Trump is a short timer

Best Trump watch his mouth Agencies have a way of getting even

Donald Trump’s Soft Spot for Russia Could Be His Political Undoing
January 4, 2017
President-elect may soon learn that you can’t fool all the people, all the time

Three weeks ago, I counseled President-elect Donald Trump that going to war against the spies is never a good idea in Washington. Our Intelligence Community knows lots of things, not all of which would be flattering to someone whose retinue includes so many people with odd connections to the Kremlin. When spies get angry, they call reporters and arrange discreet chats in parking garages. The last president who entered the Oval Office with this much dislike and distrust of the IC was Richard Nixon—and we know how that worked out for him.

Trump has now outdone Nixon, upping his war on the spooks even before his inauguration, by making plain that he believes Moscow—not our country’s spies—regarding the issue of Russian interference in our election. As I’ve explained in detail, although there is no evidence that the Kremlin literally “hacked” our election in 2016, there’s a mountain of evidence that Vladimir Putin’s intelligence services stole Democratic emails then went public with them via Wikileaks to hurt Hillary Clinton.

However, the president-elect refuses to accept the consensus view of the IC, not to mention many outside experts who have confirmed their analysis. In response to President Obama’s recent public statement pointing a finger at the Kremlin for their misdeeds against our democracy, backed up by rather mild sanctions on Moscow, President-elect Trump has pursued his customary tactic of denying, doubling-down, then denying some more, regardless of any evidence proffered.

Trump and his mouthpieces continue to deny that Russians had any role in our 2016 election, which is a patent falsehood. Indeed, a few days ago, the president-elect promised to deliver revelations by the middle of this week about what happened with those Democratic emails, adding that he knew “things that other people don’t know” about the hacking. Here he apparently channeled O. J. Simpson, whose quest to find the “real killers” of his ex-wife and her friend remains unfulfilled, more than two decades later.
Okay, thanks. We'll file this with all the other bullshit regarding Trump you lefty morons began spewing in June '15 that turned out to be pipe dreams.
You and trump will learn that campaigning and governing are 2 different things
Best Trump watch his mouth Agencies have a way of getting even

Donald Trump’s Soft Spot for Russia Could Be His Political Undoing
January 4, 2017
President-elect may soon learn that you can’t fool all the people, all the time

Three weeks ago, I counseled President-elect Donald Trump that going to war against the spies is never a good idea in Washington. Our Intelligence Community knows lots of things, not all of which would be flattering to someone whose retinue includes so many people with odd connections to the Kremlin. When spies get angry, they call reporters and arrange discreet chats in parking garages. The last president who entered the Oval Office with this much dislike and distrust of the IC was Richard Nixon—and we know how that worked out for him.

Trump has now outdone Nixon, upping his war on the spooks even before his inauguration, by making plain that he believes Moscow—not our country’s spies—regarding the issue of Russian interference in our election. As I’ve explained in detail, although there is no evidence that the Kremlin literally “hacked” our election in 2016, there’s a mountain of evidence that Vladimir Putin’s intelligence services stole Democratic emails then went public with them via Wikileaks to hurt Hillary Clinton.

However, the president-elect refuses to accept the consensus view of the IC, not to mention many outside experts who have confirmed their analysis. In response to President Obama’s recent public statement pointing a finger at the Kremlin for their misdeeds against our democracy, backed up by rather mild sanctions on Moscow, President-elect Trump has pursued his customary tactic of denying, doubling-down, then denying some more, regardless of any evidence proffered.

Trump and his mouthpieces continue to deny that Russians had any role in our 2016 election, which is a patent falsehood. Indeed, a few days ago, the president-elect promised to deliver revelations by the middle of this week about what happened with those Democratic emails, adding that he knew “things that other people don’t know” about the hacking. Here he apparently channeled O. J. Simpson, whose quest to find the “real killers” of his ex-wife and her friend remains unfulfilled, more than two decades later.

