Latest poll for Biden. Trump is +7

Trump is an Establishment Hack...Swamp supporter

If MAGATs were not so stupid and cult oriented they might see it.

Trump ....
Appointed the most corrupted FBI head in American history Christopher Wray
Appointed Jeff Sessions
Pushed for universal vaccinations
Spent trillions like a Democrat
Kept Anthony Fauci
Wanted to take guns first and worry about due process later
Lost in 2020 to Americas oldest, most senile CCP loving presidential candidate ever

And thelist goes on and on and on

Yet MAGAs are indoctrinated to see Trump (A life long New York Democrat Narcissist) as their Messiah
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this user can not count past two.
this user might be married to his relative.
this user set the definition for triggered
Those sound like comments the low IQ Shays would make.

"this user might be married to his relative."

Is this Shays?

It doesn't matter if it is or not.

This is an ABC News/Washington Post poll. They are not fans of President Trump.

Check out those numbers. Watch the video. We are winning!

If Trump wins....MAGAs lose.
They just don't understand.

Trump has proven to be a bad leader at the best, Establishment supporter at worst.

Why his followers refuse to see the facts is beyond me.
Can they be that stupid really?

In his first term he HAD to do things that his followers he could get their support for a 2nd term.
His 2nd term will be pure Swamp loving, constitution killing establishment support.
He will give his base the middle finger...laugh...and get insanely wealthier.

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