Later Today: Rasmussen Poll on Covid Vaccines

Did you get boosters? One or two?

At the very least, go get your flu shot, take a chill pill, and get back to bed.

Absolutely not. I haven't had a flu shot in years. For two reasons. First, it whacked out my immune system. And second, one year one of my family members got the flu shot. She was then the ONLY one in our household of four to contract the flu, dx officially at the same office she got the shot.

We all lived together. None of the rest of us got it.

In a way I'm grateful to the horrid flu shot. My experience with it spared me from getting the even worse Covid shots.
Leaky vaccines are bad--ya think?
As I said, they're not good. Not good does not equal "bad." Not good means not optimal or "perfect." Expecting vaccines to be perfect is ridiculous, but many have certainly proven more effective at eliminating long term disease than those used for COVID thus far. However, given an emergency, a quickly developed, highly effective vaccine beats the shit out of none, even a "leaky" one while time and sound data fuel gradual improvement..
Absolutely not. I haven't had a flu shot in years. For two reasons. First, it whacked out my immune system. #

In a way I'm grateful to the horrid flu shot. My experience with it spared me from getting the even worse Covid shots.
If they read your outline of treatments against Covid they would know what to take as their daily regime to avoid ever catching flu. The key word is , Ever .
Decent food , enjoyable exercise and daily Vitamins C , D , Zinc plus NAC and you will sparkle .

If you are fat and have other health problems to start with , you will need to put in some decent and sustained effort to become a God or Goddess -- like Sue and me
If they read your outline of treatments against Covid they would know what to take as their daily regime to avoid ever catching flu. The key word is , Ever .
Decent food , enjoyable exercise and daily Vitamins C , D , Zinc plus NAC and you will sparkle .

If you are fat and have other health problems to start with , you will need to put in some decent and sustained effort to become a God or Goddess -- like Sue and me
In other words, you imagine yourselves possessing uncanny nutritional expertise to such an extent that people should just bow and thank you for offering your unsolicited internet advice on a highly political MB.. without linking any sources. Also, for hating on people who "are fat and have other health problems." No word on infants, the elderly, the mentally ill.. Fuck them too, I guess. All makes sense actually. You got yours, fuck everyone else! The Republican Healthcare Plan.

Best line: If you're sick, don't get sick."
I can add,
From Big Insurance: If you're young and healthy, great! We want you.. to work your little asses off and keep paying those premiums.. Your owners thank you for your service and appreciate how you continue making insurance "affordable" for them.
From The Big Fucking Corporation: If you're young and healthy, great! We want you.. to work your little asses off so we can buy back our stock and pay our board members even more bonuses. Wear out your great body walking ten, fifteen miles a day on our concrete floors with no sunlight or music. 100% turnover is our goal. One day soon no one will last more than a week. By then our robots will be ready to takeover. What's that? Sick leave, you say? Bwahahaha!
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I haven't read all seven pages, but has anyone posted, y'know, the actual article?

Source: Rasmussen Reports, Right-Center bias, High factual reporting.

Twenty-eight percent (28%) of adults say they personally know someone whose death they think may have been caused by side effects of COVID-19 vaccines, while 61% don’t and another 10% are not sure.

My experience with polls and statistics tells me that the key here is "they think may have been caused." That filters the reality of it through the fog of individual perception, which to me makes it a lot less reliable than it otherwise would be.
As I said, they're not good. Not good does not equal "bad." Not good means not optimal or "perfect." Expecting vaccines to be perfect is ridiculous, but many have certainly proven more effective at eliminating long term disease than those used for COVID thus far. However, given an emergency, a quickly developed, highly effective vaccine beats the shit out of none, even a "leaky" one while time and sound data fuel gradual improvement..

It did for the Delta variant, for very old, very sick people. I will give you that.

But we didn't do that, at govt and pharma com insistence. We injected EVERYONE, or very nearly, with a leaky vaccine that will end up doing them gravely more harm than good.
In other words, you imagine yourselves possessing uncanny nutritional expertise to such an extent that people should just bow and thank you for offering your unsolicited internet advice on a highly political MB.. without linking any sources. Also, for hating on people who "are fat and have other health problems." No word on infants, the elderly, the mentally ill.. Fuck them too, I guess. All makes sense actually. You got yours, fuck everyone else! The Republican Healthcare Plan.

Best line: If you're sick, don't get sick."
I can add,
From Big Insurance: If you're young and healthy, great! We want you.. to work your little asses off and keep paying those premiums.. Your owners thank you for your service and appreciate how you continue making insurance "affordable" for them.
From The Big Fucking Corporation: If you're young and healthy, great! We want you.. to work your little asses off so we can buy back our stock and pay our board members even more bonuses. Wear out your great body walking ten, fifteen miles a day on our concrete floors with no sunlight or music. 100% turnover is our goal. One day soon no one will last more than a week. By then our robots will be ready to takeover. What's that? Sick leave, you say? Bwahahaha!

wait. Big insurance sucks. Big Corporation sucks too. But not Big Pharma, no way! All their products are awesome and you can never talk bad about them!!

