Latest Fox News Poll Has Biden Beating…Everybody. We Should Not Be Surprised

Yes you read that correct: Biden is beating everybody. Tweet from Political Poll.

Trumps sits at a 62% unfavorability rating, with a full 53% of all voters say they will not vote for him.

This will transfer down ballot next year, with Democrats and independents, both rejecting anti woke politics, and anti abortion measures by state legislatures.

To sum up. The GOP is going to get crushed.

More fake news from Fox.
It's a long way to election day. Although it does not appear there is any quick solution to the economic woes Biden inflicted on the nation. Will Americans care about this political witch hunt in three weeks, when the only news about these cases is motions, appeals, and other boring legalese? Or will Americans care more about rising gas prices, over $.50/gallon in my area in the last few weeks? Democrats shot their wad a bit early on this silliness.
Republicans tried to run on the disastrous Biden Economy in 2022. They were celebrating a Red Tsunami at the polls months in advance

Never happened
Yes you read that correct: Biden is beating everybody. Tweet from Political Poll.

Trumps sits at a 62% unfavorability rating, with a full 53% of all voters say they will not vote for him.

This will transfer down ballot next year, with Democrats and independents, both rejecting anti woke politics, and anti abortion measures by state legislatures.

To sum up. The GOP is going to get crushed.

MAGA world only accepts X rated polls! :biggrin:
Republicans tried to run on the disastrous Biden Economy in 2022. They were celebrating a Red Tsunami at the polls months in advance

Never happened
What's gotten better since then? The people are not confident in the economy, the world is less stable, the border is still a disaster, and all you folks offer is a clown show against Trump. Good luck with that.
What's gotten better since then? The people are not confident in the economy, the world is less stable, the border is still a disaster, and all you folks offer is a clown show against Trump. Good luck with that.
You don't think trump is a clown show?
Yes you read that correct: Biden is beating everybody. Tweet from Political Poll.

Trumps sits at a 62% unfavorability rating, with a full 53% of all voters say they will not vote for him.

This will transfer down ballot next year, with Democrats and independents, both rejecting anti woke politics, and anti abortion measures by state legislatures.

To sum up. The GOP is going to get crushed.

There are 175 Suspicious Activity Reports involving the Biden Crime Family. Nearly all of them involve transfers of money from hostile foreign countries and according to Congresswoman Nancy Mace the total FAR EXCEEDS the $20 million that we know about so far. What products or services did the Bidens provide for this money skew13?
Yeah, and the Republican leading Candidate is as vile, so can we have another choice please!
You have quite a few choices on the Republican side of the aisle.
All Republicans have to do is jettison the front runner..and then convince his supporters to vote for someone else. :)

I wonder how likely that is to happen?....(psst..not likely. :))
There are 175 Suspicious Activity Reports involving the Biden Crime Family. Nearly all of them involve transfers of money from hostile foreign countries and according to Congresswoman Nancy Mace the total FAR EXCEEDS the $20 million that we know about so far. What products or services did the Bidens provide for this money skew13?
None of which has any basis in fact..or ties Joe Biden directly to them.
So his son got a consultant gig that was way above his pay grade and intellect.
Show me one child of a well known politician (hint..the last guy) that doesn't trade on their parent's name.

If you can find one, I'll alert the media.
It'll be huge. :)
If it's true, the left's Banana Republic strategy worked and they have nothing to worry about except the mental stability of the current president.
2016 happened because of complacency. We didn't realize there were that many crazies willing to vote for that fat orange pig. We were wrong. That mistake will never happen again. You did notice 81 million came out to vote against him in the next election, didn't you?
Ah, the noted statistician and political scientist, Prof, Bulldog, enters the fray to opine on the Trump phenomena. "We did not realize there were that many crazies willing to vote for that fat orange pig ... That mistake will never happen again." (emphasis added). Hmmm.... Let us take notice of a couple things related to the distinguished professor's statement.

First, he refers to American citizens as "crazies", thereby diminishing them. The normal connotation of the term "crazies" is that people deemed as such hold views that are outside the mainstream. However, since more of the "crazies" voted for Trump than voted for the magic vagina, Hillary Clinton, such an assertion is wrong. Variable and totally subjective, the term "crazies", as used by the learned Professor Virginal P. Bulldog, III, could arguably be used to apply to people who voted for Clinton.

Second, if Biden had not received over 81 million votes in 2020 (allegedly), then Trump would have set the record for most votes received in any presidential election in history as the result of his 70+ million. Instead, old man Joe, a creepy sack of shit of a human being who has a history of being a liar and a pervert, conducted an all out assault on the electorate in the 2020 campaign from his basement, marked by 9:00 a.m. lids and creative voting procedures ostensibly created due to Covid. As a caveat, I will note that the Trump campaign probably under estimated just how hated he is. After 4 years of the media trumpeting anti-Trump hatred based upon lies and irrational propaganda in a manner not unlike Soviet politics, sure, I can believe that old JoePedo Biden got 80 million votes. However, Trump got over 70 MILLION votes. That is a big thing, and it is largely driving these ridiculous political prosecutions against Trump today.

Finally, regarding the Honorable Bulldog McRetard's comment, "... will never happen again", please note the authoritarian bent of this statement. This comports nicely to the Stalinesque abuses of governmental power we see today in prosecutors bringing indictments to further a certain partisan end result. You know, "show me a man and I will show you the crime (para.)". The government is there for all of us. We control the mechanisms of government. That is, The People control it. When a partisan group utilizes the machines of the government in a way that half the nation does not agree with, that is a problem. It undermines the legitimacy of the current government and the underlying systems themselves. This means that the Dem prosecutors are acting in complete disregard to the damage they are doing to the American constitutional republic in bringing their little petty, banana republic cases and, thereby actively and in a concerted effort conspiring to (1) defraud The People of this great nation, and (2) conspiring to disenfranchise a huge swath of the electorate.