Yea, right. We should believe this because you guys have been right so far. LOL
Best Trump watch his mouth Agencies have a way of getting even

Donald Trump’s Soft Spot for Russia Could Be His Political Undoing
January 4, 2017
President-elect may soon learn that you can’t fool all the people, all the time

Three weeks ago, I counseled President-elect Donald Trump that going to war against the spies is never a good idea in Washington. Our Intelligence Community knows lots of things, not all of which would be flattering to someone whose retinue includes so many people with odd connections to the Kremlin. When spies get angry, they call reporters and arrange discreet chats in parking garages. The last president who entered the Oval Office with this much dislike and distrust of the IC was Richard Nixon—and we know how that worked out for him.

Trump has now outdone Nixon, upping his war on the spooks even before his inauguration, by making plain that he believes Moscow—not our country’s spies—regarding the issue of Russian interference in our election. As I’ve explained in detail, although there is no evidence that the Kremlin literally “hacked” our election in 2016, there’s a mountain of evidence that Vladimir Putin’s intelligence services stole Democratic emails then went public with them via Wikileaks to hurt Hillary Clinton.

However, the president-elect refuses to accept the consensus view of the IC, not to mention many outside experts who have confirmed their analysis. In response to President Obama’s recent public statement pointing a finger at the Kremlin for their misdeeds against our democracy, backed up by rather mild sanctions on Moscow, President-elect Trump has pursued his customary tactic of denying, doubling-down, then denying some more, regardless of any evidence proffered.

Trump and his mouthpieces continue to deny that Russians had any role in our 2016 election, which is a patent falsehood. Indeed, a few days ago, the president-elect promised to deliver revelations by the middle of this week about what happened with those Democratic emails, adding that he knew “things that other people don’t know” about the hacking. Here he apparently channeled O. J. Simpson, whose quest to find the “real killers” of his ex-wife and her friend remains unfulfilled, more than two decades later.

You're confusing your time in the sack with the Trump presidency.
yeah smartass fuck with the guys responsible for yours and your countries safety ,,,,real smart

First of all sentences should be started with a capital letter. Second your punctuation sucks.
And lastly Trump has played the media,liberals and RINOs from the beginning with ease....BOHICA.
First of all, violating rules of grammar while you're instruct others is just a bit silly.
When you start a sentence with a transitional phrase or word, you should follow it with a comma. In your sentence, there should be a space before liberals and a comma after liberals.

Let's forget the grammar lesson.
Ha, more loony Democrat 'Trump can't win' Bullshite. You would think they would have learned their lesson on that, no? If the Democrats continue with their bitter sore loser act, Americans will make them pay in 2020. Most Americans really do dislike whiny sore losers.

Democrats have moved past he can't win because he won. They are now on to:
  • He won't do anything that's any good for anyone other than himself
  • He will make a big mess
I give Dems credit for one thing: they know how to take their defeat and move on to something else. The GOP, in contrast, have been on the same shit for nine years if you include the year Obama spent campaigning.
Best Trump watch his mouth Agencies have a way of getting even

Donald Trump’s Soft Spot for Russia Could Be His Political Undoing
January 4, 2017
President-elect may soon learn that you can’t fool all the people, all the time

Three weeks ago, I counseled President-elect Donald Trump that going to war against the spies is never a good idea in Washington. Our Intelligence Community knows lots of things, not all of which would be flattering to someone whose retinue includes so many people with odd connections to the Kremlin. When spies get angry, they call reporters and arrange discreet chats in parking garages. The last president who entered the Oval Office with this much dislike and distrust of the IC was Richard Nixon—and we know how that worked out for him.

Trump has now outdone Nixon, upping his war on the spooks even before his inauguration, by making plain that he believes Moscow—not our country’s spies—regarding the issue of Russian interference in our election. As I’ve explained in detail, although there is no evidence that the Kremlin literally “hacked” our election in 2016, there’s a mountain of evidence that Vladimir Putin’s intelligence services stole Democratic emails then went public with them via Wikileaks to hurt Hillary Clinton.

