Latest ObamaCare Myths

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Mythbusters: Obamacare edition - David Nather -

No, the IRS isn’t going to be posting your medical tests all over the Internet. No, people’s premiums aren’t doubling in the crucial swing state of Ohio. And no, the Obamacare “data hub” isn’t like a new version of the NSA, spying on your hemorrhoids instead of your phone calls.

Those are all claims that are muddying the waters as consumers get ready to sign up for Obamacare for the first time in October. On the other hand, not all of the stories that are swirling around the health care law these days are completely far-fetched. And the Obama administration is spinning some rosy scenarios of its own.

The rest at the link.

On a brighter note, there's also a link to 5 ObamaCare Complaints that some of you will like a lot better. ;)

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