIS under shorts, to support your weak retorts.

Mueller wasn't 'forced to admit' anything.
Mueller admitted he was prevented by Justice Department poilcy from recommending an indictment of anything for a sitting President.

Mueller did point to 13 incidents of obstruction of Justice by Trump that recourse could only be pursued outside the Justice Department- which is of course Impeachement.
It's not my fault you are distressed today over the deaths of ISIS leadership.

Who's your daddy? Al Baghdadi!
Do you even know you're bat shit crazy? See if you can find a post from me where I expressed any sympathy for Baghdadi....
Well, it makes no difference to me if you worship Satan, Hillary Rotten Clinton, Obama Bin Lying, Mother Nature, or your Boyfriend's Soiled Underwear.

The Point is, you are not a Friend of America nor do you support our Democratic Republic, nor respect our Constitution, our Rule of Law, and our Culture or Tradition, so you might as well be sniffing Al Baghdadi's underwear and getting high off of it, because there is no difference between you and a Scum Sucking American Hating Hairy Man Butt Loving Ingrate and a Pig Like Al Baghdadi.

Who's your daddy? Al Baghdadi!

Or would you be happy with me saying?

Who's your BFF? Putin is your BFF.

When The Germans Bombed Pearl Harbor, we all know you got a woody.

Death to America..... am I right?

You are not America's Friend.

You are America's Enemy.

You worship your Orange draft dodging god child.

You believe that Trump is America- and that anyone not loyal to your Orange Messiah is a traitor.......
That one is beyond batshit crazy. :cuckoo:

Aside from all his other nuttiness, he actually thinks it was Germans who bombed Pearl Harbor.
When The Germans Bombed Pearl Harbor, we all know you got a woody.

Definitely PROVES you are not an AMERICAN, because even the Dumbest Retard Leftist, knows that line is From ANIMAL HOUSE.

Poor little Russian troll.
Still believing that the Nazi's bombed Pear Harbor.
^^^ triggered :lmao:

It's not my fault you are distressed today over the deaths of ISIS leadership.

Who's your daddy? Al Baghdadi!
Do you even know you're bat shit crazy? See if you can find a post from me where I expressed any sympathy for Baghdadi....
Batshit crazy is babbling about Russians under your bed while insisting humans can change sexes at will.

Another child chimes in with, I know you are but what am I?
Mueller and his team of high priced lawyers spent two years trying to pin something on Trump, but you in your pajamas in mommy’s basement has found the evidence.
Go take your meds.
You know you're deranged, right? I actually posted there was nothing from Mueller's investigation that should lead to impeachment.

You freaks are truly fucking insane. :cuckoo:
The "Can shoot somebody on Fifth Ave." mindless sycophants will never acknowledge Trump's crimes no matter how obvious they are.

Obstruction of Justice, Abuse of Power, Violations of the Emoluments clause, Violations of the Logan act, violations of campaign finance laws.

To the SANE 63% these are obvious, to the insane 37% nothing Trump does is wrong so their opinions do not count.
Yet for all of his Crimes you Allege he committed, Mueller was forced to admit there was no Evidence and that he could not recommend a single Indictment for which The DemNazi controlled House could write Articles of Impeachment on. So you are now on what, COUP attempt 2.0?

Go find some ISIS under shorts, to support your weak retorts.

You so full of shit....

You know very well that Mueller did not exonerate Trump. That the only reason he did not indict trump is because there's a DOJ policy not to indict a sitting president, and that he recommended that Congress pursue the investigation and take appropriate action.

Either your an idiot or your a lying bag of shit. Probably both!
It's not my fault you are distressed today over the deaths of ISIS leadership.

Who's your daddy? Al Baghdadi!
Do you even know you're bat shit crazy? See if you can find a post from me where I expressed any sympathy for Baghdadi....
Well, it makes no difference to me if you worship Satan, Hillary Rotten Clinton, Obama Bin Lying, Mother Nature, or your Boyfriend's Soiled Underwear.

