Latest term for illegal aliens: "Refugees"


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
That's right, the lefties have come up with their latest vocabulary manipulation by now referring to all illegal aliens in the U.S. as "refugees." Stirs up a patriotic image of the innocent victims of WW2, doesn't it? I wonder how many morons will be sucked into this latest deception?
That's right, the lefties have come up with their latest vocabulary manipulation by now referring to all illegal aliens in the U.S. as "refugees." Stirs up a patriotic image of the innocent victims of WW2, doesn't it? I wonder how many morons will be sucked into this latest deception?
They were calling them refugees during the Obama Administration
What they really are is foreign influence in our elections.
What ever happened to "undocumented?" Lost its cachet?
Refugee is a specific term that’s been around forever .

These people fleeing from crazy ass Central American countries are refugees .
That's right, the lefties have come up with their latest vocabulary manipulation by now referring to all illegal aliens in the U.S. as "refugees." Stirs up a patriotic image of the innocent victims of WW2, doesn't it? I wonder how many morons will be sucked into this latest deception? true.
They always repackage their filth to sell their filth.
Wetbacks>Illegal aliens>Undocumented Immigrants>Immigrants>Dreamers>Refugees
They are refugees seeking asylum

Doesn’t make them illegal
Refugee is a specific term that’s been around forever .

These people fleeing from crazy ass Central American countries are refugees .

"Fleeing"...that sounds so dreadful....I'll go with seeking...seeking free shit from Americas best.
Refugee is a specific term that’s been around forever .

These people fleeing from crazy ass Central American countries are refugees .

Meet them at the Mexican border, (the southern one), issue them an AK-47 and a handgun, 1000 rounds of ammo, and tell them to take their country back.
People who are in the USA and approach and ask for asylum are not here illegally. The long lines of people waiting for entry at established manned border crossing are here legally. Even those who cross at unestablished points become legal once they ask for asylum and are accepted pending hearings are legal.
People who are the USA and approach and ask for asylum are not here illegally. The long lines of people waiting for entry at established manned border crossing are here legally. Even those who cross at unestablished points become legal once they ask for asylum and are accepted pending hearings are legal.

Hahaha...its fucking hilarious to listen to you ignorant fools take such pride in being suckered. Funny shit...thanks for the entertainment.
That's right, the lefties have come up with their latest
vocabulary manipulation by now referring to all illegal aliens in the U.S. as "refugees." Stirs up a patriotic image of the innocent victims of WW2, doesn't it? I wonder how many morons will be sucked into this latest deception? true.
They always repackage their filth to sell their filth.
Wetbacks>Illegal aliens>Undocumented Immigrants>Immigrants>Dreamers>Refugees

More like racists like yourself are the ones selling filth.
That's right, the lefties have come up with their latest vocabulary manipulation by now referring to all illegal aliens in the U.S. as "refugees." Stirs up a patriotic image of the innocent victims of WW2, doesn't it? I wonder how many morons will be sucked into this latest deception?
Some.of them have been refugees all along.

Do try to keep up please.
That's right, the lefties have come up with their latest vocabulary manipulation by now referring to all illegal aliens in the U.S. as "refugees." Stirs up a patriotic image of the innocent victims of WW2, doesn't it? I wonder how many morons will be sucked into this latest deception?
Illegals and Refugees are two different groups. Keep up please.
Refugee is a specific term that’s been around forever .

These people fleeing from crazy ass Central American countries are refugees .
A refugee is someone who is trying to escape for their lives.
These people are just coming to the Big Commissary in the North to get their share of the free shit.
That's right, the lefties have come up with their latest vocabulary manipulation by now referring to all illegal aliens in the U.S. as "refugees." Stirs up a patriotic image of the innocent victims of WW2, doesn't it? I wonder how many morons will be sucked into this latest deception?

Two can play that game, I call them invaders. It's okay to shoot invaders ya know.
Refugee is a specific term that’s been around forever .

These people fleeing from crazy ass Central American countries are refugees .
Refugees imply that they are fleeing war or fear for their lives. Both are completely false of course. They are no more refugees than I am Jesus Christ himself.

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