Latest from the pronoun police

I thought the pronoun "it" was not gender neutral, but rather transgender.
Gunman is still OK.
I think it should be gunperson. Especially since the San Bernardino muslim ho thing.
If lefties get their way it will just be gun the way chair replaced chairman. That way lefties can blame the gun instead of the person.
Okay, everyone print this out and commit it to memory.

Make a mistake and there will be "consequences".

Once upon a time, human beings didn't wet their pants just because they weren't referred to by their favorite version of the fluidly gendered way they feel at the moment. Most of us are perfect willing to address someone in the way they prefer. Such references used to be about nicknames. Now because someone's sexual identity has become everybody's business, it's bled into pronouns. How on earth are we suppossed to produce the correct sentence structure when the topic person might feeeeeeel differently gendered just now?

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