Zone1 Latin Mass

Pope Francis has spoken out against the Latin Mass.

ha ha...

Francis is still pretending to be POPE!

He's about to go meet Jesus (I think he is 86) and he's still attacking the True Catholic Church

I don't htink things are going to go well at that Meeting...

In any case, only a real pope can ban any Mass...

Color me not surprised.

How can anyone be surprised when everything he has done/said since he usurped the papal throne has been

the same kind of thing?

So I suppose now that he has issued this "ban" all Tradiitonalists are supposed to tremble in their boots and C and D their Masses?

Is he going to send his gestapo to enforce it?

He reminds me of someone else who is drunk on power... in the US.. and all the puppeteers who prop him up (because the "president" can't even walk [w/o stumbling all over] and wouldn't know the right direction to walk if he could.. )
ha ha...

Francis is still pretending to be POPE!

He's about to go meet Jesus (I think he is 86) and he's still attacking the True Catholic Church

I don't htink things are going to go well at that Meeting...

In any case, only a real pope can ban any Mass...
Pope Francis does not have widespread support among Catholics.
Pope Francis does not have widespread support among Catholics.
ha ha... that's like saying the hair-sniffing, stumbling we will have a train going from the Pacific to the Indian ocean Corn pop, aka "president" bidim

does not have widespread support among Trumpers...

I only enjoy the Amish masses myself.

The Pope can go raise a barn or something.
you don't know what a true Catholic Mass is, how uplifting... etc...

the saddest thing I can think of... people know ever knowing that.
Christ warned us about false prophets.

False prophets like Luther... et al

THEY are responsible for destroying civilization... Even Luther, some time not long b4 he died, admitted that things were better .. before he came along---though he didn't put it that way of course.. He didn't blame himself... which figures. Human nature (pride).. a horrible thing

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