Later Today: Rasmussen Poll on Covid Vaccines

The thing is, they chose to put the poll out in the field in the first place, and then they chose the phrase it that way, specifically, on purpose. They didn't ask "Did a medical professional tell you that ..." or "Were you led to believe that ..." and so on; they just left it at "Do you think so." That means the respondents don't need any kind of basis for their belief, and that makes it a super-subjective poll.
Posting such a topic on the basis of a single poll result is lame enough. Choosing Rasmussen just puts icing on the cake.
I have, multiple times. That's first.

Second: Rasmussen well knows the propaganda fog we're dealing with. Very few medical professionals are going to tell loved ones, "Yeah, this turbo cancer that killed your loved one in three months? No doubt the vaccine" or "Yeah, this cardiac event that killed your 36 yo brother? It was the vaccine"

No one is saying this.


No one but loons.
Let me save you some time.

90% of America is vaccinated

All the Trumps are vaccinated

All of Fox News hosts are vaccinated

They are all happy they are vaccinated
Let me give a word even you can understand and its easy to spell...
Your facts are dead wrong and I've already shown you this. 90% of Americans are NOT vaccinated. More like 75%

Over 80%. As high as 95% in some blue states and as low as low 60's in some red states.

No wonder red states lead the nation in death rates. Damn Darwinists.
Over 80%. As high as 95% in some blue states and as low as low 60's in some red states.

No wonder red states lead the nation in death rates. Damn Darwinists.

U.S. Corovanius Virus Tracker.

I do not know where Sue is getting her information from (I suspect a lower bodily orafice more commonly known as her butt).

Using a single poll, from a notorious conservative polling site is hardly reliable. Lack of sourcing information leads to misinformation, which is what Sue engaging at this time.
U.S. Corovanius Virus Tracker.

I do not know where Sue is getting her information from (I suspect a lower bodily orafice more commonly known as her butt).

Using a single poll, from a notorious conservative polling site is hardly reliable. Lack of sourcing information leads to misinformation, which is what Sue engaging at this time.
And, lack of common sense and a desire to be told what to think without thinking for yourself or assuming any self-responsibility...leads to being a Dimocrat sheeple.
U.S. Corovanius Virus Tracker.

I do not know where Sue is getting her information from (I suspect a lower bodily orafice more commonly known as her butt).

Using a single poll, from a notorious conservative polling site is hardly reliable. Lack of sourcing information leads to misinformation, which is what Sue engaging at this time.

According to your link, only 33% have received a booster. Oh my.
And, lack of common sense and a desire to be told what to think without thinking for yourself or assuming any self-responsibility...leads to being a Dimocrat sheeple.


As if you anti-vax vultures think for yourself.
Let me know when you have something resembling an original idea. But I know being brain dead Con I will have a long wait.

That would seem to be a 33% rate as we were told boosters were needed, right libtard?
Gullible Totalitarians

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