latest electoral map

Why didn't you add a link, stupid girl? You ashamed of that website?

Why didn't you just ask for one asshole? I have no need to be ashamed of a website. It contains factual data based around registered voters- It is a fact based non partisan map. Factual data is not a fear inducement for me- is it for you?

I found it myself. It's some wingnut rag that has the word Liberal in every headline.

The word is credibility, you need to place links if you want that. If not, just throw stuff up and hope it sticks for all I care. I'm just sayin..

The link was provided in the body of the map... you can type can't you? As to the word liberal being used, so what? Are the facts incorrect? The map has Obama currently leading in electoral votes- Your inane comments are ridiculous in light of your inability to dispute the numbers.
I'm surprised it lists Wisconsin as a swing state, but not Pennsylvania. I say there is a better chance of PA going for Romney than WI.

I also agree with BD that Romney will not take Minnesota. That was the one state that even Reagan didn't win in 1984.
Seriously? Quit projecting your alcoholic tendencies loud mouth~
In 1896, the Republicans outspent the Dems, 23 to one. Mark Hanna (R) said, 'There are two important things required to win in politics. Money, and I forgot the other one'. His candidate won.

So far (to my knowledge, from what I've read), most contributions to President Obama have been from small donors while most donations to Mittens and the rest of the Clown Car Candidates, came from sugar daddies.

The combination of the illegal and unconstitutional voter suppression we're seeing and the enormous money that is being poured into lying about Obama leaves only one possible conclusion.

To paraphrase the Republican, Steve Schmidt, 'elections are too important to leave up to the voter'. The GObP is not taking any chances on this one.

Until we get money out of the equation, there can be no fair or honest elections in the US.

1896 Gracie?



That's the problem. The right doesn't see anything wrong with voter suppression and/or buying votes.
I'm amazed how you wingnuts dilude yourselves:

If you actually look closely at the staticstics below the map, you'll see that the 'Toss up' States lean heavily towards Obama. In fact if you were to narrow the definition of 'toss up', it would show Obama all but winning at this point:

Toss Up States leaning toward Romney:

State Elec. Votes % lead
---------- -------------- ---------
Florida 29 1
Missouri 10 1
N.C. 15 2.5
--------- -----------
Total: 54 Avg: 1.5 <---Not much!
Votes Proj Romney 181
Total: 235 <----Not even close!

Toss Up States leaning towards Obama:

State Elec. Votes % lead
---------- -------------- ---------
Colorado 9 1.7
Iowa 6 2.6
Nevada 6 5
N.H. 4 6.4
Ohio 18 3
Virginia 13 2.5
Wisconson 10 5.8
--------- -----------
Total: 66 Avg: ~3.9
Votes Proj Obama 237
Total: 303 <--ElectoralLandslide!

Keep dreamin' Wingnuts! 'Cause dreams are all ya got!
I'm amazed how you wingnuts dilude yourselves:

If you actually look closely at the staticstics below the map, you'll see that the 'Toss up' States lean heavily towards Obama.

But they won't on Election Day, Dick.
only the economy that the Administration turned around in June 09 with positive GDP that remains positive to the present is the sole reason for Republican hopes for victory in November ... and from a Recession they themselves are responsible for.

maybe the American public will wake up to the "Great Hoax" of the Republican Party and vote for a reason rather than from stupidity.

Georgia and Tennessee will be in play.
only the economy that the Administration turned around in June 09 with positive GDP that remains positive to the present is the sole reason for Republican hopes for victory in November ... and from a Recession they themselves are responsible for.

maybe the American public will wake up to the "Great Hoax" of the Republican Party and vote for a reason rather than from stupidity.

Georgia and Tennessee will be in play.

NC, Virgina, Fl, even NV.... Toss up? I think not. Romney should easily carrie those states

I'm thinkin' NC and FL won't be good for Mr Obama.
I'll go out on a limb and say NM and maybe even MN will flip.

I grew up in the People's Republic of Minnesota. If Minnesota turns against the Big 0, he's toast.
maybe the American public will wake up to the "Great Hoax" of the Republican Party and vote for a reason rather than from stupidity.

Georgia and Tennessee will be in play.

This is the attitude that turns me off to liberals, if you don't agree with them, you are stupid. Now, that is a stupid conclusion.
maybe the American public will wake up to the "Great Hoax" of the Republican Party and vote for a reason rather than from stupidity.

Georgia and Tennessee will be in play.

This is the attitude that turns me off to liberals, if you don't agree with them, you are stupid. Now, that is a stupid conclusion.

Yup, well; the shit, she flies from both sides of the aisle. I stop reading a post the minute someone says anything remotely resembling "Jane, you ignorant slut."

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