However, the president-elect refuses to accept the consensus view of the IC, not to mention many outside experts who have confirmed their analysis. In response to President Obama’s recent public statement pointing a finger at the Kremlin for their misdeeds against our democracy, backed up by rather mild sanctions on Moscow, President-elect Trump has pursued his customary tactic of denying, doubling-down, then denying some more, regardless of any evidence proffered.

Trump and his mouthpieces continue to deny that Russians had any role in our 2016 election, which is a patent falsehood. Indeed, a few days ago, the president-elect promised to deliver revelations by the middle of this week about what happened with those Democratic emails, adding that he knew “things that other people don’t know” about the hacking. Here he apparently channeled O. J. Simpson, whose quest to find the “real killers” of his ex-wife and her friend remains unfulfilled, more than two decades later.

You're confusing your time in the sack with the Trump presidency.
yeah smartass fuck with the guys responsible for yours and your countries safety ,,,,real smart

First of all sentences should be started with a capital letter. Second your punctuation sucks.
And lastly Trump has played the media,liberals and RINOs from the beginning with ease....BOHICA.
First of all, violating rules of grammar while you're instruct others is just a bit silly.
When you start a sentence with a transitional phrase or word, you should follow it with a comma. In your sentence, there should be a space before liberals and a comma after liberals.

Let's forget the grammar lesson.
You mean like YOU instruct others??? Did I give anyone a grammar lesson ?
"Nobody wants to get off on the wrong foot with the new boss. We're heading into this different era where it's hostile," one official said.
Another official added, "It's a sad day when politicians place more stock in (Russian President Vladimir Putin and (WikiLeaks founder) Julian Assange than in the Americans who risk their lives daily to provide objective, non-partisan intelligence analysis."
Ha, more loony Democrat 'Trump can't win' Bullshite. You would think they would have learned their lesson on that, no? If the Democrats continue with their bitter sore loser act, Americans will make them pay in 2020. Most Americans really do dislike whiny sore losers.

Democrats have moved past he can't win because he won. They are now on to:
  • He won't do anything that's any good for anyone other than himself
  • He will make a big mess
I give Dems credit for one thing: they know how to take their defeat and move on to something else. The GOP, in contrast, have been on the same shit for nine years if you include the year Obama spent campaigning.

Trump will likely win even easier next time. But that's if he wants to. Personally, i think he's only gonna want one term. He's got some age on him, and he's not a career politician. I think he'll be fine with 4yrs, and then he'll move on.
Three weeks ago, I counseled President-elect Donald Trump

OP, you don't look to be nearly 80 years old. What's your secret? I know it's gotta be more than Grecian Formula. LOL

Photo of John R. Schindler

Jan 6th my birtday
Birthday .....don't wan't the spelling checker getting mad at me
It's not mad at you; it's BORED with you.
Three weeks ago, I counseled President-elect Donald Trump

OP, you don't look to be nearly 80 years old. What's your secret? I know it's gotta be more than Grecian Formula. LOL

Photo of John R. Schindler

Jan 6th my birtday
Birthday .....don't wan't the spelling checker getting mad at me
It's not mad at you; it's BORED with you.
Then pass me by
Best Trump watch his mouth Agencies have a way of getting even

Donald Trump’s Soft Spot for Russia Could Be His Political Undoing
January 4, 2017
President-elect may soon learn that you can’t fool all the people, all the time

Three weeks ago, I counseled President-elect Donald Trump that going to war against the spies is never a good idea in Washington. Our Intelligence Community knows lots of things, not all of which would be flattering to someone whose retinue includes so many people with odd connections to the Kremlin. When spies get angry, they call reporters and arrange discreet chats in parking garages. The last president who entered the Oval Office with this much dislike and distrust of the IC was Richard Nixon—and we know how that worked out for him.

Trump has now outdone Nixon, upping his war on the spooks even before his inauguration, by making plain that he believes Moscow—not our country’s spies—regarding the issue of Russian interference in our election. As I’ve explained in detail, although there is no evidence that the Kremlin literally “hacked” our election in 2016, there’s a mountain of evidence that Vladimir Putin’s intelligence services stole Democratic emails then went public with them via Wikileaks to hurt Hillary Clinton.

