Later Today: Rasmussen Poll on Covid Vaccines

I went for medical testing yesterday, routine. I wondered if I needed a mask but haven't worn one since my last dr appt in April, and thought, surely this has passed too.

Nope. Outside the office, "don't go any further without putting on a mask". And right there they had open masks sitting in a plastic container. Right. So I'm supposed to take one of these masks, sitting in a complex of dr offices, collecting all the germs and bugs, and put it over my mug. For "safety".

It doesn't make sense. It never made any sense.
I had a similar experience going into a lab last week where doctor had the flu and staff wearing masks. They neglected canceling my appointment prior to my appointment. So when I arrived and saw the staff masked up, the receptionist quickly explained that the doc had the flu and had canceled his appointments (inadvertently not mine). Then she said, as I was almost out the door, “but he’ll be back in a few minutes if you want to wait, we’re taking precautions” motioning to her mask she told me she had a mask I could wear, actually touching it after she’d been exposed of course, as if that germ infested thing was something I’d want to put on my face, seriously? Luckily, I didn’t contract the flu.
That is true, the anti-vaxers have politicized public health.
Let’s be clear, anti-fake vaxers not anti-vaxers. The subset you’re referencing, anti-vaxers, is a minuscule group in comparison. I just quickly tried to find out how many anti-vaxers are estimated to be in the population currently, and the first thing that came up: WHO’s public statements from January 2019 about “anti-vaxers” could be a top concern in 2019. Whoa. I’m going have to research the hell out of that timed posturing. Not suspicious at all.

Btw- Are there posters on USMB who are anti-vaxers? If so I’ve missed their posts.
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Let’s be clear, anti-fake vaxers. The subset you’re referencing, anti-vaxers, is a minuscule group. Are there posters on USMB who are anti-vaxers? If so I’ve missed their posts.
Anti fake-vaxers are anti-vaxers…same thing. If someone chooses not have a vax, that’s fine. You are free to choose.
You are smarter than that Coyote. Not true and you know it.
It is true. I have yet to see any significant peer reviewed evidence that is vaccine is a killer or that it is not effective. The constant claim is peop,e still get Covid. Well, vaccinated people are less likely to get and if they do, less likely to end up in the hospital.
It is true. I have yet to see any significant peer reviewed evidence that is vaccine is a killer or that it is not effective. The constant claim is peop,e still get Covid. Well, vaccinated people are less likely to get and if they do, less likely to end up in the hospital.
You've been brainwashed well or either you are part of it all.

Also do you truly think that the government who went all out on promoting the vaccines would bring liability on itself by admitting anything other than for you to just get in line and take the damned thing already ?? Do you think that it would have freely admitted back in the 40s that it conducted a trial on the effects of syphilis on live human test subject's ????? Get your head out of the sand already
You've been brainwashed well or either you are part of it all.

Also do you truly think that the government who went all out on promoting the vaccines would bring liability on itself by admitting anything other than for you to just get in line and take the damned thing already ?? Do you think that it would have freely admitted back in the 40s that it conducted a trial on the effects of syphilis on live human test subject's ????? Get your head out of the sand already
Do you really think things haven’t changed in 80 years?
I had a similar experience going into a lab last week where doctor had the flu and staff wearing masks. They neglected canceling my appointment prior to my appointment. So when I arrived and saw the staff masked up, the receptionist quickly explained that the doc had the flu and had canceled his appointments (inadvertently not mine). Then she said, as I was almost out the door, “but he’ll be back in a few minutes if you want to wait, we’re taking precautions” motioning to her mask she told me she had a mask I could wear, actually touching it after she’d been exposed of course, as if that germ infested thing was something I’d want to put on my face, seriously? Luckily, I didn’t contract the flu.
I would have canceled, and rescheduled immediately. No sense in taking any chances if don't have too. The flu is bad this year. But isn't it funny how the flu took a break for two years during COVID-19, and now it's made a grand entrance back into our live's ???? Somebody explain that phenomenon to me.. Makes absolutely no medical sense what so ever. Somehow everything became COVID, so was it the money involved ?
It is true. I have yet to see any significant peer reviewed evidence that is vaccine is a killer or that it is not effective. The constant claim is peop,e still get Covid. Well, vaccinated people are less likely to get and if they do, less likely to end up in the hospital.
You are now stating things that have been completely been debunked. I don’t understand that you work at a university, yes in admissions not as professor but still, not current on the information? Scratch that last observation. One’s employment status often does not equate to efforts made to research, comparing and contrasting data during off time.