The Point is, you are not a Friend of America nor do you support our Democratic Republic, nor respect our Constitution, our Rule of Law, and our Culture or Tradition, so you might as well be sniffing Al Baghdadi's underwear and getting high off of it, because there is no difference between you and a Scum Sucking American Hating Hairy Man Butt Loving Ingrate and a Pig Like Al Baghdadi.

Who's your daddy? Al Baghdadi!

Or would you be happy with me saying?

Who's your BFF? Putin is your BFF.

When The Germans Bombed Pearl Harbor, we all know you got a woody.

Death to America..... am I right?

You are not America's Friend.

You are America's Enemy.

You worship your Orange draft dodging god child.

You believe that Trump is America- and that anyone not loyal to your Orange Messiah is a traitor.......
That one is beyond batshit crazy. :cuckoo:

Aside from all his other nuttiness, he actually thinks it was Germans who bombed Pearl Harbor.
When The Germans Bombed Pearl Harbor, we all know you got a woody.

Definitely PROVES you are not an AMERICAN, because even the Dumbest Retard Leftist, knows that line is From ANIMAL HOUSE.

I found one with English subtitles, because "You ENGRISH NOT GOOD!"

What else did you lear on a Kos post?

I learned by reading the Mueller report. You read the gatewaydipshit and think that's factual reporting.
Is that why Mueller said there was no obstruction?
Even your pathetic CNN had to admit.

You’re insane.
View attachment 286836View attachment 286837

How many times do you why that is the case...

Mueller was not accusing someone who was not afforded the right of reply...

He left the evidence to speak for itself and the evidence is damning and could be easily prosecuted if the President was open for such a charge...

The case was too complicated for the public (but more important ) unlike the Ukraine case... Ukraine was a shakedown and Public have seen enough mob shakedowns on TV...

The President looks pretty guilty of soliciting a bribe from Ukraine...

A simpler version is that the collusion with the Russians in 16 was difficult to prove while the collusion with the Ukranians for 20 was outrightly admitted.
There was no collusion. Not sure what you are talking about. Asking about an ongoing investigation in to The Obama Administration, and Biden and Clinton working to overturn the 2016 election through Foreign Actors and Russian spies is a legitimate question and is part of The President's job with regards to Foreign Policy and Political Corruption Cooperation Agreements that we have with countries like The Ukraine.

It's been admitted to and testified to, dope.
The "Can shoot somebody on Fifth Ave." mindless sycophants will never acknowledge Trump's crimes no matter how obvious they are.

Obstruction of Justice, Abuse of Power, Violations of the Emoluments clause, Violations of the Logan act, violations of campaign finance laws.

To the SANE 63% these are obvious, to the insane 37% nothing Trump does is wrong so their opinions do not count.
Yet for all of his Crimes you Allege he committed, Mueller was forced to admit there was no Evidence and that he could not recommend a single Indictment for which The DemNazi controlled House could write Articles of Impeachment on. So you are now on what, COUP attempt 2.0?

Go find some ISIS under shorts, to support your weak retorts.

You so full of shit....

You know very well that Mueller did not exonerate Trump. That the only reason he did not indict trump is because there's a DOJ policy not to indict a sitting president, and that he recommended that Congress pursue the investigation and take appropriate action.

Either your an idiot or your a lying bag of shit. Probably both!
You are full of man juice. And Lying is your profession, your religion, not mine.

When you meet The Father of Lies (Daddy Satan) are you gonna cry and say, "Daddy Satan. you told me if I spent my life lying for you, that I'd be Rewarded with a New Green Utopia, and a Socialist Workers' Paradise, and all I got was this....... ARGGGGHHHHH!"

Why did you jam that pitch fork up my ass?


Well, every Tuesday we have a camp fire and a Weenie Roast.

and you are the WEENIE!
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Sure. . .

Prove it in such a way that the Clinton's or Al Gore or Obama weren't guilty of doing the same thing.

fer fucks sake. . . really?

