Later Today: Rasmussen Poll on Covid Vaccines

This is why it’s impossible to have a logical discussion on this because the fall back, when it can’t be supported, is to blame it on some sort of nefarious power/group/organization.
If you think that it doesn't or it hasn't been used politically, then you'd be wrong.
I went for medical testing yesterday, routine. I wondered if I needed a mask but haven't worn one since my last dr appt in April, and thought, surely this has passed too.

Nope. Outside the office, "don't go any further without putting on a mask". And right there they had open masks sitting in a plastic container. Right. So I'm supposed to take one of these masks, sitting in a complex of dr offices, collecting all the germs and bugs, and put it over my mug. For "safety".

It doesn't make sense. It never made any sense.

Did you put it on?
Probably not in the way that she described the unsanitary conditions surrounding the lax in distribution protocol of the supposed health saving product.

I will wait for her to answer instead of taking your guess
I will wait for her to answer instead of taking your guess
Not a guess... You can't comprehend her word's spoken? I'd say nope she didn't put it on, but I could be wrong. We'll see.

I've seen signs all over the place saying no entry without mask, but when you get inside barely no one is wearing a mask. Well maybe one or two, but no one else. So I think to myself that the signs are just leftover from the beginning of the thing maybe.

Restaurant's were the worst offenders of not enforcing their mask protocol back during the beginning of the thing, because people were required to wear a mask for entry, but then removed them inside in order to eat and conversate with each other. 😂.

The people were right to not be in subjection to government mandates, because the science wasn't adding up nor were the numbers that were being heavily politicized by the government who was taking advantage of a crisis for political reason's. The people were seeing right through it all, and they weren't willing to destroy their businesses and their live's for a politicized thing that was shown to be politicized everytime the government got it so wrong when listening to politicizing forces who instantly jumped into action in order to use it for their own political agenda's.
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Not a guess... You can't comprehend her word's spoken? I'd say nope she didn't put it on, but I could be wrong. We'll see.

Of course it is a guess since you do not know if she did or not
I did but pulled it down. That mask was sitting in a doctor's office, are you kidding? It's just theater


I find myself wondering why you and those that think like you about our medical community actually go to a doctor since you have no trust in them nor their profession.

I find myself wondering why you and those that think like you about our medical community actually go to a doctor since you have no trust in them nor their profession.
You miss the point - the health protocol is wrongly managed, and it's just an excersize in ridiculousness once a person figured out that this was very stupid. Sort of like the person riding by themself in a vehicle with their mask on or outside jogging by themself with a mask on or someone reaching into a package of mask that other's have had their hands in, otherwise to get one already contaminated to place upon their mouth. It's just virtue signalling is all the hell it is. No seriousness in any of it. Probably more less a liability issue in order that people won't say "hey I got this virus from my doctor's office who didn't require anyone to wear a mask, and so on and so forth.
You miss the point - the health protocol is wrongly managed, and it's just an excersize in ridiculousness once a person figured out that this was very stupid. Sort of like the person riding by themself in a vehicle with their mask on or outside jogging by themself with a mask on or someone reaching into a package of mask that other's have had their hands in, otherwise to get one already contaminated to place upon their mouth. It's just virtue signalling is all the hell it is. No seriousness in any of it. Probably more less a liability issue in order that people won't say "hey I got this virus from my doctor's office who didn't require anyone to wear a mask, and so on and so forth.

It is more than just the mask thing though. She, and many like her, think that Doctors and nurses lied on death certificates just to get more money from the Govt. She, and many like her, think the medical community is lying to us about the COVID vaccine.

Yet, she still continues to go and use the same people she accuses of doing such things.

Make little sense.
It is more than just the mask thing though. She, and many like her, think that Doctors and nurses lied on death certificates just to get more money from the Govt. She, and many like her, think the medical community is lying to us about the COVID vaccine.

Yet, she still continues to go and use the same people she accuses of doing such things.

Make little sense.
Hell what's a person to do, especially if on a fixed income or live's in a small town ? They got to use the available doctor's and nurse's, but they don't have to like it or worse disregard their knowledge learned in life about how life isn't perfect, so we have to roll with it until the end.

If everything is being screwed up around you, then there's nothing no one can do anything about that unless God intervenes on behalf of his children.
Hell what's a person to do, especially if on a fixed income or live's in a small town ? They got to use the available doctor's and nurse's, but they don't have to like it or worse disregard their knowledge learned in life about how life isn't perfect, so we have to roll with it until the end.