The only thing we’ll agree on this topic Coyote is that it is everyone’s choice to determine what they think is best for them. A lot more have learned over just the past month, and many more added daily to that growing number.
I would have canceled, and rescheduled immediately. No sense in taking any chances if don't have too. The flu is bad this year. But isn't it funny how the flu took a break for two years during COVID-19, and now it's made a grand entrance back into our live's ???? Somebody explain that phenomenon to me.. Makes absolutely no medical sense what so ever. Somehow everything became COVID, so was it the money involved ?
I left almost immediately, backing out out of the door as soon as I heard the words “doc has flu, nobody called you?” Yikes... as the receptionist continued to talk and try to hand me that mask. Uh…thanks but no thanks!!
You are now stating things that have been completely been debunked.
Nothing I’ve said has been debunked by legitimate peer reviewed studies.

I don’t understand that you work at a university, yes in admissions not as professor but still, not current on the information? Scratch that last observation. One’s employment status often does not equate to efforts made to research, comparing and contrasting data during off time.

What does where I work have to do with anything Claire? I certainly don’t use it to bolster my points, I rarely mention it unless it is a discussion about Higher Ed, so why exactly do you bring it up? I don’t, yet you feel a need to? Is that tbe only you are able to make a point? I have no idea where you work or what you do, but if I did Iwouldn’t be using it to slog you.
The only thing we’ll agree on this topic Coyote is that it is everyone’s choice to determine what they think is best for them. A lot more have learned over just the past month, and many more added daily to that growing number.
Let’s be clear, anti-fake vaxers not anti-vaxers. The subset you’re referencing, anti-vaxers, is a minuscule group in comparison. I just quickly tried to find out how many anti-vaxers are estimated to be in the population currently, and the first thing that came up: WHO’s public statements from January 2019 about “anti-vaxers” could be a top concern in 2019. Whoa. I’m going have to research the hell out of that timed posturing. Not suspicious at all.

Btw- Are there posters on USMB who are anti-vaxers? If so I’ve missed their posts.
You could call me anti-vax. My avatar is a hint.
Nothing I’ve said has been debunked by legitimate peer reviewed studies.

What does where I work have to do with anything Claire? I certainly don’t use it to bolster my points, I rarely mention it unless it is a discussion about Higher Ed, so why exactly do you bring it up? I don’t, yet you feel a need to? Is that tbe only you are able to make a point? I have no idea where you work or what you do, but if I did Iwouldn’t be using it to slog you.

I did bring it up, intentionally, because typically people are a bit on the studious side employed by a university. Nothing more to it than that. I did not intend it to be a slam.

Now, you have posted the “anti/vaxers are anti- Covid-19 vaxers” several times on the board confusing the two types. I let it go previously, but this time addressed it.

There are two kinds of thinkers/talkers… well, a lot more than that but just for this example let’s make it two types. The first type will “filter” everything in their head before they have a conversation. The second type (and I fall under that type) doesn’t have much of a filter, so what’s relevant to me in my brain will most likely be in text. My verbose posts prove this well. Open thinkers relate well to this concept of free-associated thought exchange, while others want info cut and dry without open ended exchange. That type hates discussing things with my type. Lol

For the record, I teach fifth and sixth grade social studies, certainly nothing glorious but I enjoy it.
I did bring it up, intentionally, because typically people are a bit on the studious side employed by a university. Nothing more to it than that. I did not intend it to be a slam.

Well, I work as a program assistant, in geology and geography, both fields I have enjoyed from childhood and still do, but do not have a degree. What I learn is driven by curiosity and being around other people also driven by curiosity. My avocation, on the other hand, is animal behavior and dog training, where I really put my heart. Others here have also recently attacked me for working at a university even though I rarely mention it and it isn’t relevant to any discussion. That why I take it as a slam.

Now, you have posted the “anti/vaxers are anti- Covid-19 vaxers” several times on the board confusing the two types. I let it go previously, but this time addressed it.

There are two kinds of thinkers/talkers… well, a lot more than that but just for this example let’s make it two types. The first type will “filter” everything in their head before they have a conversation. The second type (and I fall under that type) doesn’t have much of a filter, so what’s relevant to me in my brain will most likely be in text. My verbose posts prove this well. Open thinkers relate well to this concept of free-associated thought exchange, while others want info cut and dry without open ended exchange. That type hates discussing things with my type. Lol

That is interesting! Actually…I think I fall under the second type, and speak what ever is in my head, often without thinking it through first and then speaking. I also tend to think more in terms of a spiral, rather than linear, from broad to specific. But discussions like that are hard to have here because free association discussions may mean that you end up changing your mind or coming to a completely unforeseen consensus outside tbe box.

For the record, I teach fifth and sixth grade social studies, certainly nothing glorious but I enjoy it.
That is cool, seriously. I have the greatest respect for teachers and I’ve been fortunate to have had some really good o es.
It is not more sophisticated and professional than I can imagine as I have a Masters in Applied Analytics and use this sort of data for a living.

You telling us you have been educated beyond your level of stupidity?


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