Clinton WAS impeached, idiot.
Not for taking money for favors, not for getting a blow job, but for lying under oath about getting a blow job.

Ken Starr turned over every fucking rock he could find about Clinton and finally ended up with Clinton getting a blow job.

Trump is holding out Congressionally approved funds to a country in a hot war in order to get info to benefit his fucking 2020 campaign.
Why don't you redneck idiots SEE THIS?
It's right in front of you.
Trump released the TRANSCRIPT with "I need a favor, though."
Why did he do that?
Because somebody inside that White House got it through his thick skull that if it can be proved, he wouldn't want to be impeached for lying under oath.
isn't that what biden did with urkraine? I mean really, are you going to out yourself that easily? I hope so, but still, we have it on video in here about fifty times now. need again? I'm happy to post that idiot bragging about his quid pro quo. here anyway, please show all your hypocrisy

isn't that what biden did with urkraine?

No, retard.

sure he did, he held money until the prosecutor was fired. he said it. are you denying he said it? just wondering. hmmmmm wow, you all can't even follow a video feed of a man admitting quid pro quo.

Trump secretly pressure, by withholding funds, the President of the Ukraine to publicly announce an investigation into his political rival as part of Trump's personal political agenda.

Biden openly, as part of official American policy supported by GOP Senators, threatened to withhold funds to Ukraine unless Ukraine fired the ineffective Ukrainian prosecutor.

As a Trumpette, I know you can't tell the difference but Americans can.

can't make it up. what a delusional person you are.
I learned by reading the Mueller report. You read the gatewaydipshit and think that's factual reporting.
Is that why Mueller said there was no obstruction?
Even your pathetic CNN had to admit.

You’re insane.
View attachment 286836View attachment 286837

How many times do you why that is the case...

Mueller was not accusing someone who was not afforded the right of reply...

He left the evidence to speak for itself and the evidence is damning and could be easily prosecuted if the President was open for such a charge...

The case was too complicated for the public (but more important ) unlike the Ukraine case... Ukraine was a shakedown and Public have seen enough mob shakedowns on TV...

The President looks pretty guilty of soliciting a bribe from Ukraine...

A simpler version is that the collusion with the Russians in 16 was difficult to prove while the collusion with the Ukranians for 20 was outrightly admitted.
There was no collusion. Not sure what you are talking about. Asking about an ongoing investigation in to The Obama Administration, and Biden and Clinton working to overturn the 2016 election through Foreign Actors and Russian spies is a legitimate question and is part of The President's job with regards to Foreign Policy and Political Corruption Cooperation Agreements that we have with countries like The Ukraine.

It's been admitted to and testified to, dope.
Wrong. That is a lie, and you are a liar. There is no collusion. Care to state your case instead of doing a drive by lie?
Nope, at this point, he could be guilty of violating...

§30121 Contributions and donations by foreign nationals


Sure. . .

Prove it in such a way that the Clinton's or Al Gore or Obama weren't guilty of doing the same thing.

fer fucks sake. . . really?

Clinton WAS impeached, idiot.
Not for taking money for favors, not for getting a blow job, but for lying under oath about getting a blow job.

Ken Starr turned over every fucking rock he could find about Clinton and finally ended up with Clinton getting a blow job.

Trump is holding out Congressionally approved funds to a country in a hot war in order to get info to benefit his fucking 2020 campaign.
Why don't you redneck idiots SEE THIS?
It's right in front of you.
Trump released the TRANSCRIPT with "I need a favor, though."
Why did he do that?
Because somebody inside that White House got it through his thick skull that if it can be proved, he wouldn't want to be impeached for lying under oath.
isn't that what biden did with urkraine? I mean really, are you going to out yourself that easily? I hope so, but still, we have it on video in here about fifty times now. need again? I'm happy to post that idiot bragging about his quid pro quo. here anyway, please show all your hypocrisy

isn't that what biden did with urkraine?

No, retard.

sure he did, he held money until the prosecutor was fired. he said it. are you denying he said it? just wondering. hmmmmm wow, you all can't even follow a video feed of a man admitting quid pro quo.