However, the president-elect refuses to accept the consensus view of the IC, not to mention many outside experts who have confirmed their analysis. In response to President Obama’s recent public statement pointing a finger at the Kremlin for their misdeeds against our democracy, backed up by rather mild sanctions on Moscow, President-elect Trump has pursued his customary tactic of denying, doubling-down, then denying some more, regardless of any evidence proffered.

Trump and his mouthpieces continue to deny that Russians had any role in our 2016 election, which is a patent falsehood. Indeed, a few days ago, the president-elect promised to deliver revelations by the middle of this week about what happened with those Democratic emails, adding that he knew “things that other people don’t know” about the hacking. Here he apparently channeled O. J. Simpson, whose quest to find the “real killers” of his ex-wife and her friend remains unfulfilled, more than two decades later.

You're confusing your time in the sack with the Trump presidency.
yeah smartass fuck with the guys responsible for yours and your countries safety ,,,,real smart

First of all sentences should be started with a capital letter. Second your punctuation sucks.
And lastly Trump has played the media,liberals and RINOs from the beginning with ease....BOHICA.
First of all, violating rules of grammar while you're instruct others is just a bit silly.
When you start a sentence with a transitional phrase or word, you should follow it with a comma. In your sentence, there should be a space before liberals and a comma after liberals.

Let's forget the grammar lesson.

No one follows every rule in punctuation,but the basics are not that hard.
And my grammar is fine.
Best Trump watch his mouth Agencies have a way of getting even

Donald Trump’s Soft Spot for Russia Could Be His Political Undoing
January 4, 2017
President-elect may soon learn that you can’t fool all the people, all the time

Three weeks ago, I counseled President-elect Donald Trump that going to war against the spies is never a good idea in Washington. Our Intelligence Community knows lots of things, not all of which would be flattering to someone whose retinue includes so many people with odd connections to the Kremlin. When spies get angry, they call reporters and arrange discreet chats in parking garages. The last president who entered the Oval Office with this much dislike and distrust of the IC was Richard Nixon—and we know how that worked out for him.

Trump has now outdone Nixon, upping his war on the spooks even before his inauguration, by making plain that he believes Moscow—not our country’s spies—regarding the issue of Russian interference in our election. As I’ve explained in detail, although there is no evidence that the Kremlin literally “hacked” our election in 2016, there’s a mountain of evidence that Vladimir Putin’s intelligence services stole Democratic emails then went public with them via Wikileaks to hurt Hillary Clinton.

However, the president-elect refuses to accept the consensus view of the IC, not to mention many outside experts who have confirmed their analysis. In response to President Obama’s recent public statement pointing a finger at the Kremlin for their misdeeds against our democracy, backed up by rather mild sanctions on Moscow, President-elect Trump has pursued his customary tactic of denying, doubling-down, then denying some more, regardless of any evidence proffered.

Trump and his mouthpieces continue to deny that Russians had any role in our 2016 election, which is a patent falsehood. Indeed, a few days ago, the president-elect promised to deliver revelations by the middle of this week about what happened with those Democratic emails, adding that he knew “things that other people don’t know” about the hacking. Here he apparently channeled O. J. Simpson, whose quest to find the “real killers” of his ex-wife and her friend remains unfulfilled, more than two decades later.

You're confusing your time in the sack with the Trump presidency.
yeah smartass fuck with the guys responsible for yours and your countries safety ,,,,real smart

First of all sentences should be started with a capital letter. Second your punctuation sucks.
And lastly Trump has played the media,liberals and RINOs from the beginning with ease....BOHICA.
First of all, violating rules of grammar while you're instruct others is just a bit silly.
When you start a sentence with a transitional phrase or word, you should follow it with a comma. In your sentence, there should be a space before liberals and a comma after liberals.

Let's forget the grammar lesson.
You mean like YOU instruct others??? Did I give anyone a grammar lesson ?

