Latest Hillary Interview: Pants on Fire Lying per Washington Post.


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2013
Poor Hildabeast....:( She's hidden from the truth so long she can't identify it anymore. In her recent CNN interview she claimed she had never received a subpoena regarding her e-mail. This was a blatant lie as was proven yesterday when a copy of the subpoena was presented to the media by Congressman Trey Gowdy.

But hey....who could remember a Congressional subpoena....right? :lol:

And what about all her claims about the legality of her e-mail arrangement with herself? The Washington Post rated her statement with a 3 out of 4 Pinocchios and cited.....

"In reality, Clinton’s decision to use a private e-mail system for official business was highly unusual and flouted State Department procedures, even if not expressly prohibited by law at the time. Moreover, while she claims “everything I did was permitted,” she appears to have not complied with the requirement to turn over her business-related e-mails before she left government service. That’s a major misstep that she has not acknowledged."

"On top of that, when Clinton was secretary, a cable went out under her signature warning employees to “avoid conducting official Department business from your personal e-mail accounts.”


Hillary Clinton s claim that everything I did on e-mails was permitted - The Washington Post
Rules are for other people only. Hillary knows that but apparently some folks forget.
I know this thread will get zero left-tard response. I think Don't Taz Me's comments are accurate.

I think many Hillary supporters secretly enjoy the fact she is a compulsive liar. The more she lies (much like the Obummbler.) the more they like it.
she's been in politics for a long long time

she's had to lie to make covers for forgetting what her lie was.

I may have been wrong in predicting that the next Pres will be Female (D), unless a new Female (D) steps in
I like to comment, but I need a little more info.

Tell me which law did Hillary break?
I like to comment, but I need a little more info.

Tell me which law did Hillary break?
Trey Gowdy will elucidate when he gets the lying bitch in the hot seat. And what's funny is she's stated she is only going to appear just one time in front of his committee and for only a specific amount of time. That's another of her smarmy lies right there.
According to Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Baltimore), it was an "honest" lie...
Trey Gowdy, exactly what village lost that idiot? Truly, take him back before he stinks up what's left of the GOP like Trump...
Trey Gowdy, exactly what village lost that idiot? Truly, take him back before he stinks up what's left of the GOP like Trump...
Painter, Trey Gowdy would have you plead guilty to sinking the Titanic and have you believe it.
So Trey got nothing ... but Hillary to lie about getting a subpoena. Hill walked into that one. least this time when Hillary lied people didn't die. I guess that's a positive. :)
More news on the Hildabeast. We all know she has been attacking Donald Trump as being a racist hatemonger. But did you know Hillary accepted between $100,000 to $250,000 dollars from the Donald for her Foundation?

Say it ain't so, right? :lol:

Anybody think the Hildabest will return the money.

Key quote:

"Trump's name can be found on the foundation's website under the list of donors who have given between $100,000 and $250,000, but the site does not say when the money was donated, reports Politico."

Hypocrisy much? :D

Hillary Blasts Trump But Clinton Foundation Keeps His Money
According to Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Baltimore), it was an "honest" lie...
Just like when funny old sandy Berger shoved documents pertaining to Bill down his pants. "Oh that's just Sandy" they said. They totally got away with that.
Gowdy: Hillary Had Three Subpoenas, Two Before Server Was Wiped ^ | 8 Jul 2015 | Ian Hanchett
Representative Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) said Hillary Clinton actually had three subpoenas, two of which were sent before her server was wiped on Wednesday’s “Hugh Hewitt Show.” Gowdy was asked, “‘I’ve never had a subpoena,’ her words. Congressman Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC), did Hillary Clinton lie yesterday?” He answered, “It is a fact that there was a subpoena issued to her in March of 2015. But Congressman, it’s also a fact that there was a subpoena in existence from another Congressional committee far before that one. So there are two subpoenas. There are letters from Congress. And there’s a statutory...

Absolutes astounds me that you Hildebeast supporters don't give a shit that she broke the law, and lied...amongst the murderers, and Corruption! Apparently you are all anti-Americans!

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