That was the policy of the administration, dope. Done for the benefit of the Ukrainian state and it's democracy. Not for personal political gain of any given individual.

Learn the difference and stop being an idiot.

Sure. . .

Prove it in such a way that the Clinton's or Al Gore or Obama weren't guilty of doing the same thing.

fer fucks sake. . . really?

Clinton WAS impeached, idiot.
Not for taking money for favors, not for getting a blow job, but for lying under oath about getting a blow job.

Ken Starr turned over every fucking rock he could find about Clinton and finally ended up with Clinton getting a blow job.

Trump is holding out Congressionally approved funds to a country in a hot war in order to get info to benefit his fucking 2020 campaign.
Why don't you redneck idiots SEE THIS?
It's right in front of you.
Trump released the TRANSCRIPT with "I need a favor, though."
Why did he do that?
Because somebody inside that White House got it through his thick skull that if it can be proved, he wouldn't want to be impeached for lying under oath.
isn't that what biden did with urkraine? I mean really, are you going to out yourself that easily? I hope so, but still, we have it on video in here about fifty times now. need again? I'm happy to post that idiot bragging about his quid pro quo. here anyway, please show all your hypocrisy

isn't that what biden did with urkraine?

No, retard.

sure he did, he held money until the prosecutor was fired. he said it. are you denying he said it? just wondering. hmmmmm wow, you all can't even follow a video feed of a man admitting quid pro quo.

That was the policy of the administration, dope. Done for the benefit of the Ukrainian state and it's democracy. Not for personal political gain of any given individual.

Learn the difference and stop being an idiot.

Care to state your case with evidence and not some Drive By Lie, Dem Tard talking point with No Facts behind it?

What happened to Fake Russian Collusion? This is even more pathetic. 2020 is going to be a day of Joy for Conservatives every where!


Sure. . .

Prove it in such a way that the Clinton's or Al Gore or Obama weren't guilty of doing the same thing.

fer fucks sake. . . really?

Clinton WAS impeached, idiot.
Not for taking money for favors, not for getting a blow job, but for lying under oath about getting a blow job.

Ken Starr turned over every fucking rock he could find about Clinton and finally ended up with Clinton getting a blow job.

Trump is holding out Congressionally approved funds to a country in a hot war in order to get info to benefit his fucking 2020 campaign.
Why don't you redneck idiots SEE THIS?
It's right in front of you.
Trump released the TRANSCRIPT with "I need a favor, though."
Why did he do that?
Because somebody inside that White House got it through his thick skull that if it can be proved, he wouldn't want to be impeached for lying under oath.
isn't that what biden did with urkraine? I mean really, are you going to out yourself that easily? I hope so, but still, we have it on video in here about fifty times now. need again? I'm happy to post that idiot bragging about his quid pro quo. here anyway, please show all your hypocrisy

isn't that what biden did with urkraine?

No, retard.

sure he did, he held money until the prosecutor was fired. he said it. are you denying he said it? just wondering. hmmmmm wow, you all can't even follow a video feed of a man admitting quid pro quo.

That was the policy of the administration, dope. Done for the benefit of the Ukrainian state and it's democracy. Not for personal political gain of any given individual.

Learn the difference and stop being an idiot.

for a foreign government? our VP and President holding favor with a foreign government, interfering in their internal structure? and that's policy? hahahahahaha, dude you're delusional. you really are. one can't hold a discussion with someone who has no sense of reason and holds delusional philosophies.
Is that why Mueller said there was no obstruction?
Even your pathetic CNN had to admit.

You’re insane.
View attachment 286836View attachment 286837

How many times do you why that is the case...

Mueller was not accusing someone who was not afforded the right of reply...

He left the evidence to speak for itself and the evidence is damning and could be easily prosecuted if the President was open for such a charge...

The case was too complicated for the public (but more important ) unlike the Ukraine case... Ukraine was a shakedown and Public have seen enough mob shakedowns on TV...