At least make an attempt to capitalize your sentences.
Best Trump watch his mouth Agencies have a way of getting even

Donald Trump’s Soft Spot for Russia Could Be His Political Undoing
January 4, 2017
President-elect may soon learn that you can’t fool all the people, all the time

Three weeks ago, I counseled President-elect Donald Trump that going to war against the spies is never a good idea in Washington. Our Intelligence Community knows lots of things, not all of which would be flattering to someone whose retinue includes so many people with odd connections to the Kremlin. When spies get angry, they call reporters and arrange discreet chats in parking garages. The last president who entered the Oval Office with this much dislike and distrust of the IC was Richard Nixon—and we know how that worked out for him.

Trump has now outdone Nixon, upping his war on the spooks even before his inauguration, by making plain that he believes Moscow—not our country’s spies—regarding the issue of Russian interference in our election. As I’ve explained in detail, although there is no evidence that the Kremlin literally “hacked” our election in 2016, there’s a mountain of evidence that Vladimir Putin’s intelligence services stole Democratic emails then went public with them via Wikileaks to hurt Hillary Clinton.

However, the president-elect refuses to accept the consensus view of the IC, not to mention many outside experts who have confirmed their analysis. In response to President Obama’s recent public statement pointing a finger at the Kremlin for their misdeeds against our democracy, backed up by rather mild sanctions on Moscow, President-elect Trump has pursued his customary tactic of denying, doubling-down, then denying some more, regardless of any evidence proffered.

Trump and his mouthpieces continue to deny that Russians had any role in our 2016 election, which is a patent falsehood. Indeed, a few days ago, the president-elect promised to deliver revelations by the middle of this week about what happened with those Democratic emails, adding that he knew “things that other people don’t know” about the hacking. Here he apparently channeled O. J. Simpson, whose quest to find the “real killers” of his ex-wife and her friend remains unfulfilled, more than two decades later.

You're confusing your time in the sack with the Trump presidency.
yeah smartass fuck with the guys responsible for yours and your countries safety ,,,,real smart

First of all sentences should be started with a capital letter. Second your punctuation sucks.
And lastly Trump has played the media,liberals and RINOs from the beginning with ease....BOHICA.
First of all, violating rules of grammar while you're instruct others is just a bit silly.
When you start a sentence with a transitional phrase or word, you should follow it with a comma. In your sentence, there should be a space before liberals and a comma after liberals.

Let's forget the grammar lesson.

No one follows every rule in punctuation,but the basics are not that hard.
And my grammar is fine.
{First of all, violating rules of grammar while you're instruct }} is not fine Some one else's post
You're confusing your time in the sack with the Trump presidency.
yeah smartass fuck with the guys responsible for yours and your countries safety ,,,,real smart

First of all sentences should be started with a capital letter. Second your punctuation sucks.
And lastly Trump has played the media,liberals and RINOs from the beginning with ease....BOHICA.
First of all, violating rules of grammar while you're instruct others is just a bit silly.
When you start a sentence with a transitional phrase or word, you should follow it with a comma. In your sentence, there should be a space before liberals and a comma after liberals.

Let's forget the grammar lesson.

No one follows every rule in punctuation,but the basics are not that hard.
And my grammar is fine.
{First of all, violating rules of grammar while you're instruct }} is not fine Some one else's post

Say that again in english.
Three weeks ago, I counseled President-elect Donald Trump

OP, you don't look to be nearly 80 years old. What's your secret? I know it's gotta be more than Grecian Formula. LOL

Photo of John R. Schindler

Jan 6th my birtday
Birthday .....don't wan't the spelling checker getting mad at me
It's not mad at you; it's BORED with you.
Then pass me by
I usually do but you set this up so well I couldn't resist,
OP, you don't look to be nearly 80 years old. What's your secret? I know it's gotta be more than Grecian Formula. LOL

Photo of John R. Schindler

Jan 6th my birtday
Birthday .....don't wan't the spelling checker getting mad at me
It's not mad at you; it's BORED with you.
Then pass me by
I usually do but you set this up so well I couldn't resist,
Like traffic and weather we go together??
Birthday .....don't wan't the spelling checker getting mad at me
It's not mad at you; it's BORED with you.
Then pass me by
I usually do but you set this up so well I couldn't resist,
Like traffic and weather we go together??
Why not?
Good weather, smooth traffic.
I've got some friends here through posting on other boards for 15 or more years We speak to each other once in a while They are the only people I can speak to non-politically
Best Trump watch his mouth Agencies have a way of getting even