Based upon the foregoing, reasonable people will readily agree that Professor Bulldog clearly approves of damaging and undermining our constitutional republic in order to "gIT TruMp!" He yearns to see Trump in an orange jump suit. In fact, this is highly unlikely to happen, thus calling Bullfrog's sanity into question. I bet he even fantasizes about Mr. Trump being subjected to prison rape. I suspect Bulldog even fantasizes about being the rapist in such a sick and twisted scenario. But like I said, nothing of the sort is ever going to happen. Why? Because in the end such demented take on reality is contrary to American's sense of justice and fairness. The Democrats who harbor these sick little fantasies about Donald Trump are in the stark minority. In other words, they are the "crazies" among us. It is verifiably true and most of us see it.
Georgia is still red even with the Senators.

Arizona was a narrow victory and can be flipped.

So you are delusional to think Trump can’t flip those states and remember you will not have the mail-in ballots like you did in 2020…
Both of Georgia's senators are leftists.
How can Trump retake Georgia in 2024?

The man is under indictment in Georgia for trying to steal the 2020 election. Trump needs the GOP political structure to get out the vote in 2024. The same politicians who he has accused of corruption and ineptness and will be testifying against him at his trial.
Ah, the noted statistician and political scientist, Prof, Bulldog, enters the fray to opine on the Trump phenomena. "We did not realize there were that many crazies willing to vote for that fat orange pig ... That mistake will never happen again." (emphasis added). Hmmm.... Let us take notice of a couple things related to the distinguished professor's statement.

First, he refers to American citizens as "crazies", thereby diminishing them. The normal connotation of the term "crazies" is that people deemed as such hold views that are outside the mainstream. However, since more of the "crazies" voted for Trump than voted for the magic vagina, Hillary Clinton, such an assertion is wrong. Variable and totally subjective, the term "crazies", as used by the learned Professor Virginal P. Bulldog, III, could arguably be used to apply to people who voted for Clinton.

Second, if Biden had not received over 81 million votes in 2020 (allegedly), then Trump would have set the record for most votes received in any presidential election in history as the result of his 70+ million. Instead, old man Joe, a creepy sack of shit of a human being who has a history of being a liar and a pervert, conducted an all out assault on the electorate in the 2020 campaign from his basement, marked by 9:00 a.m. lids and creative voting procedures ostensibly created due to Covid. As a caveat, I will note that the Trump campaign probably under estimated just how hated he is. After 4 years of the media trumpeting anti-Trump hatred based upon lies and irrational propaganda in a manner not unlike Soviet politics, sure, I can believe that old JoePedo Biden got 80 million votes. However, Trump got over 70 MILLION votes. That is a big thing, and it is largely driving these ridiculous political prosecutions against Trump today.

Finally, regarding the Honorable Bulldog McRetard's comment, "... will never happen again", please note the authoritarian bent of this statement. This comports nicely to the Stalinesque abuses of governmental power we see today in prosecutors bringing indictments to further a certain partisan end result. You know, "show me a man and I will show you the crime (para.)". The government is there for all of us. We control the mechanisms of government. That is, The People control it. When a partisan group utilizes the machines of the government in a way that half the nation does not agree with, that is a problem. It undermines the legitimacy of the current government and the underlying systems themselves. This means that the Dem prosecutors are acting in complete disregard to the damage they are doing to the American constitutional republic in bringing their little petty, banana republic cases and, thereby actively and in a concerted effort conspiring to (1) defraud The People of this great nation, and (2) conspiring to disenfranchise a huge swath of the electorate.

Based upon the foregoing, reasonable people will readily agree that Professor Bulldog clearly approves of damaging and undermining our constitutional republic in order to "gIT TruMp!" He yearns to see Trump in an orange jump suit. In fact, this is highly unlikely to happen, thus calling Bullfrog's sanity into question. I bet he even fantasizes about Mr. Trump being subjected to prison rape. I suspect Bulldog even fantasizes about being the rapist in such a sick and twisted scenario. But like I said, nothing of the sort is ever going to happen. Why? Because in the end such demented take on reality is contrary to American's sense of justice and fairness. The Democrats who harbor these sick little fantasies about Donald Trump are in the stark minority. In other words, they are the "crazies" among us. It is verifiably true and most of us see it.
Trump got himself. He deserves everything that is happening to him. Best if you just move on to someone you can throw your support behind. He isn't going to win in 2024. He has the same problem in the swing states he had in 2020. And he hasn't made any inroads to changing those numbers. Biden won the 2020 election fair and square. And you assholes aided your savior in trying to destroy this country...because he lost.

Again, I'll repeat, the majority of American voters DO NOT want to see another Trump presidency.
Second, if Biden had not received over 81 million votes in 2020 (allegedly), then Trump would have set the record for most votes received in any presidential election in history as the result of his 70+ million.

Nice attempt at spinning a defeat

Trump had 84 million vote against him in 2020. Over 20 million more than had ever voted against a sitting President.
He has done nothing to convince those 84 million to change their mind
So democrats support a senile man that cant even follow details about walking down a sidewalk, that lies everyday, racist as hell, showered with daughter and helped cause her sex addiction, a war monger etc. Yep, sounds about right.
Thanks for pointing out the obvious.
At least Joe didn't launch a coup against democracy and try to steal an election he didn't win.
I'll take Biden over traitor Trump any day.
After the 2016 and 2020 elections, I realize national polls are worthless

Until I see polls from Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin…….I will ignore the polls
Awww....that's too bad.
Trump certainly doesn't ignore them.
Have you looked at his Truth Social feed lately?

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