What a joke.
I haven't read all seven pages, but has anyone posted, y'know, the actual article?

Source: Rasmussen Reports, Right-Center bias, High factual reporting.

My experience with polls and statistics tells me that the key here is "they think may have been caused." That filters the reality of it through the fog of individual perception, which to me makes it a lot less reliable than it otherwise would be.

I have, multiple times. That's first.

Second: Rasmussen well knows the propaganda fog we're dealing with. Very few medical professionals are going to tell loved ones, "Yeah, this turbo cancer that killed your loved one in three months? No doubt the vaccine" or "Yeah, this cardiac event that killed your 36 yo brother? It was the vaccine"

No one is saying this.

Hospital administrators?


If you don't, you're a fool.

Hospital administrators do not fill out the death certificate.

So, I will ask you again....Do you think so little of our doctors and nurses (the ones that do the coding) that you think they would violate their oaths to get a hospital more money?

And much money did they get per COVID patient?

Gwyneth Paltrow is rich as heck and she stuffed things up her hoo hah that don't belong there as "treatments". Does being rich make people automatically smart?

Gosh if that's true, Elon Musk is de facto BRILLIANT. So is...Donald Trump.

Stupid post, even for you, and that's saying something.

Follow up question: when you were poor, were you also dumb?

Telling you ignored the first to tid bits from the survey.
Hospital administrators do not fill out the death certificate.

So, I will ask you again....Do you think so little of our doctors and nurses (the ones that do the coding) that you think they would violate their oaths to get a hospital more money?

And much money did they get per COVID patient?

If you want to know what I think of medical personnel and their fealty to "oaths" after the rolling disaster that was the Covid panic, let me know.

You almost certainly do not want to know.
Telling you ignored the first to tid bits from the survey.

Let me quote some of what you posted:

Among those who have gotten the vaccine, just 38% consider unexplained deaths from the vaccine at least somewhat likely.

"Just" 38%? That means nearly 40% of people WHO ARE VACCINATED think that it's somewhat likely that people DIED from the very same treatment they had.

This poll is an effective measure of right wing propaganda. If that’s what you want measures this is your poll.
As I said, they're not good. Not good does not equal "bad." Not good means not optimal or "perfect." Expecting vaccines to be perfect is ridiculous, but many have certainly proven more effective at eliminating long term disease than those used for COVID thus far. However, given an emergency, a quickly developed, highly effective vaccine beats the shit out of none, even a "leaky" one while time and sound data fuel gradual improvement..

Perfect means they make the patients immune system destroy the virus.

I think you have the meaning of a perfect vaccine screwed up.

When the human immune system destroys the virus, the patient does not fall Ill nor is capable of spreading the virus.

That is why the polio vaccine is “perfect”, and the covid shot is not.
Hospital administrators do not fill out the death certificate.

So, I will ask you again....Do you think so little of our doctors and nurses (the ones that do the coding) that you think they would violate their oaths to get a hospital more money?

And much money did they get per COVID patient?

A doctor that urged his patient to take a medication is probably not the person to make such a decision. Liability and all.
I have, multiple times. That's first.
Excellent. I just missed it, I suppose.

Second: Rasmussen well knows the propaganda fog we're dealing with. Very few medical professionals are going to tell loved ones, "Yeah, this turbo cancer that killed your loved one in three months? No doubt the vaccine" or "Yeah, this cardiac event that killed your 36 yo brother? It was the vaccine"
The thing is, they chose to put the poll out in the field in the first place, and then they chose the phrase it that way, specifically, on purpose. They didn't ask "Did a medical professional tell you that ..." or "Were you led to believe that ..." and so on; they just left it at "Do you think so." That means the respondents don't need any kind of basis for their belief, and that makes it a super-subjective poll.
Excellent. I just missed it, I suppose.

The thing is, they chose to put the poll out in the field in the first place, and then they chose the phrase it that way, specifically, on purpose. They didn't ask "Did a medical professional tell you that ..." or "Were you led to believe that ..." and so on; they just left it at "Do you think so." That means the respondents don't need any kind of basis for their belief, and that makes it a super-subjective poll.

It's obviously a poll to judge what people are thinking, yes. Now run the same results on flu and shingles shots, for example.

That's first.

Second, there's the fact that copious medical information is being held back from us.
It's obviously a poll to judge what people are thinking, yes. Now run the same results on flu and shingles shots, for example.

That's first.

Second, there's the fact that copious medical information is being held back from us.

Let me save you some time.

90% of America is vaccinated

All the Trumps are vaccinated

All of Fox News hosts are vaccinated

They are all happy they are vaccinated

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