Donald Trump’s Soft Spot for Russia Could Be His Political Undoing
January 4, 2017
President-elect may soon learn that you can’t fool all the people, all the time

Three weeks ago, I counseled President-elect Donald Trump that going to war against the spies is never a good idea in Washington. Our Intelligence Community knows lots of things, not all of which would be flattering to someone whose retinue includes so many people with odd connections to the Kremlin. When spies get angry, they call reporters and arrange discreet chats in parking garages. The last president who entered the Oval Office with this much dislike and distrust of the IC was Richard Nixon—and we know how that worked out for him.

Trump has now outdone Nixon, upping his war on the spooks even before his inauguration, by making plain that he believes Moscow—not our country’s spies—regarding the issue of Russian interference in our election. As I’ve explained in detail, although there is no evidence that the Kremlin literally “hacked” our election in 2016, there’s a mountain of evidence that Vladimir Putin’s intelligence services stole Democratic emails then went public with them via Wikileaks to hurt Hillary Clinton.

However, the president-elect refuses to accept the consensus view of the IC, not to mention many outside experts who have confirmed their analysis. In response to President Obama’s recent public statement pointing a finger at the Kremlin for their misdeeds against our democracy, backed up by rather mild sanctions on Moscow, President-elect Trump has pursued his customary tactic of denying, doubling-down, then denying some more, regardless of any evidence proffered.

Trump and his mouthpieces continue to deny that Russians had any role in our 2016 election, which is a patent falsehood. Indeed, a few days ago, the president-elect promised to deliver revelations by the middle of this week about what happened with those Democratic emails, adding that he knew “things that other people don’t know” about the hacking. Here he apparently channeled O. J. Simpson, whose quest to find the “real killers” of his ex-wife and her friend remains unfulfilled, more than two decades later.
^^^ more butthurt^^^^
Best Trump watch his mouth Agencies have a way of getting even

Donald Trump’s Soft Spot for Russia Could Be His Political Undoing
January 4, 2017
President-elect may soon learn that you can’t fool all the people, all the time

Three weeks ago, I counseled President-elect Donald Trump that going to war against the spies is never a good idea in Washington. Our Intelligence Community knows lots of things, not all of which would be flattering to someone whose retinue includes so many people with odd connections to the Kremlin. When spies get angry, they call reporters and arrange discreet chats in parking garages. The last president who entered the Oval Office with this much dislike and distrust of the IC was Richard Nixon—and we know how that worked out for him.

Trump has now outdone Nixon, upping his war on the spooks even before his inauguration, by making plain that he believes Moscow—not our country’s spies—regarding the issue of Russian interference in our election. As I’ve explained in detail, although there is no evidence that the Kremlin literally “hacked” our election in 2016, there’s a mountain of evidence that Vladimir Putin’s intelligence services stole Democratic emails then went public with them via Wikileaks to hurt Hillary Clinton.

However, the president-elect refuses to accept the consensus view of the IC, not to mention many outside experts who have confirmed their analysis. In response to President Obama’s recent public statement pointing a finger at the Kremlin for their misdeeds against our democracy, backed up by rather mild sanctions on Moscow, President-elect Trump has pursued his customary tactic of denying, doubling-down, then denying some more, regardless of any evidence proffered.

Trump and his mouthpieces continue to deny that Russians had any role in our 2016 election, which is a patent falsehood. Indeed, a few days ago, the president-elect promised to deliver revelations by the middle of this week about what happened with those Democratic emails, adding that he knew “things that other people don’t know” about the hacking. Here he apparently channeled O. J. Simpson, whose quest to find the “real killers” of his ex-wife and her friend remains unfulfilled, more than two decades later.
Jon you really think thats funny First he bashes the media then the agencies that can keep him in line The man is nutz and you think it's funny??

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