Latest Shutdown Casualty - ATC workers stay home, LaGuardia grounded

That's right, Trumpie me boy, you're fucking up the airports and endangering hundreds of thousand of lives FOR A WALL MEXICO WAS SUPPOSED TO PAY FOR.

FAA delays flights at New York’s LaGuardia airport, citing staffing shortages amid government shutdown - The Washington Post

The FAA on Twitter
Good. All those Democratic politicos in New York should stay home and wonder if they are serving the interests of their constituents by continuing this shut down for no other reason that the President wants a border fence, something the Democrats also wanted right up until Trump was elected President.

Did Democrats reverse border wall position after Trump?
Talk about fake news! The article claims the barrier the President wants to build is the concrete wall he talked about during the campaign, but anyone who follows the news (let alone writes it) knows that what he wants now is a smart fence like the one Israel has built along its border with Sinai, which has proven itself to be 100% effective in keeping out illegals from Africa, which had pored into Israel by the tens of thousands before the smart fence was completed in December, 2013; Israel had had an ordinary fence before that failed to stop illegals, but the smart fence has completely ended it. Since all the eight prototypes the President has commissioned to be built are smart fences and not concrete walls, the level of ignorance demonstrated in this article is truly astonishing.

Since the Democrats have long supported a border fence intended to keep illegals out and have even included funds for the maintenance of the existing fence, and since the fence the President wants to build is indisputably superior to the fence the Democrats want to spend billions of dollars to maintain, the only possible explanation for their opposition is that the President wants it.

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