Latest Poll shows Clinton or Sanders beating Trump in General

Hillary has no chance against Trump. She is part of the "establishment" that the American voters now hate as much as they used to hate the Communist Party.

Also, she is dogged with an endless list of scandals that keep popping up fresh every six months or so.

And unlike establishment Republicans, Trump will throw everything at her, including the kitchen sink: Benghazi, emails, Bill's women, Whitewater, cattle futures, etc.

She doesn't have a prayer.

Sure, he can throw all that stuff at her. The right has been throwing fake claims at her for a long time, and yes, they come up with a new fake claim every six months or so. Unfortunately for you, they have all been shown to be nothing more than manufactured crap, and nobody believes them but goobers like you in your little right wing bubble. The real world knows your claims are nuts.
Hillary has no chance against Trump. She is part of the "establishment" that the American voters now hate as much as they used to hate the Communist Party.

Also, she is dogged with an endless list of scandals that keep popping up fresh every six months or so.

And unlike establishment Republicans, Trump will throw everything at her, including the kitchen sink: Benghazi, emails, Bill's women, Whitewater, cattle futures, etc.

She doesn't have a prayer.

About 30% of the electorate is the "mad as hell" voters who are flocking to Trump

60% of the voters have a strong dislike of Trump....doesn't bode well for November
Hillary has no chance against Trump. She is part of the "establishment" that the American voters now hate as much as they used to hate the Communist Party.

Also, she is dogged with an endless list of scandals that keep popping up fresh every six months or so.

And unlike establishment Republicans, Trump will throw everything at her, including the kitchen sink: Benghazi, emails, Bill's women, Whitewater, cattle futures, etc.

She doesn't have a prayer.

About 30% of the electorate is the "mad as hell" voters who are flocking to Trump

60% of the voters have a strong dislike of Trump....doesn't bode well for November

And he ain't finished insulting people yet!

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