The President looks pretty guilty of soliciting a bribe from Ukraine...

A simpler version is that the collusion with the Russians in 16 was difficult to prove while the collusion with the Ukranians for 20 was outrightly admitted.
There was no collusion. Not sure what you are talking about. Asking about an ongoing investigation in to The Obama Administration, and Biden and Clinton working to overturn the 2016 election through Foreign Actors and Russian spies is a legitimate question and is part of The President's job with regards to Foreign Policy and Political Corruption Cooperation Agreements that we have with countries like The Ukraine.

It's been admitted to and testified to, dope.
Wrong. That is a lie, and you are a liar. There is no collusion. Care to state your case instead of doing a drive by lie?

Guiliani, Trump and Mulvaney have all admitted it on television.
The whistleblower, Taylor, and today, Vindman all have testified.

See for yourself, dope.
READ: Ukraine Expert Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman's Opening Statement
How many times do you why that is the case...

Mueller was not accusing someone who was not afforded the right of reply...

He left the evidence to speak for itself and the evidence is damning and could be easily prosecuted if the President was open for such a charge...

The case was too complicated for the public (but more important ) unlike the Ukraine case... Ukraine was a shakedown and Public have seen enough mob shakedowns on TV...

The President looks pretty guilty of soliciting a bribe from Ukraine...

A simpler version is that the collusion with the Russians in 16 was difficult to prove while the collusion with the Ukranians for 20 was outrightly admitted.
There was no collusion. Not sure what you are talking about. Asking about an ongoing investigation in to The Obama Administration, and Biden and Clinton working to overturn the 2016 election through Foreign Actors and Russian spies is a legitimate question and is part of The President's job with regards to Foreign Policy and Political Corruption Cooperation Agreements that we have with countries like The Ukraine.

It's been admitted to and testified to, dope.
Wrong. That is a lie, and you are a liar. There is no collusion. Care to state your case instead of doing a drive by lie?

Guiliani, Trump and Mulvaney have all admitted it on television.
The whistleblower, Taylor, and today, Vindman all have testified.

See for yourself, dope.
READ: Ukraine Expert Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman's Opening Statement
well they're correct, if a foreign government wants our money they must purchase our favor. nothing Biden didn't do. see, it's simple. you should educate yourself. Let me ask you, when you go to a restaurant to eat, do you get food for your money? if so, you completed a quid pro quo.
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Clinton WAS impeached, idiot.
Not for taking money for favors, not for getting a blow job, but for lying under oath about getting a blow job.

Ken Starr turned over every fucking rock he could find about Clinton and finally ended up with Clinton getting a blow job.

Trump is holding out Congressionally approved funds to a country in a hot war in order to get info to benefit his fucking 2020 campaign.
Why don't you redneck idiots SEE THIS?
It's right in front of you.
Trump released the TRANSCRIPT with "I need a favor, though."
Why did he do that?
Because somebody inside that White House got it through his thick skull that if it can be proved, he wouldn't want to be impeached for lying under oath.
isn't that what biden did with urkraine? I mean really, are you going to out yourself that easily? I hope so, but still, we have it on video in here about fifty times now. need again? I'm happy to post that idiot bragging about his quid pro quo. here anyway, please show all your hypocrisy

isn't that what biden did with urkraine?

No, retard.

sure he did, he held money until the prosecutor was fired. he said it. are you denying he said it? just wondering. hmmmmm wow, you all can't even follow a video feed of a man admitting quid pro quo.

That was the policy of the administration, dope. Done for the benefit of the Ukrainian state and it's democracy. Not for personal political gain of any given individual.

Learn the difference and stop being an idiot.

Care to state your case with evidence and not some Drive By Lie, Dem Tard talking point with No Facts behind it?

What happened to Fake Russian Collusion? This is even more pathetic. 2020 is going to be a day of Joy for Conservatives every where!


You show us, dope.

Explain how a sitting VP could act and withold funds without the consent of the administration.

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