Latest and greatest from Apple for you Mac fans

There's no such thing as an overpriced toy. Just depends how good the toy is.

Macs rock.

Considering I paid a bit over $1500 for my G5 like 4 years ago, I know I've saved money. My son has had it at college for 2 years, so I bought a macbook, not one problem with either.

I burned through 5 pc's in 10 years, the first one costing over 4k. The last, the cheapest, still over 2k. Overpriced macs? I think not.
Mac's aren't nirvana, like some would have you believe. However, after going through 3 PCs in 18 months, this iMac has more than paid for itself. Plus, I don't have that awful Vista.

And I love my iPod!
I bought a Mac Book about 9 months ago, after never using anything but PCs before. It is only since using a Mac that I have come to realize how lousy Windows is. The frequent crashes now seem little more than a distant memory and I no longer have the constant concerns about spyware and viruses.

Having seen how much I loved my Mac, my wife took the plunge 3 months ago with an iMac. She was a convert within a matter of days. No more miles of cable for all manner of peripherals - the only things that came out of the box were the iMac, mouse and keyboard. Up and running in 15 minutes.

My Book was £1,200 (about $2,000 at the time), and my wife's iMac was $2,200. We agree we would have spent significantly more on PCs (including OS and 'Office' suite) and peripherals, while ultimately getting less out of them.

IMO, Macs are better value, better to live with and infinitely more user friendly than PC/Windows. Oh, and my wife thinks they look cooler as well.
I've used Mac quite a bit over the years (I had Apple before I had PCs). I prefer Windows. And I'd rather be in Linux than any of them.

The video was hilarious. I like the predictive text sentences, but also how the price of the 20gig models was just under $3000, and next to it the 40gig version was over $9000.

Then there was the customer who said he'd buy anything shiny and made by Apple, and that he liked how the e-mails said they came from a MacBook Wheel (or whatever it is called) so that people would know you had one.


And of course, the reporter at the end: "It remains to be seen how well the Macbook Wheel will be received in the business world where people use computers for actual work instead of just dicking around."

Considering I paid a bit over $1500 for my G5 like 4 years ago, I know I've saved money. My son has had it at college for 2 years, so I bought a macbook, not one problem with either.

I burned through 5 pc's in 10 years, the first one costing over 4k. The last, the cheapest, still over 2k. Overpriced macs? I think not.
and don't forget all that money spent on virus software and other crap.

once you mac, there's no looking back
once you mac, there's no looking back

I'm living proof this isn't true :)

I used Apple/Mac before PCs. I've used Macs a large number of times since I started using PCs. I do not like Macs and avoid them if I can help it. I'll take my Windows computers over a Mac any day, and I'll take my Linux computer over it as well...
a pc is better than a mac? at doing what?

Anything I want to do with it. From just business-related tasks, browsing, web developing that I used to do a bit of (including creating web graphics), to gaming. I'd rather use a PC for all of those things. I've tried Mac on all of them, in fact, and for many other applications, and I can't stand them.
Anything I want to do with it. From just business-related tasks, browsing, web developing that I used to do a bit of (including creating web graphics), to gaming. I'd rather use a PC for all of those things. I've tried Mac on all of them, in fact, and for many other applications, and I can't stand them.

a mac intimidates you? why? how is a mac different? does it not have a keyboard and a mouse?
a mac intimidates you? why? how is a mac different? does it not have a keyboard and a mouse?

LOL. Who said it intimidates me? I have used them for quite a long time, I just don't like them.

I can see now that you're a fanboy, so you're irrational.

It's a matter of subjective choice. I am telling you that I like PCs better and I have extensive experience with Mac. I am not arguing about the fact that you like Macs better. If you do, then great - you should use Macs. People should use the platform they prefer.

You apparently take it personally if someone else doesn't like your Mac. Macs aren't intimidating, I just don't like them. Sorry if you can't come to terms with that.
LOL. Who said it intimidates me? I have used them for quite a long time, I just don't like them.

I can see now that you're a fanboy, so you're irrational.

It's a matter of subjective choice. I am telling you that I like PCs better and I have extensive experience with Mac. I am not arguing about the fact that you like Macs better. If you do, then great - you should use Macs. People should use the platform they prefer.

You apparently take it personally if someone else doesn't like your Mac. Macs aren't intimidating, I just don't like them. Sorry if you can't come to terms with that.

what is there that you don't like? I really have nothing against PCs so much as I do against Windows. But I do know my mac has given me more than I've seen people get from their PC.

Subjective choices are often irrational. :lol:
I've used Mac quite a bit over the years (I had Apple before I had PCs). I prefer Windows. And I'd rather be in Linux than any of them.

The video was hilarious. I like the predictive text sentences, but also how the price of the 20gig models was just under $3000, and next to it the 40gig version was over $9000.

Then there was the customer who said he'd buy anything shiny and made by Apple, and that he liked how the e-mails said they came from a MacBook Wheel (or whatever it is called) so that people would know you had one.


And of course, the reporter at the end: "It remains to be seen how well the Macbook Wheel will be received in the business world where people use computers for actual work instead of just dicking around."


It is a great video. I love the onion.

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