If everything is being screwed up around you, then there's nothing no one can do anything about that unless God intervenes on behalf of his children.

What is a person to do?

If you do not trust the medical community, do not go to the doctor. Seems pretty simple to me.

Why would you go to someone, and follow their directions when you do not even trust what they do?

Why would you take any medication when there is zero trust of the people making it or prescribing it to you?
My primary care doctor doesn't believe masks or the Covid shots are effective at stopping the virus from infecting people.
```you were right.png
What is a person to do?

If you do not trust the medical community, do not go to the doctor. Seems pretty simple to me.

Why would you go to someone, and follow their directions when you do not even trust what they do?

Why would you take any medication when there is zero trust of the people making it or prescribing it to you?
Yeah well you know as well as anyone that you can't trust just anyone or anything all of the time, so doing the best we can is all we can do in deciphering these situations. You go on and show the people how it's done boy, but don't get mad if you turn around to see that everyone has abandoned you. 😂
My primary care doctor doesn't believe masks or the Covid shots are effective at stopping the virus from infecting people.
Mine too, even though everyone is vaccinated. I think he might feel like we've been duped. I agree.
Not a guess... You can't comprehend her word's spoken? I'd say nope she didn't put it on, but I could be wrong. We'll see.

I've seen signs all over the place saying no entry without mask, but when you get inside barely no one is wearing a mask. Well maybe one or two, but no one else. So I think to myself that the signs are just leftover from the beginning of the thing maybe.

Restaurant's were the worst offenders of not enforcing their mask protocol back during the beginning of the thing, because people were required to wear a mask for entry, but then removed them inside in order to eat and conversate with each other. 😂.

The people were right to not be in subjection to government mandates, because the science wasn't adding up nor were the numbers that were being heavily politicized by the government who was taking advantage of a crisis for political reason's. The people were seeing right through it all, and they weren't willing to destroy their businesses and their live's for a politicized thing that was shown to be politicized everytime the government got it so wrong when listening to politicizing forces who instantly jumped into action in order to use it for their own political agenda's.
This is brilliant! Written by a restaurant owner:

As I walk into the grocery store with 30 other people at the same time, I think about my restaurant which allows parties of 6 total, and meticulously spaces out reservations by 10 minutes ensuring guests that aren’t from the same party do not arrive at the same time.

As I take a cart, that has had just the handle sanitized, I think about my restaurant which invested thousands of dollars (so far) on ink and paper to print disposable menus to ensure no two guests touch the same menu.

As I walk over to the produce aisle with 15-20 other people around me, I’m reminded of the strict “no mingling / no walking around the restaurant other than to use the washroom or enter/exit” policy we have in place and the 6ft distance between tables which has cut our capacity in half.

As I watch the woman next to me pick up apples with her hand, check them over closely and then put them back on the open pile and repeats this until she finds the perfect apples — the same thing that all other people that day who want an apple will then do and then put those apples into their mouths, I think about the two step sanitation process in place at my restaurant for all cutlery and dishes and glassware in between every single guest, and the sanitation of every surface guests touch (tables, chairs, salt and pepper shakers, etc).

As I watch the man in the next aisle over ignore or not notice the directional arrows on the ground, I think about my restaurant and the constant redirecting our staff does of guests - by locking certain doors, blocking areas off and the work my team does to simply not allow guests to walk where they are not supposed to.

As I walk down the cereal aisle, I see a person with their mask off so they can talk on the phone, and I’m reminded of my restaurant where our masking policy has lost us so much business.

As I check out at the cashier, I use my debit card to pay and see the plastic film covering the terminal. It was not sanitized after the person before me used it. I am reminded of the sanitizer used on the debit terminals in between each guest every time at my restaurant.

As I stand at a crowded exit trying to leave, I’m reminded of the detailed contact tracing in place at my restaurant that records the name, phone number, table number, arrival and exit time, as well as the server and section the guest sat in that is in place at my restaurant— not one of those pieces of information was taken from any customer here.

As I get into my car and watch all these people leave the store, I wonder which person will visit my establishment after contracting covid at this grocery store, and I wonder why on earth my restaurant will be blamed as the source.

Restaurants are being targeted as the “source” of Covid infections because we are one of the ONLY industries required to provide contact tracing.

Someone with Covid could have gone to Costco, Home Depot, Walmart, the Mall food court....any grocery store, etc. Yet it’s the restaurant that took their detailed information that will be forced to close and deemed responsible for the infection.

You want to blame restaurants for the spread after thousands of dollars investing in equipment, training and stricter policies than ANYWHERE ELSE?!



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